def quitCommand(input): if input == message.strip().lower() and user == CHANNEL: sendMessage(s, "The bot is being terminated.") quit() elif input == message.strip(): sendMessage(s, "Error: You are not the channel owner.") cooldown()
def addCommand(s, message, commands): message_params = message.split(' ', 2) if len(message_params) != 3: print("addCommand::Error - Incorrect number of parameters") else: commands[message_params[1]] = message_params[2] sendMessage(s, "Command added: " + message_params[1])
def commandCurrent(s): from functions import launchdemo print(launchdemo) for idx, item in enumerate(demolist): if item == launchdemo: demoidx = idx sendMessage(s, "The current demo is: " + launchdemo + " . Demo ID is: " + str(demoidx))
def getCommands(input): if input == message.strip().lower(): sendMessage( s, 'Commands: !wr • !2nd • !3rd • !4th • !pb • !place • !leaderboard • !race' ) cooldown()
def check_command(chat, user): global quiz_running global current_quiz_answer global current_question_ended global s print 'checking command: ', chat print 'right answer: ', current_quiz_answer if '!startQuiz' in chat: if user_is_mod(user): if quiz_running == False: init_quiz() quiz_running = True t = threading.Thread(target=thread_entry) t.setDaemon(True) t.start() print "Thread started" if '!stopQuiz' in chat: quiz_running = False reinit_globals() if '!top5' in chat: print 'Sending top' send_top() if quiz_running and not current_question_ended and current_quiz_answer and current_quiz_answer.lower( ) in chat.lower(): ms = 'Correct answer by: ' + user current_question_ended = True sendMessage(s, ms) if user_point_dict.has_key(user): user_point_dict[user] = user_point_dict[user] + 1 else: user_point_dict[user] = 1
def give(msg,user, trivia_dict): if "!skip" in msg: if user.lower() == "ryssh" or user.lower() == "grady_wilson" or user.lower() == "arendiko" : global gimmetimer if time.time() > gimmetimer: gimmetimer = time.time() + 3 sendMessage(s, trivia_dict["a"])
def controlIllumination(light_message): if "light_on" in light_message: sendMessage(s, "You have turned the light on!") # testingcontroller.turn_on_illumination() if "light_off" in light_message: sendMessage(s, "You have turned the light off!")
def removeCommand(s, message, commands): message_params = message.split(' ', 1) if len(message_params) != 2: print("removeCommand::Error - Incorrect number of parameters") else: del commands[message_params[1][0:len(message_params[1]) - 1]] sendMessage(s, "Command removed: " + message_params[1])
def slotMachine(): options = [ 'jigAYAYA', 'jigAYAYA', 'jigAYAYA', 'Mhmm', 'Mhmm', 'BonkTime', 'ExpansionPak', 'ExpansionPak', 'ExpansionPak', 'GodsIntendedConsole' ] slot1 = random.choice(options) slot2 = random.choice(options) slot3 = random.choice(options) prize = None if (slot1 == slot2) and (slot1 == slot3) and (slot1 == 'jigAYAYA'): prize = 'FreePlay' elif (slot1 == slot2) and (slot1 == slot3) and (slot1 == 'BonkTime'): prize = 'LosePoints' elif (slot1 == slot2) and (slot1 == slot3) and (slot1 == 'Mhmm'): prize = 'Pyramid' elif (slot1 == slot2) and (slot1 == slot3) and (slot1 == 'GodsIntendedConsole'): prize = 'Jackpot' elif (slot1 == slot2) and (slot1 == slot3) and (slot1 == 'ExpansionPak'): prize = 'Item' elif (slot1 == slot2 and slot1 == 'GodsIntendedConsole') or ( slot1 == slot3 and slot1 == 'GodsIntendedConsole') or ( slot2 == slot3 and slot2 == 'GodsIntendedConsole'): prize = 'MiniJackpot' sendMessage(s, slot1 + " " + slot2 + " " + slot3) return prize
def checkUptime(s, message, start): if (len(message) == len('!uptime' + '\r')) and ("!uptime" in message): end = time.time() time_tab = stopWatch(end - start) uptime = str(time_tab[0]) + "h " + str(time_tab[1]) + "m " + str( time_tab[2]) + "s" sendMessage(s, uptime)
