def main(input_str=None): args_commd = parse_command_line(input_str) if args_commd.path is None: curloc = Path(__file__).resolve() testpath = curloc.parent.parent/'Testdata'/'Barker' else: testpath = Path(args_commd.path) origparamsdir = testpath/'Origparams' testpath.mkdir(exist_ok=True,parents=True) print("Making a path for testdata at {}".format(testpath)) origparamsdir.mkdir(exist_ok=True,parents=True) print("Making a path for testdata at {}".format(origparamsdir)) makeconfigfilebarker(testpath) if args_commd.makeorigdata: Icont1 = MakeTestIonoclass(testv=True,testtemp=False,N_0=1e12,z_0=150.0,H_0=50.0) makeinputh5(Icont1,str(testpath)) Icont1.saveh5(str(origparamsdir.joinpath('0 testiono.h5'))) funcnamelist = args_commd.funclist failflag=runsim.main(funcnamelist,testpath,str(testpath.joinpath('barkertest.yml')),True) if not failflag: analysisdump(testpath,testpath.joinpath('barkertest.yml'))
def makehist(testpath, npulses): """ This functions are will create histogram from data made in the testpath. Inputs testpath - The path that the data is located. npulses - The number of pulses in the sim. """ sns.set_style("whitegrid") sns.set_context("notebook") params = ['Ne', 'Te', 'Ti', 'Vi'] pvals = [1e11, 2.1e3, 1.1e3, 0.] histlims = [[4e10, 2e11], [1200., 3000.], [300., 1900.], [-250., 250.]] erlims = [[-2e11, 2e11], [-1000., 1000.], [-800., -800], [-250., 250.]] erperlims = [[-100., 100.]] * 4 lims_list = [histlims, erlims, erperlims] errdict = makehistdata(params, testpath)[:4] ernames = ['Data', 'Error', 'Error Percent'] sig1 = sp.sqrt(1. / npulses) # Two dimensiontal histograms pcombos = [i for i in itertools.combinations(params, 2)] c_rows = int(math.ceil(float(len(pcombos)) / 2.)) (figmplf, axmat) = plt.subplots(c_rows, 2, figsize=(12, c_rows * 6), facecolor='w') axvec = axmat.flatten() for icomn, icom in enumerate(pcombos): curax = axvec[icomn] str1, str2 = icom _, _, _ = make2dhist(testpath, PARAMDICT[str1], PARAMDICT[str2], figmplf, curax) filetemplate = str(Path(testpath).joinpath('AnalysisPlots', 'TwoDDist')) plt.tight_layout() plt.subplots_adjust(top=0.95) figmplf.suptitle('Pulses: {0}'.format(npulses), fontsize=20) fname = filetemplate + '_{0:0>5}Pulses.png'.format(npulses) plt.savefig(fname) plt.close(figmplf) # One dimensiontal histograms for ierr, iername in enumerate(ernames): filetemplate = str(Path(testpath).joinpath('AnalysisPlots', iername)) (figmplf, axmat) = plt.subplots(2, 2, figsize=(20, 15), facecolor='w') axvec = axmat.flatten() for ipn, iparam in enumerate(params):[ipn]) if sp.any(sp.isinf(errdict[ierr][iparam])): continue binlims = lims_list[ierr][ipn] bins = sp.linspace(binlims[0], binlims[1], 100) histhand = sns.distplot(errdict[ierr][iparam], bins=bins, kde=True, rug=False) axvec[ipn].set_title(iparam) figmplf.suptitle(iername + ' Pulses: {0}'.format(npulses), fontsize=20) fname = filetemplate + '_{0:0>5}Pulses.png'.format(npulses) plt.savefig(fname) plt.close(figmplf)
def saveh5(self,filename): """ This method will save the instance of the class to a structured h5 file. Input: filename - A string for the file name. """ filename=Path(filename) if filename.is_file(): filename.unlink() vardict = vars(self) with tables.open_file(str(filename), mode = "w", title = "IonoContainer out.") as f: try: # XXX only allow 1 level of dictionaries, do not allow for dictionary of dictionaries. # Make group for each dictionary for cvar in vardict.keys(): #group = f.create_group(posixpath.sep, cvar,cvar +'dictionary') if type(vardict[cvar]) ==dict: # Check if dictionary dictkeys = vardict[cvar].keys() group2 = f.create_group('/',cvar,cvar+' dictionary') for ikeys in dictkeys: f.create_array(group2,ikeys,vardict[cvar][ikeys],'Static array') else: if not(vardict[cvar] is None): f.create_array('/',cvar,vardict[cvar],'Static array') except Exception as inst: print(type(inst)) print(inst.args) print(inst) raise NameError('Failed to write to h5 file.')
def makedata(testpath, tint): """ This will make the input data for the test case. The data will have cases where there will be enhancements in Ne, Ti and Te in one location. Each case will have 3 integration periods. The first 3 integration periods will be the default set of parameters Ne=Ne=1e11 and Te=Ti=2000. Inputs testpath - Directory that will hold the data. tint - The integration time in seconds. """ testpath = Path(testpath).expanduser() finalpath = testpath.joinpath('Origparams') if not finalpath.is_dir(): finalpath.mkdir() data = sp.array([[1e11, 1100.], [1e11, 2100.]]) z = (50. + sp.arange(50) * 10.) nz = len(z) params = sp.tile(data[sp.newaxis, sp.newaxis], (nz, 1, 1, 1)) epnt = range(20, 22) p2 = sp.tile(params, (1, 4, 1, 1)) #enhancement in Ne p2[epnt, 1, :, 0] = 5e11 #enhancement in Ti p2[epnt, 2, 0, 1] = 2200. #enhancement in Te p2[epnt, 3, 1, 1] = 4200. coords = sp.column_stack((sp.ones(nz), sp.ones(nz), z)) species = ['O+', 'e-'] times = sp.array([[0, 1e3]]) times2 = sp.column_stack((sp.arange(0, 4), sp.arange(1, 5))) * 3 * tint vel = sp.zeros((nz, 1, 3)) vel2 = sp.zeros((nz, 4, 3)) Icontstart = IonoContainer(coordlist=coords, paramlist=params, times=times, sensor_loc=sp.zeros(3), ver=0, coordvecs=['x', 'y', 'z'], paramnames=None, species=species, velocity=vel) Icont1 = IonoContainer(coordlist=coords, paramlist=p2, times=times2, sensor_loc=sp.zeros(3), ver=0, coordvecs=['x', 'y', 'z'], paramnames=None, species=species, velocity=vel2) finalfile = finalpath.joinpath('0 stats.h5') Icont1.saveh5(str(finalfile)) Icontstart.saveh5(str(testpath.joinpath('startfile.h5')))
