Пример #1
def _getCasingHertzMagDipole2Deriv_z_r(srcloc,
                                       mu=mu_0 * np.ones(3),
    HertzZ = _getCasingHertzMagDipole(srcloc, obsloc, freq, sigma, a, b, mu,
                                      eps, moment)
    dHertzZdr = _getCasingHertzMagDipoleDeriv_r(srcloc, obsloc, freq, sigma, a,
                                                b, mu, eps, moment)

    nobs = obsloc.shape[0]
    dxyz = obsloc - np.c_[np.ones(nobs)] * np.r_[srcloc]

    r2 = _r2(dxyz[:, :2])
    r = np.sqrt(r2)
    z = dxyz[:, 2]
    sqrtr2z2 = np.sqrt(r2 + z**2)
    k2 = k(freq, sigma[2], mu[2], eps)

    return dHertzZdr * (-z / sqrtr2z2) * (1j * k2 + 1. / sqrtr2z2) + HertzZ * (
        z * r / sqrtr2z2**3) * (1j * k2 + 2. / sqrtr2z2)
Пример #2
    def _fastInnerProduct(self, projType, prop=None, invProp=False, invMat=False):
            Fast version of getFaceInnerProduct.
            This does not handle the case of a full tensor prop.

            :param numpy.array prop: material property (tensor properties are possible) at each cell center (nC, (1, 3, or 6))
            :param str projType: 'E' or 'F'
            :param bool returnP: returns the projection matrices
            :param bool invProp: inverts the material property
            :param bool invMat: inverts the matrix
            :rtype: scipy.sparse.csr_matrix
            :return: M, the inner product matrix (nF, nF)
        assert projType in ['F', 'E'], ("projType must be 'F' for faces or 'E'"
                                        " for edges")

        if prop is None:
            prop = np.ones(self.nC)

        if invProp:
            prop = 1./prop

        if Utils.isScalar(prop):
            prop = prop*np.ones(self.nC)

        # number of elements we are averaging (equals dim for regular
        # meshes, but for cyl, where we use symmetry, it is 1 for edge
        # variables and 2 for face variables)
        if self._meshType == 'CYL':
            n_elements = np.sum(getattr(self, 'vn'+projType).nonzero())
            n_elements = self.dim

        # Isotropic? or anisotropic?
        if prop.size == self.nC:
            Av = getattr(self, 'ave'+projType+'2CC')
            Vprop = self.vol * Utils.mkvc(prop)
            M = n_elements * Utils.sdiag(Av.T * Vprop)

        elif prop.size == self.nC*self.dim:
            Av = getattr(self, 'ave'+projType+'2CCV')

            # if cyl, then only certain components are relevant due to symmetry
            # for faces, x, z matters, for edges, y (which is theta) matters
            if self._meshType == 'CYL':
                if projType == 'E':
                    prop = prop[:, 1] # this is the action of a projection mat
                elif projType == 'F':
                    prop = prop[:, [0, 2]]

            V = sp.kron(sp.identity(n_elements), Utils.sdiag(self.vol))
            M = Utils.sdiag(Av.T * V * Utils.mkvc(prop))
            return None

        if invMat:
            return Utils.sdInv(M)
            return M
Пример #3
    def _fastInnerProduct(self, projType, prop=None, invProp=False, invMat=False):
            Fast version of getFaceInnerProduct.
            This does not handle the case of a full tensor prop.

            :param numpy.array prop: material property (tensor properties are possible) at each cell center (nC, (1, 3, or 6))
            :param str projType: 'E' or 'F'
            :param bool returnP: returns the projection matrices
            :param bool invProp: inverts the material property
            :param bool invMat: inverts the matrix
            :rtype: scipy.sparse.csr_matrix
            :return: M, the inner product matrix (nF, nF)
        assert projType in ["F", "E"], "projType must be 'F' for faces or 'E'" " for edges"

        if prop is None:
            prop = np.ones(self.nC)

        if invProp:
            prop = 1.0 / prop

        if Utils.isScalar(prop):
            prop = prop * np.ones(self.nC)

        # number of elements we are averaging (equals dim for regular
        # meshes, but for cyl, where we use symmetry, it is 1 for edge
        # variables and 2 for face variables)
        if self._meshType == "CYL":
            n_elements = np.sum(getattr(self, "vn" + projType).nonzero())
            n_elements = self.dim

        # Isotropic? or anisotropic?
        if prop.size == self.nC:
            Av = getattr(self, "ave" + projType + "2CC")
            Vprop = self.vol * Utils.mkvc(prop)
            M = n_elements * Utils.sdiag(Av.T * Vprop)

        elif prop.size == self.nC * self.dim:
            Av = getattr(self, "ave" + projType + "2CCV")

            # if cyl, then only certain components are relevant due to symmetry
            # for faces, x, z matters, for edges, y (which is theta) matters
            if self._meshType == "CYL":
                if projType == "E":
                    prop = prop[:, 1]  # this is the action of a projection mat
                elif projType == "F":
                    prop = prop[:, [0, 2]]

            V = sp.kron(sp.identity(n_elements), Utils.sdiag(self.vol))
            M = Utils.sdiag(Av.T * V * Utils.mkvc(prop))
            return None

        if invMat:
            return Utils.sdInv(M)
            return M
Пример #4
def halfSpaceProblemAnaVMDDiff(showIt=False, waveformType="STEPOFF"):
    cs, ncx, ncz, npad = 20., 25, 25, 15
    hx = [(cs, ncx), (cs, npad, 1.3)]
    hz = [(cs, npad, -1.3), (cs, ncz), (cs, npad, 1.3)]
    mesh = Mesh.CylMesh([hx, 1, hz], '00C')
    sighalf = 1e-2
    siginf = np.ones(mesh.nC) * 1e-8
    siginf[mesh.gridCC[:, -1] < 0.] = sighalf
    eta = np.ones(mesh.nC) * 0.2
    tau = np.ones(mesh.nC) * 0.005
    c = np.ones(mesh.nC) * 0.7
    m = np.r_[siginf, eta, tau, c]
    iMap = Maps.IdentityMap(nP=int(mesh.nC))
    maps = [('sigmaInf', iMap), ('eta', iMap), ('tau', iMap), ('c', iMap)]
    prb = ProblemATEMIP_b(mesh, mapping=maps)

    if waveformType == "GENERAL":
        # timeon = np.cumsum(np.r_[np.ones(10)*1e-3, np.ones(10)*5e-4, np.ones(10)*1e-4])
        timeon = np.cumsum(np.r_[np.ones(10) * 1e-3,
                                 np.ones(10) * 5e-4,
                                 np.ones(10) * 1e-4])
        timeon -= timeon.max()
        timeoff = np.cumsum(np.r_[np.ones(20) * 1e-5,
                                  np.ones(20) * 1e-4,
                                  np.ones(20) * 1e-3])
        time = np.r_[timeon, timeoff]
        current_on = np.ones_like(timeon)
        current_on[[0, -1]] = 0.
        current = np.r_[current_on, np.zeros_like(timeoff)]
        wave = np.c_[time, current]
        prb.waveformType = "GENERAL"
        prb.t0 = time.min()
    elif waveformType == "STEPOFF":
        prb.timeSteps = [(1e-5, 20), (1e-4, 20), (1e-3, 10)]
    offset = 20.
    tobs = np.logspace(-4, -2, 21)
    rx = EM.TDEM.RxTDEM(np.array([[offset, 0., 0.]]), tobs, "bz")
    src = EM.TDEM.SrcTDEM_VMD_MVP([rx],
                                  np.array([[0., 0., 0.]]),
    survey = EM.TDEM.SurveyTDEM([src])
    prb.Solver = MumpsSolver
    out = survey.dpred(m)
    bz_ana = mu_0 * hzAnalyticDipoleT_CC(
        offset, rx.times, sigmaInf=sighalf, eta=eta[0], tau=tau[0], c=c[0])
    err = np.linalg.norm(bz_ana - out) / np.linalg.norm(bz_ana)
    print '>> Relative error = ', err

    if showIt:
        plt.loglog(rx.times, abs(bz_ana), 'k')
        plt.loglog(rx.times, abs(out), 'b.')
    return err
Пример #5
def _getCasingHertzMagDipole(srcloc,obsloc,freq,sigma,a,b,mu=mu_0*np.ones(3),eps=epsilon_0,moment=1.):
    Kc1 = getKc(freq,sigma[1],a,b,mu[1],eps)

    nobs = obsloc.shape[0]
    dxyz = obsloc - np.c_[np.ones(nobs)]*np.r_[srcloc]
    r2 = _r2(dxyz[:,:2])
    sqrtr2z2 = np.sqrt(r2 + dxyz[:,2]**2)
    k2 = k(freq,sigma[2],mu[2],eps) 
    return Kc1 * moment / (4.*np.pi) *np.exp(-1j*k2*sqrtr2z2) / sqrtr2z2
Пример #6
def _getCasingHertzMagDipoleDeriv_z(srcloc,obsloc,freq,sigma,a,b,mu=mu_0*np.ones(3),eps=epsilon_0,moment=1.):
    HertzZ = _getCasingHertzMagDipole(srcloc,obsloc,freq,sigma,a,b,mu,eps,moment)
    nobs = obsloc.shape[0]
    dxyz = obsloc - np.c_[np.ones(nobs)]*np.r_[srcloc]
    r2z2 = _r2(dxyz)
    sqrtr2z2 = np.sqrt(r2z2)
    k2 = k(freq,sigma[2],mu[2],eps) 
    return -HertzZ*dxyz[:,2] /sqrtr2z2 * (1j*k2 + 1./sqrtr2z2)
Пример #7
 def test_derivs(self):
                           np.ones(n) * 10 + np.random.randn(n),
                           np.ones(n) * 10 + np.random.randn(n),
Пример #8
def _getCasingHertzMagDipole2Deriv_z_z(srcloc,obsloc,freq,sigma,a,b,mu=mu_0*np.ones(3),eps=epsilon_0,moment=1.):
    HertzZ = _getCasingHertzMagDipole(srcloc,obsloc,freq,sigma,a,b,mu,eps,moment)
    dHertzZdz = _getCasingHertzMagDipoleDeriv_z(srcloc,obsloc,freq,sigma,a,b,mu,eps,moment)
    nobs = obsloc.shape[0]
    dxyz = obsloc - np.c_[np.ones(nobs)]*np.r_[srcloc]

    r2 = _r2(dxyz[:,:2])
    r = np.sqrt(r2)
    z = dxyz[:,2]
    sqrtr2z2 = np.sqrt(r2 + z**2)
    k2 = k(freq,sigma[2],mu[2],eps) 
    return (dHertzZdz*z + HertzZ)/sqrtr2z2*(-1j*k2 - 1./sqrtr2z2) + HertzZ*z/sqrtr2z2**3*(1j*k2*z + 2.*z/sqrtr2z2)
Пример #9
 def edge(self):
     """Construct edge legnths of the 3D model as 1d array."""
     if getattr(self, '_edge', None) is None:
         # Ensure that we are working with column vectors
         vh = self.h
         # The number of cell centers in each direction
         n = self.vnC
         # Compute edge lengths
         if (self.dim == 1):
             self._edge = Utils.mkvc(vh[0])
         elif (self.dim == 2):
             l1 = np.outer(vh[0], np.ones(n[1] + 1))
             l2 = np.outer(np.ones(n[0] + 1), vh[1])
             self._edge = np.r_[Utils.mkvc(l1), Utils.mkvc(l2)]
         elif (self.dim == 3):
             l1 = np.outer(
                 Utils.mkvc(np.outer(np.ones(n[1] + 1), np.ones(n[2] + 1))))
             l2 = np.outer(np.ones(n[0] + 1),
                           Utils.mkvc(np.outer(vh[1], np.ones(n[2] + 1))))
             l3 = np.outer(np.ones(n[0] + 1),
                           Utils.mkvc(np.outer(np.ones(n[1] + 1), vh[2])))
             self._edge = np.r_[Utils.mkvc(l1),
     return self._edge
Пример #10
    def setUp(self):