def getCommands(input): if input == message.strip().lower(): sendMessage( s, '/me commands: !daily • !croissants • !top3 • !gamble • !slots • !followage • !uptime • !quote • !discord • !youtube • !donate • !bot' ) #+' • '.join(listCommand)) cooldown()
def trivia(msg,trivia_dict,active,used_dict): if "!trivia" in msg: global triviatimer if time.time() > triviatimer: triviatimer = time.time() + 8 if "q" not in trivia_dict.keys(): qNum = random.randint(0,int(len(trivia_dict)) -1) if qNum in used_dict.keys(): qNum = random.randint(0,int(len(trivia_dict)) -1) while qNum in used_dict.keys(): qNum = random.randint(0,int(len(trivia_dict)) -1) used_dict[qNum] = qNum print(str(qNum)) question_info = trivia_dict.get(qNum) print(question_info) question = question_info.split("|")[0]+ "????????????" print("question: "+question) answer = question_info.split("|")[1] sendMessage(s, question+"?") trivia_dict["a"] = answer trivia_dict["q"] = question del trivia_dict[qNum] print(str(len(trivia_dict))) else: sendMessage(s, "answer the current question first: "+trivia_dict["q"])
def songCommand(input): if input == message.strip().lower(): songFile = open("Now Playing.txt", "r") songName = songFile.readline() sendMessage(s, songName[3:].title()) songFile.close() cooldown()
def mingyResponse(input): if input in message.strip().lower() and "!croissants" not in message.strip( ).lower() and "!award" not in message.strip().lower( ) and "!add" not in message.strip().lower(): global mingyTimer #Aborts if 10 minutes have not yet passed since last Mingy response if not (time.time() - mingyTimer) > 600: return mingy_jongo_quotes = [ "Hello, %s. Mumbo has big surprise for you." % user, "Har-har-harrr! Foolish %s, you fell straight into my trap!" % user, "I'm not that pathetic shaman you think I am! I'm Mingy Jongo and your worthless quest ends here, %s..." % user, "Foolish %s, why do you return? A few more shocks from my stick seem necessary..." % user, "As you see, %s, there's no escape and resistance is futile!" % user ] randomNumber = random.randint(0, len(mingy_jongo_quotes) - 1) randomQuote = mingy_jongo_quotes[randomNumber] #2 second delay for realism abort_after = 2 start = time.time() while True: delta = time.time() - start if delta >= abort_after: break sendMessage(s, randomQuote) mingyTimer = time.time() cooldown()
def color(msg,user): if "!color" in msg: if user.lower() == "yoloswagbruh" : global gimmetimer if time.time() > gimmetimer: color = msg.split(" ")[1] gimmetimer = time.time() + 3 sendMessage(s, "/color "+color)
def checkFollow(s, followtime): """sends a follow message periodically""" current = time.time() msg, limit = follow() if current - followtime >= limit: followtime = current sendMessage(s, msg) return followtime
def checkFollows(): global lastFollow follow=urlopen(""+CHANNEL+"/follows").read(1000).decode("utf-8") follow=follow.split("kraken/users/")[1] follow=follow.split("/follows/")[0] if follow!=lastFollow: sendMessage(s,"Merci "+follow+" pour le follow ! Bienvenue parmi les chiens de la casse ! :)") lastFollow=follow
def answer(user, msg, trivia_dict): try: print("looking for : "+trivia_dict["a"]) if trivia_dict["a"].lower() in msg.lower(): sendMessage(s, user+" got the correct answer: "+trivia_dict["a"]) del trivia_dict["a"] del trivia_dict["q"] except: pass
def quitCommand(input): if input == message.strip().lower() and user == CHANNEL: sendMessage(s, "/me has disconnected.") quit() elif input == message.strip().lower(): sendMessage( s, "@" + user + " Only the channel owner may use the !quit command.") cooldown()
