Пример #1
 def _buildOptionEntryServicePicon(self, service):
     if service.flags & eServiceReference.mustDescent:
         alist = ServiceReference(service).list()
         first_in_alternative = alist and alist.getNext()
         if first_in_alternative:
             service_str = first_in_alternative.toString()
             service_str = service.toString()
         service_str = service.toString()
     return self.piconLoader.getPicon(service_str)
Пример #2
	def _buildOptionEntryServicePicon(self, service):
		if service.flags & eServiceReference.mustDescent:
			alist = ServiceReference(service).list()
			first_in_alternative = alist and alist.getNext()
			if first_in_alternative:
				service_str = first_in_alternative.toString()
				service_str = service.toString()
			service_str = service.toString()
		return self.piconLoader.getPicon(service_str)
Пример #3
	def _checkHasRecording(self, service, isPlayable):
		if not config.usage.configselection_showrecordings.value:
			return False
		if self.recordingList.has_key(service.toString()):
			return True
		if isPlayable and len(self.recordingList) and service.flags & eServiceReference.mustDescent:
			alist = ServiceReference(service).list()
			while True:
				aservice = alist.getNext()
				if not aservice.valid():
				if self.recordingList.has_key(aservice.toString()):
					return True
		return False
Пример #4
 def _checkHasRecording(self, service, isPlayable):
     if not config.usage.configselection_showrecordings.value:
         return False
     if self.recordingList.has_key(service.toString()):
         return True
     if isPlayable and len(
     ) and service.flags & eServiceReference.mustDescent:
         alist = ServiceReference(service).list()
         while True:
             aservice = alist.getNext()
             if not aservice.valid():
             if self.recordingList.has_key(aservice.toString()):
                 return True
     return False
Пример #5
	def buildOptionEntry(self, service, **args):
		width = self.l.getItemSize().width()
		height = self.l.getItemSize().height()
		selected = args["selected"]
		res = [ None ]
		showListNumbers = config.usage.configselection_showlistnumbers.value
		showPicons = self.mode == self.MODE_FAVOURITES and config.usage.configselection_showpicons.value
		showServiceName = self.mode == self.MODE_NORMAL or (self.mode == self.MODE_FAVOURITES and config.usage.configselection_showservicename.value)
		showProgressbar = config.usage.show_event_progress_in_servicelist.value
		progressbarPosition = config.usage.configselection_progressbarposition.value
		servicenameWidth = config.usage.configselection_servicenamecolwidth.value
		columnStyle = config.usage.configselection_columnstyle.value
		additionalposition = config.usage.configselection_additionaltimedisplayposition.value
		bigPicons = self.mode == self.MODE_FAVOURITES and config.usage.configselection_bigpicons.value
		secondlineinfo = config.usage.configselection_secondlineinfo.value
		# get service information
		service_info = self.service_center.info(service)
		isMarker = service.flags & eServiceReference.isMarker
		isPlayable = not(service.flags & eServiceReference.isDirectory or isMarker)
		recording = False
		if config.usage.configselection_showrecordings.value:
			if self.recordingList.has_key(service.toString()):
				recording = True
				if isPlayable and len(self.recordingList) and service.flags & eServiceReference.mustDescent:
					alist = ServiceReference(service).list()
					while True:
						aservice = alist.getNext()
						if not aservice.valid():
						if self.recordingList.has_key(aservice.toString()):
							recording = True

		marked = 0
		if self.l.isCurrentMarked() and selected:
			marked = 2
		elif self.l.isMarked(service):
			if selected:
				marked = 2
				marked = 1
		if marked == 1: #  marked