def main(plist=None, functlist=['spectrums', 'radardata', 'fitting', 'analysis', 'stats'], datadir=None): """ This function will call other functions to create the input data, config file and run the radar data sim. The path for the simulation will be created in the Testdata directory in the SimISR module. The new folder will be called BasicTest. The simulation is a long pulse simulation will the desired number of pulses from the user. Inputs npulse - Number of pulses for the integration period, default==100. functlist - The list of functions for the SimISR to do. """ if plist is None: plist = sp.array([50, 100, 200, 500, 1000, 2000, 5000]) if isinstance(plist, list): plist = sp.array(plist) if datadir is None: curloc = Path(__file__).resolve().parent testpath = curloc.parent.joinpath('Testdata', 'StatsTest') else: datadir = Path(datadir) testpath = datadir testpath.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True) functlist_default = ['spectrums', 'radardata', 'fitting'] check_list = sp.array([i in functlist for i in functlist_default]) check_run = sp.any(check_list) functlist_red = sp.array(functlist_default)[check_list].tolist() allfolds = [] # rsystools = [] for ip in plist: foldname = 'Pulses_{:04d}'.format(ip) curfold = testpath.joinpath(foldname) allfolds.append(curfold) curfold.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True) configfilesetup(curfold, ip) makedata(curfold) config = curfold / 'stats.ini' # rtemp = RadarSys(sensdict,simparams['Rangegatesfinal'],ip) # rsystools.append(rtemp.rms(sp.array([1e12]),sp.array([2.5e3]),sp.array([2.5e3]))) if check_run: runsim(functlist_red, curfold, str(curfold.joinpath('stats.ini')), True) if 'analysis' in functlist: analysisdump(curfold, config, params=['Ne', 'Te', 'Ti', 'Vi']) if 'stats' in functlist: makehist(curfold, ip)
def main(): curloc = Path(__file__).resolve() testpath = curloc.parent.parent / 'Testdata' / 'Barker' origparamsdir = testpath / 'Origparams' pdb.set_trace() testpath.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True) print("Making a path for testdata at {}".format(testpath)) origparamsdir.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True) print("Making a path for testdata at {}".format(origparamsdir)) makeconfigfilebarker(testpath) Icont1 = MakeTestIonoclass(testv=True, testtemp=False, N_0=1e12, z_0=150.0, H_0=50.0) makeinputh5(Icont1, str(testpath)) Icont1.saveh5(str(origparamsdir.joinpath('0 testiono.h5'))) funcnamelist = ['spectrums', 'radardata', 'fitting'] failflag = runsim.main(funcnamelist, testpath, str(testpath.joinpath('barkertest.ini')), True) if not failflag: analysisdump(testpath, testpath.joinpath('barkertest.ini'))
def main(npulse=100, functlist=['spectrums', 'radardata', 'fitting', 'analysis']): """ This function will call other functions to create the input data, config file and run the radar data sim. The path for the simulation will be created in the Testdata directory in the SimISR module. The new folder will be called BasicTest. The simulation is a long pulse simulation will the desired number of pulses from the user. Inputs npulse - Number of pulses for the integration period, default==100. functlist - The list of functions for the SimISR to do. """ curloc = Path(__file__).resolve() testpath = curloc.parent.parent / 'Testdata' / 'BasicTest' if not testpath.is_dir(): testpath.mkdir(parents=True) functlist_default = ['spectrums', 'radardata', 'fitting'] check_list = sp.array([i in functlist for i in functlist_default]) check_run = sp.any(check_list) functlist_red = sp.array(functlist_default)[check_list].tolist() configfilesetup(str(testpath), npulse) config = testpath.joinpath('stats.ini') (sensdict, simparams) = readconfigfile(str(config)) makedata(testpath, simparams['Tint']) if check_run: runsim(functlist_red, str(testpath), config, True) if 'analysis' in functlist: analysisdump(str(testpath), config)
def main(): """This function will run the test simulation buy first making a simple set of ionospheric parameters based off of a Chapman function. Then it will create configuration and start files followed by running the simulation.""" curpath = Path(__file__).resolve().parent testpath = curpath.parent/'Testdata'/'Long_Pulse' origparamsdir = testpath/'Origparams' if not testpath.is_dir(): testpath.mkdir(parents=True) print("Making a path for testdata at {}".format(str(testpath))) if not origparamsdir.is_dir(): origparamsdir.mkdir(parents=True) print("Making a path for testdata at {}".format(origparamsdir)) # clear everything out folderlist = ['Origparams','Spectrums','Radardata','ACF','Fitted'] for ifl in folderlist: flist = (testpath/ifl).glob('*.h5') for ifile in flist: ifile.unlink() # Now make stuff again configsetup(testpath) Icont1 = MakeTestIonoclass(testv=True,testtemp=True) makeinputh5(MakeTestIonoclass(testv=True,testtemp=False),testpath) Icont1.saveh5(origparamsdir/'0 testiono.h5') funcnamelist=['spectrums','radardata','fitting'] failflag = runsim.main(funcnamelist,testpath, testpath/'PFISRExample.ini',True) if not failflag: analysisdump(testpath,str(testpath/'PFISRExample.ini'))
def makeinputh5(Iono, basedir): basedir = Path(basedir).expanduser() Param_List = Iono.Param_List dataloc = Iono.Cart_Coords times = Iono.Time_Vector velocity = Iono.Velocity zlist, idx = sp.unique(dataloc[:, 2], return_inverse=True) siz = list(Param_List.shape[1:]) vsiz = list(velocity.shape[1:]) datalocsave = sp.column_stack( (sp.zeros_like(zlist), sp.zeros_like(zlist), zlist)) outdata = sp.zeros([len(zlist)] + siz) outvel = sp.zeros([len(zlist)] + vsiz) for izn, iz in enumerate(zlist): arr = sp.argwhere(idx == izn) outdata[izn] = sp.mean(Param_List[arr], axis=0) outvel[izn] = sp.mean(velocity[arr], axis=0) Ionoout = IonoContainer(datalocsave, outdata, times, Iono.Sensor_loc, ver=0, paramnames=Iono.Param_Names, species=Iono.Species, velocity=outvel) ofn = basedir / 'startdata.h5' print('writing {}'.format(ofn)) Ionoout.saveh5(str(ofn))