        # Define inducing field and sphere parameters
        H0 = (50000., 60., 270.)
        self.b0 = PF.MagAnalytics.IDTtoxyz(-H0[1], H0[2], H0[0])
        self.rad = 2.
        self.chi = 0.01

        # Define a mesh
        cs = 0.2
        hxind = [(cs, 21)]
        hyind = [(cs, 21)]
        hzind = [(cs, 21)]
        mesh = Mesh.TensorMesh([hxind, hyind, hzind], 'CCC')

        # Get cells inside the sphere
        sph_ind = PF.MagAnalytics.spheremodel(mesh, 0., 0., 0., self.rad)

        # Adjust susceptibility for volume difference
        Vratio = (4. / 3. * np.pi * self.rad**3.) / (np.sum(sph_ind) * cs**3.)
        model = np.ones(mesh.nC) * self.chi * Vratio
        self.model = model[sph_ind]

        # Creat reduced identity map for Linear Pproblem
        idenMap = Maps.IdentityMap(nP=int(sum(sph_ind)))

        # Create plane of observations
        xr = np.linspace(-20, 20, 21)
        yr = np.linspace(-20, 20, 21)
        X, Y = np.meshgrid(xr, yr)

        # Move obs plane 2 radius away from sphere
        Z = np.ones((xr.size, yr.size)) * 2. * self.rad
        self.locXyz = np.c_[Utils.mkvc(X), Utils.mkvc(Y), Utils.mkvc(Z)]
        rxLoc = PF.BaseMag.RxObs(self.locXyz)
        srcField = PF.BaseMag.SrcField([rxLoc], param=H0)
        self.survey = PF.BaseMag.LinearSurvey(srcField)

        self.prob_xyz = PF.Magnetics.MagneticIntegral(mesh,

        self.prob_tmi = PF.Magnetics.MagneticIntegral(mesh,
Пример #11
def halfSpaceProblemAnaVMDDiff(showIt=False, waveformType="STEPOFF"):
	cs, ncx, ncz, npad = 20., 25, 25, 15
	hx = [(cs,ncx), (cs,npad,1.3)]
	hz = [(cs,npad,-1.3), (cs,ncz), (cs,npad,1.3)]
	mesh = Mesh.CylMesh([hx,1,hz], '00C')   
	sighalf = 1e-2
	siginf = np.ones(mesh.nC)*1e-8
	siginf[mesh.gridCC[:,-1]<0.] = sighalf
	eta = np.ones(mesh.nC)*0.2
	tau = np.ones(mesh.nC)*0.005
	c = np.ones(mesh.nC)*0.7
	m = np.r_[siginf, eta, tau, c]
	iMap = Maps.IdentityMap(nP=int(mesh.nC))
	maps = [('sigmaInf', iMap), ('eta', iMap), ('tau', iMap), ('c', iMap)]
	prb = ProblemATEMIP_b(mesh, mapping = maps)	

	if waveformType =="GENERAL":
		# timeon = np.cumsum(np.r_[np.ones(10)*1e-3, np.ones(10)*5e-4, np.ones(10)*1e-4])
		timeon = np.cumsum(np.r_[np.ones(10)*1e-3, np.ones(10)*5e-4, np.ones(10)*1e-4])
		timeon -= timeon.max()
		timeoff = np.cumsum(np.r_[np.ones(20)*1e-5, np.ones(20)*1e-4, np.ones(20)*1e-3])
		time = np.r_[timeon, timeoff]
		current_on = np.ones_like(timeon)
		current_on[[0,-1]] = 0.
		current = np.r_[current_on, np.zeros_like(timeoff)]
		wave = np.c_[time, current]		
		prb.waveformType = "GENERAL"
		prb.t0 = time.min()
	elif waveformType =="STEPOFF":
		prb.timeSteps = [(1e-5, 20), (1e-4, 20), (1e-3, 10)]
	offset = 20.
	tobs = np.logspace(-4, -2, 21)
	rx = EM.TDEM.RxTDEM(np.array([[offset, 0., 0.]]), tobs, "bz")
	src = EM.TDEM.SrcTDEM_VMD_MVP([rx], np.array([[0., 0., 0.]]), waveformType=waveformType)
	survey = EM.TDEM.SurveyTDEM([src])
	prb.Solver = MumpsSolver
	out = survey.dpred(m)
	bz_ana = mu_0*hzAnalyticDipoleT_CC(offset, rx.times, sigmaInf=sighalf, eta=eta[0], tau=tau[0], c=c[0])
	err = np.linalg.norm(bz_ana-out)/np.linalg.norm(bz_ana)
	print '>> Relative error = ', err

	if showIt:
		plt.loglog(rx.times, abs(bz_ana), 'k')
		plt.loglog(rx.times, abs(out), 'b.')
	return err
Пример #12
def makeModelFile():
    Loads in a triangulated surface from Gocad (*.ts) and use VTK to transfer onto
    a 3D mesh.

    New scripts to be added to basecode

    work_dir = ''

    mshfile = 'MEsh_TEst.msh'

    # Load mesh file
    mesh = Mesh.TensorMesh.readUBC(work_dir+mshfile)

    # Load in observation file
    #[B,M,dobs] = PF.BaseMag.readUBCmagObs(obsfile)

    # Read in topo surface
    topsurf = work_dir+'CDED_Lake_Coarse.ts'
    geosurf =  [[work_dir+'Till.ts',True,True],

    # Background density
    bkgr = 1e-4
    airc = 1e-8

    # Units
    vals = np.asarray([1e-2,3e-2,5e-2,2e-2,2e-2,1e-3,5e-3])

    #%% Script starts here
    # # Create a grid of observations and offset the z from topo

    model= np.ones(mesh.nC) * bkgr
    # Load GOCAD surf
    #[vrtx, trgl] = PF.BaseMag.read_GOCAD_ts(tsfile)
    # Find active cells from surface

    for ii in range(len(geosurf)):
        tin = tm.time()
        print "Computing indices with VTK: " + geosurf[ii][0]
        indx = gocad2simpegMeshIndex(geosurf[ii][0],mesh)
        print "VTK operation completed in " + str(tm.time() - tin) + " sec"

        model[indx] = vals[ii]

    indx = gocad2simpegMeshIndex(topsurf,mesh)
    actv = np.zeros(mesh.nC)
    actv[indx] = 1

    model[actv==0] = airc

Пример #13
    def setUp(self):

        cs = 25.
        hx = [(cs,7, -1.3),(cs,21),(cs,7, 1.3)]
        hy = [(cs,7, -1.3),(cs,21),(cs,7, 1.3)]
        hz = [(cs,7, -1.3),(cs,20)]
        mesh = Mesh.TensorMesh([hx, hy, hz],x0="CCN")
        sigma = np.ones(mesh.nC)*1e-2

        x = mesh.vectorCCx[(mesh.vectorCCx>-155.)&(mesh.vectorCCx<155.)]
        y = mesh.vectorCCx[(mesh.vectorCCy>-155.)&(mesh.vectorCCy<155.)]
        Aloc = np.r_[-200., 0., 0.]
        Bloc = np.r_[200., 0., 0.]
        M = Utils.ndgrid(x-25.,y, np.r_[0.])
        N = Utils.ndgrid(x+25.,y, np.r_[0.])
        phiA = EM.Analytics.DCAnalyticHalf(Aloc, [M,N], 1e-2, earth_type="halfspace")
        phiB = EM.Analytics.DCAnalyticHalf(Bloc, [M,N], 1e-2, earth_type="halfspace")
        data_anal = phiA-phiB

        rx = DC.Rx.Dipole(M, N)
        src = DC.Src.Dipole([rx], Aloc, Bloc)
        survey = DC.Survey([src])

        self.survey = survey
        self.mesh = mesh
        self.sigma = sigma
        self.data_anal = data_anal

            from pymatsolver import PardisoSolver
            self.Solver = PardisoSolver
        except ImportError:
            self.Solver = SolverLU
Пример #14
    def setUp(self):

        cs = 25.
        hx = [(cs, 0, -1.3), (cs, 21), (cs, 0, 1.3)]
        hy = [(cs, 0, -1.3), (cs, 21), (cs, 0, 1.3)]
        hz = [(cs, 0, -1.3), (cs, 20)]
        mesh = Mesh.TensorMesh([hx, hy, hz], x0="CCN")
        blkind0 = Utils.ModelBuilder.getIndicesSphere(
            np.r_[-100., -100., -200.], 75., mesh.gridCC
        blkind1 = Utils.ModelBuilder.getIndicesSphere(
            np.r_[100., 100., -200.], 75., mesh.gridCC
        sigma = np.ones(mesh.nC)*1e-2
        eta = np.zeros(mesh.nC)
        tau = np.ones_like(sigma)*1.
        eta[blkind0] = 0.1
        eta[blkind1] = 0.1
        tau[blkind0] = 0.1
        tau[blkind1] = 0.01

        x = mesh.vectorCCx[(mesh.vectorCCx > -155.) & (mesh.vectorCCx < 155.)]
        y = mesh.vectorCCx[(mesh.vectorCCy > -155.) & (mesh.vectorCCy < 155.)]
        Aloc = np.r_[-200., 0., 0.]
        Bloc = np.r_[200., 0., 0.]
        M = Utils.ndgrid(x-25., y, np.r_[0.])
        N = Utils.ndgrid(x+25., y, np.r_[0.])

        times = np.arange(10)*1e-3 + 1e-3
        rx = SIP.Rx.Dipole(M, N, times)
        src = SIP.Src.Dipole([rx], Aloc, Bloc)
        survey = SIP.Survey([src])
        wires = Maps.Wires(('eta', mesh.nC), ('taui', mesh.nC))
        problem = SIP.Problem3D_N(
        problem.Solver = Solver
        mSynth = np.r_[eta, 1./tau]
        # Now set up the problem to do some minimization
        dmis = DataMisfit.l2_DataMisfit(survey)
        reg = Regularization.Tikhonov(mesh)
        opt = Optimization.InexactGaussNewton(
            maxIterLS=20, maxIter=10, tolF=1e-6,
            tolX=1e-6, tolG=1e-6, maxIterCG=6
        invProb = InvProblem.BaseInvProblem(dmis, reg, opt, beta=1e4)
        inv = Inversion.BaseInversion(invProb)

        self.inv = inv
        self.reg = reg
        self.p = problem
        self.mesh = mesh
        self.m0 = mSynth
        self.survey = survey
        self.dmis = dmis
Пример #15
    def setUp(self):

        cs = 12.5
        npad = 2
        hx = [(cs, npad, -1.3), (cs, 21), (cs, npad, 1.3)]
        hy = [(cs, npad, -1.3), (cs, 21), (cs, npad, 1.3)]
        hz = [(cs, npad, -1.3), (cs, 20)]
        mesh = Mesh.TensorMesh([hx, hy, hz], x0="CCN")

        x = mesh.vectorCCx[(mesh.vectorCCx > -80.) & (mesh.vectorCCx < 80.)]
        y = mesh.vectorCCx[(mesh.vectorCCy > -80.) & (mesh.vectorCCy < 80.)]
        Aloc = np.r_[-100., 0., 0.]
        Bloc = np.r_[100., 0., 0.]
        M = Utils.ndgrid(x - 12.5, y, np.r_[0.])
        N = Utils.ndgrid(x + 12.5, y, np.r_[0.])
        radius = 50.
        xc = np.r_[0., 0., -100]
        blkind = Utils.ModelBuilder.getIndicesSphere(xc, radius, mesh.gridCC)
        sigmaInf = np.ones(mesh.nC) * 1e-2
        eta = np.zeros(mesh.nC)
        eta[blkind] = 0.1
        sigma0 = sigmaInf * (1. - eta)

        rx = DC.Rx.Dipole(M, N)
        src = DC.Src.Dipole([rx], Aloc, Bloc)
        surveyDC = DC.Survey([src])

        self.surveyDC = surveyDC
        self.mesh = mesh
        self.sigmaInf = sigmaInf
        self.sigma0 = sigma0
        self.src = src
        self.eta = eta
Пример #16
    def test_ana_forward(self):

        survey = PF.BaseMag.BaseMagSurvey()

