def __init__(self, config, logger, sitename): self.sitename = sitename self.logger = logger self.config = config self.siteDB = contentDB(logger=self.logger, config=self.config) self.dbI = getDBConn('PolicyService') self.stateMachine = StateMachine(self.logger)
#!/usr/bin/env python """ List all deltas inFrontend """ import sys from DTNRMLibs.MainUtilities import getVal from DTNRMLibs.MainUtilities import evaldict from DTNRMLibs.MainUtilities import getConfig, getStreamLogger from DTNRMLibs.FECalls import getDBConn from SiteFE.PolicyService.stateMachine import StateMachine LOGGER = getStreamLogger() CONFIG = getConfig() STATEMACHINE = StateMachine(LOGGER) def getdeltaAll(sitename): dbI = getDBConn('listalldeltas') dbobj = getVal(dbI, sitename=sitename) for delta in dbobj.get('deltas'): delta['addition'] = evaldict(delta['addition']) delta['reduction'] = evaldict(delta['reduction']) print '='*80 print 'Delta UID : ', delta['uid'] print 'Delta RedID: ', delta['reductionid'] print 'Delta State: ', delta['state'] print 'Delta ModAdd: ', delta['modadd'] print 'Delta InsDate:', delta['insertdate'] print 'Delta Update: ', delta['updatedate'] print 'Delta Model: ', delta['modelid'] print 'Delta connID: ', delta['connectionid'] print 'Delta Deltatype: ', delta['deltat']
def __init__(self, config, logger): self.logger = logger self.config = config self.siteDB = contentDB(logger=self.logger, config=self.config) self.dbI = getDBConn() self.stateMachine = StateMachine(self.logger)
class PolicyService(object): """ Policy Service to accept deltas """ def __init__(self, config, logger, sitename): self.sitename = sitename self.logger = logger self.config = config self.siteDB = contentDB(logger=self.logger, config=self.config) self.dbI = getDBConn('PolicyService') self.stateMachine = StateMachine(self.logger) def queryGraph(self, graphIn, sub=None, pre=None, obj=None, search=None): """ Does search inside the graph based on provided parameters """ foundItems = [] self.logger.debug('Searching for subject: %s predica: %s object: %s searchLine: %s' % (sub, pre, obj, search)) for sIn, pIn, oIn in graphIn.triples((sub, pre, obj)): if search: if search == pIn: self.logger.debug('Found item with search parameter') self.logger.debug("s(subject) %s" % sIn) self.logger.debug("p(predica) %s" % pIn) self.logger.debug("o(object ) %s" % oIn) self.logger.debug("-" * 50) foundItems.append(oIn) else: self.logger.debug('Found item without search parameter') self.logger.debug("s(subject) %s" % sIn) self.logger.debug("p(predica) %s" % pIn) self.logger.debug("o(object ) %s" % oIn) self.logger.debug("-" * 50) foundItems.append(oIn) return foundItems def getTimeScheduling(self, out, gIn, prefixes): """ This is for identifying LIFETIME! In case it fails to get correct timestamp, resources will be provisioned right away """ for timeline in out: times = {} for timev in ['end', 'start']: tout = self.queryGraph(gIn, timeline, search=URIRef('%s%s' % (prefixes['nml'], timev))) temptime = None try: temptime = int(time.mktime(parser.parse(str(tout[0])).timetuple())) if time.daylight: temptime -= 3600 except Exception: continue times[timev] = temptime if len(times.keys()) == 2: return times return {} def parseDeltaRequest(self, inFileName, allKnownHosts): """Parse delta request to json""""Parsing delta request %s ", inFileName) prefixes = {} allOutput = [] prefixes['site'] = "%s:%s:%s" % (self.config.get('prefixes', 'site'), self.config.get(self.sitename, 'domain'), self.config.get(self.sitename, 'year')) for switchName in self.config.get(self.sitename, 'switch').split(','): try: vsw = self.config.get(switchName, 'vsw') except ConfigParser.NoOptionError: self.logger.debug('ERROR: vsw parameter is not defined for %s.', switchName) continue prefixes['main'] = URIRef("%s:service+vsw:%s" % (prefixes['site'], vsw)) prefixes['nml'] = self.config.get('prefixes', 'nml') prefixes['mrs'] = self.config.get('prefixes', 