def quitCommand(input): if input == message.strip().lower() and user == CHANNEL: sendMessage(s, "[Disconnected]") quit() elif input == message.strip(): sendMessage( s, "@" + user.title() + " Only the channel owner may use the !kill command.") cooldown()
def recognize(s, c, cd, td, ld): """attempts to recognize a command given by the user""" if c not in cd: return td td, ok = checkTime(c, td, ld) if ok: msg = cd[c]()[0] sendMessage(s, msg) return td
def leaveChan(msg): global leave if "!leave #"+channel in msg: if not leave: sendMessage(s, "ok bye KKona 4Hand") leave = True elif "!join" in msg: if leave and user.lower() == "yoloswagbruh" or user.lower() == "usuallyhigh" or user.lower() == "tehonlyninja" or user.lower() == "grady_wilson": sendMessage(s, "back again tell a friend KKona") leave = False
def commandFROGTip(s, chan, caps): r = requests.get('', auth=HTTPBasicAuth(UUID, PASSPHRASE)) tip = random.choice(r.json())['tip'] if caps == True: tip = tip.lower() tip = re.sub(r'frog', upper_repl, tip) sendMessage(s, chan, tip) else: sendMessage(s, chan, tip)
def addBadWord(s, message, bad_words): message_params = message.split(' ', 2) if len(message_params) != 3: print("addBadWord::Error - Incorrect number of parameters") else: if message_params[2] == 'warrning\r': bad_words['warrning'].append(message_params[1]) sendMessage(s, "Word added to warrning list") elif message_params[2] == 'timeout\r': bad_words['timeout'].append(message_params[1]) sendMessage(s, "Word added to timeout list")
def joinRoom(s): readbuffer = "" Loading = True while Loading: readbuffer = readbuffer + s.recv(1024).decode("UTF-8") temp = readbuffer.split("\n") readbuffer = temp.pop() for line in temp: print(line) Loading = loadingComplete(line) sendMessage(s, "Bot Successfully Joined")
def startRaffle(input): if input == message.lower().strip() and user == CHANNEL: global raffleTimerStartTime global raffleStatus raffleStatus = True raffleTimerStartTime = time.time() sendMessage( s, CHANNEL.title() + " has started a raffle! Join with !enter. The winner will be announced in 2 minutes." ) return
def cringe(msg, cringetimer): if "!cringe" in msg: if (time.time() > cringeTimer): global cringeTimer cringeTimer = time.time() + 30 num = random.randint(0,int(len(videoIds) - 1)) print(str(len(videoIds))) sendMessage(s, "cringe video #"+str(num)+" :"+videoIds[int(num)]) return elif "!cringe" in msg: sendMessage(s,"cringe has a 30sec cd") return
def joinRoom(s): readbuffer = "" Loading = True while Loading: readbuffer = readbuffer + s.recv(1024).decode("utf-8") temp = str.split(readbuffer, "\n") readbuffer = temp.pop() for line in temp: print(line) Loading = loadingComplete(line) sendMessage(s, "Hello chat. I am here to assist you on this journey!")
def joinRoom(s): readbuffer = "" Loading = True while Loading: readbuffer = readbuffer + s.recv(1024) temp = string.split(readbuffer, "\n") readbuffer = temp.pop() for line in temp: print(line) Loading = loadingComplete(line) sendMessage(s, "Successfully joined chat")
def joinRoom(s): buffer = "" Loading = True while Loading: buffer = buffer + s.recv(2048).decode("utf-8") temp = buffer.split("\n") buffer = temp.pop() for line in temp: print(line) Loading = loadingComplete(line) sendMessage(s, "Joined chat")
def joinRoom(s): Loading = True while Loading: readbuffer = s.recv(1024).decode("utf-8") temp = readbuffer.split("\n") for line in temp: print(line) Loading = loadingComplete(line) if not Loading: break sendMessage(s, "Successfully joined chat")
def joinRoom(s): readbuffer = "" Loading = True while Loading: readbuffer = s.recv(1024) readbuffer = readbuffer.decode() temp = readbuffer.split("\n") readbuffer = readbuffer.encode() readbuffer = temp.pop() for line in temp: print(line) Loading = loadingComplete(line) sendMessage(s, "The bot has successfully connected.")