        Inc = 45.
        Dec = 45.
        Btot = 51000

        b0 = PF.MagAnalytics.IDTtoxyz(Inc, Dec, Btot)
        survey.setBackgroundField(Inc, Dec, Btot)
        xr = np.linspace(-300, 300, 41)
        yr = np.linspace(-300, 300, 41)
        X, Y = np.meshgrid(xr, yr)
        Z = np.ones((xr.size, yr.size))*150
        rxLoc = np.c_[Utils.mkvc(X), Utils.mkvc(Y), Utils.mkvc(Z)]
        survey.rxLoc = rxLoc

        u = self.prob.fields(self.chi)
        B = u['B']

        bxa, bya, bza = PF.MagAnalytics.MagSphereAnaFunA(rxLoc[:, 0], rxLoc[:, 1], rxLoc[:, 2], 100., 0., 0., 0., 0.01, b0, 'secondary')

        dpred = survey.projectFieldsAsVector(B)
        err = np.linalg.norm(dpred-np.r_[bxa, bya, bza])/np.linalg.norm(np.r_[bxa, bya, bza])
        self.assertTrue(err < 0.08)
Пример #17
    def setUp(self):

        cs = 12.5
        hx = [(cs,7, -1.3),(cs,61),(cs,7, 1.3)]
        hy = [(cs,7, -1.3),(cs,20)]
        mesh = Mesh.TensorMesh([hx, hy],x0="CN")
        sighalf = 1e-2
        sigma = np.ones(mesh.nC)*sighalf
        x = np.linspace(-135, 250., 20)
        M = Utils.ndgrid(x-12.5, np.r_[0.])
        N = Utils.ndgrid(x+12.5, np.r_[0.])
        A0loc = np.r_[-150, 0.]
        A1loc = np.r_[-130, 0.]
        rxloc = [np.c_[M, np.zeros(20)], np.c_[N, np.zeros(20)]]
        data_anal = EM.Analytics.DCAnalyticHalf(np.r_[A0loc, 0.], rxloc, sighalf, earth_type="halfspace")

        rx = DC.Rx.Dipole_ky(M, N)
        src0 = DC.Src.Pole([rx], A0loc)
        survey = DC.Survey_ky([src0])

        self.survey = survey
        self.mesh = mesh
        self.sigma = sigma
        self.data_anal = data_anal

            from pymatsolver import MumpsSolver
            self.Solver = MumpsSolver
        except ImportError, e:
            self.Solver = SolverLU
Пример #18
    def setUp(self):

        cs = 25.
        hx = [(cs, 7, -1.3), (cs, 21), (cs, 7, 1.3)]
        hy = [(cs, 7, -1.3), (cs, 21), (cs, 7, 1.3)]
        hz = [(cs, 7, -1.3), (cs, 20), (cs, 7, -1.3)]
        mesh = Mesh.TensorMesh([hx, hy, hz], x0="CCC")
        sigma = np.ones(mesh.nC) * 1e-2

        x = mesh.vectorCCx[(mesh.vectorCCx > -155.) & (mesh.vectorCCx < 155.)]
        y = mesh.vectorCCx[(mesh.vectorCCy > -155.) & (mesh.vectorCCy < 155.)]

        Aloc = np.r_[-200., 0., 0.]
        Bloc = np.r_[200., 0., 0.]
        M = Utils.ndgrid(x - 25., y, np.r_[0.])
        N = Utils.ndgrid(x + 25., y, np.r_[0.])
        phiA = EM.Analytics.DCAnalytic_Pole_Dipole(Aloc, [M, N],
        phiB = EM.Analytics.DCAnalytic_Pole_Dipole(Bloc, [M, N],
        data_anal = phiA - phiB

        rx = DC.Rx.Dipole(M, N)
        src = DC.Src.Dipole([rx], Aloc, Bloc)
        survey = DC.Survey([src])

        self.survey = survey
        self.mesh = mesh
        self.sigma = sigma
        self.data_anal = data_anal
Пример #19
 def unpackdx(fid,nrows):
     for ii in range(nrows):
         line = fid.readline()
         var = np.array(line.split(),dtype=float)
         if ii==0:
             x0= var[0]
             xvec = np.ones(int(var[2])) * (var[1] - var[0]) / int(var[2])
             xend = var[1]            
             xvec = np.hstack((xvec,np.ones(int(var[1])) * (var[0] - xend) / int(var[1])))
             xend = var[0] 
     return x0, xvec
Пример #20
    def __init__(self, h_in, x0_in=None):
        assert type(h_in) in [list, tuple], 'h_in must be a list'
        assert len(h_in) in [1,2,3], 'h_in must be of dimension 1, 2, or 3'
        h = range(len(h_in))
        for i, h_i in enumerate(h_in):
            if Utils.isScalar(h_i) and type(h_i) is not np.ndarray:
                # This gives you something over the unit cube.
                h_i = self._unitDimensions[i] * np.ones(int(h_i))/int(h_i)
            elif type(h_i) is list:
                h_i = Utils.meshTensor(h_i)
            assert isinstance(h_i, np.ndarray), ("h[%i] is not a numpy array." % i)
            assert len(h_i.shape) == 1, ("h[%i] must be a 1D numpy array." % i)
            h[i] = h_i[:] # make a copy.

        x0 = np.zeros(len(h))
        if x0_in is not None:
            assert len(h) == len(x0_in), "Dimension mismatch. x0 != len(h)"
            for i in range(len(h)):
                x_i, h_i = x0_in[i], h[i]
                if Utils.isScalar(x_i):
                    x0[i] = x_i
                elif x_i == '0':
                    x0[i] = 0.0
                elif x_i == 'C':
                    x0[i] = -h_i.sum()*0.5
                elif x_i == 'N':
                    x0[i] = -h_i.sum()
                    raise Exception("x0[%i] must be a scalar or '0' to be zero, 'C' to center, or 'N' to be negative." % i)

        BaseRectangularMesh.__init__(self, np.array([x.size for x in h]), x0)

        # Ensure h contains 1D vectors
        self._h = [Utils.mkvc(x.astype(float)) for x in h]
Пример #21
    def test_ana_forward(self):

        survey = PF.BaseMag.BaseMagSurvey()

        Inc = 45.0
        Dec = 45.0
        Btot = 51000

        b0 = PF.MagAnalytics.IDTtoxyz(Inc, Dec, Btot)
        survey.setBackgroundField(Inc, Dec, Btot)
        xr = np.linspace(-300, 300, 41)
        yr = np.linspace(-300, 300, 41)
        X, Y = np.meshgrid(xr, yr)
        Z = np.ones((xr.size, yr.size)) * 150
        rxLoc = np.c_[Utils.mkvc(X), Utils.mkvc(Y), Utils.mkvc(Z)]
        survey.rxLoc = rxLoc

        u = self.prob.fields(self.chi)
        B = u["B"]

        bxa, bya, bza = PF.MagAnalytics.MagSphereAnaFunA(
            rxLoc[:, 0], rxLoc[:, 1], rxLoc[:, 2], 100.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.01, b0, "secondary"

        dpred = survey.projectFieldsAsVector(B)
        err = np.linalg.norm(dpred - np.r_[bxa, bya, bza]) / np.linalg.norm(np.r_[bxa, bya, bza])
        self.assertTrue(err < 0.08)
Пример #22
    def setUp(self):

        cs = 12.5
        hx = [(cs, 7, -1.3), (cs, 61), (cs, 7, 1.3)]
        hy = [(cs, 7, -1.3), (cs, 20)]
        mesh = Mesh.TensorMesh([hx, hy], x0="CN")
        sighalf = 1e-2
        sigma = np.ones(mesh.nC) * sighalf
        x = np.linspace(-135, 250., 20)
        M = Utils.ndgrid(x - 12.5, np.r_[0.])
        N = Utils.ndgrid(x + 12.5, np.r_[0.])
        A0loc = np.r_[-150, 0.]
        # A1loc = np.r_[-130, 0.]
        rxloc = [np.c_[M, np.zeros(20)], np.c_[N, np.zeros(20)]]
        data_anal = EM.Analytics.DCAnalytic_Pole_Dipole(np.r_[A0loc, 0.],

        rx = DC.Rx.Dipole_ky(M, N)
        src0 = DC.Src.Pole([rx], A0loc)
        survey = DC.Survey_ky([src0])

        self.survey = survey
        self.mesh = mesh
        self.sigma = sigma
        self.data_anal = data_anal

            from pymatsolver import PardisoSolver
            self.Solver = PardisoSolver
        except ImportError:
            self.Solver = SolverLU
Пример #23
    def test_ana_boundary_computation(self):

        hxind = [(0, 25, 1.3), (21, 12.5), (0, 25, 1.3)]
        hyind = [(0, 25, 1.3), (21, 12.5), (0, 25, 1.3)]
        hzind = [(0, 25, 1.3), (20, 12.5), (0, 25, 1.3)]
        # hx, hy, hz = Utils.meshTensors(hxind, hyind, hzind)
        M3 = Mesh.TensorMesh([hxind, hyind, hzind], "CCC")
        indxd, indxu, indyd, indyu, indzd, indzu = M3.faceBoundaryInd
        mu0 = 4*np.pi*1e-7
        chibkg = 0.
        chiblk = 0.01
        chi = np.ones(M3.nC)*chibkg
        sph_ind = PF.MagAnalytics.spheremodel(M3, 0, 0, 0, 100)
        chi[sph_ind] = chiblk
        mu = (1.+chi)*mu0
        Bbc, const = PF.MagAnalytics.CongruousMagBC(M3, np.array([1., 0., 0.]), chi)

        flag = 'secondary'
        Box = 1.
        H0 = Box/mu_0
        Bbcxx, Bbcxy, Bbcxz  = PF.MagAnalytics.MagSphereAnaFun(M3.gridFx[(indxd|indxu),0], M3.gridFx[(indxd|indxu),1], M3.gridFx[(indxd|indxu),2], 100, 0., 0., 0., mu_0, mu_0*(1+chiblk), H0, flag)
        Bbcyx, Bbcyy, Bbcyz  = PF.MagAnalytics.MagSphereAnaFun(M3.gridFy[(indyd|indyu),0], M3.gridFy[(indyd|indyu),1], M3.gridFy[(indyd|indyu),2], 100, 0., 0., 0., mu_0, mu_0*(1+chiblk), H0, flag)
        Bbczx, Bbczy, Bbczz  = PF.MagAnalytics.MagSphereAnaFun(M3.gridFz[(indzd|indzu),0], M3.gridFz[(indzd|indzu),1], M3.gridFz[(indzd|indzu),2], 100, 0., 0., 0., mu_0, mu_0*(1+chiblk), H0, flag)
        Bbc_ana = np.r_[Bbcxx, Bbcyy, Bbczz]

        if plotIt:
            import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
            fig, ax = plt.subplots(1,1, figsize = (10, 10))
        err = np.linalg.norm(Bbc-Bbc_ana) / np.linalg.norm(Bbc_ana)

        assert err < 0.1, 'Mag Boundary computation is wrong!!, err = {}'.format(err)
Пример #24
    def unpackdx(fid,nrows):
        for ii in range(nrows):

            line = fid.readline()
            var = np.array(line.split(),dtype=float)

            if ii==0:
                x0= var[0]
                xvec = np.ones(int(var[2])) * (var[1] - var[0]) / int(var[2])
                xend = var[1]

                xvec = np.hstack((xvec,np.ones(int(var[1])) * (var[0] - xend) / int(var[1])))
                xend = var[0]

        return x0, xvec
Пример #25
    def setUp(self):

