class GTKGui (_SketchGUI, gtk.DrawingArea): def __init__(self, dims = (WIDTH, HEIGHT) ): # Create a new window gtk.DrawingArea.__init__(self) self.resize(*dims)# BREAKS when X forwarding #Semantic board data self.board = None # set by resetBoard() self.boardProcThread = BoardThread(self.board) # set by resetBoard() #GUI data variables self.shouldDrawStrokes = True self.currentPoints = None # set by resetBoard() self.strokeList = None # set by resetBoard() self.opQueue = None # set by resetBoard() self.isMouseDown1 = False self.isMouseDown3 = False self.keyCallbacks = {} self.strokeQueue = ProcQueue() self.strokeLoader = StrokeStorage() self.screenImage = None self._pixbuf = None self._isFullscreen = False #Cairo drawing data self.renderBuffer = None self.context = None #Event hooks gobject.idle_add(self.processOps) #Idle event gobject.idle_add(self.processQueuedStrokes) #Async stroke processing self.set_property("can-focus", True) #So we can capture keyboard events self.connect("button_press_event", self.onMouseDown) self.connect("motion_notify_event", self.onMouseMove) self.connect("button_release_event", self.onMouseUp) self.connect("key_press_event", self.onKeyPress) self.connect("expose_event", self.onExpose) self.set_events(gtk.gdk.BUTTON_RELEASE_MASK | gtk.gdk.BUTTON_PRESS_MASK | gtk.gdk.KEY_PRESS_MASK | gtk.gdk.EXPOSURE_MASK | gtk.gdk.POINTER_MOTION_MASK ) #Enable the board processing self.resetBoard() def getDimensions(self): "Return the (width, height) of the visible board area" return self.window.get_size() def post(self, op): self.opQueue.put(op) def registerKeyCallback(self, keyVal, function): """Register a function to be called when a certain keyVal is pressed""" log.debug("Registered function for %s" % (keyVal)) self.keyCallbacks.setdefault(keyVal, []).append(function) def onKeyPress(self, widget, event, data=None): key = chr(event.keyval % 256) #Run the registered callbacks for func in self.keyCallbacks.get(key, ()): func() #Run the hard-coded key events if key == 'r': self.resetBoard() elif key == 'i': def ok_callback(fileSelector): fname = fileSelector.get_filename() fileSelector.destroy() self.loadStrokesFromImage(filename=fname) fileSelector = gtk.FileSelection("Choose a photo") fileSelector.set_filename("./photos/") fileSelector.ok_button.connect("clicked", (lambda w: ok_callback(fileSelector)) ) fileSelector.cancel_button.connect("clicked", (lambda w: fileSelector.destroy()) ) elif key == 'l': self.loadStrokes() elif key == 's': self.saveStrokes() elif key == 'f': self.setFullscreen(not self._isFullscreen) elif key == 'q': gtk.main_quit() elif key in ('1','0','-','`',' '): self.controlTuringMachines(key) self.boardChanged() elif key == 'D': self.shouldDrawStrokes = not self.shouldDrawStrokes if self.shouldDrawStrokes: print ("Show Strokes") else: print("Don't Show Strokes") self.draw() def controlTuringMachines(self, key): """Keyboard bindings specifically hard-coded for controlling any present Turing Machine annotations""" tmAnnos = self.board.FindAnnotations(anno_type = TuringMachineAnnotation) if key in ['1', '0', '-']: for anno in tmAnnos: tapeString = anno.getTapeString() tapeString+= key anno.setTapeString(tapeString) elif key == '`': fp = open("", "a") for anno in tmAnnos: print >> fp, anno.dotify() anno.setTapeString("") anno.restartSimulation() fp.close() elif key == ' ': for anno in tmAnnos: anno.simulateStep() def resetBackBuffer(self): """Reset the back painting buffer, for example when the screen size changes""" x,y,w,h = self.allocation log.debug("Reset back buffer %sx%s" % (w,h)) self.renderBuffer = cairo.ImageSurface(cairo.FORMAT_ARGB32, w,h) self.context = cairo.Context(self.renderBuffer) #self.screenImage = None def setFullscreen(self, makeFull): """Set the application fullscreen