def main(testpath,npulse = 1400 ,functlist = ['spectrums','radardata','fitting','analysis']): """ This function will call other functions to create the input data, config file and run the radar data sim. The path for the simulation will be created in the Testdata directory in the SimISR module. The new folder will be called BasicTest. The simulation is a long pulse simulation will the desired number of pulses from the user. Inputs npulse - Number of pulses for the integration period, default==100. functlist - The list of functions for the SimISR to do. """ curloc = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(inspect.getfile(inspect.currentframe()))) if not os.path.isdir(testpath): os.mkdir(testpath) functlist_default = ['spectrums','radardata','fitting'] check_list = sp.array([i in functlist for i in functlist_default]) check_run =sp.any( check_list) functlist_red = sp.array(functlist_default)[check_list].tolist() configfilesetup(testpath,npulse) config = os.path.join(testpath,'stats.ini') (sensdict,simparams) = readconfigfile(config) makedata(testpath,simparams['Tint']) if check_run : runsim(functlist_red,testpath,config,True) if 'analysis' in functlist: analysisdump(testpath,config)
def main(npulse=100, functlist=['spectrums', 'radardata', 'fitting', 'analysis'],radar='pfisr'): """ This function will call other functions to create the input data, config file and run the radar data sim. The path for the simulation will be created in the Testdata directory in the SimISR module. The new folder will be called BasicTest. The simulation is a long pulse simulation will the desired number of pulses from the user. Inputs npulse - Number of pulses for the integration period, default==100. functlist - The list of functions for the SimISR to do. """ curloc = Path(__file__).resolve() testpath = curloc.parent.parent/'Testdata'/'BasicTest' if not testpath.is_dir(): testpath.mkdir(parents=True) functlist_default = ['spectrums', 'radardata', 'fitting'] check_list = sp.array([i in functlist for i in functlist_default]) check_run = sp.any(check_list) functlist_red = sp.array(functlist_default)[check_list].tolist() config = testpath.joinpath('stats.yml') if not config.exists(): configfilesetup(str(testpath), npulse, radar) (_, simparams) = readconfigfile(str(config)) makedata(testpath, simparams['Tint']) if check_run: runsim(functlist_red, str(testpath), config, True) if 'analysis' in functlist: analysisdump(str(testpath), config)
def main(npulse=100, functlist=['spectrums', 'radardata', 'fitting', 'analysis']): """ This function will call other functions to create the input data, config file and run the radar data sim. The path for the simulation will be created in the Testdata directory in the SimISR module. The new folder will be called BasicTest. The simulation is a long pulse simulation will the desired number of pulses from the user. Inputs npulse - Number of pulses for the integration period, default==100. functlist - The list of functions for the SimISR to do. """ curloc = Path(__file__).resolve() testpath = curloc.parent.parent / 'Testdata' / 'BasicTest' if not testpath.is_dir(): testpath.mkdir(parents=True) functlist_default = ['spectrums', 'radardata', 'fitting'] check_list = sp.array([i in functlist for i in functlist_default]) check_run = sp.any(check_list) functlist_red = sp.array(functlist_default)[check_list].tolist() configfilesetup(str(testpath), npulse) config = testpath.joinpath('stats.ini') (sensdict, simparams) = readconfigfile(str(config)) makedata(testpath, simparams['Tint']) if check_run: runsim(functlist_red, str(testpath), config, True) if 'analysis' in functlist: analysisdump(str(testpath), config)
def __init__(self,ionoin,configfile,timein=None,mattype='matrix'): """ This will create the RadarSpaceTimeOperator object. Inputs ionoin - The input ionocontainer. This can be either an string that is a ionocontainer file, a list of ionocontainer objects or a list a strings to ionocontainer files. config - The ini file that used to set up the simulation. timein - A Ntx2 numpy array of times. RSTOPinv - The inverse operator object. invmat - The inverse matrix to the original operator. """ mattype=mattype.lower() accepttypes=['matrix','sim','real'] if not mattype in accepttypes: raise ValueError('Matrix type can only be {0}'.format(', '.join(accepttypes))) d2r = np.pi/180.0 (sensdict,simparams) = readconfigfile(configfile) # determine if the input ionocontainer is a string, a list of strings or a list of ionocontainers. ionoin=makeionocombined(ionoin) #Input location self.Cart_Coords_In = ionoin.Cart_Coords self.Sphere_Coords_In = ionoin.Sphere_Coords # Set the input times if timein is None: self.Time_In = ionoin.Time_Vector else: self.Time_In = timein #Create an array of output location based off of the inputs rng_vec2 = simparams['Rangegatesfinal'] nrgout = len(rng_vec2) angles = simparams['angles'] nang =len(angles) ang_data = np.array([[iout[0],iout[1]] for iout in angles]) rng_all = np.repeat(rng_vec2,(nang),axis=0) ang_all = np.tile(ang_data,(nrgout,1)) self.Sphere_Coords_Out = np.column_stack((rng_all,ang_all)) (R_vec,Az_vec,El_vec) = (self.Sphere_Coords_Out[:,0],self.Sphere_Coords_Out[:,1], self.Sphere_Coords_Out[:,2]) xvecmult = np.sin(Az_vec*d2r)*np.cos(El_vec*d2r) yvecmult = np.cos(Az_vec*d2r)*np.cos(El_vec*d2r) zvecmult = np.sin(El_vec*d2r) X_vec = R_vec*xvecmult Y_vec = R_vec*yvecmult Z_vec = R_vec*zvecmult self.Cart_Coords_Out = np.column_stack((X_vec,Y_vec,Z_vec)) self.Time_Out = np.column_stack((simparams['Timevec'],simparams['Timevec']+simparams['Tint']))+self.Time_In[0,0] self.simparams=simparams self.sensdict=sensdict self.lagmat = self.simparams['amb_dict']['WttMatrix'] self.mattype=mattype # create the matrix (self.RSTMat,self.overlaps,self.blocklocs) = makematPA(ionoin.Sphere_Coords,ionoin.Cart_Coords,ionoin.Time_Vector,configfile,ionoin.Velocity,mattype)
def __init__(self, ionoacf, Ionosig=None, inifile='default.ini'): """ The init function for the fitter take the inputs for the fitter programs. Inputs: ionoacf: The lags in ionocontainer format. Ionosig: sensdict: The dictionary that holds the sensor info. simparams: The dictionary that hold the specific simulation params""" (self.sensdict, self.simparams) = readconfigfile(inifile) self.acf = ionoacf self.sig = Ionosig
def loadfile(self): """Imports parameters from old files""" fn = tkFileDialog.askopenfilename(title="Load File",filetypes=[('INI','.ini'),('PICKLE','.pickle')]) try: sensdict,simparams = readconfigfile(fn) rdrnames = {'PFISR':'PFISR','pfisr':'PFISR','risr':'RISR-N','RISR-N':'RISR-N','RISR':'RISR-N'} currdr = rdrnames[sensdict['Name']] fitnfound = True for i in simparams: try: if i=='RangeLims': self.paramdic[i][0].delete(0,Tk.END) self.paramdic[i][1].delete(0,Tk.END) self.paramdic[i][0].insert(0,str(simparams[i][0])) self.paramdic[i][1].insert(0,str(simparams[i][1])) elif i=='species': self.paramdic[i].delete(0,Tk.END) string='' if isinstance(simparams[i],list): for a in simparams[i]: string+=a string+=" " else: string = simparams[i] self.paramdic[i].insert(0,string) elif i=='Pulselength' or i=='t_s': self.paramdic[i].delete(0,Tk.END) num = float(simparams[i])*10**6 self.paramdic[i].insert(0,str(num)) elif i== 'FitType': self.fittype = simparams[i] fitnfound=False else: self.paramdic[i].delete(0,Tk.END) self.paramdic[i].insert(0,str(simparams[i])) except: if simparams[i]==sp.complex128: self.paramdic[i].set('complex128') elif simparams[i]==sp.complex64: self.paramdic[i].set('complex64') elif i in self.paramdic: self.paramdic[i].set(simparams[i]) if fitnfound: self.fittype = 'Spectrum' self.pickbeams.var.set(currdr) self.pickbeams.Changefile() self.pickbeams.addbeamlist(simparams['angles']) except: print "Failed to import file."