def makedatasets(maindir='~/DATA/Ion_Comp_Exp/', nomult=sp.arange(1, 5, dtype=float), baud_len=[7, 14, 21]): """ This will make all of the data sets. """ basepath = Path(maindir).expanduser() basepath.mkdir(exist_ok=True) iono_orig = pyglowinput() nion = len(iono_orig.Species) - 1 npulses = 1000 (sensdict, simparams) = getdefualtparams() tint = simparams['IPP'] * npulses ratio1 = tint / simparams['Tint'] simparams['RangeLims'] = [80., 750.] simparams['Tint'] = ratio1 * simparams['Tint'] simparams['Fitinter'] = ratio1 * simparams['Fitinter'] simparams['TimeLim'] = 12 * tint ts = simparams['t_s'] simparams['beamrate'] = 1 simparams['outangles'] = [[0]] simparams['species'] = ['O+', 'NO+', 'O2+', 'H+', 'e-'] origtime = iono_orig.Time_Vector[0, 0] for imult in nomult: curiono = iono_orig.copy() curiono.Param_List[:, :, 1, 0] *= imult ratio = curiono.Param_List[:, :, -1, 0] / curiono.Param_List[:, :, :-1, 0].sum(-1) ratio_ar = sp.repeat(ratio[:, :, sp.newaxis], nion, axis=-1) curiono.Param_List[:, :, :-1, 0] *= ratio_ar figout = plotiono(curiono)[0] for ibaud in baud_len: newpath = basepath.joinpath('NOMult{0:02d}baud{1:02d}'.format( int(imult), int(ibaud))) newpath.joinpath('Origparams').mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True) figname = newpath.joinpath('InputParams.png') figout.savefig(str(figname)) dataname = newpath.joinpath('Origparams', '{0:d}Params.h5'.format(origtime)) curiono.saveh5(str(dataname)) simparams['Pulselength'] = ibaud * ts sfile = str(newpath / 'startfile.h5') iono_orig.saveh5(sfile) simparams['startfile'] = sfile makeconfigfile(str(newpath / 'chem_test.yml'), [23465.], 'millstone', simparams)
def main(input_str=None): args_commd = parse_command_line(input_str) if args_commd.path is None: curloc = Path(__file__).resolve() testpath = curloc.parent.parent / 'Testdata' / 'Barker' else: testpath = Path(args_commd.path) origparamsdir = testpath / 'Origparams' testpath.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True) print("Making a path for testdata at {}".format(testpath)) origparamsdir.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True) print("Making a path for testdata at {}".format(origparamsdir)) makeconfigfilebarker(testpath) if args_commd.makeorigdata: Icont1 = MakeTestIonoclass(testv=True, testtemp=False, N_0=1e12, z_0=150.0, H_0=50.0) makeinputh5(Icont1, str(testpath)) Icont1.saveh5(str(origparamsdir.joinpath('0 testiono.h5'))) funcnamelist = args_commd.funclist failflag = runsim.main(funcnamelist, testpath, str(testpath.joinpath('barkertest.yml')), True) if not failflag: analysisdump(testpath, testpath.joinpath('barkertest.yml'))
def applymat(basedir, configfile, optinputs): """ This function apply the matrix version of the space time ambiugty function to the ACFs and save the outcome in h5 files within the directory ACFMat. Inputs: basedir: A string for the directory that will hold all of the data for the simulation. configfile: The configuration file for the simulation. """ dirio = ('Spectrums', 'Mat', 'ACFMat') basedir = Path(basedir) inputdir = basedir.joinpath(dirio[0]) outputdir2 = basedir.joinpath(dirio[2]) dirlist = [str(i) for i in inputdir.glob('*.h5')] (listorder, timevector, _, _, _) = IonoContainer.gettimes(dirlist) ionolist = [dirlist[ikey] for ikey in listorder] rsto = RadarSpaceTimeOperator(ionolist, configfile, timevector, mattype='matrix') ionoout = rsto.mult_iono(ionolist) outfile = outputdir2.joinpath('00lags.h5') ionoout.saveh5(str(outfile))
def makedata(testpath,tint): """ This will make the input data for the test case. The data will have cases where there will be enhancements in Ne, Ti and Te in one location. Each case will have 3 integration periods. The first 3 integration periods will be the default set of parameters Ne=Ne=1e11 and Te=Ti=2000. Inputs testpath - Directory that will hold the data. tint - The integration time in seconds. """ testpath = Path(testpath).expanduser() finalpath = testpath.joinpath('Origparams') if not finalpath.is_dir(): finalpath.mkdir() data = sp.array([[1e11,1100.], [1e11,2100.]]) z = (50.+sp.arange(50)*10.) nz = len(z) params = sp.tile(data[sp.newaxis, sp.newaxis],(nz, 1, 1, 1)) epnt = range(20,22) p2 = sp.tile(params, (1, 4, 1, 1)) #enhancement in Ne p2[epnt, 1, :, 0] = 5e11 #enhancement in Ti p2[epnt,2,0,1] = 2200. #enhancement in Te p2[epnt,3,1,1] = 4200. coords = sp.column_stack((sp.zeros(nz), sp.zeros(nz), z)) species=['O+', 'e-'] times = sp.array([[0, 1e3]]) times2 = sp.column_stack((sp.arange(0, 4), sp.arange(1, 5)))*3*tint vel = sp.zeros((nz, 1, 3)) vel2 = sp.zeros((nz, 4, 3)) Icontstart = IonoContainer(coordlist=coords, paramlist=params, times=times, sensor_loc=sp.zeros(3), ver=0, coordvecs=['x', 'y', 'z'], paramnames=None, species=species, velocity=vel) Icont1 = IonoContainer(coordlist=coords, paramlist=p2, times=times2, sensor_loc=sp.zeros(3), ver=0, coordvecs=['x', 'y', 'z'], paramnames=None, species=species, velocity=vel2) finalfile = finalpath.joinpath('0 stats.h5') Icont1.saveh5(str(finalfile)) Icontstart.saveh5(str(testpath.joinpath('startfile.h5')))
def makeconfigfilebarker(testpath): testpath = Path(testpath).expanduser() beamlist = [ 64094, 64091, 64088, 64085, 64082, 64238, 64286, 64070, 64061, 64058, 64055, 64052, 64049, 64046, 64043, 64067, 64040, 64037, 64034 ] radarname = 'pfisr' Tint = 4.0 * 60.0 time_lim = 3.0 * Tint pulse = GenBarker(7) rng_lims = [75.0, 250.0] IPP = .0087 NNs = 28 NNp = 100 t_s = 2e-5 Pulselength = len(pulse) * t_s simparams = { 'IPP': IPP, 'TimeLim': time_lim, 'RangeLims': rng_lims, 'Pulse': pulse, 'Pulsetype': 'barker', 'Pulselength': Pulselength, 't_s': t_s, 'Tint': Tint, 'Fitinter': Tint, 'NNs': NNs, 'NNp': NNp, 'dtype': sp.complex128, 'ambupsamp': 30, 'species': ['O+', 'e-'], 'numpoints': 128, 'FitType': 'acf', 'startfile': str(testpath.joinpath('startdata.h5')) } fn = testpath / 'barkertest.yml' makeconfigfile(fn, beamlist, radarname, simparams)