'mrs') gIn = Graph() gIn.parse(inFileName, format='turtle') out = []'Trying to parse L2 info from delta') out = self.parsel2Request(allKnownHosts, prefixes, gIn, out)'Trying to parse L3 info from delta') out = self.parsel3Request(allKnownHosts, prefixes, gIn, out) allOutput.append(out) allOutput = list(filter(None, allOutput)) if len(allOutput) > 1: msg = 'Got multiple Service definitions. Not Supported. Output: %s' % allOutput return {"errorType": 'MultipleDefs', "errorNo": '-9', "errMsg": msg} elif not allOutput: return [] return allOutput[0] def parsel3Request(self, allKnownHosts, prefixes, gIn, returnout): """ Parse Layer 3 Delta Request """ for hostname in allKnownHosts.keys(): prefixes['mainrst'] = URIRef("%s:%s:service+rst" % (prefixes['site'], hostname))'Lets try to get connection ID subject for %s' % prefixes['mainrst']) out = self.queryGraph(gIn, prefixes['mainrst'], search=URIRef('%s%s' % (prefixes['mrs'], 'providesRoutingTable'))) if not out: msg = 'Connection ID was not received. Continue' continue outall = {} outall.setdefault('hosts', {}) outall['hosts'].setdefault(hostname, {}) for connectionID in out: outall['connectionID'] = str(connectionID) outall['hosts'][hostname]['routes'] = []'This is our connection ID: %s' % connectionID)'Now lets get all info what it wants to do. Mainly nextHop, routeFrom, routeTo') bidPorts = self.queryGraph(gIn, connectionID, search=URIRef('%s%s' % (prefixes['mrs'], 'hasRoute'))) for bidPort in bidPorts: route = {} for flag in ['nextHop', 'routeFrom', 'routeTo']: route.setdefault(flag, {}) out = self.queryGraph(gIn, bidPort, search=URIRef('%s%s' % (prefixes['mrs'], flag))) if not out: continue for item in out: outt = self.queryGraph(gIn, item, search=URIRef('%s%s' % (prefixes['mrs'], 'type'))) outv = self.queryGraph(gIn, item, search=URIRef('%s%s' % (prefixes['mrs'], 'value'))) if not outt or not outv: continue route[flag]['type'] = str(outt[0]) route[flag]['value'] = str(outv[0]) outall['hosts'][hostname]['routes'].append(route) returnout.append(outall) self.logger.debug('L3 Parse output: %s', outall) return returnout def parsel2Request(self, allKnownHosts, prefixes, gIn, returnout): """ Parse L2 request """'Lets try to get connection ID subject for %s' % prefixes['main']) connectionID = None out = self.queryGraph(gIn, prefixes['main'], search=URIRef('%s%s' % (prefixes['mrs'], 'providesSubnet'))) if not out: msg = 'Connection ID was not received. Something is wrong...' return [] for connectionID in out: output = {} output['connectionID'] = str(connectionID)'This is our connection ID: %s' % connectionID)'Now lets get all info what it wants to do. Mainly bidPorts and labelSwapping flag') bidPorts = self.queryGraph(gIn, connectionID, search=URIRef('%s%s' % (prefixes['nml'], 'hasBidirectionalPort'))) out = self.queryGraph(gIn, connectionID, search=URIRef('%s%s' % (prefixes['nml'], 'labelSwapping'))) output['labelSwapping'] = str(out[0]) out = self.queryGraph(gIn, connectionID, search=URIRef('%s%s' % (prefixes['nml'], 'existsDuring'))) out = self.getTimeScheduling(out, gIn, prefixes) if len(out.keys()) == 2: output['timestart'] = out['start'] output['timeend'] = out['end'] # ======================================================='Now lets get all info for each bidirectionalPort, like vlan, ip, serviceInfo ') # We need mainly hasLabel, hasNetworkAddress for bidPort in bidPorts: print bidPort # Get first which labels it has. # This provides us info about vlan tag connInfo, output = getConnInfo(bidPort, prefixes['site'], output, nostore=True) if connInfo not in allKnownHosts: print 'Ignore %s' % connInfo continue connInfo, output = getConnInfo(bidPort, prefixes['site'], output) alias = self.queryGraph(gIn, bidPort, search=URIRef('%s%s' % (prefixes['nml'], 'isAlias'))) if alias and alias[0] not in bidPorts:'Received alias for %s to %s' % (bidPort, alias)) bidPorts.append(alias[0]) # Now let's get vlan