			additionalInfoColor = serviceDescriptionColor = forgroundColor = self.markedForeground
			backgroundColor = self.markedBackground
			forgroundColorSel = backgroundColorSel = additionalInfoColorSelected = serviceDescriptionColorSelected = None
		elif marked == 2: # marked and selected
			additionalInfoColorSelected = serviceDescriptionColorSelected = forgroundColorSel = self.markedForegroundSelected
			backgroundColorSel = self.markedBackgroundSelected
			forgroundColor = additionalInfoColor = serviceDescriptionColor = backgroundColor = None
			if recording:
				forgroundColor = additionalInfoColor = serviceDescriptionColor = self.recordingColor
				forgroundColorSel = additionalInfoColorSelected = serviceDescriptionColorSelected = self.recordingColorSelected
				backgroundColor = backgroundColorSel = None
				forgroundColor = forgroundColorSel = backgroundColor = backgroundColorSel = None
				serviceDescriptionColor = self.serviceDescriptionColor
				serviceDescriptionColorSelected = self.serviceDescriptionColorSelected
				additionalInfoColor = self.additionalInfoColor
				additionalInfoColorSelected = self.additionalInfoColorSelected

		if (marked == 0 and isPlayable and service_info and self.is_playable_ignore.valid() and not service_info.isPlayable(service, self.is_playable_ignore)):
			forgroundColor = forgroundColorSel = additionalInfoColor = additionalInfoColorSelected = serviceDescriptionColor = serviceDescriptionColorSelected = self.serviceNotAvail

		# set windowstyle
		if marked > 0:
			res.append((eListboxPythonMultiContent.TYPE_TEXT, 0, 0, width , height, 1, RT_HALIGN_RIGHT, "", forgroundColor, forgroundColorSel, backgroundColor, backgroundColorSel))

		info = self.service_center.info(service)
		serviceName = info.getName(service) or "<n/a>"
		event = info.getEvent(service)
		index = self.getCurrentIndex()
		xoffset = 2
		pixmap = None
		drawProgressbar = isPlayable and showProgressbar
		if service.flags & eServiceReference.isMarker:
			pixmap = self.picMarker
		elif service.flags & eServiceReference.isGroup:
			pixmap = self.picServiceGroup
		elif service.flags & eServiceReference.isDirectory:
			pixmap = self.picFolder
			orbpos = service.getUnsignedData(4) >> 16;
			if orbpos == 0xFFFF:
				pixmap = self.picDVB_C
			elif orbpos == 0xEEEE:
				pixmap = self.picDVB_T
				pixmap = self.picDVB_S
		if pixmap is not None:
			pixmap_size = self.picMarker.size()
			ypos = (height - pixmap_size.height()) / 2
			pix_width = pixmap_size.width()
			res.append((eListboxPythonMultiContent.TYPE_PIXMAP_ALPHABLEND, xoffset, ypos, pix_width, height, pixmap))
			xoffset += pix_width + 8

		if self.mode != self.MODE_NORMAL:
			# servicenumber
			if not (service.flags & eServiceReference.isMarker) and showListNumbers:
				markers_before = self.l.getNumMarkersBeforeCurrent()
				text = "%d" % (self.numberoffset + index + 1 - markers_before)
				res.append((eListboxPythonMultiContent.TYPE_TEXT, xoffset, 0, 50 , height, 1, RT_HALIGN_RIGHT|RT_VALIGN_CENTER, text, forgroundColor, forgroundColorSel, backgroundColor, backgroundColorSel))
				xoffset += 60
		# picons
		if isPlayable and showPicons:
			if service.flags & eServiceReference.mustDescent:
				alist = ServiceReference(service).list()
				first_in_alternative = alist and alist.getNext()
				if first_in_alternative:
					service_str = first_in_alternative.toString()
					service_str = service.toString()
				service_str = service.toString()
			picon = self.piconLoader.getPicon(service_str)
			if picon:
				pixmap_size = picon.size()
				ypos = (height - pixmap_size.height()) / 2
				pix_width = pixmap_size.width()
				res.append((eListboxPythonMultiContent.TYPE_PIXMAP_ALPHABLEND, xoffset, ypos, pix_width, height, picon))
			if bigPicons:
				xoffset += 108
				xoffset += 58
		# progressbar between servicenumber and servicename