def plotparams(datapath,indch): # read in the files geofile = os.path.join(datapath,'Fitted','fitteddataGEOD.h5') acffile = os.path.join(datapath,'ACF','00lags.h5') geod = GeoData.read_h5(geofile) acfIono = IonoContainer.readh5(acffile) picklefile = os.path.join(datapath,'config.ini') (sensdict,simparams) = readconfigfile(picklefile) #determine the ind dataloc = geod.dataloc rngloc = 210 ind = sp.argmin(sp.absolute(dataloc[:,0]-rngloc)) # Ne =['Ne'][ind] Ti =['Ti'][ind] Te =['Te'][ind] #make a spectrum npts = 128 datablock = sp.array([[Ne[indch],Ti[indch]],[Ne[indch],Te[indch]]]) specobj = ISRSpectrum(centerFrequency =sensdict['fc'],nspec = npts,sampfreq=sensdict['fs']) (omeg,specexample,rcs) = specobj.getspecsep(datablock,simparams['species'],rcsflag=True) specexample = rcs*npts*specexample/sp.absolute(specexample).sum() acf = acfIono.Param_List[ind,indch] origspec = scfft.fftshift(scfft.fft(acf,n=npts)).real (figmplf, [[ax1,ax2],[ax3,ax4]]) = plt.subplots(2, 2,figsize=(16, 12), facecolor='w') ax1.plot(sp.arange(len(Ne)),Ne) ax1.set_title('$N_e$') ax2.plot(sp.arange(len(Ti)),Ti) ax2.set_title('$T_i$') ax3.plot(sp.arange(len(Te)),Te) ax3.set_title('$T_e$'); spec1 = ax4.plot(omeg*1e-3,origspec,label='Measured') spec2 = ax4.plot(omeg*1e-3,specexample,label='Fitted') ax4.set_title('Measured and Fitted Spectrums') ax4.set_xlabel('Frequency KHz') ax4.legend(loc = 1) # Nevals = sp.linspace(5e10,5e11,10) # Tivals = sp.linspace(1e3,2e5,10) # Tevals = sp.linspace(1e3,2e5,10) # xlist = [[1],Tivals,Nevals,Tevals,[0]] # outsurf = makefitsurf(xlist,acf,sensdict,simparams) return(figmplf)
def main(plist = None,functlist = ['spectrums','radardata','fitting','analysis','stats']): """ This function will call other functions to create the input data, config file and run the radar data sim. The path for the simulation will be created in the Testdata directory in the SimISR module. The new folder will be called BasicTest. The simulation is a long pulse simulation will the desired number of pulses from the user. Inputs npulse - Number of pulses for the integration period, default==100. functlist - The list of functions for the SimISR to do. """ if plist is None: plist = sp.array([50,100,200,500,1000,2000,5000]) if isinstance(plist,list): plist=sp.array(plist) curloc = Path(__file__).resolve().parent testpath=curloc.parent.joinpath('Testdata','StatsTest') testpath.mkdir(exist_ok=True,parents=True) functlist_default = ['spectrums','radardata','fitting'] check_list = sp.array([i in functlist for i in functlist_default]) check_run =sp.any( check_list) functlist_red = sp.array(functlist_default)[check_list].tolist() allfolds = [] # rsystools = [] for ip in plist: foldname = 'Pulses_{:04d}'.format(ip) curfold = testpath.joinpath(foldname) allfolds.append(curfold) curfold.mkdir(exist_ok=True,parents=True) configfilesetup(curfold,ip) makedata(curfold) config = curfold/'stats.ini' (sensdict,simparams) = readconfigfile(config) # rtemp = RadarSys(sensdict,simparams['Rangegatesfinal'],ip) # rsystools.append(rtemp.rms(sp.array([1e12]),sp.array([2.5e3]),sp.array([2.5e3]))) if check_run : runsim(functlist_red,curfold,str(curfold.joinpath('stats.ini')),True) if 'analysis' in functlist: analysisdump(curfold,config) if 'stats' in functlist: makehist(curfold,ip)
def configfilesetup(testpath,npulses): """ This will create the configureation file given the number of pulses for the test. This will make it so that there will be 12 integration periods for a given number of pulses. Input testpath - The location of the data. npulses - The number of pulses. """ curloc = Path(__file__).resolve().parent defcon = curloc.joinpath('statsbase.ini') (sensdict, simparams) = readconfigfile(defcon) tint = simparams['IPP']*npulses ratio1 = tint/simparams['Tint'] simparams['Tint'] = ratio1 * simparams['Tint'] simparams['Fitinter'] = ratio1 * simparams['Fitinter'] simparams['TimeLim'] = ratio1 * simparams['TimeLim'] simparams['startfile'] = 'startfile.h5' makeconfigfile(testpath.joinpath('stats.ini'),simparams['Beamlist'],sensdict['Name'],simparams)
def configfilesetup(testpath,npulses): """ This will create the configureation file given the number of pulses for the test. This will make it so that there will be 12 integration periods for a given number of pulses. Input testpath - The location of the data. npulses - The number of pulses. """ curloc = Path(__file__).resolve().parent defcon = curloc.joinpath('statsbase.ini') (sensdict,simparams) = readconfigfile(defcon) tint = simparams['IPP']*npulses ratio1 = tint/simparams['Tint'] simparams['Tint']=ratio1 * simparams['Tint'] simparams['Fitinter'] = ratio1 * simparams['Fitinter'] simparams['TimeLim'] = ratio1 * simparams['TimeLim'] simparams['startfile']='startfile.h5' makeconfigfile(testpath.joinpath('stats.ini'),simparams['Beamlist'],sensdict['Name'],simparams)
def configfilesetup(testpath,npulses = 1400): """ This will create the configureation file given the number of pulses for the test. This will make it so that there will be 12 integration periods for a given number of pulses. Input testpath - The location of the data. npulses - The number of pulses. """ curloc = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(inspect.getfile(inspect.currentframe()))) defcon = os.path.join(curloc,'statsbase.ini') (sensdict,simparams) = readconfigfile(defcon) tint = simparams['IPP']*npulses ratio1 = tint/simparams['Tint'] simparams['Tint']=ratio1 * simparams['Tint'] simparams['Fitinter'] = ratio1 * simparams['Fitinter'] simparams['TimeLim'] = 3*tint simparams['startfile']='startfile.h5' makeconfigfile(os.path.join(testpath,'stats.ini'),simparams['Beamlist'],sensdict['Name'],simparams)
def configfilesetup(testpath, npulses, radar='PFISR'): """ This will create the configureation file given the number of pulses for the test. This will make it so that there will be 12 integration periods for a given number of pulses. Input testpath - The location of the data. npulses - The number of pulses. """ testpath = Path(testpath).expanduser() curloc = Path(__file__).resolve().parent if radar.lower() == 'pfisr': defcon = curloc / 'statsbase.ini' elif radar.lower() == 'millstonez': defcon = curloc / 'statsbasemhz.yml' (sensdict, simparams) = readconfigfile(defcon) tint = simparams['IPP'] * npulses ratio1 = tint / simparams['Tint'] simparams['Tint'] = ratio1 * simparams['Tint'] simparams['Fitinter'] = ratio1 * simparams['Fitinter'] simparams['TimeLim'] = 2 * tint simparams['fitmode'] = 1 simparams['startfile'] = 'startfile.h5' makeconfigfile(str(testpath / 'stats.yml'), simparams['Beamlist'], sensdict['Name'], simparams)
