Пример #1
 def _join_areas(self, areas):
     w, h = self._bgr_frame.size()
     frame = Image((w, h), colorSpace = ColorSpace.GRAY)
     a1, a2, a3, a4 = areas
     frame = frame.blit(a1, pos=(0, 0))
     frame = frame.blit(a2, pos=(int(w*self.SPLITS[0]), 0))
     frame = frame.blit(a3, pos=(int(w*self.SPLITS[1]), 0))
     frame = frame.blit(a4, pos=(int(w*self.SPLITS[2]), 0))
     return frame
Пример #2
def buildPano(defished):
    # Build the panoram from the defisheye images
    offsets = []
    finalWidth = defished[0].width
    # Get the offsets and calculte the final size
    for i in range(0, len(defished) - 1):
        H, M, offset = findHomography(defished[i], defished[i + 1])
        dfw = defished[i + 1].width
        finalWidth += int(dfw - offset[0])

    final = Image((finalWidth, defished[0].height))
    final = final.blit(defished[0], pos=(0, 0))
    xs = 0
    # blit subsequent images into the final image
    for i in range(0, len(defished) - 1):
        w = defished[i + 1].width
        h = defished[i + 1].height
        mask = constructMask(w, h, offsets[i][0])
        xs += int(w - offsets[i][0])
        final = final.blit(defished[i + 1], pos=(xs, 0), alphaMask=mask)
    return final
Пример #3
while disp.isNotDone():
    ax = fig.gca(projection='3d')
    ax.set_xlabel('BLUE', color=(0,0,1) )
    # Get the color histogram
    img = cam.getImage().scale(0.3)
    rgb = img.getNumpyCv2()
    hist = cv2.calcHist([rgb],[0,1,2],None,[bins,bins,bins],[0,256,0,256,0,256])
    hist = hist/np.max(hist)
    # render everything
    [ ax.plot([x],[y],[z],'.',markersize=max(hist[x,y,z]*100,6),color=color) for x,y,z,color in idxs if(hist[x][y][z]>0) ]
    #[ ax.plot([x],[y],[z],'.',color=color) for x,y,z,color in idxs if(hist[x][y][z]>0) ]
    ax.set_xlim3d(0, bins-1)
    ax.set_ylim3d(0, bins-1)
    ax.set_zlim3d(0, bins-1)
    azim = (azim+0.5)%360
    ax.view_init(elev=35, azim=azim)
    ########### convert matplotlib to  SimpleCV image
    renderer = canvas.get_renderer()
    raw_data = renderer.tostring_rgb()
    size = canvas.get_width_height()    
    surf = pg.image.fromstring(raw_data, size, "RGB")
    figure = Image(surf)
    ############ All done
    figure = figure.floodFill((0,0), tolerance=5,color=Color.WHITE)
    result = figure.blit(img, pos=(20,20))
Пример #4
def doface(aa, f1, cc, f2, ee):

    camera = PiCamera()
    #imgg = Image('img1.jpg')
    #disp = Display(imgg.size())
    dsize = (640, 480)
    disp = Display(dsize)
    #drawing = Image('mustache.png')
    #maskk = drawing.createAlphaMask()


    #['right_eye.xml', 'lefteye.xml', 'face3.xml', 'glasses.xml',
    # 'right_ear.xml', 'fullbody.xml', 'profile.xml', 'upper_body2.xml',
    # 'face.xml', 'face4.xml', 'two_eyes_big.xml', 'right_eye2.xml',
    # 'left_ear.xml', 'nose.xml', 'upper_body.xml', 'left_eye2.xml',
    # 'two_eyes_small.xml', 'face2.xml', 'eye.xml', 'face_cv2.xml',
    # 'mouth.xml', 'lower_body.xml']