		if drawProgressbar and progressbarPosition == "0":
			res.append(self.paintProgressBar(event, xoffset, width, height))
			xoffset += 60
		addtimedisplay = ""
		addtimedisplayWidth = 0
		if config.usage.configselection_showadditionaltimedisplay.value != "0" and event and isPlayable:
			if columnStyle:
			if config.usage.configselection_showadditionaltimedisplay.value == "1": # percent
				now = int(time())
				percent = 100 * (now - event.getBeginTime()) / event.getDuration()
				addtimedisplay = "%d%%" % percent
				if columnStyle:
			elif config.usage.configselection_showadditionaltimedisplay.value == "2": # remain
				now = int(time())
				remain =  int((event.getBeginTime() + event.getDuration() - now) / 60)
				addtimedisplay = "+%d min" % remain
				if columnStyle:
					self.textRenderer.setText("+%d min" % 9999)
			elif config.usage.configselection_showadditionaltimedisplay.value == "3": # Remain / duration
				now = int(time())
				remain =  int((event.getBeginTime() + event.getDuration() - now) / 60)
				duration = int(event.getDuration() / 60)
				addtimedisplay = "+%d/%d min"  % (remain, duration)
				if columnStyle:
					self.textRenderer.setText("+%d/%d min"  % (9999, 9999))
			elif config.usage.configselection_showadditionaltimedisplay.value == "4": # elapsed
				now = int(time())
				elapsed =  int((now - event.getBeginTime()) / 60)
				addtimedisplay = "%d min" % elapsed
				if columnStyle:
					self.textRenderer.setText("%d min" % 9999)
			elif config.usage.configselection_showadditionaltimedisplay.value == "5": # elapsed / duration
				now = int(time())
				elapsed =  int((now - event.getBeginTime()) / 60)
				duration = int(event.getDuration() / 60)
				addtimedisplay = "%d/%d min"  % (elapsed, duration)
				if columnStyle:
					self.textRenderer.setText("%d/%d min"  % (9999, 9999))
			elif config.usage.configselection_showadditionaltimedisplay.value == "6": # elapsed / remain /  duration
				now = int(time())
				elapsed =  int((now - event.getBeginTime()) / 60)
				remain =  int((event.getBeginTime() + event.getDuration() - now) / 60)
				duration = int(event.getDuration() / 60)
				addtimedisplay = "%d/+%d/%d min"  % (elapsed, remain, duration)
				if columnStyle:
					self.textRenderer.setText("%d/+%d/%d min"  % (9999, 9999, 9999))
			elif config.usage.configselection_showadditionaltimedisplay.value == "7": #  begin - end time
				beginTime = localtime(event.getBeginTime())
				endTime = localtime(event.getBeginTime()+event.getDuration())
				addtimedisplay = "%02d:%02d - %02d:%02d" % (beginTime[3],beginTime[4],endTime[3],endTime[4])
				if columnStyle:
					self.textRenderer.setText("00:00 - 00:000")
			if columnStyle:
				addtimedisplayWidth = self.textRenderer.calculateSize().width()
		if columnStyle:
			rwidth = 0
			# servicename
			if (isPlayable and showServiceName) or not isPlayable:
				if isPlayable:
					rwidth = servicenameWidth # space for servicename
					rwidth = width - xoffset # space for servicename
				res.append((eListboxPythonMultiContent.TYPE_TEXT, xoffset, 0, rwidth , height, 2, RT_HALIGN_LEFT|RT_VALIGN_CENTER, serviceName, forgroundColor, forgroundColorSel, backgroundColor, backgroundColorSel))
				xoffset = xoffset + rwidth + 10
				# progressbar between servicename and service description
				if drawProgressbar and progressbarPosition == "1":
					res.append(self.paintProgressBar(event, xoffset, width, height))
					xoffset += 60
			if event and isPlayable:
				if addtimedisplay != "" and additionalposition == "1":
					if drawProgressbar and progressbarPosition == "2":
						rwidth = width - xoffset - addtimedisplayWidth
						rwidth -= 60
						rwidth = width - xoffset - addtimedisplayWidth
					rwidth = width-xoffset
					if drawProgressbar and progressbarPosition == "2":
						rwidth -= 60