def makedatasets(maindir='~/DATA/Ion_Comp_Exp/', nomult=sp.arange(1, 5, dtype=float), baud_len=[7, 14, 21]): """ This will make all of the data sets. """ basepath = Path(maindir).expanduser() basepath.mkdir(exist_ok=True) iono_orig = pyglowinput() nion = len(iono_orig.Species)-1 npulses = 1000 (sensdict, simparams) = getdefualtparams() tint = simparams['IPP']*npulses ratio1 = tint/simparams['Tint'] simparams['RangeLims'] = [80., 750.] simparams['Tint'] = ratio1 * simparams['Tint'] simparams['Fitinter'] = ratio1 * simparams['Fitinter'] simparams['TimeLim'] = 12*tint ts = simparams['t_s'] simparams['beamrate'] = 1 simparams['outangles'] = [[0]] simparams['species'] = ['O+', 'NO+', 'O2+', 'H+', 'e-'] origtime = iono_orig.Time_Vector[0,0] for imult in nomult: curiono = iono_orig.copy() curiono.Param_List[:, :, 1, 0] *= imult ratio = curiono.Param_List[:, :, -1, 0]/curiono.Param_List[:, :, :-1, 0].sum(-1) ratio_ar = sp.repeat(ratio[:, :, sp.newaxis], nion, axis=-1) curiono.Param_List[:, :, :-1, 0] *= ratio_ar figout = plotiono(curiono)[0] for ibaud in baud_len: newpath = basepath.joinpath('NOMult{0:02d}baud{1:02d}'.format(int(imult), int(ibaud))) newpath.joinpath('Origparams').mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True) figname = newpath.joinpath('InputParams.png') figout.savefig(str(figname)) dataname = newpath.joinpath('Origparams', '{0:d}Params.h5'.format(origtime)) curiono.saveh5(str(dataname)) simparams['Pulselength'] = ibaud*ts sfile = str(newpath/'startfile.h5') iono_orig.saveh5(sfile) simparams['startfile'] = sfile makeconfigfile(str(newpath/'chem_test.yml'), [23465.], 'millstone', simparams)
def configfilesetup(testpath,npulses): """ This will create the configureation file given the number of pulses for the test. This will make it so that there will be 12 integration periods for a given number of pulses. Input testpath - The location of the data. npulses - The number of pulses. """ curloc = Path(__file__).resolve().parent defcon = curloc.joinpath('statsbase.ini') (sensdict,simparams) = readconfigfile(defcon) tint = simparams['IPP']*npulses ratio1 = tint/simparams['Tint'] simparams['Tint']=ratio1 * simparams['Tint'] simparams['Fitinter'] = ratio1 * simparams['Fitinter'] simparams['TimeLim'] = ratio1 * simparams['TimeLim'] simparams['startfile']='startfile.h5' makeconfigfile(testpath.joinpath('stats.ini'),simparams['Beamlist'],sensdict['Name'],simparams)
def configfilesetup(testpath,npulses): """ This will create the configureation file given the number of pulses for the test. This will make it so that there will be 12 integration periods for a given number of pulses. Input testpath - The location of the data. npulses - The number of pulses. """ curloc = Path(__file__).resolve().parent defcon = curloc.joinpath('statsbase.ini') (sensdict, simparams) = readconfigfile(defcon) tint = simparams['IPP']*npulses ratio1 = tint/simparams['Tint'] simparams['Tint'] = ratio1 * simparams['Tint'] simparams['Fitinter'] = ratio1 * simparams['Fitinter'] simparams['TimeLim'] = ratio1 * simparams['TimeLim'] simparams['startfile'] = 'startfile.h5' makeconfigfile(testpath.joinpath('stats.ini'),simparams['Beamlist'],sensdict['Name'],simparams)
def makeconfigfilebarker(testpath): testpath = Path(testpath).expanduser() beamlist = [64094,64091,64088,64085,64082,64238,64286,64070,64061,64058,64055,64052, 64049,64046,64043,64067,64040,64037,64034] radarname = 'pfisr' Tint = 4.0*60.0 time_lim = 3.0*Tint pulse = GenBarker(7) rng_lims = [75.0,250.0] IPP = .0087 NNs = 28 NNp = 100 t_s=2e-5 Pulselength=len(pulse)*t_s simparams = {'IPP':IPP, 'TimeLim':time_lim, 'RangeLims':rng_lims, 'Pulse':pulse, 'Pulsetype':'barker', 'Pulselength':Pulselength, 't_s':t_s, 'Tint':Tint, 'Fitinter':Tint, 'NNs': NNs, 'NNp':NNp, 'dtype':sp.complex128, 'ambupsamp':30, 'species':['O+','e-'], 'numpoints':128, 'FitType':'acf', 'startfile':str(testpath.joinpath('startdata.h5'))} fn = testpath/'barkertest.yml' makeconfigfile(fn,beamlist,radarname,simparams)
def configfilesetup(testpath, npulses, radar='PFISR'): """ This will create the configureation file given the number of pulses for the test. This will make it so that there will be 12 integration periods for a given number of pulses. Input testpath - The location of the data. npulses - The number of pulses. """ testpath = Path(testpath).expanduser() curloc = Path(__file__).resolve().parent if radar.lower() == 'pfisr': defcon = curloc / 'statsbase.ini' elif radar.lower() == 'millstonez': defcon = curloc / 'statsbasemhz.yml' (sensdict, simparams) = readconfigfile(defcon) tint = simparams['IPP'] * npulses ratio1 = tint / simparams['Tint'] simparams['Tint'] = ratio1 * simparams['Tint'] simparams['Fitinter'] = ratio1 * simparams['Fitinter'] simparams['TimeLim'] = 2 * tint simparams['fitmode'] = 1 simparams['startfile'] = 'startfile.h5' makeconfigfile(str(testpath / 'stats.yml'), simparams['Beamlist'], sensdict['Name'], simparams)
def main(funcnamelist): """This function will run the test simulation buy first making a simple set of ionospheric parameters based off of a Chapman function. Then it will create configuration and start files followed by running the simulation.""" curpath = Path(__file__).resolve().parent testpath = curpath / 'Testdata' / 'DishMode' origparamsdir = testpath / 'Origparams' testpath.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True) origparamsdir.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True) if 'configupdate' in funcnamelist: configsetup(testpath) funcnamelist.remove('configupdate') # clear everything out folddict = { 'origdata': ['Origparams'], 'spectrums': ['Spectrums'], 'radardata': ['ACF', 'Radardata'], 'fitting': ['Fitted'] } folderlist = [] for i in funcnamelist: folderlist = folderlist + folddict[i] # folderlist = ['Origparams','Spectrums','Radardata','ACF','Fitted'] for ifl in folderlist: flist = (testpath / ifl).glob('*.h5') for ifile in flist: ifile.unlink() # Now make stuff again if 'origdata' in funcnamelist: Icont1 = MakeTestIonoclass(testv=True, testtemp=True) makeinputh5(MakeTestIonoclass(testv=True, testtemp=False), testpath) Icont1.saveh5(origparamsdir / '0 testiono.h5') funcnamelist.remove('origdata') # funcnamelist=['spectrums','radardata','fitting'] failflag = runsim.main(funcnamelist, testpath, testpath / 'DishExample.ini', True) if not failflag: analysisdump(testpath, testpath / 'DishExample.ini')