def makespectrums(basedir, configfile, printlines=True): """ This will make all of the spectra for a set of data and save it in a folder in basedir called Spectrums. It is assumed that the data in the Origparams is time tagged in the title with a string seperated by a white space and the rest of the file name. For example ~/DATA/Basedir/0 origdata.h5. Inputs: basedir: A string for the directory that will hold all of the data for the simulation. configfile: The configuration file for the simulation. """ basedir = Path(basedir).expanduser() dirio = ('Origparams', 'Spectrums') inputdir = basedir/dirio[0] outputdir = basedir/dirio[1] # determine the list of h5 files in Origparams directory dirlist = sorted(inputdir.glob('*.h5')) # Make the lists of numbers and file names for the dictionary (listorder, _, _, timebeg, _) = IonoContainer.gettimes(dirlist) slist = [dirlist[ikey] for ikey in listorder] (sensdict, simparams) = readconfigfile(configfile) # Delete data outfiles = outputdir.glob('*.h5') for ifile in outfiles: ifile.unlink() for inum, curfile in zip(timebeg, slist): outfile = outputdir / (str(inum)+' spectrum.h5') update_progress(float(inum)/float(len(slist)), 'Processing file {} starting at {}'.format(, curiono = IonoContainer.readh5(str(curfile)) curiono.makespectruminstanceopen(specfuncs.ISRSspecmake, sensdict, int(simparams['numpoints']), float(inum), float(len(slist)), printlines).saveh5(str(outfile)) update_progress(float(inum+1)/float(len(slist)), 'Finished file {} starting at {}'.format(,
def configfilesetup(testpath, npulses, radar='PFISR'): """ This will create the configureation file given the number of pulses for the test. This will make it so that there will be 12 integration periods for a given number of pulses. Input testpath - The location of the data. npulses - The number of pulses. """ testpath = Path(testpath).expanduser() curloc = Path(__file__).resolve().parent if radar.lower() == 'pfisr': defcon = curloc/'statsbase.ini' elif radar.lower() == 'millstonez': defcon = curloc/'statsbasemhz.yml' (sensdict, simparams) = readconfigfile(defcon) tint = simparams['IPP']*npulses ratio1 = tint/simparams['Tint'] simparams['Tint'] = ratio1*simparams['Tint'] simparams['Fitinter'] = ratio1 * simparams['Fitinter'] simparams['TimeLim'] = 2*tint simparams['fitmode'] = 1 simparams['startfile'] = 'startfile.h5' makeconfigfile(str(testpath/'stats.yml'), simparams['Beamlist'], sensdict['Name'], simparams)
def __init__(self, Ionodict, inifile, outdir, outfilelist=None): """ This function will create an instance of the RadarData class. It will take in the values and create the class and make raw IQ data. Inputs: sensdict - A dictionary of sensor parameters angles - A list of tuples which the first position is the az angle and the second position is the el angle. IPP - The interpulse period in seconds represented as a float. Tint - The integration time in seconds as a float. This will be the integration time of all of the beams. time_lim - The length of time of the simulation the number of time points will be calculated. pulse - A numpy array that represents the pulse shape. rng_lims - A numpy array of length 2 that holds the min and max range that the radar will cover. """ (sensdict, simparams) = readconfigfile(inifile) self.simparams = simparams N_angles = len(self.simparams['angles']) NNs = int(self.simparams['NNs']) self.sensdict = sensdict Npall = sp.floor(self.simparams['TimeLim'] / self.simparams['IPP']) Npall = int(sp.floor(Npall / N_angles) * N_angles) Np = Npall / N_angles print("All spectrums created already") filetimes = Ionodict.keys() filetimes.sort() ftimes = sp.array(filetimes) simdtype = self.simparams['dtype'] pulsetimes = sp.arange(Npall) * self.simparams['IPP'] + ftimes.min() pulsefile = sp.array( [sp.where(itimes - ftimes >= 0)[0][-1] for itimes in pulsetimes]) # differentiate between phased arrays and dish antennas if sensdict['Name'].lower() in ['risr', 'pfisr', 'risr-n']: beams = sp.tile(sp.arange(N_angles), Npall / N_angles) else: # for dish arrays brate = simparams['beamrate'] beams2 = sp.repeat(sp.arange(N_angles), brate) beam3 = sp.concatenate((beams2, beams2[::-1])) ntile = int(sp.ceil(Npall / len(beam3))) leftover = int(Npall - ntile * len(beam3)) if ntile > 0: beams = sp.tile(beam3, ntile) beams = sp.concatenate((beams, beam3[:leftover])) else: beams = beam3[:leftover] pulsen = sp.repeat(sp.arange(Np), N_angles) pt_list = [] pb_list = [] pn_list = [] fname_list = [] self.datadir = outdir self.maindir = outdir.parent self.procdir = self.maindir / 'ACF' Nf = len(filetimes) progstr = 'Data from {:d} of {:d} being processed Name: {:s}.' if outfilelist is None: print('\nData Now being created.') Noisepwr = v_Boltz * sensdict['Tsys'] * sensdict['BandWidth'] self.outfilelist = [] for ifn, ifilet in enumerate(filetimes): outdict = {} ifile = Ionodict[ifilet] ifilename = Path(ifile).name update_progress( float(ifn) / Nf, progstr.format(ifn, Nf, ifilename)) curcontainer = IonoContainer.readh5(ifile) if ifn == 0: self.timeoffset = curcontainer.Time_Vector[0, 0] pnts = pulsefile == ifn pt = pulsetimes[pnts] pb = beams[pnts] pn = pulsen[pnts].astype(int) rawdata = self.__makeTime__(pt, curcontainer.Time_Vector, curcontainer.Sphere_Coords, curcontainer.Param_List, pb) d_shape = rawdata.shape n_tempr = sp.random.randn(*d_shape).astype(simdtype) n_tempi = 1j * sp.random.randn(*d_shape).astype(simdtype) noise = sp.sqrt(Noisepwr / 2) * (n_tempr + n_tempi) outdict['AddedNoise'] = noise outdict['RawData'] = rawdata + noise outdict['RawDatanonoise'] = rawdata outdict['NoiseData'] = sp.sqrt(Noisepwr / 2) * ( sp.random.randn(len(pn), NNs).astype(simdtype) + 1j * sp.random.randn(len(pn), NNs).astype(simdtype)) outdict['Pulses'] = pn outdict['Beams'] = pb outdict['Time'] = pt fname = '{0:d} RawData.h5'.format(ifn) newfn = self.datadir / fname self.outfilelist.append(str(newfn)) dict2h5(str(newfn), outdict) #Listing info pt_list.append(pt) pb_list.append(pb) pn_list.append(pn) fname_list.append(fname) infodict = { 'Files': fname_list, 'Time': pt_list, 'Beams': pb_list, 'Pulses': pn_list } dict2h5(str(outdir.joinpath('INFO.h5')), infodict) else: infodict = h52dict(str(outdir.joinpath('INFO.h5'))) alltime = sp.hstack(infodict['Time']) self.timeoffset = alltime.min() self.outfilelist = outfilelist