def join(s): rb = b'' connecting = True print("Starting bot...\n\nTo stop the bot, restart the terminal\n\n") while connecting: rb += s.recv(1024) temp = rb.split(b"\n") rb = temp.pop() for i in temp: print(i) connecting = doneJoining(i) sendMessage(s, b"Has joined the chat")
def removeBadWord(s, message, bad_words): message_params = message.split(' ', 2) if len(message_params) != 3: print("removeBadWord::Error - Incorrect number of parameters") else: if message_params[2] == 'warrning\r': if message_params[1] in bad_words['warrning']: bad_words['warrning'].remove(message_params[1]) sendMessage(s, "Word removed from warrning list") elif message_params[2] == 'timeout\r': if message_params[1] in bad_words['timeout']: bad_words['timeout'].remove(message_params[1]) sendMessage(s, "Word removed from timeout list")
def joinRoom(s): readbuffer = "" Loading = True while Loading: readbuffer = readbuffer + s.recv(1024).decode('utf-8') temp = readbuffer.split("\n") readbuffer = temp.pop() for line in temp: print(line) Loading = loadingComplete(line) sendMessage(s, "Successfully joined chat") s.setblocking(0)
def duel(user, channel, msg): if "!duel " in msg: global dueltimer if time.time() > dueltimer: hunnidk = open("hunnidk.txt","a") records = open("record.txt", "a") target = msg.split(" ")[1] dueltimer = time.time() + 4 roll = random.randint(1,100000) if user.lower() == target.lower(): sendMessage(s, "you can't duel yourself ideot KKona") return elif search(chatters, target.lower()) == False: sendMessage(s,"I can't find that user WutFace") return elif roll > 50000: sendMessage(s,"/me spits on "+target+"! ("+str(roll)+")") records.write(user+" win"+" \r\n") records.write(target+ " lose"+" \r\n") records.close() if roll == 100000: hunnidk.write(user +" 100k \r\n") hunnidk.close() return elif roll <50001: sendMessage(s,"/me spits on "+user+"! ("+str(roll)+")") records.write(target+" win"+" \r\n") records.write(user+ " lose"+" \r\n") records.close() if roll == 1: hunnidk.write(user +" 1 \r\n") hunnidk.close() return
def joinRoom(s): """Ensures that the bot successfully joined the room""" readBuffer = "" loading = True while loading: readBuffer = readBuffer + s.recv(1024).decode("UTF-8") temp = readBuffer.split("\n") readBuffer = temp.pop() for line in temp: print(line) loading = loadingComplete(line) sendMessage(s, "Successfully joined chat")
def joinRoom(s): readbuffer = "" Loading = True while Loading: readbuffer = readbuffer + s.recv(1024).decode() #temp = string.split(readbuffer, "\n") temp = readbuffer.split("\n") readbuffer = temp.pop() for line in temp: print(line) Loading = loadingComplete(line) sendMessage(s, "!owlballs")
def joinRoom(s): readbuffer = "" Loading = True while Loading: readbuffer = readbuffer + s.recv(1024) temp = string.split(readbuffer, "\n") readbuffer = temp.pop() for line in temp: print(line) Loading = loadingComplete(line) #sendMessage(s, "您的好友google小姐已上線") sendMessage(s, "大鯨:て・い・と・く、提督!") player_Poi("Taigei29.mp3")
def joinRoom(s): readbuffer = "" Loading = True while Loading: readbuffer = readbuffer + s.recv(1024) temp = string.split(readbuffer, "\n") readbuffer = temp.pop() for line in temp: print(line) Loading = loadingComplete(line) if "reload = 0" in fileRead("Vars/Reload.txt"): sendMessage(s, "Hello! I'm Hayleethebot, a bot made my Hayleethegamer!") varChange("Reload.txt", "reload = 0") else: sendMessage(s, "Bot Reloaded") varChange("Reload.txt", "reload = 0")