ID out = self.queryGraph(gIn, bidPort, search=URIRef('%s%s' % (prefixes['nml'], 'hasLabel'))) if not out: continue out = self.queryGraph(gIn, out[0], search=URIRef('%s%s' % (prefixes['nml'], 'value'))) output['hosts'][connInfo]['vlan'] = str(out[0]) # Now Let's get IP out = self.queryGraph(gIn, bidPort, search=URIRef('%s%s' % (prefixes['mrs'], 'hasNetworkAddress'))) for item in out: outtype = self.queryGraph(gIn, item, search=URIRef('%s%s' % (prefixes['mrs'], 'type'))) outval = self.queryGraph(gIn, item, search=URIRef('%s%s' % (prefixes['mrs'], 'value'))) if Literal('ipv4-address') in outtype: if len(outval[0].split('/')) == 2: output['hosts'][connInfo]['ip'] = str(outval[0]) # Now lets get service Info and what was requested. out = self.queryGraph(gIn, bidPort, search=URIRef('%s%s' % (prefixes['nml'], 'hasService'))) output['hosts'][connInfo].setdefault('params', []) serviceparams = {} if out: for key in ['availableCapacity', 'granularity', 'maximumCapacity', 'priority', 'reservableCapacity', 'type', 'unit']: tmpout = self.queryGraph(gIn, out[0], search=URIRef('%s%s' % (prefixes['mrs'], key))) if len(tmpout) >= 1: serviceparams[key] = str(tmpout[0]) output['hosts'][connInfo]['params'].append(serviceparams) returnout.append(output) return returnout def startwork(self): """ Start Policy Service """"=" * 80)"Component PolicyService Started") for siteName in self.config.get('general', 'sites').split(','): workDir = self.config.get(siteName, 'privatedir') + "/PolicyService/" createDirs(workDir) # Committed to activating... # committing, committed, activating, activated, remove, removing, cancel dbobj = getVal(self.dbI, sitename=self.sitename) for job in [['committing', self.stateMachine.committing], ['committed', self.stateMachine.committed], ['activating', self.stateMachine.activating], ['activated', self.stateMachine.activated], ['remove', self.stateMachine.remove], ['removing', self.stateMachine.removing], ['cancel', self.stateMachine.cancel], ['cancelConn', self.stateMachine.cancelledConnections]]:"Starting check on %s deltas" % job[0]) job[1](dbobj) def acceptDelta(self, deltapath): """ Accept delta """ jOut = getAllHosts(self.sitename, self.logger) fileContent = self.siteDB.getFileContentAsJson(deltapath) os.unlink(deltapath) # File is not needed anymore. toDict = dict(fileContent) toDict["State"] = "accepting" outputDict = {'addition': '', 'reduction': ''} try:["Content"])["Content"])) for key in ['reduction', 'addition']: if key in toDict["Content"] and toDict["Content"][key]:'Got Content %s for key %s', toDict["Content"][key], key) tmpFile = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False) try: tmpFile.write(toDict["Content"][key]) except ValueError as ex:'Received ValueError. More details %s. Try to write normally with decode', ex) tmpFile.write(decodebase64(toDict["Content"][key])) tmpFile.close() outputDict[key] = self.parseDeltaRequest(, jOut) os.unlink( except (IOError, KeyError, AttributeError, IndentationError, ValueError, BadSyntax, HostNotFound, UnrecognizedDeltaOption) as ex: outputDict = getError(ex) dbobj = getVal(self.dbI, sitename=self.sitename) if 'errorType' in outputDict.keys(): toDict["State"] = "failed" toDict["Error"] = outputDict toDict['ParsedDelta'] = {'addition': '', 'reduction': ''} self.stateMachine.failed(dbobj, toDict) else: toDict["State"] = "accepted" connID = None for key in outputDict: toDict["State"] = "accepted" if not outputDict[key]: continue toDict['dtype'] = key toDict['Type'] = key'%s' % str(outputDict[key])) toDict["ParsedDelta"] = outputDict connID = [] for item in outputDict[key]: connID.append(item['connectionID']) toDict['ConnID'] = connID toDict['modadd'] = 'idle' self.stateMachine.accepted(dbobj, toDict) # ================================= return toDict
class PolicyService(object): """ Policy Service to accept deltas """ def __init__(self, config, logger): self.logger = logger self.config = config self.siteDB = contentDB(logger=self.logger, config=self.config) self.dbI = getDBConn() self.stateMachine = StateMachine(self.logger) def queryGraph(self, graphIn, sub=None, pre=None, obj=None, search=None): """ Does search inside the graph based on provided parameters """ foundItems = [] for sIn, pIn, oIn in graphIn.triples((sub, pre, obj)): if search: if search == pIn: self.logger.debug('Found item with search parameter') self.logger.debug("s(subject) %s" % sIn) self.logger.debug("p(predica) %s" % pIn) self.logger.debug("o(object ) %s" % oIn) self.logger.debug("-" * 50) foundItems.append(oIn) else: self.logger.debug('Found item without search parameter') self.logger.debug("s(subject) %s" % sIn) self.logger.debug("p(predica) %s" % pIn) self.logger.debug("o(object ) %s" % oIn) self.logger.debug("-" * 50) foundItems.append(oIn) return foundItems def getTimeScheduling(self, out, gIn, prefixes): # This is for identifying LIFETIME! In case it fails to get correct timestamp, # resources will be provisioned right away # ====================================================== for timeline in out: times = {} for timev in ['end', 'start']: tout = self.queryGraph(gIn, timeline, search=URIRef('%s%s' % (prefixes['nml'], timev))) temptime = None try: temptime = int( time.mktime(parser.parse(str(tout[0])).timetuple())) if time.daylight: temptime -= 3600 except: continue times[timev] = temptime if len(times.keys()) == 2: return times return {} def parseDeltaRequest(self, inFileName, allKnownHosts, sitename): """Parse delta request to json""" output = {}"Parsing delta request %s ", inFileName) prefixes = {} prefixes['site'] = "%s:%s:%s" % (self.config.get( 'prefixes', 'site'), self.config.get( sitename, 'domain'), self.config.get(sitename, 'year')) prefixes['main'] = URIRef("%s:service+vsw" % prefixes['site']) prefixes['nml'] = self.config.get('prefixes', 'nml') prefixes['mrs'] = self.config.get('prefixes', 'mrs') gIn = Graph() gIn.parse(inFileName, format='turtle')'Lets try to get connection ID subject') connectionID = None out = self.queryGraph(gIn, prefixes['main']) if not out: msg = 'Connection ID was not received. Something is w' return {} if len(out) > 1: msg = 'Received multiple connection IDs. Something is wrong...' return {} output['connectionID'] = str(out[0]) connectionID = out[0]'This is our connection ID: %s' % connectionID) 'Now lets get all info what it wants to do. Mainly bidPorts and labelSwapping flag' ) bidPorts = self.queryGraph( gIn, connectionID, search=URIRef('%s%s' % (prefixes['nml'], 'hasBidirectionalPort'))) out = self.queryGraph(gIn, connectionID, search=URIRef( '%s%s' % (prefixes['nml'], 'labelSwapping'))) output['labelSwapping'] = str(out[0]) out = self.queryGraph(gIn, connectionID, search=URIRef('%s%s' % (prefixes['nml'], 'existsDuring'))) out = self.getTimeScheduling(out, gIn, prefixes) if len(out.keys()) == 2: output['timestart'] = out['start'] output['timeend'] = out['end'] # ======================================================= 'Now lets get all info for each bidirectionalPort, like vlan, ip, serviceInfo ' ) # We need mainly hasLabel, hasNetworkAddress for bidPort in bidPorts: # Get first which labels it has. # This provides us info about vlan tag connInfo, output = getConnInfo(bidPort, prefixes['site'], output, nostore=True) print connInfo, allKnownHosts if connInfo not in allKnownHosts: print 'Ignore %s' % connInfo continue connInfo, output = getConnInfo(bidPort, prefixes['site'], output) alias = self.queryGraph(gIn, bidPort, search=URIRef( '%s%s' % (prefixes['nml'], 'isAlias'))) print alias, bidPorts if alias and alias[0] not in bidPorts:'Received alias for %s to %s' % (bidPort, alias)) bidPorts.append(alias[0]) # Now let's get vlan ID out = self.queryGraph(gIn, bidPort, search=URIRef('%s%s' % (prefixes['nml'], 'hasLabel'))) if not out: continue out = self.queryGraph(gIn, out[0], search=URIRef('%s%s' % (prefixes['nml'], 