Пример #1
    def __init__(self, app):
        """Create both a file and a memory store."""
        SessionStore.__init__(self, app)
        self._fileStore = SessionFileStore.SessionFileStore(app)
        self._memoryStore = SessionMemoryStore.SessionMemoryStore(
            app, restoreFiles=False)  # session files are read on demand

        # moveToFileInterval specifies after what period of time
        # in seconds a session is automatically moved to a file
        self._moveToFileInterval = app.setting('DynamicSessionTimeout',
                                               15) * 60

        # maxDynamicMemorySessions is what the user actually sets
        # in Application.config, the maximum number of in memory sessions
        self._maxDynamicMemorySessions = app.setting(
            'MaxDynamicMemorySessions', 10000)

        # Used to keep track of sweeping the file store
        self._fileSweepCount = 0

        # Create a re-entrant lock for thread synchronization. The lock is used
        # to protect all code that modifies the contents of the file store and
        # all code that moves sessions between the file and memory stores, and
        # is also used to protect code that searches in the file store for a
        # session. Using the lock in this way avoids a bug that used to be in
        # this code, where a session was temporarily neither in the file store
        # nor in the memory store while it was being moved from file to memory.
        self._lock = threading.RLock()

        if debug:
            print("SessionDynamicStore Initialized")
Пример #2
	def __init__(self, app):
		# Create both a file store and a memory store
		SessionStore.__init__(self, app)
		self._fileStore = SessionFileStore.SessionFileStore(app)
		self._memoryStore = SessionMemoryStore.SessionMemoryStore(app, restoreFiles=0)
		self._memoryStore.clear()  #fileStore will have the files on disk

		# moveToFileInterval specifies after what period of time a session is automatically moved to file
		self._moveToFileInterval = self.application().setting('DynamicSessionTimeout', 15) * 60

		# maxDynamicMemorySessions is what the user actually sets in Application.config
		self._maxDynamicMemorySessions = self.application().setting('MaxDynamicMemorySessions', 10000)

		# Used to keep track of sweeping the file store
		self._fileSweepCount = 0

		# Create a re-entrant lock for thread synchronization.  The lock is used to protect
		# all code that modifies the contents of the file store and all code that moves sessions
		# between the file and memory stores, and is also used to protect code that searches in
		# the file store for a session.  Using the lock in this way avoids a bug that used to
		# be in this code, where a session was temporarily neither in the file store nor in
		# the memory store while it was being moved from file to memory.
		self._lock = threading.RLock()

		if debug:
			print "SessionDynamicStore Initialized"
Пример #3
    def __init__(self, app):
        """Create both a file and a memory store."""
        SessionStore.__init__(self, app)
        self._fileStore = SessionFileStore.SessionFileStore(app)
        self._memoryStore = SessionMemoryStore.SessionMemoryStore(app,
            restoreFiles=False) # session files are read on demand

        # moveToFileInterval specifies after what period of time
        # in seconds a session is automatically moved to a file
        self._moveToFileInterval = app.setting(
            'DynamicSessionTimeout', 15) * 60

        # maxDynamicMemorySessions is what the user actually sets
        # in Application.config, the maximum number of in memory sessions
        self._maxDynamicMemorySessions = app.setting(
            'MaxDynamicMemorySessions', 10000)

        # Used to keep track of sweeping the file store
        self._fileSweepCount = 0

        # Create a re-entrant lock for thread synchronization. The lock is used
        # to protect all code that modifies the contents of the file store and
        # all code that moves sessions between the file and memory stores, and
        # is also used to protect code that searches in the file store for a
        # session. Using the lock in this way avoids a bug that used to be in
        #this code, where a session was temporarily neither in the file store
        # nor in the memory store while it was being moved from file to memory.
        self._lock = threading.RLock()

        if debug:
            print "SessionDynamicStore Initialized"
 def __init__(self, app, restoreFiles=1):
     SessionStore.__init__(self, app)
     self._store = {}
     if restoreFiles == 1:
         filestore = SessionFileStore(app)
         keys = filestore.keys()
         for i in keys:
             self[i] = filestore[i]
Пример #5
    def __init__(self, app, restoreFiles=True):
        """Initialize the session file store.

        If restoreFiles is true, and sessions have been saved to file,
        the store will be initialized from these files.
        SessionStore.__init__(self, app)
        self._sessionDir = app._sessionDir
        self._lock = threading.RLock()
        if not restoreFiles:
Пример #6
    def __init__(self, app, restoreFiles=True, filename=None):
        """Initialize the session shelf.

        If restoreFiles is true, existing shelve file(s) will be reused.
        SessionStore.__init__(self, app)
        filename = os.path.join(app._sessionDir, filename or self._filename)
        flag = 'c' if restoreFiles else 'n'
        self._store = shelve.open(filename,
        self._lock = threading.RLock()
Пример #7
	def __init__(self, app, restoreFiles=1):
		SessionStore.__init__(self, app)
		self._store = {}
		if restoreFiles == 1:
			filestore = SessionFileStore(app)
			keys = filestore.keys()
			for i in keys:
					self[i] = filestore[i]
				except Exception:
Пример #8
    def __init__(self, app, restoreFiles=True):
        """Initialize the session file store.