    while disp.isNotDone():
        img = Image('img2.png')
        img = img.resize(640, 480)
        #whatt = img.listHaarFeatures()
        faces = img.findHaarFeatures('face.xml')
        print 'faces:', faces
        if faces:  #is not None:
            face = faces.sortArea()[-1]
            #print 'size:',face.size
            if aa == 'none':
            elif aa == 'block':
                f0draw = aa + '.png'
                draw0 = Image('use/' + f0draw)
                face = face.blit(draw0, pos=(100, 200))
            #bigFace = face[-1]

            myface = face.crop()
            if f1 and cc is not None:
                feature01 = f1 + '.xml'
                f1draw = cc + '.png'
                draw1 = Image('/home/pi/cv/use/' + f1draw)

                feature1s = myface.findHaarFeatures(feature01)
                if feature1s is not None:
                    feature1 = feature1s.sortArea()[-1]
                    xpos1 = face.points[0][0] + feature1.x - (draw1.width / 2)
                    ypos1 = face.points[0][
                        1] + feature1.y  #+ (2*draw1.height/3)
                    #pos = (xmust,ymust)
                    img = img.blit(draw1, pos=(xpos1, ypos1))  #mask=maskk)

            if f2 and ee is not None:
                feature02 = f2 + '.xml'
                f2draw = ee + '.png'
                draw2 = Image('/home/pi/cv/use/' + f2draw)

                feature2s = myface.findHaarFeatures(feature02)
                if feature2s is not None:
                    feature2 = feature2s.sortArea()[-1]
                    xpos2 = face.points[0][0] + feature2.x - (draw2.width / 2)
                    ypos2 = face.points[0][
                        1] + feature2.y  #+ (2*draw2.height/3)
                    #pos = (xmust,ymust)
                    img = img.blit(draw2, pos=(xpos2, ypos2))  #mask=maskk)

            print 'no face~~'
  kite_base = Image('http://www.winds-up.com/images/annonces/7915_1.jpg').resize(50, 50).invert()
  disp = Display()

  i_loop = 0
  #pid = PID.PID(1, 1, 0.1)
  offset = sp.pi/3*0
  kite_model = kiteModel()
  dX = 0*kite_model.X
  while disp.isNotDone():
    setpoint = sp.pi/1.7*sp.sin(2*sp.pi/7*time.time())+offset
    i_loop = i_loop +1
    order = 0+0*sp.randn(1)/5+2.0*disp.mouseX/background.width-1 
    #error = X[0] -setpoint
    #order = sp.randn(1)/100 +  pid.computeCorrection(error, dX[0]/dt-0)
    #pid.incrementTime(error, dt)
    dt = 0.1
    kite_model.update(order, dt)
    print kite_model.X
    kite = kite_base.rotate(sp.rad2deg(kite_model.X[0]), fixed=False).invert()
    #background.blit(kite, (799,0)).save(disp)

    toDisplay = background.blit(kite.invert(), (max(-kite.width +1, min(background.width-1, int(kite_model.X[1]+background.width/2-kite.width/2))), max(-kite.height+1, min(background.height-1, int(background.height-kite_model.X[2]-200)))), mask = kite.binarize())

    toDisplay.drawText(str(i_loop*dt), 0, 0, color = Color.RED, fontsize=60)