def makematPA(Sphere_Coords,Cart_Coords,timein,configfile,vel=None,mattype='matrix'): """Make a Ntimeout*Nbeam*Nrng x Ntime*Nloc sparse matrix for the space time operator. The output space will have range repeated first, then beams then time. The coordinates will be [t0,b0,r0],[t0,b0,r1],[t0,b0,r2],... [t0,b1,r0],[t0,b1,r1], ... [t1,b0,r0],[t1,b0,r1],...[t1,b1,r0]... Inputs Sphere_Coords - A Nlocx3 array of the spherical coordinates of the input data. timein - A Ntbegx2 numpy array with the start and stop times of the input data. configfile - The ini file used for the simulation configuration. vel - A NlocxNtx3 numpy array of velocity. Outputs outmat - A list of matricies or a single matrix that is the forward between physical space to the discrete samples space of the radar. blocks - A tuple that holds the number of block matricies in overall forward operator. blocksize - A tuple that holds the shape of the outmatrix size. blockloc - An Ntout x Ntbeg array that holds the corresponding spatial forward model. """ # (sensdict,simparams) = readconfigfile(configfile) timeout = simparams['Timevec'] Tint = simparams['Tint'] timeout = np.column_stack((timeout,timeout+Tint)) +timein[0,0] rng_bin=sensdict['t_s']*v_C_0*1e-3/2. angles = simparams['angles'] Nbeams = len(angles) rng_vec2 = simparams['Rangegatesfinal'] nrgout = len(rng_vec2) pulse=simparams['Pulse'] p_samps = pulse.shape[0] rng_len=p_samps*rng_bin Nlocbeg = Cart_Coords.shape[0] Nlocout= Nbeams*nrgout Ntbeg = len(timein) Ntout = len(timeout) if vel is None: vel=np.zeros((Nlocbeg,Ntbeg,3)) # determine the overlaps # change blockloc_in = [[i*Nlocbeg,(i+1)*Nlocbeg] for i in range(Ntout)] blockloc_out = [[i*Nlocout,(i+1)*Nlocout] for i in range(Ntout)] blockloc = [blockloc_in,blockloc_out] # set up blocks blocksize = (Ntout*Nbeams*nrgout,Nlocbeg*Ntout) # make the matrix outmat = np.sparse.lil_matrix(blocksize,dtype =np.float64) overlaps={} if mattype.lower()=='real': cor_ratio=.5 else: cor_ratio=1. for iton,ito in enumerate(timeout): overlaps[iton]=[] firstone=True for ix, x in enumerate(timein): if ( x[0]+1<ito[1] or ix==(Ntbeg-1)) and x[1]-1>ito[0]: # find the end of the data if ix ==Ntbeg-1: enp=ito[1] else: enp = np.minimum(ito[1],x[1]) stp = np.maximum(x[0],ito[0]) curvel=vel[:,0]*1e-3 # XXX This is just a quick fix curvel[:,-1]=0 if firstone: firstone=False t_0 = stp.copy() curdiff=np.zeros_like(vel[:,ix]) curdiff2=curdiff+float(enp-stp)*curvel else: # T_1=float(x[0]-t_0) t_0=stp.copy() curdiff= curdiff2 curdiff2=curdiff+float(enp-stp)*curvel #find amount of time for overlap ratio = float(enp-stp)/Tint # set up new coordinate system # The thee types of coordinates are as follows # The matrix type assumes that the matrix will be applied to the data. # The sim type if mattype.lower()=='matrix': newcoorsds1 = cart2sphere(Cart_Coords) newcoorsds2 = cart2sphere(Cart_Coords) elif mattype.lower=='real': newcoorsds1 = cart2sphere(Cart_Coords+curdiff) newcoorsds2 = cart2sphere(Cart_Coords+curdiff2) else: newcoorsds1 = cart2sphere(Cart_Coords+curdiff) newcoorsds2 = cart2sphere(Cart_Coords+curdiff) overlaps[iton].append([ix,ratio,newcoorsds1,newcoorsds2]) # make the matrix for iton,ito in enumerate(timeout): cur_over = overlaps[iton] # if mattype=='matrix': # cur_over=[cur_over[0]] # cur_over[0][1]=1. beamnorm=np.ones(Nbeams*nrgout) for it_in,it_info in enumerate(cur_over): print('\t Making Input time {0:d} of {1:d}'.format(it_in,len(cur_over))) cur_it,cur_ratio,Sp1,Sp2 = it_info # if mattype.lower()=='sim': # cur_ratio=1. rho1 = Sp1[:,0] Az1 = Sp1[:,1] El1 = Sp1[:,2] rho2 = Sp2[:,0] Az2 = Sp2[:,1] El2 = Sp2[:,2] # get the weights weights1 = {ibn:sensdict['ArrayFunc'](Az1,El1,ib[0],ib[1],sensdict['Angleoffset']) for ibn, ib in enumerate(angles)} weights2 = {ibn:sensdict['ArrayFunc'](Az2,El2,ib[0],ib[1],sensdict['Angleoffset']) for ibn, ib in enumerate(angles)} for ibn in range(Nbeams): print('\t\t Making Beam {0:d} of {1:d}'.format(ibn,Nbeams)) weight1 = weights1[ibn] weight2 = weights2[ibn] for isamp in range(nrgout): # make the row irow = ibn + isamp*Nbeams + Nbeams*nrgout*iton range_g = rng_vec2[isamp] rnglims = [range_g-rng_len/2.,range_g+rng_len/2.] # assume centered lag product. rangelog = ((rho1>=rnglims[0])&(rho1<rnglims[1])) # This is a nearest neighbors interpolation for the spectrums in the range domain if np.sum(rangelog)==0: minrng = np.argmin(np.absolute(range_g-rho1)) rangelog[minrng] = True #create the weights and weight location based on the beams pattern. weight_cur = weight1[rangelog] # fix averaging problems if it_in==0: beamnorm[ibn + isamp*Nbeams]=weight_cur.sum() weight_cur = weight_cur/beamnorm[ibn + isamp*Nbeams] icols = np.where(rangelog)[0] + Nlocbeg*iton # icols = np.where(rangelog)[0] + Nlocbeg*cur_it weights_final = weight_cur*range_g**2/rho1[rangelog]**2 outmat[irow,icols] = weights_final*cur_ratio*cor_ratio+outmat[irow,icols] if mattype.lower()=='real': # assume centered lag product. rangelog = ((rho2>=rnglims[0])&(rho2<rnglims[1])) # This is a nearest neighbors interpolation for the spectrums in the range domain if np.sum(rangelog)==0: minrng = np.argmin(np.absolute(range_g-rho2)) rangelog[minrng] = True #create the weights and weight location based on the beams pattern. weight_cur =weight2[rangelog] weight_cur = weight_cur//beamnorm[ibn + isamp*Nbeams] # icols = np.where(rangelog)[0]+ Nlocbeg*cur_it icols = np.where(rangelog)[0]+ Nlocbeg*iton weights_final = weight_cur*range_g**2/rho2[rangelog]**2 outmat[irow,icols] = weights_final*cur_ratio*cor_ratio+outmat[irow,icols] return(outmat,overlaps,blockloc)
def makematPA(Sphere_Coords, Cart_Coords, timein, configfile, vel=None, mattype='matrix'): """Make a Ntimeout*Nbeam*Nrng x Ntime*Nloc sparse matrix for the space time operator. The output space will have range repeated first, then beams then time. The coordinates will be [t0,b0,r0],[t0,b0,r1],[t0,b0,r2],... [t0,b1,r0],[t0,b1,r1], ... [t1,b0,r0],[t1,b0,r1],...[t1,b1,r0]... Inputs Sphere_Coords - A Nlocx3 array of the spherical coordinates of the input data. timein - A Ntbegx2 numpy array with the start and stop times of the input data. configfile - The ini file used for the simulation configuration. vel - A NlocxNtx3 numpy array of velocity. Outputs outmat - A list of matricies or a single matrix that is the forward between physical space to the discrete samples space of the radar. blocks - A tuple that holds the number of block matricies in overall forward operator. blocksize - A tuple that holds the shape of the outmatrix size. blockloc - An Ntout x Ntbeg array that holds the corresponding spatial forward model. """ # (sensdict, simparams) = readconfigfile(configfile) timeout = simparams['Timevec'] Tint = simparams['Tint'] timeout = np.column_stack((timeout, timeout + Tint)) + timein[0, 0] rng_bin = sensdict['t_s'] * v_C_0 * 1e-3 / 2. angles = simparams['angles'] Nbeams = len(angles) rng_vec2 = simparams['Rangegatesfinal'] nrgout = len(rng_vec2) pulse = simparams['Pulse'] p_samps = pulse.shape[0] rng_len = p_samps * rng_bin Nlocbeg = Cart_Coords.shape[0] Nlocout = Nbeams * nrgout Ntbeg = len(timein) Ntout = len(timeout) if vel is None: vel = np.zeros((Nlocbeg, Ntbeg, 3)) # determine the overlaps # change blockloc_in = [[i * Nlocbeg, (i + 