        # Define inducing field and sphere parameters
        H0 = (50000., 60., 270.)
        self.b0 = PF.MagAnalytics.IDTtoxyz(-H0[1], H0[2], H0[0])
        self.rad = 2.
        self.chi = 0.01

        # Define a mesh
        cs = 0.2
        hxind = [(cs, 21)]
        hyind = [(cs, 21)]
        hzind = [(cs, 21)]
        mesh = Mesh.TensorMesh([hxind, hyind, hzind], 'CCC')

        # Get cells inside the sphere
        sph_ind = PF.MagAnalytics.spheremodel(mesh, 0., 0., 0., self.rad)

        # Adjust susceptibility for volume difference
        Vratio = (4./3.*np.pi*self.rad**3.) / (np.sum(sph_ind)*cs**3.)
        model = np.ones(mesh.nC)*self.chi*Vratio
        self.model = model[sph_ind]

        # Creat reduced identity map for Linear Pproblem
        idenMap = Maps.IdentityMap(nP=int(sum(sph_ind)))

        # Create plane of observations
        xr = np.linspace(-20, 20, 21)
        yr = np.linspace(-20, 20, 21)
        X, Y = np.meshgrid(xr, yr)

        # Move obs plane 2 radius away from sphere
        Z = np.ones((xr.size, yr.size))*2.*self.rad
        self.locXyz = np.c_[Utils.mkvc(X), Utils.mkvc(Y), Utils.mkvc(Z)]
        rxLoc = PF.BaseMag.RxObs(self.locXyz)
        srcField = PF.BaseMag.SrcField([rxLoc], param=H0)
        self.survey = PF.BaseMag.LinearSurvey(srcField)

        self.prob_xyz = PF.Magnetics.MagneticIntegral(mesh, mapping=idenMap,

        self.prob_tmi = PF.Magnetics.MagneticIntegral(mesh, mapping=idenMap,
Пример #26
    def setUp(self):

        # Define sphere parameters
        self.rad = 2.
        self.rho = 0.1

        # Define a mesh
        cs = 0.2
        hxind = [(cs, 21)]
        hyind = [(cs, 21)]
        hzind = [(cs, 21)]
        mesh = Mesh.TensorMesh([hxind, hyind, hzind], 'CCC')

        # Get cells inside the sphere
        sph_ind = PF.MagAnalytics.spheremodel(mesh, 0., 0., 0., self.rad)

        # Adjust density for volume difference
        Vratio = (4. / 3. * np.pi * self.rad**3.) / (np.sum(sph_ind) * cs**3.)
        model = np.ones(mesh.nC) * self.rho * Vratio
        self.model = model[sph_ind]

        # Create reduced identity map for Linear Pproblem
        idenMap = Maps.IdentityMap(nP=int(sum(sph_ind)))

        # Create plane of observations
        xr = np.linspace(-20, 20, 21)
        yr = np.linspace(-20, 20, 21)
        X, Y = np.meshgrid(xr, yr)

        # Move obs plane 2 radius away from sphere
        Z = np.ones((xr.size, yr.size)) * 2. * self.rad
        self.locXyz = np.c_[Utils.mkvc(X), Utils.mkvc(Y), Utils.mkvc(Z)]
        rxLoc = PF.BaseGrav.RxObs(self.locXyz)
        srcField = PF.BaseGrav.SrcField([rxLoc])
        self.survey = PF.BaseGrav.LinearSurvey(srcField)

        self.prob_xyz = PF.Gravity.GravityIntegral(mesh,

        self.prob_z = PF.Gravity.GravityIntegral(mesh,
Пример #27
    def __init__(self, h_in, x0=None):
        assert type(h_in) is list, 'h_in must be a list'
        assert len(h_in) > 1, "len(h_in) must be greater than 1"

        h = range(len(h_in))
        for i, h_i in enumerate(h_in):
            if type(h_i) in [int, long, float]:
                # This gives you something over the unit cube.
                h_i = np.ones(int(h_i))/int(h_i)
            assert isinstance(h_i, np.ndarray), ("h[%i] is not a numpy array." % i)
            assert len(h_i.shape) == 1, ("h[%i] must be a 1D numpy array." % i)
            h[i] = h_i[:] # make a copy.
        self.h = h

        if x0 is None:
            x0 = np.zeros(self.dim)
            assert type(x0) in [list, np.ndarray], 'x0 must be a numpy array or a list'
            x0 = np.array(x0, dtype=float)
            assert len(x0) == self.dim, 'x0 must have the same dimensions as the mesh'

        # TODO: this has a lot of stuff which doesn't work for this style of mesh...
        BaseMesh.__init__(self, np.array([x.size for x in h]), x0)

        # set the sets for holding the cells, nodes, faces, and edges
        self.cells  = set()
        self.nodes  = set()
        self.faces  = set()
        self.facesX = set()
        self.facesY = set()
        if self.dim == 3:
            self.facesZ = set()
            self.edges  = set()
            self.edgesX = set()
            self.edgesY = set()
            self.edgesZ = set()

        self.children = np.empty([hi.size for hi in h],dtype=TreeCell)

        if self.dim == 2:
            for i in range(h[0].size):
                for j in range(h[1].size):
                    fXm = None if i is 0 else self.children[i-1][j].fXp
                    fYm = None if j is 0 else self.children[i][j-1].fYp
                    x0i = (np.r_[x0[0], h[0][:i]]).sum()
                    x0j = (np.r_[x0[1], h[1][:j]]).sum()
                    self.children[i][j] = TreeCell(self, x0=[x0i, x0j], depth=0, sz=[h[0][i], h[1][j]], fXm=fXm, fYm=fYm)

        elif self.dim == 3:
            for i in range(h[0].size):
                for j in range(h[1].size):
                    for k in range(h[2].size):
                        fXm = None if i is 0 else self.children[i-1][j][k].fXp
                        fYm = None if j is 0 else self.children[i][j-1][k].fYp
                        fZm = None if k is 0 else self.children[i][j][k-1].fZp
                        x0i = (np.r_[x0[0], h[0][:i]]).sum()
                        x0j = (np.r_[x0[1], h[1][:j]]).sum()
                        x0k = (np.r_[x0[2], h[2][:k]]).sum()
                        self.children[i][j][k] = TreeCell(self, x0=[x0i, x0j, x0k], depth=0, sz=[h[0][i], h[1][j], h[2][k]], fXm=fXm, fYm=fYm, fZm=fZm)
Пример #28
def run(plotIt=True):
        PF: Magnetics: Analytics

        Comparing the magnetics field in Vancouver to Seoul


    xr = np.linspace(-300, 300, 41)
    yr = np.linspace(-300, 300, 41)
    X, Y = np.meshgrid(xr, yr)
    Z = np.ones((np.size(xr), np.size(yr)))*150

    # Bz component in Korea
    inckr = -8. + 3./60
    deckr = 54. + 9./60
    btotkr = 50898.6
    Bokr = PF.MagAnalytics.IDTtoxyz(inckr, deckr, btotkr)

    bx, by, bz = PF.MagAnalytics.MagSphereAnaFunA(
        X, Y, Z, 100., 0., 0., 0., 0.01, Bokr, 'secondary'
    Bzkr = np.reshape(bz, (np.size(xr), np.size(yr)), order='F')

    # Bz component in Canada
    incca = 16. + 49./60
    decca = 70. + 19./60
    btotca = 54692.1
    Boca = PF.MagAnalytics.IDTtoxyz(incca, decca, btotca)

    bx, by, bz = PF.MagAnalytics.MagSphereAnaFunA(
        X, Y, Z, 100., 0., 0., 0., 0.01, Boca, 'secondary'
    Bzca = np.reshape(bz, (np.size(xr), np.size(yr)), order='F')

    if plotIt:
        import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
        from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1 import make_axes_locatable
        fig = plt.figure(figsize=(14, 5))

        ax1 = plt.subplot(121)
        dat1 = plt.imshow(Bzkr, extent=[min(xr), max(xr), min(yr), max(yr)])
        divider = make_axes_locatable(ax1)
        cax1 = divider.append_axes("right", size="5%", pad=0.05)
        ax1.set_xlabel('East-West (m)')
        ax1.set_ylabel('South-North (m)')
        plt.colorbar(dat1, cax=cax1)
        ax1.set_title('$B_z$ field at Seoul, South Korea')

        ax2 = plt.subplot(122)
        dat2 = plt.imshow(Bzca, extent=[min(xr), max(xr), min(yr), max(yr)])
        divider = make_axes_locatable(ax2)
        cax2 = divider.append_axes("right", size="5%", pad=0.05)
        ax2.set_xlabel('East-West (m)')
        ax2.set_ylabel('South-North (m)')
        plt.colorbar(dat2, cax=cax2)
        ax2.set_title('$B_z$ field at Vancouver, Canada')
Пример #29
 def mref(self):
     if getattr(self, '_mref', None) is None:
         if isinstance(self._mrefInput, float):
             self._mref = np.ones(self.nC) * self._mrefInput
             self._mref = Mesh.TensorMesh.readModelUBC(self.mesh, self.basePath + self._mrefInput)
             self._mref = self._mref[self.activeCells]
     return self._mref
Пример #30
 def getFields(timeStep, method):
     timeSteps = np.ones(360/timeStep)*timeStep
     prob = Richards.RichardsProblem(
         M, mapping=E, timeSteps=timeSteps,
         boundaryConditions=bc, initialConditions=h,
         doNewton=False, method=method
     return prob.fields(params['Ks'])
Пример #31
def halfSpaceProblemAnaVMDDiff(showIt=False, waveformType="STEPOFF"):
    cs, ncx, ncz, npad = 20., 25, 25, 15
    hx = [(cs, ncx), (cs, npad, 1.3)]
    hz = [(cs, npad, -1.3), (cs, ncz), (cs, npad, 1.3)]
    mesh = Mesh.CylMesh([hx, 1, hz], '00C')
    prb = ProblemATEM_b(mesh)
    if waveformType == "GENERAL":
        timeon = np.cumsum(np.r_[np.ones(10) * 1e-3,
                                 np.ones(10) * 5e-4,
                                 np.ones(10) * 1e-4])
        timeon -= timeon.max()
        timeoff = np.cumsum(np.r_[np.ones(10) * 5e-5,
                                  np.ones(10) * 1e-4,
                                  np.ones(10) * 5e-4,
                                  np.ones(10) * 1e-3,
                                  np.ones(10) * 5e-3])
        time = np.r_[timeon, timeoff]
        current_on = np.ones_like(timeon)
        current_on[[0, -1]] = 0.
        current = np.r_[current_on, np.zeros_like(timeoff)]
        wave = np.c_[time, current]
        prb.waveformType = "GENERAL"
        prb.t0 = time.min()
    elif waveformType == "STEPOFF":
        prb.timeSteps = [(1e-5, 10), (5e-5, 10), (1e-4, 10), (5e-4, 10),
                         (1e-3, 10), (5e-3, 10)]
    offset = 20.
    tobs = np.logspace(-4, -2, 21)
    rx = EM.TDEM.RxTDEM(np.array([[offset, 0., 0.]]), tobs, "bz")
    src = EM.TDEM.SrcTDEM_VMD_MVP([rx],
                                  np.array([[0., 0., 0.]]),
    survey = EM.TDEM.SurveyTDEM([src])
    prb.Solver = MumpsSolver
    sigma = np.ones(mesh.nC) * 1e-8
    active = mesh.gridCC[:, 2] < 0.
    sig_half = 1e-2
    sigma[active] = sig_half

    out = survey.dpred(sigma)
    bz_ana = mu_0 * hzAnalyticDipoleT(offset, rx.times, sig_half)
    err = np.linalg.norm(bz_ana - out) / np.linalg.norm(bz_ana)
    print '>> Relative error = ', err

    if showIt:
        plt.loglog(rx.times, bz_ana, 'k')
        plt.loglog(rx.times, out, 'b.')
    return err
Пример #32
 def test_sub2ind(self):
     x = np.ones((5,2))
     self.assertTrue(np.all(sub2ind(x.shape, [0,0]) == [0]))
     self.assertTrue(np.all(sub2ind(x.shape, [4,0]) == [4]))
     self.assertTrue(np.all(sub2ind(x.shape, [0,1]) == [5]))
     self.assertTrue(np.all(sub2ind(x.shape, [4,1]) == [9]))
     self.assertTrue(np.all(sub2ind(x.shape, [[4,1]]) == [9]))
     self.assertTrue(np.all(sub2ind(x.shape, [[0,0],[4,0],[0,1],[4,1]]) == [0,4,5,9]))
Пример #33
 def mref(self):
     if getattr(self, '_mref', None) is None:
         if isinstance(self._mrefInput, float):
             self._mref = np.ones(self.nC) * self._mrefInput
             self._mref = Mesh.TensorMesh.readModelUBC(self.mesh, self.basePath + self._mrefInput)
             self._mref = self._mref[self.activeCells]
     return self._mref
Пример #34
    def setUp(self):