Пример #6
def fancify():
    if request.method == 'POST':
        print request.data
        cur_request = json.loads(request.data)
        #cur_request = """{"url": "", "debug":true}"""
        #cur_request = """{"url": "", "debug":true}"""
        #cur_request = """{"url": "", "debug":true}"""
        cur_request = """{"url": "http://localhost/images/scrubs.jpg", "debug":true}"""
        #cur_request = """{"url": "http://www.newrichstrategies.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/03/How-to-Find-Good-People-in-Your-Life.jpg", "debug":false}"""
        #cur_request = """{"url": "http://greenobles.com/data_images/frank-lampard/frank-lampard-02.jpg", "debug":true}"""
        #cur_request = """{"url": "http://www.billslater.com/barack__obama.jpg"}"""
        #cur_request = """{"url": "http://celebrityroast.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/01/arnold-schwarzenegger-body-building.jpg", "debug":false}"""
        #cur_request = """{"url": "http://face2face.si.edu/.a/6a00e550199efb8833010536a5483e970c-800wi", "debug":true}"""
        #cur_request = """{"url": "http://collider.com/uploads/imageGallery/Scrubs/scrubs_cast_image__medium_.jpg", "debug":false}"""
        #cur_request = """{"url": "http://localhost/images/Kevin_Bacon_at_the_2010_SAG_Awards.jpg", "debug":false}"""
        #cur_request = """{"url": "http://cdn02.cdn.justjared.com/wp-content/uploads/headlines/2012/02/anna-faris-oscars-red-carpet-2012.jpg", "debug":true}"""
        #cur_request = """{"url": "http://www.viewzone.com/attractive.female.jpg", "debug":true}"""
        cur_request = json.loads(cur_request)

    print cur_request["url"]
    img = Image(str(cur_request["url"]))
    img = img.scale(2.0)

    debug = True
    #if "debug" in cur_request:
    #    debug = cur_request["debug"]

    chosen_faces = []
    faces = img.findHaarFeatures(face_cascade)
    if faces is not None:
        for face in faces:
            face_features = []
            invalid_face = False
            face_rect = Rect(face.x - (face.width() / 2), face.y - (face.height() / 2), face.width(), face.height())
            for chosen_face in chosen_faces:
                if face_rect.colliderect(chosen_face):
                    invalid_face = True
            if invalid_face:

            nose = None
            mouth = None
            left_eye = None
            right_eye = None
            cur_face = img.crop(face.x, face.y, face.width(), face.height(), centered=True)
            #cur_face = face.crop()

            noses = cur_face.findHaarFeatures(nose_cascade)
            mouths = cur_face.findHaarFeatures(mouth_cascade)
            eyes = cur_face.findHaarFeatures(eye_cascade)

            face_left_edge = face.x - (face.width() / 2)
            face_top_edge = face.y - (face.height() / 2)

            if noses is not None:
                nose = noses[0]
                nose_dist = (abs(nose.x - (face.width() / 2)) +
                             abs(nose.y - (face.height() * 5 / 9)) +
                             abs(nose.width() - (face.width() / 4)))
                for cur_nose in noses:
                    cur_dist = (abs(cur_nose.x - (face.width() / 2)) +
                                abs(cur_nose.y - (face.height() * 5 / 9)) +
                                abs(cur_nose.width() - (face.width() / 4)))
                    if cur_dist < nose_dist:
                        nose = cur_nose
                        nost_dist = cur_dist

            if nose and (nose.y < (face.height() / 3)):
                nose = None

            if nose and mouths is not None:
                mouth = mouths[0]
                mouth_dist = abs(mouth.x - nose.x) + (abs(mouth.y - (face.height() * 4 / 5)) * 2)

                for cur_mouth in mouths:
                    cur_dist = abs(cur_mouth.x - nose.x) + (abs(cur_mouth.y - (face.height() * 4/ 5)) * 2)
                    if (cur_dist < mouth_dist) and (cur_mouth.y > nose.y):
                        mouth = cur_mouth
                        mouth_dist = cur_dist

            if nose and eyes:
                right_eye = eyes[0]
                right_eye_dist = (abs(right_eye.x - (3 * face.width() / 4)) * 2 +
                                  abs(right_eye.y - (nose.y - (nose.height() / 2)) / 2) +
                                  abs(right_eye.width() - (face.width() / 3)))
                for cur_eye in eyes:
                    cur_right_dist = (abs(cur_eye.x - (3 * face.width() / 4)) +
                                      abs(cur_eye.y - (nose.y - (nose.height() / 2)) / 2) +
                                      abs(cur_eye.width() - (face.width() / 3)))

                    if (cur_right_dist <= right_eye_dist): # and (cur_eye.y < nose.y):
                        right_eye = cur_eye
                        right_eye_dist = cur_right_dist

            if nose and right_eye and (((right_eye.y - (right_eye.height() / 2)) > nose.y) or (right_eye.x < nose.x)):
                print "Culling right_eye"
                right_eye = None

            if nose and mouth:
                x_face = face.x - (face.width() / 2)
                y_face = face.y - (face.height() / 2)

                x_nose = nose.x - (nose.width() / 2)
                y_nose = nose.y - (nose.height() / 2)