1) * Nlocbeg] for i in range(Ntout)] blockloc_out = [[i * Nlocout, (i + 1) * Nlocout] for i in range(Ntout)] blockloc = [blockloc_in, blockloc_out] # set up blocks blocksize = (Ntout * Nbeams * nrgout, Nlocbeg * Ntout) # make the matrix outmat = np.sparse.lil_matrix(blocksize, dtype=np.float64) overlaps = {} if mattype.lower() == 'real': cor_ratio = .5 else: cor_ratio = 1. for iton, ito in enumerate(timeout): overlaps[iton] = [] firstone = True for ix, x in enumerate(timein): if (x[0] + 1 < ito[1] or ix == (Ntbeg - 1)) and x[1] - 1 > ito[0]: # find the end of the data if ix == Ntbeg - 1: enp = ito[1] else: enp = np.minimum(ito[1], x[1]) stp = np.maximum(x[0], ito[0]) curvel = vel[:, 0] * 1e-3 # XXX This is just a quick fix curvel[:, -1] = 0 if firstone: firstone = False t_0 = stp.copy() curdiff = np.zeros_like(vel[:, ix]) curdiff2 = curdiff + float(enp - stp) * curvel else: # T_1=float(x[0]-t_0) t_0 = stp.copy() curdiff = curdiff2 curdiff2 = curdiff + float(enp - stp) * curvel #find amount of time for overlap ratio = float(enp - stp) / Tint # set up new coordinate system # The thee types of coordinates are as follows # The matrix type assumes that the matrix will be applied to the data. # The sim type if mattype.lower() == 'matrix': newcoorsds1 = cart2sphere(Cart_Coords) newcoorsds2 = cart2sphere(Cart_Coords) elif mattype.lower == 'real': newcoorsds1 = cart2sphere(Cart_Coords + curdiff) newcoorsds2 = cart2sphere(Cart_Coords + curdiff2) else: newcoorsds1 = cart2sphere(Cart_Coords + curdiff) newcoorsds2 = cart2sphere(Cart_Coords + curdiff) overlaps[iton].append([ix, ratio, newcoorsds1, newcoorsds2]) # make the matrix for iton, ito in enumerate(timeout): cur_over = overlaps[iton] # if mattype=='matrix': # cur_over=[cur_over[0]] # cur_over[0][1]=1. beamnorm = np.ones(Nbeams * nrgout) for it_in, it_info in enumerate(cur_over): print('\t Making Input time {0:d} of {1:d}'.format( it_in, len(cur_over))) cur_it, cur_ratio, Sp1, Sp2 = it_info # if mattype.lower()=='sim': # cur_ratio=1. rho1 = Sp1[:, 0] Az1 = Sp1[:, 1] El1 = Sp1[:, 2] rho2 = Sp2[:, 0] Az2 = Sp2[:, 1] El2 = Sp2[:, 2] # get the weights weights1 = { ibn: sensdict['ArrayFunc'](Az1, El1, ib[0], ib[1], sensdict['Angleoffset']) for ibn, ib in enumerate(angles) } weights2 = { ibn: sensdict['ArrayFunc'](Az2, El2, ib[0], ib[1], sensdict['Angleoffset']) for ibn, ib in enumerate(angles) } for ibn in range(Nbeams): print('\t\t Making Beam {0:d} of {1:d}'.format(ibn, Nbeams)) weight1 = weights1[ibn] weight2 = weights2[ibn] for isamp in range(nrgout): # make the row irow = ibn + isamp * Nbeams + Nbeams * nrgout * iton range_g = rng_vec2[isamp] rnglims = [range_g - rng_len / 2., range_g + rng_len / 2.] # assume centered lag product. rangelog = ((rho1 >= rnglims[0]) & (rho1 < rnglims[1])) # This is a nearest neighbors interpolation for the spectrums in the range domain if np.sum(rangelog) == 0: minrng = np.argmin(np.absolute(range_g - rho1)) rangelog[minrng] = True #create the weights and weight location based on the beams pattern. weight_cur = weight1[rangelog] # fix averaging problems if it_in == 0: beamnorm[ibn + isamp * Nbeams] = weight_cur.sum() weight_cur = weight_cur / beamnorm[ibn + isamp * Nbeams] icols = np.where(rangelog)[0] + Nlocbeg * iton # icols = np.where(rangelog)[0] + Nlocbeg*cur_it weights_final = weight_cur * range_g**2 / rho1[rangelog]**2 outmat[ irow, icols] = weights_final * cur_ratio * cor_ratio + outmat[ irow, icols] if mattype.lower() == 'real': # assume centered lag product. rangelog = ((rho2 >= rnglims[0]) & (rho2 < rnglims[1])) # This is a nearest neighbors interpolation for the spectrums in the range domain if np.sum(rangelog) == 0: minrng = np.argmin(np.absolute(range_g - rho2)) rangelog[minrng] = True #create the weights and weight location based on the beams pattern. weight_cur = weight2[rangelog] weight_cur = weight_cur // beamnorm[ibn + isamp * Nbeams] # icols = np.where(rangelog)[0]+ Nlocbeg*cur_it icols = np.where(rangelog)[0] + Nlocbeg * iton weights_final = weight_cur * range_g**2 / rho2[ rangelog]**2 outmat[ irow, icols] = weights_final * cur_ratio * cor_ratio + outmat[ irow, icols] return (outmat, overlaps, blockloc)
def runfitter(paramdict, SNR, n_pulses, n_runs, Niratio, x_0=SVALS): """ paramdict """ data = SIMVALUES z = sp.linspace(50., 1e3, 50) nz = len(z) params = sp.tile(data[sp.newaxis, sp.newaxis, :, :], (nz, 1, 1, 1)) coords = sp.column_stack((sp.ones(nz), sp.ones(nz), z)) species = ['O+', 'e-'] times = sp.array([[0, 1e9]]) vel = sp.zeros((nz, 1, 3)) (sensdict, simparams) = readconfigfile(defcon) species = paramdict['species'] nspecies = len(species) ni = nspecies-1 Icont1 = IonoContainer(coordlist=coords, paramlist=params, times=times, sensor_loc=sp.zeros(3), ver=0, coordvecs=['x', 'y', 'z'], paramnames=None, species=species, velocity=vel) omeg, outspecs = specfuncs.ISRSspecmake(Icont1, sensdict, int(simparams['numpoints'])) tau, acf = spect2acf(omeg, outspecs) t_log = sp.logical_and(tau<simparams['Pulselength'],tau>=0) plen = t_log.sum() amb_dict = simparams['amb_dict'] amb_mat_flat = sp.zeros_like(amb_dict['WttMatrix']) eyemat = sp.eye(plen) amb_mat_flat[:plen, t_log] = eyemat fitmode = simparams['fitmode'] simparams['amb_dict']['WttMatrix'] = amb_mat_flat Nloc, Nt = acf.shape[:2] # output Files fittedarray = sp.zeros((Nloc, Nt, nparams+1))*sp.nan fittederror = sp.zeros((Nloc, Nt, nparams+1))*sp.nan fittedcov = sp.zeros((Nloc, Nt, 4, 4))*sp.nan funcevals = sp.zeros((Nloc, Nt)) for iloc, ilocvec in acf: for itn, iacf in ilocvec: curlag =, iacf) std_lag = sp.absolute(curlag)(1.+1./SNR)/sp.sqrt(n_pulses) covar_lag = sp.diag(sp.power(std_lag,2.)) curlag = curlag + std_lag*sp.random.randn(curlag.shape) d_func = (curlag, sensdict, simparams, Niratio) # Only fit Ti, Te, Ne and Vi # change variables because of new fit mode # Perform the fitting optresults = scipy.optimize.least_squares(fun=specfuncs.ISRSfitfunction, x0=x_0, method='lm', verbose=0, args=d_func) x_res = optresults.x.real # Derive data for the ions using output from the fitter and ion # species ratios which are assumed to be given. ionstuff = sp.zeros(ni*2-1) ionstuff[:2*ni:2] = x_res[1]*Niratio ionstuff[1:2*ni-1:2] = x_res[0] # change variables because of new fit mode if fitmode == 1: x_res[2] = x_res[2]*x_res[0] fittedarray[iloc, itn] = sp.append(ionstuff, sp.append(x_res, Ne_start[iloc, itime])) funcevals[iloc, itn] = optresults.nfev # fittedarray[iloc,itime] = sp.append(optresults.x,Ne_start[iloc,itime]) resid = optresults.cost jac = optresults.jac # combine the rows because of the complex conjugates jacc = jac[0::2]+jac[1::2] try: # Derive covariances for the ions using output from the fitter and ion species ratios which are assumed to be given. #covf = sp.linalg.inv(,jac))*resid/dof covf = sp.linalg.inv(, sp.linalg.inv(covar_lag)), jacc)) # change variables because of new fit mode if fitmode == 1: # is this right? covf[2] = covf[2]*x_res[0] covf[:,2] = covf[:,2]*x_res[0] vars_vec = sp.diag(covf).real ionstuff = sp.zeros(ni*2-1) ionstuff[:2*ni:2] = vars_vec[1]*Niratio ionstuff[1:2*ni-1:2] = vars_vec[0] vars_vec = sp.append(ionstuff, vars_vec) fittedcov[iloc, itn] = covf except:#sp.linalg.LinAlgError('singular matrix'): vars_vec = sp.ones(nparams)*float('nan') # if len(vars_vec)<fittederror.shape[-1]-1: # pdb.set_trace() fittederror[iloc, itn, :-1] = vars_vec return(fittedarray, fittederror, funcevals, fittedcov)