        # Define sphere parameters
        self.rad = 2.
        self.rho = 0.1

        # Define a mesh
        cs = 0.2
        hxind = [(cs, 21)]
        hyind = [(cs, 21)]
        hzind = [(cs, 21)]
        mesh = Mesh.TensorMesh([hxind, hyind, hzind], 'CCC')

        # Get cells inside the sphere
        sph_ind = PF.MagAnalytics.spheremodel(mesh, 0., 0., 0., self.rad)

        # Adjust density for volume difference
        Vratio = (4./3.*np.pi*self.rad**3.) / (np.sum(sph_ind)*cs**3.)
        model = np.ones(mesh.nC)*self.rho*Vratio
        self.model = model[sph_ind]

        # Create reduced identity map for Linear Pproblem
        idenMap = Maps.IdentityMap(nP=int(sum(sph_ind)))

        # Create plane of observations
        xr = np.linspace(-20, 20, 21)
        yr = np.linspace(-20, 20, 21)
        X, Y = np.meshgrid(xr, yr)

        # Move obs plane 2 radius away from sphere
        Z = np.ones((xr.size, yr.size))*2.*self.rad
        self.locXyz = np.c_[Utils.mkvc(X), Utils.mkvc(Y), Utils.mkvc(Z)]
        rxLoc = PF.BaseGrav.RxObs(self.locXyz)
        srcField = PF.BaseGrav.SrcField([rxLoc])
        self.survey = PF.BaseGrav.LinearSurvey(srcField)

        self.prob_xyz = PF.Gravity.GravityIntegral(mesh, mapping=idenMap,

        self.prob_z = PF.Gravity.GravityIntegral(mesh, mapping=idenMap,
Пример #35
    def _fastInnerProduct(self,
            Fast version of getFaceInnerProduct.
            This does not handle the case of a full tensor prop.

            :param numpy.array prop: material property (tensor properties are possible) at each cell center (nC, (1, 3, or 6))
            :param str projType: 'E' or 'F'
            :param bool returnP: returns the projection matrices
            :param bool invProp: inverts the material property
            :param bool invMat: inverts the matrix
            :rtype: scipy.csr_matrix
            :return: M, the inner product matrix (nF, nF)
        assert projType in [
            'F', 'E'
        ], "projType must be 'F' for faces or 'E' for edges"

        if prop is None:
            prop = np.ones(self.nC)

        if invProp:
            prop = 1. / prop

        if Utils.isScalar(prop):
            prop = prop * np.ones(self.nC)

        if prop.size == self.nC:
            Av = getattr(self, 'ave' + projType + '2CC')
            Vprop = self.vol * Utils.mkvc(prop)
            M = self.dim * Utils.sdiag(Av.T * Vprop)
        elif prop.size == self.nC * self.dim:
            Av = getattr(self, 'ave' + projType + '2CCV')
            V = sp.kron(sp.identity(self.dim), Utils.sdiag(self.vol))
            M = Utils.sdiag(Av.T * V * Utils.mkvc(prop))
            return None

        if invMat:
            return Utils.sdInv(M)
            return M
Пример #36
    def m0(self):
        if getattr(self, '_m0', None) is None:
            if isinstance(self.mstart, float):
                self._m0 = np.ones(self.nC) * self.mstart
                self._m0 = Mesh.TensorMesh.readModelUBC(
                    self.mesh, self.basePath + self.mstart)

        return self._m0
Пример #37
    def m0(self):
        if getattr(self, '_m0', None) is None:
            if isinstance(self.mstart, float):
                self._m0 = np.ones(self.nC) * self.mstart

                self._m0 = Mesh.TensorMesh.readModelUBC(self.mesh, self.basePath + self.mstart)

        return self._m0
Пример #38
    def activeModel(self):
        if getattr(self, '_activeModel', None) is None:
            if self._staticInput == 'FILE':
                # Read from file active cells with 0:air, 1:dynamic, -1 static
                self._activeModel = Mesh.TensorMesh.readModelUBC(self.mesh, self.basePath + self._staticInput)

                self._activeModel = np.ones(self._mesh.nC)

        return self._activeModel
Пример #39
    def activeModel(self):
        if getattr(self, '_activeModel', None) is None:
            if isinstance(self._staticInput, str):
                # Read from file active cells with 0:air, 1:dynamic, -1 static
                self._activeModel = Mesh.TensorMesh.readModelUBC(self.mesh, self.basePath + self._staticInput)

                self._activeModel = np.ones(self._mesh.nC)

        return self._activeModel
Пример #40
def _getCasingHertzMagDipole(srcloc,
                             mu=mu_0 * np.ones(3),
    Kc1 = getKc(freq, sigma[1], a, b, mu[1], eps)

    nobs = obsloc.shape[0]
    dxyz = obsloc - np.c_[np.ones(nobs)] * np.r_[srcloc]

    r2 = _r2(dxyz[:, :2])
    sqrtr2z2 = np.sqrt(r2 + dxyz[:, 2]**2)
    k2 = k(freq, sigma[2], mu[2], eps)

    return Kc1 * moment / (4. * np.pi) * np.exp(-1j * k2 * sqrtr2z2) / sqrtr2z2
Пример #41
 def DCfun(mesh, pts):
     D = mesh.faceDiv
     sigma = 1e-2 * np.ones(mesh.nC)
     MsigI = mesh.getFaceInnerProduct(sigma, invProp=True, invMat=True)
     A = -D * MsigI * D.T
     A[-1, -1] /= mesh.vol[-1]  # Remove null space
     rhs = np.zeros(mesh.nC)
     txind = Utils.meshutils.closestPoints(mesh, pts)
     rhs[txind] = np.r_[1, -1]
     return A, rhs
Пример #42
 def DCfun(mesh, pts):
     D = mesh.faceDiv
     sigma = 1e-2*np.ones(mesh.nC)
     MsigI = mesh.getFaceInnerProduct(sigma, invProp=True, invMat=True)
     A = -D*MsigI*D.T
     A[-1,-1] /= mesh.vol[-1] # Remove null space
     rhs = np.zeros(mesh.nC)
     txind = Utils.meshutils.closestPoints(mesh, pts)
     rhs[txind] = np.r_[1,-1]
     return A, rhs
Пример #43
def getCasingHrMagDipole(srcloc,
                         mu=mu_0 * np.ones(3),
    return _getCasingHertzMagDipole2Deriv_z_r(srcloc, obsloc, freq, sigma, a,
                                              b, mu, eps, moment)
Пример #44
    def toRecArray(self,returnType='RealImag'):
        Function that returns a numpy.recarray for a SimpegMT impedance data object.

        :param str returnType: Switches between returning a rec array where the impedance is split to real and imaginary ('RealImag') or is a complex ('Complex')


        # Define the record fields
        dtRI = [('freq',float),('x',float),('y',float),('z',float),('zxxr',float),('zxxi',float),('zxyr',float),('zxyi',float),
        dtCP = [('freq',float),('x',float),('y',float),('z',float),('zxx',complex),('zxy',complex),('zyx',complex),('zyy',complex),('tzx',complex),('tzy',complex)]
        impList = ['zxxr','zxxi','zxyr','zxyi','zyxr','zyxi','zyyr','zyyi']
        for src in self.survey.srcList:
            # Temp array for all the receivers of the source.
            # Note: needs to be written more generally, using diffterent rxTypes and not all the data at the locaitons
            # Assume the same locs for all RX
            locs = src.rxList[0].locs
            if locs.shape[1] == 1:
                locs = np.hstack((np.array([[0.0,0.0]]),locs))
            elif locs.shape[1] == 2:
                locs = np.hstack((np.array([[0.0]]),locs))
            tArrRec = np.concatenate((src.freq*np.ones((locs.shape[0],1)),locs,np.nan*np.ones((locs.shape[0],12))),axis=1).view(dtRI)
            # np.array([(src.freq,rx.locs[0,0],rx.locs[0,1],rx.locs[0,2],np.nan ,np.nan ,np.nan ,np.nan ,np.nan ,np.nan ,np.nan ,np.nan ) for rx in src.rxList],dtype=dtRI)
            # Get the type and the value for the DataMT object as a list
            typeList = [[rx.rxType.replace('z1d','zyx'),self[src,rx]] for rx in src.rxList]
            # Insert the values to the temp array
            for nr,(key,val) in enumerate(typeList):
                tArrRec[key] = mkvc(val,2)
            # Masked array
            mArrRec = np.ma.MaskedArray(rec2ndarr(tArrRec),mask=np.isnan(rec2ndarr(tArrRec))).view(dtype=tArrRec.dtype)
            # Unique freq and loc of the masked array
            uniFLmarr = np.unique(mArrRec[['freq','x','y','z']]).copy()

                outTemp = recFunc.stack_arrays((outTemp,mArrRec))
                #outTemp = np.concatenate((outTemp,dataBlock),axis=0)
            except NameError as e:
                outTemp = mArrRec

            if 'RealImag' in returnType:
                outArr = outTemp
            elif 'Complex' in returnType:
                # Add the real and imaginary to a complex number
                outArr = np.empty(outTemp.shape,dtype=dtCP)
                for comp in ['freq','x','y','z']:
                    outArr[comp] = outTemp[comp].copy()
                for comp in ['zxx','zxy','zyx','zyy','tzx','tzy']:
                    outArr[comp] = outTemp[comp+'r'].copy() + 1j*outTemp[comp+'i'].copy()
                raise NotImplementedError('{:s} is not implemented, as to be RealImag or Complex.')

