Пример #1
def histo1_old(beam,col,xrange=None,yrange=None,nbins=50,nolost=0,ref=0,write=0,title='HISTO1',xtitle=None,ytitle=None,calfwhm=0,noplot=0):
  Plot the histogram of a column, simply counting the rays, or weighting with the intensity.
  It returns a ShadowTools.Histo1_Ticket which contains the histogram data, and the figure.
     beam     : str instance with the name of the shadow file to be loaded, or a Shadow.Beam initialized instance.
     col      : int for the chosen column.
  Optional Inumpy.ts:
     xrange   : tuple or list of length 2 describing the interval of interest for x, the data read from the chosen column.
     yrange   : tuple or list of length 2 describing the interval of interest for y, counts or intensity depending on ref.
     nbins    : number of bins of the histogram.
     nolost   : 
           0   All rays
           1   Only good rays
           2   Only lost rays
     ref      : 
           0   only count the rays
           1   weight with intensity (look at 23 |E|^2 total intensity)
     write    : 
           0   don't write any file
           1   write the histogram into the file 'HISTO1'.
     title    : title of the figure, it will appear on top of the window.
     xtitle   : label for the x axis.
     ytitle   : label for the y axis.
     calfwhm : 
           0   don't compute the fwhm
           1   compute the fwhm
     noplot   : 
           0   plot the histogram
           1   don't plot the histogram
  orientation :
  'vertical'   x axis for data, y for intensity
'horizontal'   y axis for data, x for intensity
     plotxy   : 
           0   standalone version
           1   to use within plotxy
     ShadowTools.Histo1_Ticket instance.
     if an error occurs an ArgsError is raised.

  Possible choice for col are:
           1   X spatial coordinate [user's unit]
           2   Y spatial coordinate [user's unit]
           3   Z spatial coordinate [user's unit]
           4   X' direction or divergence [rads]
           5   Y' direction or divergence [rads]
           6   Z' direction or divergence [rads]
           7   X component of the electromagnetic vector (s-polariz)
           8   Y component of the electromagnetic vector (s-polariz)
           9   Z component of the electromagnetic vector (s-polariz)
          10   Lost ray flag
          11   Energy [eV]
          12   Ray index
          13   Optical path length
          14   Phase (s-polarization)
          15   Phase (p-polarization)
          16   X component of the electromagnetic vector (p-polariz)
          17   Y component of the electromagnetic vector (p-polariz)
          18   Z component of the electromagnetic vector (p-polariz)
          19   Wavelength [A]
          20   R= SQRT(X^2+Y^2+Z^2)
          21   angle from Y axis
          22   the magnituse of the Electromagnetic vector
          23   |E|^2 (total intensity)
          24   total intensity for s-polarization
          25   total intensity for p-polarization
          26   K = 2 pi / lambda [A^-1]
          27   K = 2 pi / lambda * col4 [A^-1]
          28   K = 2 pi / lambda * col5 [A^-1]
          29   K = 2 pi / lambda * col6 [A^-1]
          30   S0-stokes = |Es|^2 + |Ep|^2
          31   S1-stokes = |Es|^2 - |Ep|^2
          32   S2-stokes = 2 |Es| |Ep| cos(phase_s-phase_p)
          33   S3-stokes = 2 |Es| |Ep| sin(phase_s-phase_p)
  try: stp.Histo1_CheckArg(beam,col,xrange,yrange,nbins,nolost,ref,write,title,xtitle,ytitle,calfwhm,noplot)
  except stp.ArgsError as e: raise e  
  if ref==1: ref = 23
  figure = plt.figure()
  axHist = figure.add_axes([0.1,0.1,0.8,0.8])

  if ytitle!=None: 
  if ref==0: 
    x, a = getshcol(beam,(col+1,10))
    w = numpy.ones(len(x))
    x, a, w = getshcol(beam,(col+1,10,ref))
  if nolost==0: 
    t = numpy.where(a!=-3299)
    ytitle = 'All rays'
  if nolost==1: 
    t = numpy.where(a==1.0)
    ytitle = 'Good rays'
  if nolost==2: 
    t = numpy.where(a!=1.0)
    ytitle = 'Lost rays'
  if len(t[0])==0:
    print ("no rays match the selection, the histogram will not be plotted")
  if ref==0:
    ytitle = 'counts ' + ytitle
    h,bins,patches = axHist.hist(x[t],bins=nbins,range=xrange,histtype='step',alpha=0.5)
    if yrange==None: yrange = [0.0, numpy.max(h)]
  if ref>=22: 
    ytitle = (stp.getLabel(ref-1))[0] + ' ' + ytitle
    h,bins = numpy.histogram(x[t],range=xrange,bins=nbins)
    hw,bins,patches = axHist.hist(x[t],range=xrange, bins=nbins,histtype='step',alpha=0.5,weights=w[t])
    if yrange==None: yrange = [0.0, numpy.max(hw)]
  fwhm = None
  if calfwhm==1:
    fwhm, tf, ti = stp.calcFWHM(hw,bins[1]-bins[0])
    print ("fwhm = %g" % fwhm)
  if write==1: stp.Histo1_write(title,bins,h,hw,col,beam,ref-1)  

  if xtitle==None: xtitle=(stp.getLabel(col))[0]
  if ytitlesave!=None:
  if title!=None: axHist.set_title(title)
  if xrange!=None: axHist.set_xlim(xrange)
  if yrange!=None: axHist.set_ylim(yrange)    

  if noplot==0: 
  ticket = Histo1_Ticket()    
  ticket.histogram = hw
  ticket.bin_center = bins[:-1]+(bins[1]-bins[0])*0.5
  ticket.bin_left = bins[:-1] 
  ticket.figure = figure
  ticket.xrange = xrange
  ticket.yrange = yrange
  ticket.xtitle = xtitle
  ticket.ytitle = ytitle
  ticket.title = title
  ticket.fwhm = fwhm
  ticket.intensity = w[t].sum()
  return ticket