if basedir.lower() == 'all': basedirlist = glob.glob(os.path.join(curpath,'exp_width_*')) else: basedirlist = basedir.split() if 'paramsweep' in funcnamelist: parametersweep(basedir,configfile,acfdir=acffolder,invtype=invtype) funcnamelist.remove('paramsweep') if 'invertdata' in funcnamelist: runinversion(basedir,configfile,acfdir=acffolder,invtype=invtype) funcnamelist.remove('invertdata') if 'origdata' in funcnamelist: funcnamelist.remove('origdata') makedirs = True (sensdict,simparams) = readconfigfile(configfile) azangles = [iang[0] for iang in simparams['angles']] meanaz = sp.mean(azangles) for ibase in basedirlist: makeline(ibase,meanaz,linewidth=lw,multval = mult) if 'all' in funcnamelist: funcnamelist=['spectrums','applymat','fittingmat','plotting'] plotboolin = False plotboolout= False ploterror=False plotmat=False
def plotpercenterror(testdir,imgdir,config,wtimes=False,fitpath='Fitted',fitfile='fitteddata.h5'): """ This will plot all of the fitted data with each time step as a pcolor images of electron density and electron density from power mesurements. Inputs testdir - The directory with the input data in h5 files formated for the ionocontainer structure. imgdir - The directory that holds the images. """ (sensdict,simparams)=readconfigfile(config) tvec = simparams['Timevec'] filetemplate = 'fitteddataerrorpercent' if os.path.exists(imgdir): imgfiles = glob.glob(os.path.join(imgdir,'*'+filetemplate+'.png')) for imgf in imgfiles: os.remove(imgf) else: os.mkdir(imgdir) filename = os.path.join(testdir,fitpath,fitfile) iono = IonoContainer.readh5(filename) Iono1 = GeoData(readIono,[iono]) rngrdr =Iono1.dataloc[:,0].astype('float32') sign1 = sp.sign(Iono1.dataloc[:,1]) el = Iono1.dataloc[:,2].astype('float32') elvec,elinv = sp.unique(el,return_inverse=True) nbeams = len(elvec) nrg = len(rngrdr)/nbeams nt = Iono1.times.shape[0] Rngrdrmat = sp.reshape(rngrdr,(nrg,nbeams)) Signmat = sp.reshape(sign1,(nrg,nbeams)) Elmat = sp.reshape(el,(nrg,nbeams)) permin,permax=[0.,100.] Xmat = Rngrdrmat*Signmat*sp.cos(Elmat*sp.pi/180.) Zmat = Rngrdrmat*sp.sin(Elmat*sp.pi/180.) Ne =['Ne'].reshape(nrg,nbeams,nt) Ti =['Ti'].reshape(nrg,nbeams,nt) Te =['Te'].reshape(nrg,nbeams,nt) nNe = 100.*['nNe'].reshape(nrg,nbeams,nt)/Ne nTe = 100.*['nTe'].reshape(nrg,nbeams,nt)/Te nTi = 100.*['nTi'].reshape(nrg,nbeams,nt)/Ti imcount=0 dsetname = os.path.split(os.path.dirname(testdir))[-1] print "Plotting Output error data for "+dsetname if 'perryplane' in testdir.lower(): xlim = [-200.,360.] xticks = [-150.,0.,150.,300.] allparams=True ncols=3 figsize = (15,7) else: xlim = [0.,400.] xticks = [0.,150.,300] allparams = False ncols=1 figsize = (5,7) ylim = [100.,500] for itimen,itime in enumerate(Iono1.times): print "{0} Output for {1} of {2}".format(dsetname,itimen,len(Iono1.times)) Nemat = nNe[:,:,itimen] Timat = nTi[:,:,itimen] Temat = nTe[:,:,itimen] fig ,axmat= plt.subplots(nrows=1,ncols=ncols,facecolor='w',figsize=figsize,sharey=True) if allparams: avec=axmat.flatten() else: avec=[axmat][0]) avec[0].set_xlabel('X Plane in km',fontsize=fs) avec[0].set_ylabel('Alt in km',fontsize=fs) pc1 = avec[0].pcolor(Xmat,Zmat,Nemat,cmap = defmap,vmin=permin,vmax=permax) plt.tick_params(labelsize=16) plt.xticks(xticks) avec[0].set_xlim(xlim) avec[0].set_ylim(ylim) avec[0].set_title('Electron Density % Error',fontsize=fs) tick_locator = ticker.MaxNLocator(nbins=5) cb1 = plt.colorbar(pc1, ax=avec[0])'top'),fontsize=fscb) cb1.locator = tick_locator cb1.update_ticks() if allparams:[1]) plt.tick_params(labelsize=16) plt.xticks(xticks) avec[1].set_xlabel('X Plane in km',fontsize=fs) pc2 = avec[1].pcolor(Xmat,Zmat,Temat,cmap = defmap,vmin=permin,vmax=permax) avec[1].set_xlim(xlim) avec[1].set_ylim(ylim) avec[1].set_title('Electron Temperature % Error',fontsize=fs) cb2 = plt.colorbar(pc2, ax=avec[1])'top'),fontsize=fscb) cb2.locator = tick_locator cb2.update_ticks()[2]) plt.xticks(xticks) plt.tick_params(labelsize=16) avec[2].set_xlabel('X Plane in km',fontsize=fs) pc3 = avec[2].pcolor(Xmat,Zmat,Timat,cmap = defmap,vmin=permin,vmax=permax) avec[2].set_xlim(xlim) avec[2].set_ylim(ylim) avec[2].set_title('Ion Temperature % Error',fontsize=fs) cb3 = plt.colorbar(pc3, ax=avec[2])'top'),fontsize=fscb) cb3.locator = tick_locator cb3.update_ticks() plt.tight_layout() if wtimes: plt.subplots_adjust(top=0.9) spti = fig.suptitle('Percent Error at {0} seconds'.format(int(tvec[itimen])),fontsize=24) fname= '{0:0>3}_'.format(imcount)+filetemplate+'.png' plt.savefig(os.path.join(imgdir,fname),dpi=300) imcount=imcount+1 plt.close(fig)
def fitcheck(repall=[100]): x_0=sp.array([[[ 1.00000000e+11, 2.00000000e+03], [ 1.00000000e+11, 2.00000000e+03]], [[ 5.00000000e+11, 2.00000000e+03], [ 5.00000000e+11, 2.00000000e+03]], [[ 1.00000000e+11, 3.00000000e+03], [ 1.00000000e+11, 2.00000000e+03]], [[ 1.00000000e+11, 2.00000000e+03], [ 1.00000000e+11, 3.00000000e+03]]]) sns.set_style("whitegrid") sns.set_context("notebook") x_0_red = x_0[0].flatten() x_0_red[-2]=x_0_red[-1] x_0_red[-1]=0. configfile = 'statsbase.ini' (sensdict,simparams) = readconfigfile(configfile) ambdict = simparams['amb_dict'] pulse = simparams['Pulse'] l_p = len(pulse) Nlags = l_p lagv = sp.arange(l_p) ntypes = x_0.shape[0] nspec = 128 nrg = 64 des_pnt = 16 ISpec = ISRSpectrum(nspec=nspec,sampfreq=50e3) species = ['O+','e-'] spvtime=sp.zeros((ntypes,nspec)) lablist =['Normal','E-Ne','E-Ti','E-Te'] v_i = 0 fitfunc=ISRSfitfunction sumrule = simparams['SUMRULE'] Nrg1 = nrg+1-l_p minrg = -sumrule[0].min() maxrg = Nrg1-sumrule[1].max() Nrg2 = maxrg-minrg for i in range(ntypes): f,curspec,rcs = ISpec.getspecsep(x_0[i],species,v_i,rcsflag=True) specsum = sp.absolute(curspec).sum() spvtime[i] = rcs*curspec*nspec**2/specsum acforig = scfft.ifft(scfft.ifftshift(spvtime,axes=1),axis=1)/nspec acfamb =['WttMatrix'],scfft.fftshift(acforig,axes=1).transpose()).transpose() specamb = scfft.fftshift(scfft.fft(acfamb,n=nspec,axis=1),axes=1) fig, axmat = plt.subplots(2,2) axvec=axmat.flatten() figs,axmats = plt.subplots(2,2) axvecs = axmats.flatten() for i in