        # Return
        return outArr
Пример #45
    def setUp(self):

        cs = 25.
        hx = [(cs,0, -1.3),(cs,21),(cs,0, 1.3)]
        hy = [(cs,0, -1.3),(cs,21),(cs,0, 1.3)]
        hz = [(cs,0, -1.3),(cs,20),(cs,0, 1.3)]
        mesh = Mesh.TensorMesh([hx, hy, hz],x0="CCC")
        blkind0 = Utils.ModelBuilder.getIndicesSphere(np.r_[-100., -100., -200.], 75., mesh.gridCC)
        blkind1 = Utils.ModelBuilder.getIndicesSphere(np.r_[100., 100., -200.], 75., mesh.gridCC)
        sigma = np.ones(mesh.nC)*1e-2
        airind = mesh.gridCC[:,2]>0.
        sigma[airind] = 1e-8
        eta = np.zeros(mesh.nC)
        tau = np.ones_like(sigma)*1.
        eta[blkind0] = 0.1
        eta[blkind1] = 0.1
        tau[blkind0] = 0.1
        tau[blkind1] = 0.01

        actmapeta = Maps.InjectActiveCells(mesh, ~airind, 0.)
        actmaptau = Maps.InjectActiveCells(mesh, ~airind, 1.)

        x = mesh.vectorCCx[(mesh.vectorCCx>-155.)&(mesh.vectorCCx<155.)]
        y = mesh.vectorCCx[(mesh.vectorCCy>-155.)&(mesh.vectorCCy<155.)]
        Aloc = np.r_[-200., 0., 0.]
        Bloc = np.r_[200., 0., 0.]
        M = Utils.ndgrid(x-25.,y, np.r_[0.])
        N = Utils.ndgrid(x+25.,y, np.r_[0.])

        times = np.arange(10)*1e-3 + 1e-3
        rx = SIP.Rx.Dipole(M, N, times)
        src = SIP.Src.Dipole([rx], Aloc, Bloc)
        survey = SIP.Survey([src])
        colemap = [("eta", Maps.IdentityMap(mesh)*actmapeta), ("taui", Maps.IdentityMap(mesh)*actmaptau)]
        problem = SIP.Problem3D_N(mesh, sigma=sigma, mapping=colemap)
        problem.Solver = Solver
        mSynth = np.r_[eta[~airind], 1./tau[~airind]]
        # Now set up the problem to do some minimization
        dmis = DataMisfit.l2_DataMisfit(survey)
        regmap = Maps.IdentityMap(nP=int(mSynth[~airind].size*2))
        reg = SIP.MultiRegularization(mesh, mapping=regmap, nModels=2, indActive=~airind)
        opt = Optimization.InexactGaussNewton(maxIterLS=20, maxIter=10, tolF=1e-6, tolX=1e-6, tolG=1e-6, maxIterCG=6)
        invProb = InvProblem.BaseInvProblem(dmis, reg, opt, beta=1e4)
        inv = Inversion.BaseInversion(invProb)

        self.inv = inv
        self.reg = reg
        self.p =     problem
        self.mesh = mesh
        self.m0 = mSynth
        self.survey = survey
        self.dmis = dmis
Пример #46
def _getCasingHertzMagDipoleDeriv_z(srcloc,
                                    mu=mu_0 * np.ones(3),
    HertzZ = _getCasingHertzMagDipole(srcloc, obsloc, freq, sigma, a, b, mu,
                                      eps, moment)

    nobs = obsloc.shape[0]
    dxyz = obsloc - np.c_[np.ones(nobs)] * np.r_[srcloc]

    r2z2 = _r2(dxyz)
    sqrtr2z2 = np.sqrt(r2z2)
    k2 = k(freq, sigma[2], mu[2], eps)

    return -HertzZ * dxyz[:, 2] / sqrtr2z2 * (1j * k2 + 1. / sqrtr2z2)
Пример #47
 def test_sub2ind(self):
     x = np.ones((5, 2))
     self.assertTrue(np.all(sub2ind(x.shape, [0, 0]) == [0]))
     self.assertTrue(np.all(sub2ind(x.shape, [4, 0]) == [4]))
     self.assertTrue(np.all(sub2ind(x.shape, [0, 1]) == [5]))
     self.assertTrue(np.all(sub2ind(x.shape, [4, 1]) == [9]))
     self.assertTrue(np.all(sub2ind(x.shape, [[4, 1]]) == [9]))
             sub2ind(x.shape, [[0, 0], [4, 0], [0, 1], [4, 1]]) ==
             [0, 4, 5, 9]))
Пример #48
def getCasingEphiMagDipole(srcloc,
                           mu=mu_0 * np.ones(3),
    return 1j * omega(freq) * mu * _getCasingHertzMagDipoleDeriv_r(
        srcloc, obsloc, freq, sigma, a, b, mu, eps, moment)
Пример #49
def getCasingBzMagDipole(srcloc,
                         mu=mu_0 * np.ones(3),
    return mu_0 * getCasingHzMagDipole(srcloc, obsloc, freq, sigma, a, b, mu,
                                       eps, moment)
Пример #50
    def setFrequency(self, time=np.logspace(-7, -1, 256)):