according to makeFull(boolean)""" windows = gtk.window_list_toplevels() # for (i, win) in enumerate(windows): # print i,, "Has focus: %s" % (win.has_toplevel_focus()) # win = windows[0] self._pixbuf = None if makeFull: self.screenImage = None self._isFullscreen = True log.debug("Fullscreen") for win in windows: if self in win.children(): win.fullscreen() self.opQueue.put(lambda : time.sleep(0.1)) # So we don't reset too early self.opQueue.put(lambda : self.resetBackBuffer()) else: self.screenImage = None self._isFullscreen = False log.debug("UNFullscreen") for win in windows: if self in win.children(): win.unfullscreen() self.opQueue.put(lambda : time.sleep(0.1)) self.opQueue.put(lambda : self.resetBackBuffer()) def resetBoard(self): log.debug("Resetting Board") self.opQueue = Queue.Queue() self.board = Board(gui = self) self.strokeList = [] self.currentPoints = [] Config.initializeBoard(self.board) self.boardProcThread.stop() self.boardProcThread = BoardThread(self.board) self.boardProcThread.start() self.opQueue.put(lambda : time.sleep(0.1)) # So we don't reset too early self.opQueue.put(lambda : self.resetBackBuffer()) self.opQueue.put(lambda : self.boardChanged()) def boardChanged(self): if self.strokeQueue.empty(): #No strokes waiting to be processed if self.board.Lock.acquire(False): #Nobody's using the board self.board.Lock.release() self.draw() def loadStrokesFromImage(self, filename=None, image=None): width, height = self.window.get_size() if image is None: if filename is None: return else: image = ImageStrokeConverter.loadFile(filename) p = Process(target = processImage, args = (image, self.strokeQueue, (width,height) ) ) p.start() def loadStrokes(self): for stroke in self.strokeLoader.loadStrokes(): self.addStroke(stroke) def saveStrokes(self): self.strokeLoader.saveStrokes(self.strokeList) with self.board.Lock: print ElementTree.tostring(self.board.xml(1280, 720)) def drawCircle(self, *args, **kargs): """Draw a circle on the canvas at (x,y) with radius rad. Color should be 24 bit RGB string #RRGGBB. Empty string is transparent""" op = partial(GTKGui._drawCircle, self, *args, **kargs) self.opQueue.put(op) def drawText(self, *args, **kargs): """Draw some text (InText) on the canvas at (x,y). Color as defined by 24 bit RGB string #RRGGBB""" op = partial(GTKGui._drawText, self, *args, **kargs) self.opQueue.put(op) def drawLine(self, x1, y1, x2, y2, width=2, color="#FFFFFF"): """Draw a line on the canvas from (x1,y1) to (x2,y2). Color should be 24 bit RGB string #RRGGBB""" op = partial(GTKGui._drawLine, self, x1, y1, x2, y2, width, color) self.opQueue.put(op) def drawStroke(self, *args, **kargs): """Draw a stroke on the board with width and color as specified.""" op = partial(GTKGui._drawStroke, self, *args, **kargs) self.opQueue.put(op) def drawCurve(self, *args, **kargs): "Draw a curve on the board with width and color as specified" op = partial(GTKGui._drawCurve, self, *args, **kargs) self.opQueue.put(op) def drawBox(self, *args, **kargs): op = partial(GTKGui._drawBox, self, *args, **kargs) self.opQueue.put(op) def drawBitmap(self, x, y, filename=None, pixbuf=None): try: if pixbuf is None and filename is not None: pixbuf = gtk.gdk.pixbuf_new_from_file(filename) elif pixbuf is None: raise Exception("Must specify filename or pixbuf") else: op = partial(GTKGui._drawBitmap, self, x, y, pixbuf) self.opQueue.put(op) except Exception as e: log.warn(str(e)) #________________________________________ # Private, actual draw calls #________________________________________ def _drawCircle(self, x, y, radius=1, color="#FFFFFF", fill="", width=1.0): """Draw a circle on the canvas at (x,y) with radius rad. Color should be 24 bit RGB string #RRGGBB. Empty string is transparent""" #Draw the line pt = self.b2c(Point(x,y)) self.context.arc(pt.X, pt.Y, radius, 