                # Setup TopHat Image
                scale_factor = face.width() / 175.0
                cur_hat = hat.copy()
                cur_hat = cur_hat.scale(scale_factor)
                cur_hat_mask = hat_mask.copy()
                cur_hat_mask = cur_hat_mask.scale(scale_factor)
                cur_hat_mask = cur_hat_mask.createAlphaMask(hue_lb=0, hue_ub=100)

                # Calculate the hat position
                if (face.y - face.height() / 2) > cur_hat.height:
                    x_hat = face.x - (cur_hat.width / 2)
                    y_hat = face.y - (face.height() * 7 / 10) - (cur_hat.height / 2)
                    img = img.blit(cur_hat, pos=(x_hat, y_hat), alphaMask=cur_hat_mask)

                if mouth:
                    x_mouth = mouth.x - (mouth.width() / 2)
                    y_mouth = mouth.y - (mouth.height() / 2)
                    # Setup Mustache Image
                    cur_stache = stache.copy()
                    scale_factor = ((nose.width() / 300.0) + (face.width() / 600.0)) / 2.0
                    cur_stache = cur_stache.scale(scale_factor)
                    stache_mask = cur_stache.createAlphaMask(hue_lb=0, hue_ub=10).invert()

                    # Calculate the mustache position
                    bottom_of_nose = y_nose + (nose.height() * 4 / 5)
                    top_of_mouth = y_mouth
                    # if top_of_mouth > bottom_of_nose:
                    #    top_of_mouth = bottom_of_nose
                    y_must = y_face + ((bottom_of_nose + top_of_mouth) / 2) - (cur_stache.height / 2)

                    middle_of_nose = nose.x
                    middle_of_mouth = mouth.x
                    x_must = x_face + ((middle_of_nose + middle_of_mouth) / 2) - (cur_stache.width / 2)

                if right_eye:
                    x_right_eye = right_eye.x - (right_eye.width() / 2)
                    y_right_eye = right_eye.y - (right_eye.height() / 2)

                    # Setup Monocle Image
                    cur_mono = monocle.copy()
                    scale_factor = ((right_eye.width() / 65.0) + (face.width() / 200.0)) / 2.0
                    cur_mono = cur_mono.scale(scale_factor)
                    mono_mask = cur_mono.createAlphaMask(hue_lb=0, hue_ub=100).invert()

                    # Calculate Monocle Position
                    x_mono = x_face + x_right_eye
                    y_mono = y_face + y_right_eye
                    img = img.blit(cur_mono, pos=(x_mono, y_mono), alphaMask=mono_mask)

                img = img.blit(cur_stache, pos=(x_must, y_must), alphaMask=stache_mask)

                if debug:
                    noselayer = DrawingLayer((img.width, img.height))
                    nosebox_dimensions = (nose.width(), nose.height())
                    center_point = (face.x - (face.width() / 2) + nose.x,
                                    face.y - (face.height() / 2) + nose.y)
                    nosebox = noselayer.centeredRectangle(center_point, nosebox_dimensions, width=3)
                    img = img.applyLayers()

                print "Face culled:"
                if not nose:
                    print "  No Nose"
                if not mouth:
                    print "  No mouth"
                if not right_eye:
                    print "  No right eye"

            if debug:
                face_left_edge = face.x - (face.width() / 2)
                face_top_edge = face.y - (face.height() / 2)