def configsetup(testpath): """This function will make a pickle file used to configure the simulation. Inputs testpath - A string for the path that this file will be saved.""" testpath=Path(testpath) beamlist = [64094,64091,64088,64085,64082,64238,64286,64070,64061,64058,64055,64052, 64049,64046,64043,64067,64040,64037,64034] # list of beams in radarname = 'pfisr'# name of radar for parameters can either be pfisr or risr Tint=60.0 # integration time in seconds time_lim = 4.0*Tint # simulation length in seconds fitter_int = 60.0 # time interval between fitted params # pulse = sp.ones(14)# pulse rng_lims = [150,500]# limits of the range gates IPP = .0087 #interpulse period in seconds NNs = 28 # number of noise samples per pulse NNp = 100 # number of noise pulses simparams = {'IPP':IPP, #interpulse period 'TimeLim':time_lim, # length of simulation 'RangeLims':rng_lims, # range swath limit # 'Pulse':pulse, # pulse shape 'Pulselength':280e-6, 'FitType' :'acf', 't_s': 20e-6, 'Pulsetype':'long', # type of pulse can be long or barker, 'Tint':Tint, #Integration time for each fitting 'Fitinter':fitter_int, # time interval between fitted params 'NNs': NNs,# number of noise samples per pulse 'NNp':NNp, # number of noise pulses 'dtype':sp.complex128, #type of numbers used for simulation 'ambupsamp':1, # up sampling factor for ambiguity function 'species':['O+','e-'], # type of ion species used in simulation 'numpoints':128, # number of points for each spectrum 'startfile': str(testpath/'startdata.h5')} # file used for starting points # 'SUMRULE': sp.array([[-2,-3,-3,-4,-4,-5,-5,-6,-6,-7,-7,-8,-8,-9] # ,[1,1,2,2,3,3,4,4,5,5,6,6,7,7]])} fname = testpath/'PFISRExample' makeconfigfile(str(fname.with_suffix('.ini')),beamlist,radarname,simparams)
def makespectrums(basedir, configfile, printlines=True): """ This will make all of the spectra for a set of data and save it in a folder in basedir called Spectrums. It is assumed that the data in the Origparams is time tagged in the title with a string seperated by a white space and the rest of the file name. For example ~/DATA/Basedir/0 origdata.h5. Inputs: basedir: A string for the directory that will hold all of the data for the simulation. configfile: The configuration file for the simulation. """ basedir = Path(basedir).expanduser() dirio = ('Origparams', 'Spectrums') inputdir = basedir/dirio[0] outputdir = basedir/dirio[1] # determine the list of h5 files in Origparams directory dirlist = sorted(inputdir.glob('*.h5')) # Make the lists of numbers and file names for the dictionary (listorder, _, _, timebeg, _) = IonoContainer.gettimes(dirlist) slist = [dirlist[ikey] for ikey in listorder] (sensdict, simparams) = readconfigfile(configfile) # Delete data outfiles = outputdir.glob('*.h5') for ifile in outfiles: ifile.unlink() for inum, curfile in zip(timebeg, slist): outfile = outputdir / (str(inum)+' spectrum.h5') update_progress(float(inum)/float(len(slist)), 'Processing file {} starting at {}'.format(, curiono = IonoContainer.readh5(str(curfile)) curiono.makespectruminstanceopen(specfuncs.ISRSspecmake, sensdict, int(simparams['numpoints']), float(inum), float(len(slist)), printlines).saveh5(str(outfile)) update_progress(float(inum+1)/float(len(slist)), 'Finished file {} starting at {}'.format(,
Icont1.saveh5(origparamsdir / '0 testiono.h5') funcnamelist.remove('origdata') # funcnamelist=['spectrums','radardata','fitting'] failflag = runsim.main(funcnamelist, testpath, testpath / 'DishExample.ini', True) if not failflag: analysisdump(testpath, testpath / 'DishExample.ini') if __name__ == '__main__': from argparse import ArgumentParser p = ArgumentParser( description= ' -f <function: configupdate, origdata, spectrums, radardata, fitting or all>' ) p.add_argument('-f', '--funcnamelist', nargs='+') p.add_argument('-r', '--re', action='store_true') p = p.parse_args() curpath = Path(__file__).resolve().parent remakealldata = if p.funcnamelist is None or 'all' in p.funcnamelist: funcnamelist = [ 'configupdate', 'origdata', 'spectrums', 'radardata', 'fitting' ] main(funcnamelist) This module will implement a simple fitter for ISR spectra. @author: John Swoboda """ import scipy as sp import scipy.optimize from SimISR import Path from SimISR.IonoContainer import IonoContainer, makeionocombined from SimISR.utilFunctions import readconfigfile, update_progress,spect2acf import SimISR.specfunctions as specfuncs PVALS = [1e11, 2.1e3, 1.1e3, 0.] SVALS = [1.1e3, 1e11, 2.1e3, 0.] SIMVALUES = sp.array([[PVALS[0],PVALS[2]],[PVALS[0],PVALS[1]]]) curloc = Path(__file__).resolve().parent defcon = curloc/'statsbase.ini' def runfitter(paramdict, SNR, n_pulses, n_runs, Niratio, x_0=SVALS): """ paramdict """ data = SIMVALUES z = sp.linspace(50., 1e3, 50) nz = len(z) params = sp.tile(data[sp.newaxis, sp.newaxis, :, :], (nz, 1, 1, 1)) coords = sp.column_stack((sp.ones(nz), sp.ones(nz), z)) species = ['O+', 'e-'] times = sp.array([[0, 1e9]]) vel = sp.zeros((nz, 1, 3))