0, math.pi * 2) if fill != "": self.context.set_source_rgb(* hexToTuple(fill) ) self.context.fill_preserve() #c = hexToTuple(color) self.context.set_source_rgb(*hexToTuple(color)) self.context.stroke() self.context.restore() def _drawLine(self, x1, y1, x2, y2, width, color, _context=None): """Draw a line on the canvas from (x1,y1) to (x2,y2). Color should be 24 bit RGB string #RRGGBB""" if _context is None: context = self.context else: context = _context #Draw the line c = hexToTuple(color) context.set_source_rgb(*c) p1 = self.b2c(Point(x1, y1)) p2 = self.b2c(Point(x2, y2)) context.move_to( p1.X, p1.Y ) context.line_to( p2.X, p2.Y ) context.stroke() context.restore() def _drawText (self, x, y, InText="", size=10, color="#FFFFFF"): """Draw some text (InText) on the canvas at (x,y). Color as defined by 24 bit RGB string #RRGGBB""" ctxt = pangocairo.CairoContext(self.context) layout = ctxt.create_layout() layout.set_text(InText) c = hexToTuple(color) self.context.set_source_rgb(*c) _, (tlx, tly, brx, bry) = layout.get_pixel_extents() pt = Point(x, y) #pt = self.b2c(Point(x, y - bry)) pt = self.b2c(pt) ctxt.translate(pt.X, pt.Y) ctxt.show_layout(layout) self.context.restore() # ------------------------------------------------ # Optional overloads def _drawBox(self, tl, br, topright = None, bottomleft = None, color="#FFFFFF", fill = "", width=2): tl = self.b2c(tl) br = self.b2c(br) x = tl.X y = tl.Y w = br.X - tl.X h = br.Y - tl.Y self.context.set_source_rgb(* hexToTuple(color)) self.context.set_line_width(width) self.context.rectangle(x,y,w,h) if fill != "": self.context.set_source_rgb(* hexToTuple(fill)) self.context.fill_preserve() self.context.stroke() self.context.restore() def _drawStroke(self, stroke, width = 2, color="#FFFFFF", erasable = False): """Draw a stroke on the board with width and color as specified.""" #Draw the lines c = hexToTuple(color) self.context.set_source_rgb(*c) if len(stroke.Points) > 0: pt = self.b2c(stroke.Points[0]) self.context.move_to( pt.X, pt.Y ) if len(stroke.Points) > 1: for pt in stroke.Points[1:]: pt = self.b2c(pt) self.context.line_to( pt.X, pt.Y) else: pass self.context.stroke() self.context.restore() def _drawBitmap(self, x, y, pixbuf): """Draw a bitmap on the board""" pt = self.b2c(Point(x,y)) ctxt2 = gtk.gdk.CairoContext(self.context) ctxt2.set_source_pixbuf(pixbuf, pt.X, pt.Y) ctxt2.paint() self.context.restore() def _getContext(self): return self.window.cairo_create() def resize(self, w,h): """Set the size of the canvas to w x h""" self.set_size_request(w,h) def processQueuedStrokes(self): if not self.strokeQueue.empty(): log.debug("Adding queued stroke") stroke = self.strokeQueue.get() self.strokeList.append(stroke) self.boardProcThread.addStroke(stroke, callback = self.boardChanged) return True def processOps(self): """Process one operation from the opqueue""" if not self.opQueue.empty(): op = self.opQueue.get() #Call the next operation in the queue op() self.opQueue.task_done() return True #Call me again next idle time def onMouseDown(self, widget, e): """Respond to a mouse being pressed""" if e.button == 1: self.isMouseDown1 = True self.currentPoints.append(self.b2c(Point(e.x, e.y))) return True elif e.button == 3: self.isMouseDown3 = True self.currentPoints.append(self.b2c(Point(e.x, e.y))) return True def onMouseMove(self, widget, e): """Respond to the mouse moving""" if self.isMouseDown1: p = self.currentPoints[-1] curPt = self.b2c(Point(e.x, e.y)) self.currentPoints.append(curPt) liveContext = self._getContext() self._drawLine(p.X, p.Y, curPt.X, curPt.Y, 2, "#ffffff", _context= liveContext) return True elif self.isMouseDown3: p = self.currentPoints[-1] curPt = self.b2c(Point(e.x, e.y)) self.currentPoints.append(curPt) liveContext = self._getContext() self._drawLine(p.X, p.Y, curPt.X, curPt.Y, 2, "#c00c0c", _context = liveContext) return True def onMouseUp(self, widget, e): """Respond to the mouse being released""" if e.button == 1: self.isMouseDown1 = False curPt = self.b2c(Point(e.x, e.y)) self.currentPoints.append(curPt) stroke = Stroke( self.currentPoints) self.currentPoints = [] self.addStroke(stroke) #self.opQueue.put(partial(GTKGui.addStroke, self, stroke)) #self.draw() return True elif e.button == 3: self.isMouseDown3 = False curPt = self.b2c(Point(e.x, e.y)) self.currentPoints.append(curPt) stroke = Stroke( self.currentPoints) self.currentPoints = [] shouldRedraw = True for stk in list(self.strokeList): if len(getStrokesIntersection(stroke, stk) ) > 0: self.eraseStroke(stk) shouldRedraw = False if shouldRedraw: #pass self.draw() return True def addStroke(self, stroke): """Add as stroke to the board and our local bookkeeping""" self.strokeQueue.put(stroke) # self.boardProcThread.addStroke(stroke, callback = self.boardChanged) def eraseStroke(self, stroke): """Remove a stroke from the board and our local lists""" self.strokeList.remove(stroke) self.boardProcThread.removeStroke(stroke, callback = self.boardChanged) def onExpose(self, widget, e): """Respond to the window being uncovered""" log.debug("Expose") if self.screenImage is not None: self.window.draw_pixbuf(None, self.screenImage, 0,0, 0,0) else: self.draw() def clearBoard(self, bgColor="#000000"): """Erase the contents of the board""" log.debug("Clear") c = hexToTuple(bgColor) self.context.set_source_rgb(*c) rect = self.get_allocation() self.context.rectangle(rect.x, rect.y, rect.width, rect.height) self.context.fill() self.context.restore() def draw(self): """Draw the board""" log.debug("Redraw") self.opQueue.put(partial(GTKGui.clearBoard, self)) with self.board.Lock: if self.shouldDrawStrokes: for stk in self.board.Strokes: stk.drawMyself() for obs in self.board.BoardObservers: obs.drawMyself() self.drawStroke(Stroke(self.currentPoints)) self.doPaint() def doPaint(self): """A method to commit the current queue of draw events to the screen""" self.opQueue.put(partial( GTKGui.flipContext, self) ) self.opQueue.put(partial( GTKGui._updateScreenImage, self) ) def flipContext(self): """Render the drawn surface to the screen""" log.debug("Flip image to surface") bufferToPaint = self.renderBuffer (nw, nh) = bufferToPaint.get_width(), bufferToPaint.get_height() log.debug(" Current buffer: %sx%s" % (nw, nh) ) #Set up a new buffer to paint from self.resetBackBuffer() #Paint the render buffer to the live context liveContext = self._getContext() liveContext.set_source_surface(bufferToPaint) liveContext.paint() def getScreenShot(self): width, height = self.window.get_size() #if self._pixbuf is None: log.debug(" pixbuf size: %sx%s" % (width, height)) _pixbuf = gtk.gdk.Pixbuf(gtk.gdk.COLORSPACE_RGB, False, 8, width, height) #BREAKING print os.getpid() screenImage = _pixbuf.get_from_drawable(self.window, self.window.get_colormap(), 0, 0, 0, 0, width, height) retImage = cv.CreateImageHeader( (screenImage.get_width(), screenImage.get_height()), cv.IPL_DEPTH_8U, 3) cv.SetData(retImage, screenImage.get_pixels()) retImage = cv.GetMat(retImage) return retImage def _updateScreenImage(self): """Update the image of the screen we're dealing with""" width, height = self.window.get_size() log.debug("Update Screenshot") _pixbuf = gtk.gdk.Pixbuf(gtk.gdk.COLORSPACE_RGB, False, 8, width, height) self.screenImage = _pixbuf.get_from_drawable(self.window, self.window.get_colormap(), 0, 0, 0, 0, width, height)'screenshot.png', 'png') # saveimg(self.getScreenShot()) def b2c(self, pt): """Converts bottom-left origin Board coordinates to raw canvas coords and back""" rect = self.get_allocation() return Point(pt.X, rect.height - pt.Y)