        self.Nch = self.time.size
        wt = np.array([7.214369775966785e-20, 5.997984537445829e-20, 1.383536819510307e-20, 6.127201193993877e-20, 2.735622069700930e-20, 6.567948836420383e-20, 4.144963335850363e-20, 7.316414067200350e-20, 5.682375914662966e-20, 8.391977074915078e-20, 7.418756524583309e-20, 9.829637687190485e-20, 9.430643800653847e-20, 1.168146262188112e-19, 1.180370735968097e-19, 1.401723019040171e-19, 1.463726071463266e-19, 1.692722072070252e-19, 1.804796158499069e-19, 2.052560499147526e-19, 2.217507732438609e-19, 2.495469564846162e-19, 2.718603842873614e-19, 3.039069705922034e-19, 3.328334008394297e-19, 3.705052796297763e-19, 4.071277819975917e-19, 4.520053409594589e-19, 4.977334107366132e-19, 5.516707191291291e-19, 6.082931168675559e-19, 6.734956703766505e-19, 7.432489554623685e-19, 8.223651399147256e-19, 9.080210233648037e-19, 1.004250388267800e-18, 1.109225156214032e-18, 1.226448534750949e-18, 1.354938655056596e-18, 1.497875155579711e-18, 1.655024636692164e-18, 1.829422009902478e-18, 2.021527957180686e-18, 2.234394042862191e-18, 2.469158736824458e-18, 2.729043278909879e-18, 3.015882778812807e-18, 3.333221019045560e-18, 3.683642665131121e-18, 4.071174485366807e-18, 4.499238428427072e-18, 4.972519918024098e-18, 5.495403162992602e-18, 6.073431145514256e-18, 6.712116746365455e-18, 7.418091347704607e-18, 8.198210388921290e-18, 9.060466264497684e-18, 1.001332641867938e-17, 1.106647001686341e-17, 1.223031194783507e-17, 1.351661046246575e-17, 1.493814249254853e-17, 1.650922025025269e-17, 1.824549287949245e-17, 2.016440324953847e-17, 2.228509875325462e-17, 2.462885473506622e-17, 2.721908372832262e-17, 3.008174877960754e-17, 3.324546598231868e-17, 3.674192913569353e-17, 4.060610542324258e-17, 4.487669220181069e-17, 4.959641037849226e-17, 5.481251456381401e-17, 6.057719336989671e-17, 6.694815564512041e-17, 7.398915178848498e-17, 8.177066132132114e-17, 9.037055462918574e-17, 9.987491078055815e-17, 1.103788451159722e-16, 1.219874911140742e-16, 1.348170262066998e-16, 1.489958578076007e-16, 1.646658879212839e-16, 1.819839514458913e-16, 2.011233698894207e-16, 2.222757000537238e-16, 2.456526388749016e-16, 2.714881529754608e-16, 3.000408107960083e-16, 3.315963787425073e-16, 3.664706739627943e-16, 4.050127315080793e-16, 4.476082920363670e-16, 4.946836672898304e-16, 5.467100025245505e-16, 6.042079955957903e-16, 6.677531050397348e-16, 7.379813122861424e-16, 8.155954842977402e-16, 9.013724102689123e-16, 9.961705740887021e-16, 1.100938748010566e-15, 1.216725486808607e-15, 1.344689623369201e-15, 1.486111865526057e-15, 1.642407614840039e-15, 1.815141131499014e-15, 2.006041190779248e-15, 2.217018384471440e-15, 2.450184243392977e-15, 2.707872369692257e-15, 2.992661792874233e-15, 3.307402781094011e-15, 3.655245368051253e-15, 4.039670879180488e-15, 4.464526774284602e-15, 4.934065153895433e-15, 5.452985315986473e-15, 6.026480787914038e-15, 6.660291305149181e-15, 7.360760256360466e-15, 8.134898170257041e-15, 8.990452879276204e-15, 9.935987062502841e-15, 1.098096394385775e-14, 1.213584200318437e-14, 1.341217964828528e-14, 1.482275089528562e-14, 1.638167321535499e-14, 1.810454882702344e-14, 2.000862084851265e-14, 2.211294587257239e-14, 2.443858469135401e-14, 2.700881307980678e-14, 2.984935474755050e-14, 3.298863879030854e-14, 3.645808421795958e-14, 4.029241440643229e-14, 4.453000462105175e-14, 4.921326608894885e-14, 5.438907046503769e-14, 6.010921893911273e-14, 6.643096067976429e-14, 7.341756580308676e-14, 8.113895860149252e-14, 8.967241736929777e-14, 9.910334783010448e-14, 1.095261379057530e-13, 1.210451023825933e-13, 1.337755269287210e-13, 1.478448219118764e-13, 1.633937975650728e-13, 1.805780732628623e-13, 1.995696350122467e-13, 2.205585567465074e-13, 2.437549026489779e-13, 2.693908295460095e-13, 2.977229104105259e-13, 3.290347022305518e-13, 3.636395839428896e-13, 4.018838928348062e-13, 4.441503908040617e-13, 4.908620951685787e-13, 5.424865123659980e-13, 5.995403169151822e-13, 6.625945224685207e-13, 7.322801967084261e-13, 8.092947772848716e-13, 8.944090520057436e-13, 9.884748731403624e-13, 1.092433683043238e-12, 1.207325936425662e-12, 1.334301513576084e-12, 1.474631228748613e-12, 1.629719548899119e-12, 1.801118650062676e-12, 1.990543952052933e-12, 2.199891286960273e-12, 2.431255873276498e-12, 2.686953285545802e-12, 2.969542629413028e-12, 3.281852154013172e-12, 3.627007558039277e-12, 4.008463272785582e-12, 4.430037035256956e-12, 4.895948097364050e-12, 5.410859453614547e-12, 5.979924509929487e-12, 6.608838660661838e-12, 7.303896290017477e-12, 8.072053768367932e-12, 8.920999073943177e-12, 9.859228736701785e-12, 1.089613287445852e-11, 1.204208917233957e-11, 1.330856674614333e-11, 1.470824092910627e-11, 1.625512013089818e-11, 1.796468603849469e-11, 1.985404856210394e-11, 2.194211707689892e-11, 2.424978967439970e-11, 2.680016231759770e-11, 2.961875999311579e-11, 3.273379217385409e-11, 3.617643514887572e-11, 3.998114404618718e-11, 4.418599767123930e-11, 4.883307961241208e-11, 5.396889942771051e-11, 5.964485812805529e-11, 6.591776261587440e-11, 7.285039422767879e-11, 8.051213707077629e-11, 8.897967244274265e-11, 9.833774628361575e-11, 1.086800173417544e-10, 1.201099945420632e-10, 1.327420729381141e-10, 1.467026786162787e-10, 1.621315340105112e-10, 1.791830562914075e-10, 1.980279028251780e-10, 2.188546791698937e-10, 2.418718267033471e-10, 2.673097087743666e-10, 2.954229162567076e-10, 3.264928155800021e-10, 3.608303647396648e-10, 3.987792254688925e-10, 4.407192027209688e-10, 4.870700458846789e-10, 5.382956497775456e-10, 5.949086974607432e-10, 6.574757913439202e-10, 7.266231239320192e-10, 8.030427449710128e-10, 8.874994877135167e-10, 9.808386236281220e-10, 1.083994322159010e-09, 1.197999000209434e-09, 1.323993654914953e-09, 1.463239283128961e-09, 1.617129501899646e-09, 1.787204496262075e-09, 1.975166433922344e-09, 2.182896501130837e-09, 2.412473730218034e-09, 2.666195807259519e-09, 2.946602068077095e-09, 3.256498912782063e-09, 3.598987893149563e-09, 3.977496754017933e-09, 4.395813739277522e-09, 4.858125505931142e-09, 5.369059025511281e-09, 5.933727892433384e-09, 6.557783502483194e-09, 7.247471613991360e-09, 8.009694857348590e-09, 8.852081819018630e-09, 9.783063390784292e-09, 1.081195714921208e-08, 1.194906060875559e-08, 1.320575428316232e-08, 1.459461558495058e-08, 1.612954470504804e-08, 1.782590372973567e-08, 1.970067039062624e-08, 2.177260798218037e-08, 2.406245315273551e-08, 2.659312344174916e-08, 2.938994664888302e-08, 3.248091431980495e-08, 3.589696189917651e-08, 3.967227833770833e-08, 4.384464827330457e-08, 4.845583018407081e-08, 5.355197433170284e-08, 5.918408463559961e-08, 6.540852915386353e-08, 7.228760421284378e-08, 7.989015791604288e-08, 8.829227916594097e-08, 9.757805922900159e-08, 1.078404332968648e-07, 1.191821106789995e-07, 1.317166026689236e-07, 1.455693587079098e-07, 1.608790217936311e-07, 1.777988162313823e-07, 1.964980809461758e-07, 2.171639645456637e-07, 2.400032980365736e-07, 2.652446652738443e-07, 2.931406901825997e-07, 3.239705657602287e-07, 3.580428475071237e-07, 3.956985425939703e-07, 4.373145214673157e-07, 4.833072913425415e-07, 5.341371626757850e-07, 5.903128587132423e-07, 6.523966036832935e-07, 7.210097538541495e-07, 7.968390110811429e-07, 8.806433020866372e-07, 9.732613658282036e-07, 1.075620158230134e-06, 1.188744116446123e-06, 1.313765428158270e-06, 1.451935342270991e-06, 1.604636717777632e-06, 1.773397831228256e-06, 1.959907713317686e-06, 2.166033001576880e-06, 2.393836687356070e-06, 2.645598681084377e-06, 2.923838733370935e-06, 3.231341523918154e-06, 3.571184694601016e-06, 3.946769446344899e-06, 4.361854837678969e-06, 4.820595081762782e-06, 5.327581531949061e-06, 5.887888119174313e-06, 6.507122780830562e-06, 7.191482772393097e-06, 7.947817716468041e-06, 8.783696866498923e-06, 9.707486485040472e-06, 1.072843153422521e-05, 1.185675077161778e-05, 1.310373578995573e-05, 1.448186809502301e-05, 1.600493890578862e-05, 1.768819362222417e-05, 1.954847630132444e-05, 2.160440843572022e-05, 2.387656249074371e-05, 2.638768394666778e-05, 2.916289862392297e-05, 3.222998971512441e-05, 3.561964367629314e-05, 3.936579782365431e-05, 4.350592904974602e-05, 4.808149299156779e-05, 5.313825827671661e-05, 5.872686606041739e-05, 6.490320915255368e-05, 7.172915206849267e-05, 7.927294798468421e-05, 8.761017620761336e-05, 9.682417843295337e-05, 1.070072955978771e-04, 1.182612851235724e-04, 1.306989769939818e-04, 1.444446003274482e-04, 1.596360362963627e-04, 1.764249271609239e-04, 1.949797924244976e-04, 2.154857030671910e-04, 2.381486646105023e-04, 2.631944925246626e-04, 2.908750792099106e-04, 3.214658697246949e-04, 3.552749625435381e-04, 3.926382043270680e-04, 4.339325952975191e-04, 4.795674127479124e-04, 5.300042093562213e-04, 5.857414026355948e-04, 6.473444397414629e-04, 7.154197401707392e-04, 7.906606243262904e-04, 8.738040302727717e-04, 9.657009935888906e-04, 1.067245638145834e-03, 1.179484028621435e-03, 1.303498707764836e-03, 1.440577691237741e-03, 1.592027938865682e-03, 1.759438818176274e-03, 1.944382214020240e-03, 2.148824632015574e-03, 2.374646777242952e-03, 2.624289840901410e-03, 2.899987938462482e-03, 3.204783728012370e-03, 3.541304571287609e-03, 3.913361077715114e-03, 4.323998734848948e-03, 4.778017035442578e-03, 5.278871213895021e-03, 5.832645828904957e-03, 6.443132211847618e-03, 7.118100704687155e-03, 7.861484687059508e-03, 8.683286454219962e-03, 9.587172959576953e-03, 1.058612645311708e-02, 1.168276512339872e-02, 1.289407692301174e-02, 1.422020567085629e-02, 1.568354709989395e-02, 1.727924763496293e-02, 1.903701004445868e-02, 2.094259894090355e-02, 2.303555498203885e-02, 2.528473397535577e-02, 2.774280095909549e-02, 3.034889679856765e-02, 3.317292189089636e-02, 3.610269051747732e-02, 3.923023471609136e-02, 4.235591398256915e-02, 4.559945470018810e-02, 4.861418172220856e-02, 5.155399423688033e-02, 5.382905665985834e-02, 5.563737547309198e-02, 5.599656739496778e-02, 5.517328802198061e-02, 5.157565446188783e-02, 4.561585237274122e-02, 3.481744626013846e-02, 1.997678484763328e-02, -2.511444299727086e-03, -3.078890380569448e-02, -6.952663437748715e-02, -1.140926319655417e-01, -1.692861783153246e-01, -2.240265004914591e-01, -2.809223452446239e-01, -3.165386782849084e-01, -3.295050746499982e-01, -2.805919713655642e-01, -1.744060875765448e-01, 2.722628846693606e-02, 2.668949880744598e-01, 5.262102231394616e-01, 6.256684356927903e-01, 4.995016301447683e-01, -1.002368152582941e-02, -6.114010724740713e-01, -9.727382503860407e-01, -3.838420705230950e-01, 7.198704705669955e-01, 1.262041888009595e+00, -2.998397076312483e-01, -1.479978761932394e+00, 1.886890549669046e-01, 1.961538671802124e+00, -2.104506074490929e+00, 7.701373097387101e-01, 4.062497351127477e-01, -8.229740504000808e-01, 7.307456920106093e-01, -4.903037312539515e-01, 2.839808721720737e-01, -1.517915989046718e-01, 7.860615976683388e-02, -4.139435902417716e-02, 2.340179865400356e-02, -1.488928090494461e-02, 1.080204283974104e-02, -8.695630540330540e-03, 7.448774255862835e-03, -6.571253694245813e-03, 5.859704720178251e-03, -5.235154219023063e-03, 4.669537109654244e-03, -4.153880559277143e-03, 3.685278478886407e-03, -3.262012231674279e-03, 2.882025619739767e-03, -2.542670610556139e-03, 2.240859550470028e-03, -1.973292341858488e-03, 1.736649256291777e-03, -1.527725614465373e-03, 1.343513590939351e-03, -1.181244115916277e-03, 1.038401885876272e-03, -9.127236961818876e-04, 8.021869803583510e-04, -7.049929363136232e-04, 6.195471678105551e-04, -5.444398377266471e-04, 4.784265058211163e-04, -4.204101656165671e-04, 3.694246665626042e-04, -3.246196272200836e-04, 2.852468930079681e-04, -2.506484828993674e-04, 2.202458813636377e-04, -1.935305291014704e-04, 1.700554065180346e-04, -1.494276181460851e-04, 1.313018693894386e-04, -1.153747197310416e-04, 1.013795159657149e-04, -8.908193308740761e-05, 7.827605834070905e-05, -6.878095175364698e-05, 6.043762035968366e-05, -5.310635544925448e-05, 4.666439257514449e-05, -4.100385733848758e-05, 3.602996086454923e-05, -3.165941281357187e-05, 2.781902585783293e-05, -2.444448983707277e-05, 2.147929539928508e-05, -1.887378820764930e-05, 1.658433732127529e-05, -1.457260421932255e-05, 1.280490076321861e-05, -1.125162529600942e-05, 9.886767060922143e-06, -8.687470528401389e-06, 7.633652544743499e-06, -6.707666049011719e-06, 5.894004649462370e-06, -5.179042976527735e-06, 4.550808463155193e-06, -3.998780821517730e-06, 3.513715894699684e-06, -3.087490887193285e-06, 2.712968339794580e-06, -2.383876585436306e-06, 2.094704718364733e-06, -1.840610321658703e-06, 1.617338386451554e-06, -1.421150054108675e-06, 1.248759998169063e-06, -1.097281408784448e-06, 9.641776560691427e-07, -8.472198144303782e-07, 7.444493348026655e-07, -6.541452446960252e-07, 5.747953299561648e-07, -5.050708135463763e-07, 4.438041043830051e-07, -3.899692438669907e-07, 3.426647247474678e-07, -3.010983952488172e-07, 2.645741945310525e-07, -2.324804964806138e-07, 2.042798670572760e-07, -1.795000644284691e-07, 1.577261311964345e-07, -1.385934457978807e-07, 1.217816165104314e-07, -1.070091160694850e-07, 9.402856728542481e-08, -8.262260063861433e-08, 7.260021429510923e-08, -6.379357556568284e-08, 5.605521036390507e-08, -4.925553366022761e-08, 4.328067952283362e-08, -3.803059434473390e-08, 3.341736133872807e-08, -2.936372828943425e-08, 2.580181391877248e-08, -2.267197117462836e-08, 1.992178838990867e-08, -1.750521159700888e-08, 1.538177331647477e-08, -1.351591490408599e-08, 1.187639109711096e-08, -1.043574678473461e-08, 9.169857246988264e-09, -8.057524168015392e-09, 7.080120656351000e-09, -6.221279323637567e-09, 5.466618198282681e-09, -4.803499887007487e-09, 4.220819952418786e-09, -3.708820961440479e-09, 3.258929089378474e-09, -2.863610543832675e-09, 2.516245405206862e-09, -2.211016771314404e-09, 1.942813349072686e-09, -1.707143861761559e-09, 1.500061838825614e-09, -1.318099529115311e-09, 1.158209830829835e-09, -1.017715265474667e-09, 8.942631413031228e-10, -7.857861555682931e-10, 6.904677759378704e-10, -6.067118212948776e-10, 5.331157324405220e-10, -4.684470851019305e-10, 4.116229519995125e-10, -3.616917683963526e-10, 3.178173974200357e-10, -2.792651282909316e-10, 2.453893729983475e-10, -2.156228554187546e-10, 1.894671118403349e-10, -1.664841438026135e-10, 1.462890834648734e-10, -1.285437486867098e-10, 1.129509799028343e-10, -9.924966395649082e-11, 8.721036155589632e-11, -7.663146513121262e-11, 6.733582275589511e-11, -5.916777159927192e-11, 5.199053123157253e-11, -4.568391312831626e-11, 4.014230801823632e-11, -3.527291737272422e-11, 3.099419942203976e-11, -2.723450367478780e-11, 2.393087107406673e-11, -2.102797969829416e-11, 1.847721835214320e-11, -1.623587253411553e-11, 1.426640914879302e-11, -1.253584798559500e-11, 1.101520943914518e-11, -9.679029223044069e-12, 8.504931950483330e-12, -7.473256440847272e-12, 6.566726477759826e-12, -5.770161505244737e-12, 5.070222417415932e-12, -4.455188184705872e-12, 3.914759576021876e-12, -3.439886690015256e-12, 3.022617407370815e-12, -2.655964226336168e-12, 2.333787251527801e-12, -2.050691376558676e-12, 1.801935938738539e-12, -1.583355332954674e-12, 1.391289255348560e-12, -1.222521408656179e-12, 1.074225642782795e-12, -9.439186286983481e-13, 8.294182731437524e-13, -7.288071777679118e-13, 6.404005307872462e-13, -5.627178934884672e-13, 4.944584091193514e-13, -4.344790190215893e-13, 3.817753212167385e-13, -3.354647509064286e-13, 2.947718012314345e-13, -2.590150368003291e-13, 2.275956825191015e-13, -1.999875966322778e-13, 1.757284600660376e-13, -1.544120345321836e-13, 1.356813597490631e-13, -1.192227758615040e-13, 1.047606709603187e-13, -9.205286574443716e-14, 8.088655803832021e-14, -7.107475925247343e-14, 6.245316311274798e-14, -5.487739422278246e-14, 4.822059038461202e-14, -4.237127819154857e-14, 3.723150631847816e-14, -3.271520525003134e-14, 2.874674597896990e-14, -2.525967353907224e-14, 2.219559416454687e-14, -1.950319744058413e-14, 1.713739707017873e-14, -1.505857586868545e-14, 1.323192234295437e-14, -1.162684774554722e-14, 1.021647384214807e-14, -8.977182814427699e-15, 7.888221761131355e-15, -6.931355174452619e-15, 6.090559572138626e-15, -5.351755171700232e-15, 4.702570113399845e-15, -4.132133283746073e-15, 3.630892270162917e-15, -3.190453398341683e-15, 2.803441173574897e-15, -2.463374772306652e-15, 2.164559515653694e-15, -1.901991507536473e-15, 1.671273840510759e-15, -1.468542966100438e-15, 1.290403996644843e-15, -1.133873855239388e-15, 9.963313217707399e-16, -8.754731385280971e-16, 7.692754403444974e-16, -6.759598633855865e-16, 5.939637650509565e-16, -5.219140562969427e-16, 4.586042081825544e-16, -4.029740475950767e-16, 3.540920038189227e-16, -3.111395086526072e-16, 2.733972888415509e-16, -2.402333212827215e-16, 2.110922493015534e-16, -1.854860827684001e-16, 1.629860263206755e-16, -1.432152988478505e-16, 1.258428239959391e-16, -1.105776860340182e-16, 9.716425824191095e-17, -8.537792224005708e-17, 7.502130657839168e-17, -6.592098159645411e-17, 5.792455520756561e-17, -5.089812097369260e-17, 4.472401573699795e-17, -3.929884925786503e-17, 3.453177286415005e-17, -3.034295811884372e-17, 2.666226003023219e-17, -2.342804241895063e-17, 2.058614577177349e-17, -1.808898029804633e-17, 1.589472900128195e-17, -1.396664742072978e-17, 1.227244831653922e-17, -1.078376099458355e-17, 9.475656216910048e-18, -8.326228742065685e-18, 7.316230504610306e-18, -6.428748291129759e-18, 5.648920515191333e-18, -4.963688348418389e-18, 4.361577040171507e-18, -3.832503763852548e-18, 3.367608772061774e-18, -2.959107033168789e-18, 2.600157864838119e-18, -2.284750381424515e-18, 2.007602836968745e-18, -1.764074178215185e-18, 1.550086326535024e-18, -1.362055887301009e-18, 1.196834143131819e-18, -1.051654326148005e-18, 9.240852862763527e-19, -8.119907797435101e-19, 7.134936960083838e-19, -6.269446240781204e-19, 5.508942318228495e-19, -4.840689957627215e-19, 4.253498749090647e-19, -3.737535715383304e-19, 3.284160650943604e-19, -2.885781434802982e-19, 2.535726894517719e-19, -2.228135092144265e-19, 1.957855161528666e-19, -1.720361053077579e-19, 1.511675741544441e-19, -1.328304627571508e-19, 1.167177017717951e-19, -1.025594703000911e-19, 9.011867747602604e-20, -7.918699208456320e-20, 6.958135363559505e-20, -6.114090626414241e-20, 5.372430364847189e-20, -4.720733874362162e-20, 4.148085614846149e-20, -3.644890635898519e-20, 3.202709755606534e-20, -2.814108611035396e-20, 2.472510802483146e-20, -2.172035832750181e-20, 1.907280017594962e-20, -7.276969157651721e-21])
        ab = 0.7866057737580476e0