                facelayer = DrawingLayer((img.width, img.height))
                facebox_dimensions = (face.width(), face.height())
                center_point = (face.x, face.y)
                facebox = facelayer.centeredRectangle(center_point, facebox_dimensions, Color.BLUE)

                if noses:
                    for nose in noses:
                        noselayer = DrawingLayer((img.width, img.height))
                        nosebox_dimensions = (nose.width(), nose.height())
                        center_point = (face.x - (face.width() / 2) + nose.x,
                                    face.y - (face.height() / 2) + nose.y)
                        nosebox = noselayer.centeredRectangle(center_point, nosebox_dimensions)

                if mouths:
                    for mouth in mouths:
                        mouthlayer = DrawingLayer((img.width, img.height))
                        mouthbox_dimensions = (mouth.width(), mouth.height())
                        center_point = (face.x - (face.width() / 2) + mouth.x,
                                face.y - (face.height() / 2) + mouth.y)
                        mouthbox = mouthlayer.centeredRectangle(center_point, mouthbox_dimensions, Color.GREEN)

                if eyes:
                    for right_eye in eyes:
                        right_eyelayer = DrawingLayer((img.width, img.height))
                        right_eyebox_dimensions = (right_eye.width(), right_eye.height())
                        right_eye_center_point = (face_left_edge + right_eye.x, face_top_edge + right_eye.y)
                        right_eyebox = right_eyelayer.centeredRectangle(right_eye_center_point, right_eyebox_dimensions)

                img = img.applyLayers()

    img = img.scale(0.5)
    w_ratio = img.width / 800.0
    h_ratio = img.height / 600.0

    if h_ratio > 1.0 or w_ratio > 1.0:
        if h_ratio > w_ratio:
            img = img.resize(h=600)
            img = img.resize(w=800)

    output = StringIO.StringIO()
    img.getPIL().save(output, format="JPEG") #, quality=85, optimize=True)
    img_contents = output.getvalue()

    mimetype = "image/jpeg"
    return app.response_class(img_contents, mimetype=mimetype, direct_passthrough=False)
Пример #7
    img = cam.getImage().scale(0.3)
    rgb = img.getNumpyCv2()
    hist = cv2.calcHist([rgb], [0, 1, 2], None, [bins, bins, bins],
                        [0, 256, 0, 256, 0, 256])
    hist = hist / np.max(hist)
    # render everything
        ax.plot([x], [y], [z],
                markersize=max(hist[x, y, z] * 100, 6),
                color=color) for x, y, z, color in idxs if (hist[x][y][z] > 0)
    #[ ax.plot([x],[y],[z],'.',color=color) for x,y,z,color in idxs if(hist[x][y][z]>0) ]
    ax.set_xlim3d(0, bins - 1)
    ax.set_ylim3d(0, bins - 1)
    ax.set_zlim3d(0, bins - 1)
    azim = (azim + 0.5) % 360
    ax.view_init(elev=35, azim=azim)
    ########### convert matplotlib to  SimpleCV image
    renderer = canvas.get_renderer()
    raw_data = renderer.tostring_rgb()
    size = canvas.get_width_height()
    surf = pg.image.fromstring(raw_data, size, "RGB")
    figure = Image(surf)
    ############ All done
    figure = figure.floodFill((0, 0), tolerance=5, color=Color.WHITE)
    result = figure.blit(img, pos=(20, 20))
Пример #8
        #pid.incrementTime(error, dt)
        dt = 0.1
        kite_model.update(order, dt)
        print kite_model.X
        kite = kite_base.rotate(sp.rad2deg(kite_model.X[0]),
        #background.blit(kite, (799,0)).save(disp)

        toDisplay = background.blit(
                -kite.width + 1,
                    background.width - 1,
                    int(kite_model.X[1] + background.width / 2 -
                        kite.width / 2))),
                 -kite.height + 1,
                 min(background.height - 1,
                     int(background.height - kite_model.X[2] - 200)))),

        toDisplay.drawText(str(i_loop * dt),