        If restoreFiles is true, and sessions have been saved to file,
        the store will be initialized from these files.

        SessionStore.__init__(self, app)
        self._sessionDir = app._sessionDir
        self._lock = threading.RLock()
        if not restoreFiles:
Пример #9
    def __init__(self, app, restoreFiles=True, filename=None):
        """Initialize the session shelf.

        If restoreFiles is true, existing shelve file(s) will be reused.

        SessionStore.__init__(self, app)
        filename = os.path.join(app._sessionDir, filename or self._filename)
        flag = restoreFiles and 'c' or 'n'
        self._store = shelve.open(filename,
            flag=flag, protocol=maxPickleProtocol)
        self._lock = threading.RLock()
Пример #10
    def __init__(self, app, restoreFiles=True):
        """Initialize the session memory store.

        If restoreFiles is true, and sessions have been saved to file,
        the store will be initialized from these files.
        SessionStore.__init__(self, app)
        self._store = {}
        if restoreFiles:
            filestore = SessionFileStore(app)
            for key in filestore:
                    self[key] = filestore[key]
                except Exception:
Пример #11
    def __init__(self, app, restoreFiles=True):
        """Initialize the session memory store.

        If restoreFiles is true, and sessions have been saved to file,
        the store will be initialized from these files.

        SessionStore.__init__(self, app)
        self._store = {}
        if restoreFiles:
            filestore = SessionFileStore(app)
            for key in filestore:
                    self[key] = filestore[key]
                except Exception:
Пример #12
    def __init__(self, app):
        SessionStore.__init__(self, app)

        # the list of redis servers
        self._host = app.setting('RedisHost', 'localhost')
        self._port = app.setting('RedisPort', 6379)
        self._db = app.setting('RedisDb', 0)
        self._password = app.setting('RedisPassword', None)

        # timeout in seconds
        self._sessionTimeout = app.setting('SessionTimeout', 180) * 60

        # the redis "namespace" used by our store
        self._namespace = app.setting('RedisNamespace',
                                      'WebwareSession:') or ''

        self._redis = redis.StrictRedis(self._host, self._port, self._db,
Пример #13
    def __init__(self, app):
        SessionStore.__init__(self, app)

        # the list of redis servers
        self._host = app.setting('RedisHost', 'localhost')
        self._port = app.setting('RedisPort', 6379)
        self._db = app.setting('RedisDb', 0)
        self._password = app.setting('RedisPassword', None)

        # timeout in seconds
        self._sessionTimeout = app.setting(
            'SessionTimeout', 180) * 60

        # the redis "namespace" used by our store
        self._namespace = app.setting(
            'RedisNamespace', 'WebwareSession:') or ''

        self._redis = redis.StrictRedis(self._host,
            self._port, self._db, self._password)
Пример #14
    def __init__(self, app):
        SessionStore.__init__(self, app)

        # the list of memcached servers
        self._servers = app.setting('MemcachedServers', ['localhost:11211'])

        # timeout in seconds
        self._sessionTimeout = app.setting('SessionTimeout', 180) * 60

        # the memcached "namespace" used by our store
        # you can add an integer counter for expiration
        self._namespace = app.setting('MemcachedNamespace',
                                      'WebwareSession:') or ''

        # when trying to iterate over the Memcached store,
        # you can trigger an error or a warning
        self._onIteration = app.setting('MemcachedOnIteration', 'Warning')

        self._client = memcache.Client(self._servers,
Пример #15
    def __init__(self, app):
        SessionStore.__init__(self, app)

        # the list of memcached servers
        self._servers = app.setting('MemcachedServers', ['localhost:11211'])

        # timeout in seconds
        self._sessionTimeout = app.setting(
            'SessionTimeout', 180) * 60

        # the memcached "namespace" used by our store
        # you can add an integer counter for expiration
        self._namespace = app.setting(
            'MemcachedNamespace', 'WebwareSession') or ''

        # when trying to iterate over the Memcached store,
        # you can trigger an error or a warning
        self._onIteration = app.setting('MemcachedOnIteration', 'Warning')

        self._client = memcache.Client(self._servers,
            debug=debug, pickleProtocol=maxPickleProtocol)
Пример #16
def render():
    local_results = []
    atomic_index = 1  # set this for having it in GET requests

    # check session or redirect to register
    alias = get_alias_from_cookie()
    print("alias is {0}".format(alias))
    if alias is None or alias is "":
        #return fail('Please set an alias')
        return redirect(url_for('register'))

    if request.method == 'POST':
        # check uploaded files
        if len(request.files) == 0:
            return fail('No files were uploaded')