range(ntypes): ax=axvec[i] ax.plot(lagv,acfamb[i].real,label='Input') ax.set_title(lablist[i]) axs=axvecs[i] axs.plot(f*1e-3,specamb[i].real,label='Input',linewidth=4) axs.set_title(lablist[i]) for irep, rep1 in enumerate(repall): rawdata = sp.zeros((ntypes,rep1,nrg),dtype=sp.complex128) acfest = sp.zeros((ntypes,Nrg1,l_p),dtype=rawdata.dtype) acfestsr = sp.zeros((ntypes,Nrg2,l_p),dtype=rawdata.dtype) specest = sp.zeros((ntypes,nspec),dtype=rawdata.dtype) for i in range(ntypes): for j in range(nrg-(l_p-1)): rawdata[i,:,j:j+l_p] = MakePulseDataRepLPC(pulse,spvtime[i],20,rep1)+rawdata[i,:,j:j+l_p] acfest[i]=CenteredLagProduct(rawdata[i],pulse=pulse)/(rep1) for irngnew,irng in enumerate(sp.arange(minrg,maxrg)): for ilag in range(Nlags): acfestsr[i][irngnew,ilag] = acfest[i][irng+sumrule[0,ilag]:irng+sumrule[1,ilag]+1,ilag].mean(axis=0) ax=axvec[i] ax.plot(lagv,acfestsr[i,des_pnt].real/l_p,label='Np = {0}'.format(rep1)) if irep==len(repall)-1: ax.legend() specest[i] = scfft.fftshift(scfft.fft(acfestsr[i,des_pnt],n=nspec)) axs=axvecs[i] axs.plot(f*1e-3,specest[i].real/l_p,label='Np = {0}'.format(rep1),linewidth=4) if irep==len(repall)-1: axs.legend() print('Parameters fitted after {0} pulses'.format(rep1)) print('Ni Ti Te Vi') for i in range(ntypes): d_func = (acfestsr[i,des_pnt]/l_p,sensdict,simparams) (x,cov_x,infodict,mesg,ier) = scipy.optimize.leastsq(func=fitfunc, x0=x_0_red,args=d_func,full_output=True) print(x) print(' ') fig.suptitle('ACF with Sum Rule') fig.savefig('pulsetestacf.png',dpi=400) plt.close(fig) figs.suptitle('Spectrum Full Array') figs.savefig('pulsetestspec.png',dpi=400) plt.close(figs)
def fitcheck(repall=[100]): x_0 = sp.array([[[1.00000000e+11, 2.00000000e+03], [1.00000000e+11, 2.00000000e+03]], [[5.00000000e+11, 2.00000000e+03], [5.00000000e+11, 2.00000000e+03]], [[1.00000000e+11, 3.00000000e+03], [1.00000000e+11, 2.00000000e+03]], [[1.00000000e+11, 2.00000000e+03], [1.00000000e+11, 3.00000000e+03]]]) sns.set_style("whitegrid") sns.set_context("notebook") x_0_red = x_0[0].flatten() x_0_red[-2] = x_0_red[-1] x_0_red[-1] = 0. configfile = 'statsbase.ini' (sensdict, simparams) = readconfigfile(configfile) ambdict = simparams['amb_dict'] pulse = simparams['Pulse'] l_p = len(pulse) Nlags = l_p lagv = sp.arange(l_p) ntypes = x_0.shape[0] nspec = 128 nrg = 64 des_pnt = 16 ISpec = ISRSpectrum(nspec=nspec, sampfreq=50e3) species = ['O+', 'e-'] spvtime = sp.zeros((ntypes, nspec)) lablist = ['Normal', 'E-Ne', 'E-Ti', 'E-Te'] v_i = 0 fitfunc = ISRSfitfunction sumrule = simparams['SUMRULE'] Nrg1 = nrg + 1 - l_p minrg = -sumrule[0].min() maxrg = Nrg1 - sumrule[1].max() Nrg2 = maxrg - minrg for i in range(ntypes): f, curspec, rcs = ISpec.getspecsep(x_0[i], species, v_i, rcsflag=True) specsum = sp.absolute(curspec).sum() spvtime[i] = rcs * curspec * nspec**2 / specsum acforig = scfft.ifft(scfft.ifftshift(spvtime, axes=1), axis=1) / nspec acfamb =['WttMatrix'], scfft.fftshift(acforig, axes=1).transpose()).transpose() specamb = scfft.fftshift(scfft.fft(acfamb, n=nspec, axis=1), axes=1) fig, axmat = plt.subplots(2, 2) axvec = axmat.flatten() figs, axmats = plt.subplots(2, 2) axvecs = axmats.flatten() for i in range(ntypes): ax = axvec[i] ax.plot(lagv, acfamb[i].real, label='Input') ax.set_title(lablist[i]) axs = axvecs[i] axs.plot(f * 1e-3, specamb[i].real, label='Input', linewidth=4) axs.set_title(lablist[i]) for irep, rep1 in enumerate(repall): rawdata = sp.zeros((ntypes, rep1, nrg), dtype=sp.complex128) acfest = sp.zeros((ntypes, Nrg1, l_p), dtype=rawdata.dtype) acfestsr = sp.zeros((ntypes, Nrg2, l_p), dtype=rawdata.dtype) specest = sp.zeros((ntypes, nspec), dtype=rawdata.dtype) for i in range(ntypes): for j in range(nrg - (l_p - 1)): rawdata[i, :, j:j + l_p] = MakePulseDataRepLPC( pulse, spvtime[i], 20, rep1) + rawdata[i, :, j:j + l_p] acfest[i] = CenteredLagProduct(rawdata[i], pulse=pulse) / (rep1) for irngnew, irng in enumerate(sp.arange(minrg, maxrg)): for ilag in range(Nlags): acfestsr[i][irngnew, ilag] = acfest[i][irng + sumrule[0, ilag]:irng + sumrule[1, ilag] + 1, ilag].mean(axis=0) ax = axvec[i] ax.plot(lagv, acfestsr[i, des_pnt].real / l_p, label='Np = {0}'.format(rep1)) if irep == len(repall) - 1: ax.legend() specest[i] = scfft.fftshift( scfft.fft(acfestsr[i, des_pnt], n=nspec)) axs = axvecs[i] axs.plot(f * 1e-3, specest[i].real / l_p, label='Np = {0}'.format(rep1), linewidth=4) if irep == len(repall) - 1: axs.legend() print('Parameters fitted after {0} pulses'.format(rep1)) print('Ni Ti Te Vi') for i in range(ntypes): d_func = (acfestsr[i, des_pnt] / l_p, sensdict, simparams) (x, cov_x, infodict, mesg, ier) = scipy.optimize.leastsq(func=fitfunc, x0=x_0_red, args=d_func, full_output=True) print(x) print(' ') fig.suptitle('ACF with Sum Rule') fig.savefig('pulsetestacf.png', dpi=400) plt.close(fig) figs.suptitle('Spectrum Full Array') figs.savefig('pulsetestspec.png', dpi=400) plt.close(figs)
def __init__(self, ionoin, configfile, timein=None, mattype='matrix'): """ This will create the RadarSpaceTimeOperator object. Inputs ionoin - The input ionocontainer. This can be either an string that is a ionocontainer file, a list of ionocontainer objects or a list a strings to ionocontainer files. config - The ini file that used to set up the simulation. timein - A Ntx2 numpy array of times. RSTOPinv - The inverse operator object. invmat - The inverse matrix to the original operator. """ mattype = mattype.lower() accepttypes = ['matrix', 'sim', 'real'] if not mattype in accepttypes: raise ValueError('Matrix type can only be {0}'.format( ', '.join(accepttypes))) d2r = np.pi / 180.0 (sensdict, simparams) = readconfigfile(configfile) # determine if the input ionocontainer is a string, a list of strings or a list of ionocontainers. ionoin = makeionocombined(ionoin) #Input location self.Cart_Coords_In = ionoin.Cart_Coords self.Sphere_Coords_In = ionoin.Sphere_Coords # Set the input times if timein is None: self.Time_In = ionoin.Time_Vector else: self.Time_In = timein #Create an array of output location based off of the inputs rng_vec2 = simparams['Rangegatesfinal'] nrgout = len(rng_vec2) angles = simparams['angles'] nang = len(angles) ang_data = np.array([[iout[0], iout[1]] for iout in angles]) rng_all = np.repeat(rng_vec2, (nang), axis=0) ang_all = np.tile(ang_data, (nrgout, 1)) self.Sphere_Coords_Out = np.column_stack((rng_all, ang_all)) (R_vec, Az_vec, El_vec) = (self.Sphere_Coords_Out[:, 0], self.Sphere_Coords_Out[:, 1], self.Sphere_Coords_Out[:, 2]) xvecmult = np.sin(Az_vec * d2r) * np.cos(El_vec * d2r) yvecmult = np.cos(Az_vec * d2r) * np.cos(El_vec * d2r) zvecmult = np.sin(El_vec * d2r) X_vec = R_vec * xvecmult Y_vec = R_vec * yvecmult Z_vec = R_vec * zvecmult self.Cart_Coords_Out = np.column_stack((X_vec, Y_vec, Z_vec)) self.Time_Out = np.column_stack( (simparams['Timevec'], simparams['Timevec'] + simparams['Tint'])) + self.Time_In[0, 0] self.simparams = simparams self.sensdict = sensdict self.lagmat = self.simparams['amb_dict']['WttMatrix'] self.mattype = mattype # create the matrix (self.RSTMat, self.overlaps, self.blocklocs) = makematPA(ionoin.Sphere_Coords, ionoin.Cart_Coords, ionoin.Time_Vector, configfile, ionoin.Velocity, mattype)
def __init__(self, Ionodict, inifile, outdir, outfilelist=None): """ This function will create an instance of the RadarData class. It will take in the values and create the class and make raw IQ data. Inputs: sensdict - A dictionary of sensor parameters angles - A list of tuples which the first position is the az angle and the second position is the el angle. IPP - The interpulse period in seconds represented as a float. Tint - The integration time in seconds as a float. This will be the integration time of all of the beams. time_lim - The length of time of the simulation the number of time points will be calculated. pulse - A numpy array that represents the pulse shape. rng_lims - A numpy array of length 2 that holds the min and max range that the radar will cover. """ (sensdict, simparams) = readconfigfile(inifile) self.simparams = simparams N_angles = len(self.simparams['angles']) NNs = int(self.simparams['NNs']) self.sensdict = sensdict Npall = sp.floor(self.simparams['TimeLim']/self.simparams['IPP']) Npall = int(sp.floor(Npall/N_angles)*N_angles) Np = Npall/N_angles print("All spectrums created already") filetimes = Ionodict.keys() filetimes.sort() ftimes = sp.array(filetimes) simdtype = self.simparams['dtype'] pulsetimes = sp.arange(Npall)*self.simparams['IPP'] +ftimes.min() pulsefile = sp.array([sp.where(itimes-ftimes >= 0)[0][-1] for itimes in pulsetimes]) # differentiate between phased arrays and dish antennas if sensdict['Name'].lower() in ['risr', 'pfisr', 'risr-n']: beams = sp.tile(sp.arange(N_angles), Npall/N_angles) else: # for dish arrays brate = simparams['beamrate'] beams2 = sp.repeat(sp.arange(N_angles), brate) beam3 = sp.concatenate((beams2, beams2[::-1])) ntile = int(sp.ceil(Npall/len(beam3))) leftover = int(Npall-ntile*len(beam3)) if ntile > 0: beams = sp.tile(beam3, ntile) beams = sp.concatenate((beams, beam3[:leftover])) else: beams = beam3[:leftover] pulsen = sp.repeat(sp.arange(Np), N_angles) pt_list = [] pb_list = [] pn_list = [] fname_list = [] self.datadir = outdir self.maindir = outdir.parent self.procdir = self.maindir/'ACF' Nf = len(filetimes) progstr = 'Data from {:d} of {:d} being processed Name: {:s}.' if outfilelist is None: print('\nData Now being created.') Noisepwr = v_Boltz*sensdict['Tsys']*sensdict['BandWidth'] self.outfilelist = [] for ifn, ifilet in enumerate(filetimes): outdict = {} ifile = Ionodict[ifilet] ifilename = Path(ifile).name update_progress(float(ifn)/Nf, progstr.format(ifn, Nf, ifilename)) curcontainer = IonoContainer.readh5(ifile) if ifn == 0: self.timeoffset = curcontainer.Time_Vector[0, 0] pnts = pulsefile == ifn pt = pulsetimes[pnts] pb = beams[pnts] pn = pulsen[pnts].astype(int) rawdata = self.__makeTime__(pt, curcontainer.Time_Vector, curcontainer.Sphere_Coords, curcontainer.Param_List, pb) d_shape = rawdata.shape n_tempr = sp.random.randn(*d_shape).astype(simdtype) n_tempi = 1j*sp.random.randn(*d_shape).astype(simdtype) noise = sp.sqrt(Noisepwr/2)*(n_tempr+n_tempi) outdict['AddedNoise'] = noise outdict['RawData'] = rawdata+noise outdict['RawDatanonoise'] = rawdata outdict['NoiseData'] = sp.sqrt(Noisepwr/2)*(sp.random.randn(len(pn), NNs).astype(simdtype)+ 1j*sp.random.randn(len(pn), NNs).astype(simdtype)) outdict['Pulses'] = pn outdict['Beams'] = pb outdict['Time'] = pt fname = '{0:d} RawData.h5'.format(ifn) newfn = self.datadir/fname self.outfilelist.append(str(newfn)) dict2h5(str(newfn), outdict) #Listing info pt_list.append(pt) pb_list.append(pb) pn_list.append(pn) fname_list.append(fname) infodict = {'Files':fname_list, 'Time':pt_list, 'Beams':pb_list, 'Pulses':pn_list} dict2h5(str(outdir.joinpath('INFO.h5')), infodict) else: infodict = h52dict(str(outdir.joinpath('INFO.h5'))) alltime = sp.hstack(infodict['Time']) self.timeoffset = alltime.min() self.outfilelist = outfilelist
def main(): (sensdict,simparams) = readconfigfile(inifile) simdtype = simparams['dtype'] sumrule = simparams['SUMRULE'] npts = simparams['numpoints'] amb_dict = simparams['amb_dict'] # for spectrum ISS2 = ISRSpectrum(centerFrequency = 440.2*1e6, bMag = 0.4e-4, nspec=npts, sampfreq=sensdict['fs'],dFlag=True) ti = 2e3 te = 2e3 Ne = 1e11 Ni = 1e11 datablock90 = sp.array([[Ni,ti],[Ne,te]]) species = simparams['species'] (omega,specorig,rcs) = ISS2.getspecsep(datablock90, species,rcsflag = True) cur_filt = sp.sqrt(scfft.ifftshift(specorig*npts*npts*rcs/specorig.sum())) #for data Nrep = 10000 pulse = sp.ones(14) lp_pnts = len(pulse) N_samps = 100 minrg = -sumrule[0].min() maxrg = N_samps+lp_pnts-sumrule[1].max() Nrng2 = maxrg-minrg; out_data = sp.zeros((Nrep,N_samps+lp_pnts),dtype=simdtype) samp_num = sp.arange(lp_pnts) for isamp in range(N_samps): cur_pnts = samp_num+isamp cur_pulse_data = MakePulseDataRep(pulse,cur_filt,rep=Nrep) out_data[:,cur_pnts] = cur_pulse_data+out_data[:,cur_pnts] lagsData = CenteredLagProduct(out_data,numtype=simdtype,pulse =pulse) lagsData=lagsData/Nrep # divide out the number of pulses summed Nlags = lagsData.shape[-1] lagsDatasum = sp.zeros((Nrng2,Nlags),dtype=lagsData.dtype) for irngnew,irng in enumerate(sp.arange(minrg,maxrg)): for ilag in range(Nlags): lagsDatasum[irngnew,ilag] = lagsData[irng+sumrule[0,ilag]:irng+sumrule[1,ilag]+1,ilag].mean(axis=0) lagsDatasum=lagsDatasum/lp_pnts # divide out the pulse length (tau,acf) = spect2acf(omega,specorig) # apply ambiguity function tauint = amb_dict['Delay'] acfinterp = sp.zeros(len(tauint),dtype=simdtype) acfinterp.real =spinterp.interp1d(tau,acf.real,bounds_error=0)(tauint) acfinterp.imag =spinterp.interp1d(tau,acf.imag,bounds_error=0)(tauint) # Apply the lag ambiguity function to the data guess_acf = sp.zeros(amb_dict['Wlag'].shape[0],dtype=sp.complex128) for i in range(amb_dict['Wlag'].shape[0]): guess_acf[i] = sp.sum(acfinterp*amb_dict['Wlag'][i]) # pdb.set_trace() guess_acf = guess_acf*rcs/guess_acf[0].real # fit to spectrums spec_interm = scfft.fftshift(scfft.fft(guess_acf,n=npts)) spec_final = spec_interm.real allspecs = scfft.fftshift(scfft.fft(lagsDatasum,n=len(spec_final),axis=-1),axes=-1) # allspecs = scfft.fftshift(scfft.fft(lagsDatasum,n=npts,axis=-1),axes=-1) fig = plt.figure() plt.plot(omega,spec_final.real,label='In',linewidth=5) plt.hold(True) plt.plot(omega,allspecs[40].real,label='Out',linewidth=5) plt.axis((omega.min(),omega.max(),0.0,2e11))