def makehistdata(params, maindir): """ This will make the histogram data for the statistics. Inputs params - A list of parameters that will have statistics created maindir - The directory that the simulation data is held. Outputs datadict - A dictionary with the data values in numpy arrays. The keys are param names. errordict - A dictionary with the data values in numpy arrays. The keys are param names. errdictrel - A dictionary with the error values in numpy arrays, normalized by the correct value. The keys are param names. """ maindir = Path(maindir) ffit = maindir.joinpath('Fitted', 'fitteddata.h5') inputfiledir = maindir.joinpath('Origparams') paramslower = [ip.lower() for ip in params] eparamslower = ['n' + ip.lower() for ip in params] # set up data dictionary errordict = {ip: [] for ip in params} errordictrel = {ip: [] for ip in params} #Read in fitted data Ionofit = IonoContainer.readh5(str(ffit)) times = Ionofit.Time_Vector dataloc = Ionofit.Sphere_Coords rng = dataloc[:, 0] rng_log = sp.logical_and(rng > 200., rng < 400) dataloc_out = dataloc[rng_log] pnames = Ionofit.Param_Names pnameslower = sp.array([ip.lower() for ip in pnames.flatten()]) p2fit = [ sp.argwhere(ip == pnameslower)[0][0] if ip in pnameslower else None for ip in paramslower ] datadict = { ip: Ionofit.Param_List[rng_log, :, p2fit[ipn]].flatten() for ipn, ip in enumerate(params) } ep2fit = [ sp.argwhere(ip == pnameslower)[0][0] if ip in pnameslower else None for ip in eparamslower ] edatadict = { ip: Ionofit.Param_List[rng_log, :, ep2fit[ipn]].flatten() for ipn, ip in enumerate(params) } # Determine which input files are to be used. dirlist = [str(i) for i in inputfiledir.glob('*.h5')] _, outime, filelisting, _, _ = IonoContainer.gettimes(dirlist) time2files = [] for itn, itime in enumerate(times): log1 = (outime[:, 0] >= itime[0]) & (outime[:, 0] < itime[1]) log2 = (outime[:, 1] > itime[0]) & (outime[:, 1] <= itime[1]) log3 = (outime[:, 0] <= itime[0]) & (outime[:, 1] > itime[1]) tempindx = sp.where(log1 | log2 | log3)[0] time2files.append(filelisting[tempindx]) curfilenum = -1 for iparam, pname in enumerate(params): curparm = paramslower[iparam] # Use Ne from input to compare the ne derived from the power. if curparm == 'nepow': curparm = 'ne' datalist = [] for itn, itime in enumerate(times): for filenum in time2files[itn]: filenum = int(filenum) if curfilenum != filenum: curfilenum = filenum datafilename = dirlist[filenum] Ionoin = IonoContainer.readh5(datafilename) if ('ti' in paramslower) or ('vi' in paramslower): Ionoin = maketi(Ionoin) pnames = Ionoin.Param_Names pnameslowerin = sp.array( [ip.lower() for ip in pnames.flatten()]) prmloc = sp.argwhere(curparm == pnameslowerin) if prmloc.size != 0: curprm = prmloc[0][0] # build up parameter vector bs the range values by finding the closest point in space in the input curdata = sp.zeros(len(dataloc_out)) for irngn, curcoord in enumerate(dataloc_out): tempin = Ionoin.getclosestsphere(curcoord, [itime])[0] Ntloc = tempin.shape[0] tempin = sp.reshape(tempin, (Ntloc, len(pnameslowerin))) curdata[irngn] = tempin[0, curprm] datalist.append(curdata) errordict[pname] = datadict[pname] - sp.hstack(datalist) errordictrel[pname] = 100. * errordict[pname] / sp.absolute( sp.hstack(datalist)) return datadict, errordict, errordictrel, edatadict
def main(): curpath = Path(__file__).resolve().parents[1] print(curpath) testpath = curpath / 'Testdata' / 'MatrixTest' origparamsdir = testpath / 'Origparams' testpath.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True) origparamsdir.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True) # clear everything out folderlist = ['Origparams', 'Spectrums', 'Radardata', 'ACF', 'Fitted'] for ifl in folderlist: flist = (testpath / ifl).glob('*.h5') for ifile in flist: ifile.unlink() # Make Config file configname = testpath / 'config.ini' if not configname.is_file(): srcfile = curpath / 'SimISR' / 'default.ini' shutil.copy(str(srcfile), str(configname)) # make the coordinates xvec = sp.zeros((1)) yvec = sp.zeros((1)) zvec = sp.arange(50.0, 900.0, 2.0) # Mesh grid is set up in this way to allow for use in MATLAB with a simple reshape command xx, zz, yy = sp.meshgrid(xvec, zvec, yvec) coords = sp.zeros((xx.size, 3)) coords[:, 0] = xx.flatten() coords[:, 1] = yy.flatten() coords[:, 2] = zz.flatten() Z_0 = 250. H_0 = 30. N_0 = 6.5e11 Icont1 = MakeTestIonoclass(testv=True, testtemp=True, N_0=N_0, z_0=Z_0, H_0=H_0, coords=coords) Icont1.saveh5(origparamsdir / '0 testiono.h5') Icont1.saveh5(testpath / 'startdata.h5') funcnamelist = ['spectrums', 'applymat', 'fittingmat'] runsim.main(funcnamelist, testpath, configname, True) plotdir = testpath / 'AnalysisPlots' plotdir.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True) f_templ = str(plotdir / 'params') plotbeamparametersv2([0.], str(configname), str(testpath), fitdir='FittedMat', params=['Ne', 'Ti', 'Te'], filetemplate=f_templ, suptitle='With Mat', werrors=False, nelog=False)
def __init__(self, Ionodict, inifile, outdir, outfilelist=None): """ This function will create an instance of the RadarData class. It will take in the values and create the class and make raw IQ data. Inputs: sensdict - A dictionary of sensor parameters angles - A list of tuples which the first position is the az angle and the second position is the el angle. IPP - The interpulse period in seconds represented as a float. Tint - The integration time in seconds as a float. This will be the integration time of all of the beams. time_lim - The length of time of the simulation the number of time points will be calculated. pulse - A numpy array that represents the pulse shape. rng_lims - A numpy array of length 2 that holds the min and max range that the radar will cover. """ (sensdict, simparams) = readconfigfile(inifile) self.simparams = simparams N_angles = len(self.simparams['angles']) NNs = int(self.simparams['NNs']) self.sensdict = sensdict Npall = sp.floor(self.simparams['TimeLim'] / self.simparams['IPP']) Npall = int(sp.floor(Npall / N_angles) * N_angles) Np = Npall / N_angles print("All spectrums created already") filetimes = Ionodict.keys() filetimes.sort() ftimes = sp.array(filetimes) simdtype = self.simparams['dtype'] pulsetimes = sp.arange(Npall) * self.simparams['IPP'] + ftimes.min() pulsefile = sp.array( [sp.where(itimes - ftimes >= 0)[0][-1] for itimes in pulsetimes]) # differentiate between phased arrays and dish antennas if sensdict['Name'].lower() in ['risr', 'pfisr', 'risr-n']: beams = sp.tile(sp.arange(N_angles), Npall / N_angles) else: # for dish arrays brate = simparams['beamrate'] beams2 = sp.repeat(sp.arange(N_angles), brate) beam3 = sp.concatenate((beams2, beams2[::-1])) ntile = int(sp.ceil(Npall / len(beam3))) leftover = int(Npall - ntile * len(beam3)) if ntile > 0: beams = sp.tile(beam3, ntile) beams = sp.concatenate((beams, beam3[:leftover])) else: beams = beam3[:leftover] pulsen = sp.repeat(sp.arange(Np), N_angles) pt_list = [] pb_list = [] pn_list = [] fname_list = [] self.datadir = outdir self.maindir = outdir.parent self.procdir = self.maindir / 'ACF' Nf = len(filetimes) progstr = 'Data from {:d} of {:d} being processed Name: {:s}.' if outfilelist is None: print('\nData Now being created.') Noisepwr = v_Boltz * sensdict['Tsys'] * sensdict['BandWidth'] self.outfilelist = [] for ifn, ifilet in enumerate(filetimes): outdict = {} ifile = Ionodict[ifilet] ifilename = Path(ifile).name update_progress( float(ifn) / Nf, progstr.format(ifn, Nf, ifilename)) curcontainer = IonoContainer.readh5(ifile) if ifn == 0: self.timeoffset = curcontainer.Time_Vector[0, 0] pnts = pulsefile == ifn pt = pulsetimes[pnts] pb = beams[pnts] pn = pulsen[pnts].astype(int) rawdata = self.__makeTime__(pt, curcontainer.Time_Vector, curcontainer.Sphere_Coords, curcontainer.Param_List, pb) d_shape = rawdata.shape n_tempr = sp.random.randn(*d_shape).astype(simdtype) n_tempi = 1j * sp.random.randn(*d_shape).astype(simdtype) noise = sp.sqrt(Noisepwr / 2) * (n_tempr + n_tempi) outdict['AddedNoise'] = noise outdict['RawData'] = rawdata + noise outdict['RawDatanonoise'] = rawdata outdict['NoiseData'] = sp.sqrt(Noisepwr / 2) * ( sp.random.randn(len(pn), NNs).astype(simdtype) + 1j * sp.random.randn(len(pn), NNs).astype(simdtype)) outdict['Pulses'] = pn outdict['Beams'] = pb outdict['Time'] = pt fname = '{0:d} RawData.h5'.format(ifn) newfn = self.datadir / fname self.outfilelist.append(str(newfn)) dict2h5(str(newfn), outdict) #Listing info pt_list.append(pt) pb_list.append(pb) pn_list.append(pn) fname_list.append(fname) infodict = { 'Files': fname_list, 'Time': pt_list, 'Beams': pb_list, 'Pulses': pn_list } dict2h5(str(outdir.joinpath('INFO.h5')), infodict) else: infodict = h52dict(str(outdir.joinpath('INFO.h5'))) alltime = sp.hstack(infodict['Time']) self.timeoffset = alltime.min() self.outfilelist = outfilelist
def makehistdata(params,maindir): """ This will make the histogram data for the statistics. Inputs params - A list of parameters that will have statistics created maindir - The directory that the simulation data is held. Outputs datadict - A dictionary with the data values in numpy arrays. The keys are param names. errordict - A dictionary with the data values in numpy arrays. The keys are param names. errdictrel - A dictionary with the error values in numpy arrays, normalized by the correct value. The keys are param names. """ maindir=Path(maindir) ffit = maindir.joinpath('Fitted','fitteddata.h5') inputfiledir = maindir.joinpath('Origparams') paramslower = [ip.lower() for ip in params] eparamslower = ['n'+ip.lower() for ip in params] # set up data dictionary errordict = {ip:[] for ip in params} errordictrel = {ip:[] for ip in params} #Read in fitted data Ionofit = IonoContainer.readh5(ffit) times=Ionofit.Time_Vector dataloc = Ionofit.Sphere_Coords pnames = Ionofit.Param_Names pnameslower = sp.array([ip.lower() for ip in pnames.flatten()]) p2fit = [sp.argwhere(ip==pnameslower)[0][0] if ip in pnameslower else None for ip in paramslower] datadict = {ip:Ionofit.Param_List[:,:,p2fit[ipn]].flatten() for ipn, ip in enumerate(params)} ep2fit = [sp.argwhere(ip==pnameslower)[0][0] if ip in pnameslower else None for ip in eparamslower] edatadict = {ip:Ionofit.Param_List[:,:,ep2fit[ipn]].flatten() for ipn, ip in enumerate(params)} # Determine which input files are to be used. dirlist = [str(i) for i in inputfiledir.glob('*.h5')] sortlist,outime,filelisting,timebeg,timelist_s = IonoContainer.gettimes(dirlist) time2files = [] for itn,itime in enumerate(times): log1 = (outime[:,0]>=itime[0]) & (outime[:,0]<itime[1]) log2 = (outime[:,1]>itime[0]) & (outime[:,1]<=itime[1]) log3 = (outime[:,0]<=itime[0]) & (outime[:,1]>itime[1]) tempindx = sp.where(log1|log2|log3)[0] time2files.append(filelisting[tempindx]) curfilenum=-1 for iparam,pname in enumerate(params): curparm = paramslower[iparam] # Use Ne from input to compare the ne derived from the power. if curparm == 'nepow': curparm = 'ne' datalist = [] for itn,itime in enumerate(times): for iplot,filenum in enumerate(time2files[itn]): filenum = int(filenum) if curfilenum!=filenum: curfilenum=filenum datafilename = dirlist[filenum] Ionoin = IonoContainer.readh5(datafilename) if ('ti' in paramslower) or ('vi' in paramslower): Ionoin = maketi(Ionoin) pnames = Ionoin.Param_Names pnameslowerin = sp.array([ip.lower() for ip in pnames.flatten()]) prmloc = sp.argwhere(curparm==pnameslowerin) if prmloc.size !=0: curprm = prmloc[0][0] # build up parameter vector bs the range values by finding the closest point in space in the input curdata = sp.zeros(len(dataloc)) for irngn, curcoord in enumerate(dataloc): tempin = Ionoin.getclosestsphere(curcoord,[itime])[0] Ntloc = tempin.shape[0] tempin = sp.reshape(tempin,(Ntloc,len(pnameslowerin))) curdata[irngn] = tempin[0,curprm] datalist.append(curdata) errordict[pname] = datadict[pname]-sp.hstack(datalist) errordictrel[pname] = 100.*errordict[pname]/sp.absolute(sp.hstack(datalist)) return datadict,errordict,errordictrel,edatadict