        # creating a new, atomic value for this upload
        atomic_index = SessionStore.fetch_add()
        for file in request.files.getlist("file[]"):
            if not allowed_file(file.filename):
                return fail('That file type is not supported')

            path = create_upload_path(alias, atomic_index)
            upload_file(file, path)
                # getting results from file
                data_input = read(get_input_path(file.filename))
                data_output = read(os.path.join(
                    file.filename))  #read(get_file_path(file.filename, False))

                # creating the solver and fetching results
                solver = Solver(data_input, data_output)
                results = solver.get_points()

                # set results in local and global db
                local_results.append([file.filename, results])
                DatabaseHandler.set(alias, file.filename, results)

                #  storing json and uploading as well
                jc = JsonCreator(file.filename, solver.obj_in)

            except Exception as e:
                return fail(str(e))

    return success(alias, atomic_index, DatabaseHandler.get_entries(),
Пример #17
 def __init__(self, app):
     SessionStore.__init__(self, app)
     self._sessionDir = app._sessionDir
     self._lock = threading.RLock()
Пример #18
	Create a lot of fake data to enter into the data base

from random import randint
from numpy.random import random_integers
from numpy.random import random_sample

from UserStore import UserStore
from SessionStore import SessionStore
from FoodStore import FoodStore
from datetime import datetime
from RestaurantStore import RestaurantStore

sessions = SessionStore( "config.json" )
users = UserStore( "config.json" )
restaurant = RestaurantStore( "config.json" )
foods = FoodStore( "config.json" )

numSessions = 100

menu = restaurant.getMenu( "mGoPS" )

us = users.collection.find()
ut = []
for u in us:
	ut.append( u['uid'] )
for sess in range( numSessions ):
	us = random_integers( 1, len( ut ) - 1, randint( 1, 5 ) )
Пример #19
 def setEncoderDecoder(self, encoder, decoder):
     """Set the serializer and deserializer for the store."""
     SessionStore.setEncoderDecoder(self, encoder, decoder)
     self._fileStore.setEncoderDecoder(encoder, decoder)
Пример #20
 def cleanStaleSessions(self, task=None):
     """Clean stale sessions."""
     SessionStore.cleanStaleSessions(self, task)
Пример #21
from http.server import BaseHTTPRequestHandler, HTTPServer
import json
from urllib.parse import parse_qs
from sportevents_db import SportEventsDB
from http import cookies
from passlib.hash import bcrypt
import hashlib
from SessionStore import SessionStore
import  sys

SESSION_STORE = SessionStore()

class MyRequestHandler(BaseHTTPRequestHandler):

    def end_headers(self):

    # goal: load cookie into self.cookie
    def loadcookie(self):
        if "Cookie" in self.headers:
            self.cookie = cookies.SimpleCookie(self.headers["Cookie"])
            self.cookie = cookies.SimpleCookie()
    def sendCookie(self):
        for morsel in self.cookie.values():
Пример #22
	def setEncoderDecoder(self, encoder, decoder):
		# @@ 2002-11-26 jdh: # propogate the encoder/decoder to the
		# underlying SessionFileStore
		self._fileStore.setEncoderDecoder(encoder, decoder)
		SessionStore.setEncoderDecoder(self, encoder, decoder)
Пример #23
	def setEncoderDecoder(self, encoder, decoder):
		# @@ 2002-11-26 jdh: # propogate the encoder/decoder to the 
		# underlying SessionFileStore
		self._fileStore.setEncoderDecoder(encoder, decoder)
Пример #24
 def setEncoderDecoder(self, encoder, decoder):
     """Set the serializer and deserializer for the store."""
     SessionStore.setEncoderDecoder(self, encoder, decoder)
     self._fileStore.setEncoderDecoder(encoder, decoder)
Пример #25
	def __init__(self, app):
		SessionStore.__init__(self, app)
		self._sessionDir = app.serverSidePath('Sessions')
		self._lock = threading.Lock()
Пример #26
 def cleanStaleSessions(self, task=None):
     """Clean stale sessions."""
     SessionStore.cleanStaleSessions(self, task)
Пример #27
from http.server import BaseHTTPRequestHandler, HTTPServer
from urllib.parse import parse_qs
from data import dataDB
from data import UsersDB
import json
import datetime
from passlib.hash import bcrypt
from http import cookies
from SessionStore import SessionStore
from http import cookies
#from file import class

# paragraphs = []
gSessionStore = SessionStore()

class MyHandler(BaseHTTPRequestHandler):
    def load_cookie(self):
        if "Cookie" in self.headers:
            self.cookie = cookies.SimpleCookie(self.headers["Cookie"])
            self.cookie = cookies.SimpleCookie()

    def send_cookie(self):
        for morsel in self.cookie.values():
            self.send_header("Set-Cookie", morsel.OutputString())

    def load_session(self):
        #GOAL assign self.session according to sessionId
        if "sessionId" in self.cookie: