Пример #1
 def _segmentSuperpixels(self):
     img = self.new_clusters
     limit = np.max(img)
     superpixels = Superpixels()
     for label in range(limit+1):
         clusterimg = Image(255*(img == label).astype(np.uint8))
         blobs = clusterimg.findBlobs()
         if blobs is None:
         blob = blobs[-1]
         blob.image = self.image & clusterimg
     return superpixels
Пример #2
def getBB(pt0, pt1):
    xmax = np.max((pt0[0], pt1[0]))
    xmin = np.min((pt0[0], pt1[0]))
    ymax = np.max((pt0[1], pt1[1]))
    ymin = np.min((pt0[1], pt1[1]))
    return xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax
Пример #3
def surfTracker(img, bb, ts, **kwargs):
    (Dev Zone)

    Tracking the object surrounded by the bounding box in the given
    image using SURF keypoints.

    Warning: Use this if you know what you are doing. Better have a 
    look at Image.track()


    * *img* - Image - Image to be tracked.
    * *bb*  - tuple - Bounding Box tuple (x, y, w, h)
    * *ts*  - TrackSet - SimpleCV.Features.TrackSet.

    Optional PARAMETERS:

    eps_val     - eps for DBSCAN
                  The maximum distance between two samples for them 
                  to be considered as in the same neighborhood. 
    min_samples - min number of samples in DBSCAN
                  The number of samples in a neighborhood for a point 
                  to be considered as a core point. 
    distance    - thresholding KNN distance of each feature
                  if KNN distance > distance, point is discarded.



    **HOW TO USE**

    >>> cam = Camera()
    >>> ts = []
    >>> img = cam.getImage()
    >>> bb = (100, 100, 300, 300) # get BB from somewhere
    >>> ts = surfTracker(img, bb, ts, eps_val=0.7, distance=150)
    >>> while (some_condition_here):
        ... img = cam.getImage()
        ... bb = ts[-1].bb
        ... ts = surfTracker(img, bb, ts, eps_val=0.7, distance=150)
        ... ts[-1].drawBB()
        ... img.show()

    This is too much confusing. Better use
    Image.track() method.


    SURF based Tracker:
    Matches keypoints from the template image and the current frame.
    flann based matcher is used to match the keypoints.
    Density based clustering is used classify points as in-region (of bounding box)
    and out-region points. Using in-region points, new bounding box is predicted using
    eps_val = 0.69
    min_samples = 5
    distance = 100

    for key in kwargs:
        if key == 'eps_val':
            eps_val = kwargs[key]
        elif key == 'min_samples':
            min_samples = kwargs[key]
        elif key == 'dist':
            distance = kwargs[key]

    from scipy.spatial import distance as Dis
    from sklearn.cluster import DBSCAN

    if len(ts) == 0:
        # Get template keypoints
        bb = (int(bb[0]), int(bb[1]), int(bb[2]), int(bb[3]))
        templateImg = img
        detector = cv2.FeatureDetector_create("SURF")
        descriptor = cv2.DescriptorExtractor_create("SURF")

        templateImg_cv2 = templateImg.getNumpyCv2()[bb[1]:bb[1] + bb[3],
                                                    bb[0]:bb[0] + bb[2]]
        tkp = detector.detect(templateImg_cv2)
        tkp, td = descriptor.compute(templateImg_cv2, tkp)

        templateImg = ts[-1].templateImg
        tkp = ts[-1].tkp
        td = ts[-1].td
        detector = ts[-1].detector
        descriptor = ts[-1].descriptor

    newimg = img.getNumpyCv2()

    # Get image keypoints
    skp = detector.detect(newimg)
    skp, sd = descriptor.compute(newimg, skp)

    if td is None:
        print("Descriptors are Empty")
        return None

    if sd is None:
        track = SURFTracker(img, skp, detector, descriptor, templateImg, skp,
                            sd, tkp, td)
        return track

    # flann based matcher
    flann_params = dict(algorithm=1, trees=4)
    flann = cv2.flann_Index(sd, flann_params)
    idx, dist = flann.knnSearch(td, 1, params={})
    del flann

    # filter points using distnace criteria
    dist = (dist[:, 0] / 2500.0).reshape(-1, ).tolist()
    idx = idx.reshape(-1).tolist()
    indices = sorted(list(range(len(dist))), key=lambda i: dist[i])

    dist = [dist[i] for i in indices]
    idx = [idx[i] for i in indices]
    skp_final = []
    skp_final_labelled = []
    data_cluster = []

    for i, dis in zip(idx, dist):
        if dis < distance:
            data_cluster.append((skp[i].pt[0], skp[i].pt[1]))

    #Use Denstiy based clustering to further fitler out keypoints
    n_data = np.asarray(data_cluster)
    D = Dis.squareform(Dis.pdist(n_data))
    S = 1 - (D / np.max(D))

    db = DBSCAN(eps=eps_val, min_samples=min_samples).fit(S)
    core_samples = db.core_sample_indices_
    labels = db.labels_
    for label, i in zip(labels, list(range(len(labels)))):
        if label == 0:

    track = SURFTrack(img, skp_final_labelled, detector, descriptor,
                      templateImg, skp, sd, tkp, td)

    return track
Пример #4
def getBB(pt0,pt1):
    xmax = np.max((pt0[0],pt1[0]))
    xmin = np.min((pt0[0],pt1[0]))
    ymax = np.max((pt0[1],pt1[1]))
    ymin = np.min((pt0[1],pt1[1]))
    return xmin,ymin,xmax,ymax
Пример #5
def surfTracker(img, bb, ts, **kwargs):
    (Dev Zone)

    Tracking the object surrounded by the bounding box in the given
    image using SURF keypoints.

    Warning: Use this if you know what you are doing. Better have a 
    look at Image.track()


    * *img* - Image - Image to be tracked.
    * *bb*  - tuple - Bounding Box tuple (x, y, w, h)
    * *ts*  - TrackSet - SimpleCV.Features.TrackSet.

    Optional PARAMETERS:

    eps_val     - eps for DBSCAN
                  The maximum distance between two samples for them 
                  to be considered as in the same neighborhood. 
    min_samples - min number of samples in DBSCAN
                  The number of samples in a neighborhood for a point 
                  to be considered as a core point. 
    distance    - thresholding KNN distance of each feature
                  if KNN distance > distance, point is discarded.



    **HOW TO USE**

    >>> cam = Camera()
    >>> ts = []
    >>> img = cam.getImage()
    >>> bb = (100, 100, 300, 300) # get BB from somewhere
    >>> ts = surfTracker(img, bb, ts, eps_val=0.7, distance=150)
    >>> while (some_condition_here):
        ... img = cam.getImage()
        ... bb = ts[-1].bb
        ... ts = surfTracker(img, bb, ts, eps_val=0.7, distance=150)
        ... ts[-1].drawBB()
        ... img.show()

    This is too much confusing. Better use
    Image.track() method.


    SURF based Tracker:
    Matches keypoints from the template image and the current frame.
    flann based matcher is used to match the keypoints.
    Density based clustering is used classify points as in-region (of bounding box)
    and out-region points. Using in-region points, new bounding box is predicted using
    eps_val = 0.69
    min_samples = 5
    distance = 100

    for key in kwargs:
        if key == 'eps_val':
            eps_val = kwargs[key]
        elif key == 'min_samples':
            min_samples = kwargs[key]
        elif key == 'dist':
            distance = kwargs[key]

    from scipy.spatial import distance as Dis
    from sklearn.cluster import DBSCAN

    if len(ts) == 0:
        # Get template keypoints
        bb = (int(bb[0]), int(bb[1]), int(bb[2]), int(bb[3]))
        templateImg = img
        detector = cv2.FeatureDetector_create("SURF")
        descriptor = cv2.DescriptorExtractor_create("SURF")

        templateImg_cv2 = templateImg.getNumpyCv2()[bb[1]:bb[1]+bb[3], bb[0]:bb[0]+bb[2]]
        tkp = detector.detect(templateImg_cv2)
        tkp, td = descriptor.compute(templateImg_cv2, tkp)

        templateImg = ts[-1].templateImg
        tkp = ts[-1].tkp
        td = ts[-1].td
        detector = ts[-1].detector
        descriptor = ts[-1].descriptor

    newimg = img.getNumpyCv2()

    # Get image keypoints
    skp = detector.detect(newimg)
    skp, sd = descriptor.compute(newimg, skp)

    if td is None:
        print "Descriptors are Empty"
        return None

    if sd is None:
        track = SURFTracker(img, skp, detector, descriptor, templateImg, skp, sd, tkp, td)
        return track

    # flann based matcher
    flann_params = dict(algorithm=1, trees=4)
    flann = cv2.flann_Index(sd, flann_params)
    idx, dist = flann.knnSearch(td, 1, params={})
    del flann

    # filter points using distnace criteria
    dist = (dist[:,0]/2500.0).reshape(-1,).tolist()
    idx = idx.reshape(-1).tolist()
    indices = sorted(range(len(dist)), key=lambda i: dist[i])

    dist = [dist[i] for i in indices]
    idx = [idx[i] for i in indices]
    skp_final = []
    for i, dis in itertools.izip(idx, dist):
        if dis < distance:
            data_cluster.append((skp[i].pt[0], skp[i].pt[1]))

    #Use Denstiy based clustering to further fitler out keypoints
    n_data = np.asarray(data_cluster)
    D = Dis.squareform(Dis.pdist(n_data))
    S = 1 - (D/np.max(D))
    db = DBSCAN(eps=eps_val, min_samples=min_samples).fit(S)
    core_samples = db.core_sample_indices_
    labels = db.labels_
    for label, i in zip(labels, range(len(labels))):
        if label==0:

    track = SURFTrack(img, skp_final_labelled, detector, descriptor, templateImg, skp, sd, tkp, td)

    return track