        #------- Compute Frequency components reqired for transform -------#
        # This is for Digital filtering and here we evalute frequency domain responses
        # ritght at this bases.
        # a. Generate time base
        n = np.ceil(-10*np.log(time.min()/time.max()))
        tbase = time.max()*np.exp(-0.1*np.arange(0, n+1))

        self.wt = wt
        self.ab = ab
        self.n = n
        self.tbase = tbase

        # b. Determine required frequencies
        omega_int = (ab/tbase[0])*np.exp(0.1*(np.r_[1:786+tbase.size:(786+tbase.size)*1j]-425))

        # Case1: Compute frequency domain reponses right at filter coefficient values
        if self.switchInterp == False:

            self.frequency = omega_int/(2*np.pi)
            self.Nfreq = self.frequency.size

        # Case2: Compute frequency domain reponses in logarithmic then intepolate
        elif self.switchInterp ==  True:
            # This is tested decision: works well 1e-4-1e0 S/m
            self.frequency = np.logspace(-3, 8, 81)
            self.omega_int = omega_int
            self.Nfreq = self.frequency.size

            raise Exception('Not implemented!!')

        if self.offset is not None and np.isscalar(self.offset):
            self.offset = self.offset*np.ones(self.Nfreq)
        elif self.offset is not None and not np.isscalar(self.offset):
            self.offset = self.offset[0]*np.ones(self.Nfreq)
Пример #51
 def DCfun(mesh, pts):
     D = mesh.faceDiv
     G = D.T
     sigma = 1e-2*np.ones(mesh.nC)
     Msigi = mesh.getFaceInnerProduct(1./sigma)
     MsigI = Utils.sdInv(Msigi)
     A = D*MsigI*G
     A[-1,-1] /= mesh.vol[-1] # Remove null space
     rhs = np.zeros(mesh.nC)
     txind = Utils.meshutils.closestPoints(mesh, pts)
     rhs[txind] = np.r_[1,-1]
     return A, rhs
 def DCfun(mesh, pts):
     D = mesh.faceDiv
     G = D.T
     sigma = 1e-2 * np.ones(mesh.nC)
     Msigi = mesh.getFaceInnerProduct(1. / sigma)
     MsigI = Utils.sdInv(Msigi)
     A = D * MsigI * G
     A[-1, -1] /= mesh.vol[-1]  # Remove null space
     rhs = np.zeros(mesh.nC)
     txind = Utils.meshutils.closestPoints(mesh, pts)
     rhs[txind] = np.r_[1, -1]
     return A, rhs
Пример #53
    def magnetizationModel(self):
            magnetization vector

        if self.magfile == 'DEFAULT':
            return Magnetics.dipazm_2_xyz(np.ones(self.nC) * self.survey.srcField.param[1], np.ones(self.nC) * self.survey.srcField.param[2])

            raise NotImplementedError("this will require you to read in a three column vector model")
            self._mref = Utils.meshutils.readUBCTensorModel(self.basePath + self._mrefInput, self.mesh)
            return np.genfromtxt(self.magfile,delimiter=' \n',dtype=np.str,comments='!')
Пример #54
 def area(self):
     """Construct face areas of the 3D model as 1d array."""
     if getattr(self, '_area', None) is None:
         # Ensure that we are working with column vectors
         vh = self.h
         # The number of cell centers in each direction
         n = self.vnC
         # Compute areas of cell faces
         if (self.dim == 1):
             self._area = np.ones(n[0] + 1)
         elif (self.dim == 2):
             area1 = np.outer(np.ones(n[0] + 1), vh[1])
             area2 = np.outer(vh[0], np.ones(n[1] + 1))
             self._area = np.r_[Utils.mkvc(area1), Utils.mkvc(area2)]
         elif (self.dim == 3):
             area1 = np.outer(np.ones(n[0] + 1),
                              Utils.mkvc(np.outer(vh[1], vh[2])))
             area2 = np.outer(
                 vh[0], Utils.mkvc(np.outer(np.ones(n[1] + 1), vh[2])))
             area3 = np.outer(
                 vh[0], Utils.mkvc(np.outer(vh[1], np.ones(n[2] + 1))))
             self._area = np.r_[Utils.mkvc(area1),
     return self._area
Пример #55
    def magnetizationModel(self):
            magnetization vector

        if getattr(self, 'magfile', None) is None:

            M = Magnetics.dipazm_2_xyz(np.ones(self.nC) *
                                       np.ones(self.nC) *


            with open(self.basePath + self.magfile) as f:
                magmodel = f.read()

            magmodel = magmodel.splitlines()
            M = []

            for line in magmodel:
                M.append(map(float, line.split()))

            # Convert list to 2d array
            M = np.vstack(M)

            # Cycle through three components and permute from UBC to SimPEG
            for ii in range(3):
                m = np.reshape(M[:, ii],
                               (self.mesh.nCz, self.mesh.nCx, self.mesh.nCy),

                m = m[::-1, :, :]
                m = np.transpose(m, (1, 2, 0))
                M[:, ii] = Utils.mkvc(m)

        self._M = M

        return self._M
Пример #56
    def _fastInnerProduct(self, projType, prop=None, invProp=False, invMat=False):
            Fast version of getFaceInnerProduct.
            This does not handle the case of a full tensor prop.

            :param numpy.array prop: material property (tensor properties are possible) at each cell center (nC, (1, 3, or 6))
            :param str projType: 'E' or 'F'
            :param bool returnP: returns the projection matrices
            :param bool invProp: inverts the material property
            :param bool invMat: inverts the matrix
            :rtype: scipy.csr_matrix
            :return: M, the inner product matrix (nF, nF)
        assert projType in ['F', 'E'], "projType must be 'F' for faces or 'E' for edges"

        if prop is None:
            prop = np.ones(self.nC)

        if invProp:
            prop = 1./prop

        if Utils.isScalar(prop):
            prop = prop*np.ones(self.nC)

        if prop.size == self.nC:
            Av = getattr(self, 'ave'+projType+'2CC')
            Vprop = self.vol * Utils.mkvc(prop)
            M = self.dim * Utils.sdiag(Av.T * Vprop)
        elif prop.size == self.nC*self.dim:
            Av = getattr(self, 'ave'+projType+'2CCV')
            V = sp.kron(sp.identity(self.dim), Utils.sdiag(self.vol))
            M = Utils.sdiag(Av.T * V * Utils.mkvc(prop))
            return None

        if invMat:
            return Utils.sdInv(M)
            return M
Пример #57
    def _fastInnerProductDeriv(self, projType, prop, invProp=False, invMat=False):
            :param str projType: 'E' or 'F'
            :param TensorType tensorType: type of the tensor
            :param bool invProp: inverts the material property
            :param bool invMat: inverts the matrix
            :rtype: function
            :return: dMdmu, the derivative of the inner product matrix
        assert projType in ['F', 'E'], "projType must be 'F' for faces or 'E' for edges"
        tensorType = Utils.TensorType(self, prop)

        dMdprop = None

        if invMat:
            MI = self._fastInnerProduct(projType, prop, invProp=invProp, invMat=invMat)

        if tensorType == 0:
            Av = getattr(self, 'ave'+projType+'2CC')
            V = Utils.sdiag(self.vol)
            ones = sp.csr_matrix((np.ones(self.nC), (range(self.nC), np.zeros(self.nC))), shape=(self.nC,1))
            if not invMat and not invProp:
                dMdprop = self.dim * Av.T * V * ones
            elif invMat and invProp:
                dMdprop =  self.dim * Utils.sdiag(MI.diagonal()**2) * Av.T * V * ones * Utils.sdiag(1./prop**2)

        if tensorType == 1:
            Av = getattr(self, 'ave'+projType+'2CC')
            V = Utils.sdiag(self.vol)
            if not invMat and not invProp:
                dMdprop = self.dim * Av.T * V
            elif invMat and invProp:
                dMdprop =  self.dim * Utils.sdiag(MI.diagonal()**2) * Av.T * V * Utils.sdiag(1./prop**2)

        if tensorType == 2: # anisotropic
            Av = getattr(self, 'ave'+projType+'2CCV')
            V = sp.kron(sp.identity(self.dim), Utils.sdiag(self.vol))
            if not invMat and not invProp:
                dMdprop = Av.T * V
            elif invMat and invProp:
                dMdprop =  Utils.sdiag(MI.diagonal()**2) * Av.T * V * Utils.sdiag(1./prop**2)

        if dMdprop is not None:
            def innerProductDeriv(v=None):
                if v is None:
                    print 'Depreciation Warning: TensorMesh.innerProductDeriv. You should be supplying a vector. Use: sdiag(u)*dMdprop'
                    return dMdprop
                return Utils.sdiag(v) * dMdprop
            return innerProductDeriv
            return None