				if addtimedisplay != "" and additionalposition == "0":
					# add time text before service description
					res.append((eListboxPythonMultiContent.TYPE_TEXT, xoffset, 0, addtimedisplayWidth, height, 0, RT_HALIGN_RIGHT|RT_VALIGN_CENTER, addtimedisplay, additionalInfoColor, additionalInfoColorSelected, backgroundColor, backgroundColorSel))
					addoffset = addtimedisplayWidth + 10
					xoffset += addoffset
					rwidth -= addoffset
				# service description
				if secondlineinfo != "0" and self.mode == self.MODE_FAVOURITES:
					res.append((eListboxPythonMultiContent.TYPE_TEXT, xoffset, 0, rwidth, self.serviceInfoFontHeight+6, 3, RT_HALIGN_LEFT|RT_VALIGN_CENTER, event.getEventName(), serviceDescriptionColor, serviceDescriptionColorSelected, backgroundColor, backgroundColorSel))
					if secondlineinfo == "1": # shortdescription
						text = event.getShortDescription()
						event_next = eEPGCache.getInstance().lookupEventTime(service, -1, 1)
						if event_next:
							beginTime = localtime(event_next.getBeginTime())
							endTime = localtime(event_next.getBeginTime()+event_next.getDuration())
							text = "%02d:%02d - %02d:%02d %s" % (beginTime[3],beginTime[4],endTime[3],endTime[4], event_next.getEventName())
							text = "%s: n/a" % _("upcoming event")
					res.append((eListboxPythonMultiContent.TYPE_TEXT, xoffset, self.serviceInfoFontHeight+6, rwidth, height - (self.serviceInfoFontHeight+6), 0, RT_HALIGN_LEFT|RT_VALIGN_CENTER, text, additionalInfoColor, additionalInfoColorSelected, backgroundColor, backgroundColorSel))
					res.append((eListboxPythonMultiContent.TYPE_TEXT, xoffset, 0, rwidth, height, 3, RT_HALIGN_LEFT|RT_VALIGN_CENTER, event.getEventName(), serviceDescriptionColor, serviceDescriptionColorSelected, backgroundColor, backgroundColorSel))
				# progressbar after service description
				if drawProgressbar and progressbarPosition == "2":
					xoffset = xoffset + rwidth + 5
					res.append(self.paintProgressBar(event, xoffset, width, height))
					xoffset += 60
				elif addtimedisplay != "":
					xoffset = xoffset + rwidth
				# add time text at last position
				if addtimedisplay != "" and additionalposition == "1":
					res.append((eListboxPythonMultiContent.TYPE_TEXT, xoffset, 0, width-xoffset , height, 0, RT_HALIGN_RIGHT|RT_VALIGN_CENTER, addtimedisplay, additionalInfoColor, additionalInfoColorSelected, backgroundColor, backgroundColorSel))
			if event and isPlayable:
				length = self.textRenderer.calculateSize().width() + 10
				res.append((eListboxPythonMultiContent.TYPE_TEXT, xoffset, 0, length , height, 2, RT_HALIGN_LEFT|RT_VALIGN_CENTER, serviceName, forgroundColor, forgroundColorSel, backgroundColor, backgroundColorSel))
				xoffset += length
				if addtimedisplay != "":
					if additionalposition == "1":
						# add time text after service description
						text = "(%s %s)" % (event.getEventName(), addtimedisplay)
						# add time text before service description
						text = "(%s %s)" % (addtimedisplay, event.getEventName())
					text = "(%s)" % (event.getEventName())
				if drawProgressbar and progressbarPosition == "2":
					# progressbar after service description
					length = width-xoffset - 60
					length = width-xoffset
				# service description
				res.append((eListboxPythonMultiContent.TYPE_TEXT, xoffset, 0, length , height, 3, RT_HALIGN_LEFT|RT_VALIGN_CENTER, text, serviceDescriptionColor, serviceDescriptionColorSelected, backgroundColor, backgroundColorSel))
				if drawProgressbar and progressbarPosition == "2":
					xoffset += length + 5
					res.append(self.paintProgressBar(event, xoffset, width, height))
				res.append((eListboxPythonMultiContent.TYPE_TEXT, xoffset, 0, width - xoffset , height, 2, RT_HALIGN_LEFT|RT_VALIGN_CENTER, serviceName, forgroundColor, forgroundColorSel, backgroundColor, backgroundColorSel))
		return res