'value'))) output['hosts'][connInfo]['vlan'] = str(out[0]) # Now Let's get IP out = self.queryGraph( gIn, bidPort, search=URIRef('%s%s' % (prefixes['mrs'], 'hasNetworkAddress'))) if out: out = self.queryGraph(gIn, out[0], search=URIRef( '%s%s' % (prefixes['mrs'], 'value'))) output['hosts'][connInfo]['ip'] = str(out[0]) # Now lets get service Info and what was requested. out = self.queryGraph( gIn, bidPort, search=URIRef('%s%s' % (prefixes['nml'], 'hasService'))) output['hosts'][connInfo].setdefault('params', []) serviceparams = {} if out: for key in [ 'availableCapacity', 'granularity', 'maximumCapacity', 'priority', 'reservableCapacity', 'type', 'unit' ]: print key tmpout = self.queryGraph( gIn, out[0], search=URIRef('%s%s' % (prefixes['mrs'], key))) if len(tmpout) >= 1: serviceparams[key] = str(tmpout[0]) output['hosts'][connInfo]['params'].append(serviceparams) print output return output def reductionCompare(self, sitename, redID): dbobj = getVal(self.dbI, sitename=sitename) out = dbobj.get('deltas', search=[['connectionid', redID]]) if out: return out[0]['uid'] return None def startwork(self):"=" * 80)"Component PolicyService Started") for siteName in self.config.get('general', 'sites').split(','): workDir = self.config.get(siteName, 'privatedir') + "/PolicyService/" createDirs(workDir)'Working on Site %s' % siteName) self.startworkmain(siteName) def acceptDelta(self, deltapath, sitename): jOut = getAllHosts(sitename, self.logger) fileContent = self.siteDB.getFileContentAsJson(deltapath) os.unlink(deltapath) # File is not needed anymore. toDict = dict(fileContent) toDict["State"] = "accepting" outputDict = {'addition': '', 'reduction': ''} try:["Content"]) for key in ['reduction', 'addition']: if key in toDict["Content"] and toDict["Content"][key]:'Got Content %s for key %s', toDict["Content"][key], key) tmpFile = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False) try: tmpFile.write(toDict["Content"][key]) except ValueError as ex: 'Received ValueError. More details %s. Try to write normally with decode', ex) tmpFile.write(decodebase64(toDict["Content"][key])) tmpFile.close() outputDict[key] = self.parseDeltaRequest(, jOut, sitename)"For %s this is delta location %s" % (key, # os.unlink( except (IOError, KeyError, AttributeError, IndentationError, ValueError, BadSyntax, HostNotFound, UnrecognizedDeltaOption) as ex: outputDict = getError(ex) dbobj = getVal(self.dbI, sitename=sitename) if 'errorType' in outputDict.keys(): toDict["State"] = "failed" toDict["Error"] = outputDict toDict['ParsedDelta'] = {'addition': '', 'reduction': ''} self.stateMachine.failed(dbobj, toDict) else: toDict["State"] = "accepted" toDict["ParsedDelta"] = outputDict dtype = None connID = None for key in outputDict: if not outputDict[key]: continue # If key is reduction. Find out which one. # So this check will not be needed anymore. dtype = key connID = outputDict[key]['connectionID'] if key == 'reduction': if "ReductionID" not in outputDict.keys():'Trying to identify which to delete') reductionIDMap = self.reductionCompare( sitename, outputDict[key]['connectionID']) toDict["ReductionID"] = reductionIDMap else:'ReductionID is already defined.') toDict['Type'] = dtype toDict['ConnID'] = connID toDict['modadd'] = 'idle' self.stateMachine.accepted(dbobj, toDict) # ================================= return toDict def startworkmain(self, sitename): """Main start """ # Committed to activating... # committing, committed, activating, activated, remove, removing, cancel dbobj = getVal(self.dbI, sitename=sitename) for job in [['committing', self.stateMachine.committing], ['committed', self.stateMachine.committed], ['activating', self.stateMachine.activating], ['activated', self.stateMachine.activated], ['remove', self.stateMachine.remove], ['removing', self.stateMachine.removing], ['cancel', self.stateMachine.cancel]]:"Starting check on %s deltas" % job[0]) job[1](dbobj)