the full simulation. The user can also start with a directory from a later stage of the simulation instead though. -c The configuration used for the simulation. Can be an ini file or a pickle file. Optional arguments -r If a y follows this then the raw radar data will be remade. If this is not used the radar data will only be made if it does not exist in the file first. Example: python -f radardata -f fitting -i ~/DATA/ExampleLongPulse -c ~/DATA/Example -r y''' args_commd = parse_command_line() if args_commd.path is None: print("Please provide an input source with the -p option!") sys.exit(1) basedir = str(Path(args_commd.path).expanduser()) configfile = str(Path(args_commd.config).expanduser()) funcname = args_commd.funclist remakealldata = args_commd.remake if funcname.lower() == 'all': funcnamelist = ['spectrums', 'radardata', 'fitting'] else: funcnamelist = funcname.split() failflag = main(funcnamelist, basedir, configfile, remakealldata)
axmat[0].set_xlim([maxden*1e-5, maxden]) axmat[0].set_xlabel(r'Densities in m$^{-3}$') axmat[0].set_ylabel('Alt in km') axmat[0].legend() axmat[1].set_title('Temperture') axmat[1].set_xlim([100., 2500.]) axmat[1].set_xlabel(r'Temp in $^{\circ}$ K') axmat[1].set_ylabel('Alt in km') axmat[1].legend() plt.tight_layout() return figmplf,axmat if __name__ == '__main__': exppath = Path('~/DATA/Ion_Comp_Exp').expanduser() drpath = Path('~/Dropbox (MIT)/').expanduser() funclist = ['spectrums', 'radardata','fitting'] list1 = [i for i in exppath.glob('NO*')] configlist = [i.joinpath('chem_test.yml') for i in exppath.glob('NO*')] for idata,icon in zip(list1,configlist): runsimisr(funclist,str(idata),str(icon),True) for idata,icon in zip(list1,configlist): analysisdump(str(idata),str(icon),params = ['Ne','Nepow','Te','Ti']) for ipath in list1: idir=ipath.joinpath('AnalysisPlots') idest = drpath.joinpath(*[-2:]) shutil.copytree(str(idir),str(idest))
def main(funcnamelist,basedir,configfile,remakealldata,fitlist=None,invtype='',printlines=True): """ Main function for this module. The function will set up the directory structure, create or update a diary file and run the simulation depending on the user input. Inputs funcnamelist: A list of strings that coorespond to specific functions. The stirng and function they correspond to, that will be shown. spectrums: makespectrums, This will create the ISR spectrums radardata :makeradardata, This will make the radar data and form the ACF estimates. If the raw radar data exists then the user must use the -r option on the command line and set it to y. fitting :fitdata, This will apply the fitter to the data in the ACF folder of the base directory. fittingmat :fitdata,This will apply the fitter to the data in the ACFMat folder of the base directory. fittinginv :fitdata,This will apply the fitter to the data in the ACFInv folder of the base directory. applymat :applymat, This wil create and apply a matrix formulation of thespace-time ambiguity function to ISR spectrums. basedir: The base directory that will contain all of the data. This directory must contain a directory called Origparams with h5 files to run the full simulation. The user can also start with a directory from a later stage of the simulation instead though. configfile: The configuration used for the simulation. Can be an ini file or a pickle file. remakealldata: A bool to determine if the raw radar data will be remade. If this is False the radar data will only be made if it does not exist in the file first. fitlist: A list of time entries that will be fit. invtype """ inputsep = '***************************************************************\n' funcdict = {'spectrums':makespectrums, 'radardata':makeradardata, 'fitting':fitdata,'fittingmat':fitdata, 'fittinginv':fitdata,'applymat':applymat,'fittingmatinv':fitdata} #inout = {'spectrums':('Origparams','Spectrums'),'radardata':('Spectrums','Radardata'),'fitting':('ACF','Fitted')} #pdb.set_trace() # check for the directories dirnames = ['Origparams','Spectrums','Radardata','ACF','Fitted','ACFOrig','ACFMat','ACFInv','FittedMat','FittedInv','ACFMatInv','FittedMatInv'] basedir=Path(basedir).expanduser() for idir in dirnames: curdir = basedir/idir curdir.mkdir(exist_ok=True,parents=True) if len(funcnamelist)==3: funcname='all' else: funcname=''.join(funcnamelist) dfilename = 'diary'+funcname+'.txt' dfullfilestr = basedir/dfilename with open(str(dfullfilestr),'a') as f: failure=False for curfuncn in funcnamelist: curfunc = funcdict[curfuncn] f.write(inputsep) f.write(curfunc.__name__+'\n') f.write(time.asctime()+'\n') if curfunc.__name__=='fitdata': ex_inputs=[curfuncn,fitlist,invtype,printlines] elif curfunc.__name__=='makeradardata': ex_inputs = remakealldata else: ex_inputs=printlines try: stime = curfunc(basedir,configfile,ex_inputs) ftime = ptime = ftime-stime f.write('Success!\n') f.write('Duration: {}\n'.format(ptime)) f.write('Base directory: {}\n'.format(basedir)) except Exception as e: f.write('Failed!\n') ftime = ptime = ftime-stime f.write('Duration: {}\n'.format(ptime)) f.write('Base directory: {}\n'.format(basedir)) traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stdout) traceback.print_exc(file=f) failure = True break f.write(inputsep) return failure
axmat[0].set_xlim([maxden * 1e-5, maxden]) axmat[0].set_xlabel(r'Densities in m$^{-3}$') axmat[0].set_ylabel('Alt in km') axmat[0].legend() axmat[1].set_title('Temperture') axmat[1].set_xlim([100., 2500.]) axmat[1].set_xlabel(r'Temp in $^{\circ}$ K') axmat[1].set_ylabel('Alt in km') axmat[1].legend() plt.tight_layout() return figmplf, axmat if __name__ == '__main__': exppath = Path('~/DATA/Ion_Comp_Exp').expanduser() drpath = Path('~/Dropbox (MIT)/').expanduser() funclist = ['spectrums', 'radardata', 'fitting'] list1 = [i for i in exppath.glob('NO*')] configlist = [i.joinpath('chem_test.yml') for i in exppath.glob('NO*')] for idata, icon in zip(list1, configlist): runsimisr(funclist, str(idata), str(icon), True) for idata, icon in zip(list1, configlist): analysisdump(str(idata), str(icon), params=['Ne', 'Nepow', 'Te', 'Ti']) for ipath in list1: idir = ipath.joinpath('AnalysisPlots') idest = drpath.joinpath(*[-2:]) shutil.copytree(str(idir), str(idest))