def goldduel(user, msg): if "!duelgold " in msg: wager = msg.split(" ")[2] if wager: global golddueltimer if time.time() > golddueltimer: records = open("record.txt", "a") target = msg.split(" ")[1] golddueltimer = time.time() + 4 if search(chatters, target.lower()) == False: sendMessage(s, "I can't find that person WutFace") return if int(wager) / 1: if int(wager) < 0: return hashq = random.getrandbits(128) hashstr = str(hashq)[0:4] sendMessage(s, target+", you have been challenged to a gold duel by "+user+" for "+wager+" gold, type !confirm "+hashstr+" to accept") goldDict[hashstr] = user+" "+target+" "+wager print(str(goldDict))
def winrate(user,msg): if "!winrate" == msg: global winratetimer wins = 0 total = 0 if time.time() > winratetimer: winratetimer = time.time() + 4 records = open("record.txt","r") for line in records: if user.lower() in line.lower(): if "win" in line: wins += 1 total += 1 else: total += 1 if total > 0: winrate = (wins / total)*100 sendMessage(s, user+" wins: "+str(wins)+", total: "+str(total)+", winrate: "+str("%.2f" % winrate)+"%") else: sendMessage(s, "you need to play more matches, "+user) return
def confirm(msg, goldDict, user): if "!confirm " in msg: duelID = msg.split(" ")[1] global confirmtimer if time.time() > confirmtimer: confirmtimer = time.time() + 4 infostring = goldDict.get(duelID) challenger = infostring.split(" ")[0] challengee = infostring.split(" ")[1] wager = infostring.split(" ")[2] roll = random.randint(1,100) print(str(challenger)+" is the challenger "+str(challengee)+" is the target "+str(wager)+" is the wager") if user.lower() == challengee.lower(): #print("made it here") if search(chatters, challenger.lower()) == False: sendMessage(s,"both users need to be in chat for gold duels") return elif roll > 50: time.sleep(.5) sendMessage(s,str(challenger)+" rolls a "+str(roll)+", "+str(challengee)+" owes "+str(challenger)+" "+str(wager)+" gold!") del goldDict[duelID] return elif roll <51: time.sleep(.5) sendMessage(s,str(challenger)+" rolls a "+str(roll)+", "+str(challenger)+" owes "+str(challengee)+" "+str(wager)+" gold!") del goldDict[duelID] return
def winrate2(user,msg): if "!winrate " in msg: global winratetimer target = msg.split(" ")[1] wins = 0 total = 0 if search(chatters, target.lower()) == True: if time.time() > winratetimer: winratetimer = time.time() + 4 records = open("record.txt","r") for line in records: if target.lower() in line.lower(): if "win" in line: wins += 1 total += 1 else: total += 1 if total > 0: winrate = (wins / total)*100 sendMessage(s, target+" wins: "+str(wins)+", total: "+str(total)+", winrate: "+str("%.2f" % winrate)+"%") else: sendMessage(s, "unable to find records for "+target) return else: sendMessage(s, "make sure your target is currently in chat") return
def find(msg,user): if "!find " in msg: global findtimer if time.time() > findtimer: target2 = msg.split(" ")[1] if target2.lower() == "yoloswagbruh": sendMessage(s, "wouldn't you like to know deIlluminati") return sendMessage(s, "looking for "+target2+" please wait") findtimer = time.time() +10 following = "" follows = [] followerurl = urlopen(""+target2+"/follows/channels?direction=desc&limit=200") #index = 1 for word in followerurl.readlines(): following += word.strip().decode("utf-8") follows = following.split("follows/channels/") del follows[0] temp = "" namelist = [] for element in follows: namelist.append(element[:20].split('"')[0]) watching = "" for channel in namelist: response = urlopen(""+channel+"/chatters") readable ="utf-8") chatlist = loads(readable) chatters = chatlist['chatters'] print(channel) if search(chatters, target2.lower()): if channel == "ethanthejones": watching += "" else: watching += channel+", " if watching != "": sendMessage(s, target2+" is in "+watching) elif watching == "": sendMessage(s, target2+" is not in any channels FeelsBadMan")
def hunnidk(msg): if "!100k" in msg: global jahtimer if time.time() > jahtimer: jahtimer = time.time() + 4 hunnid = open("hunnidk.txt","r") winners = "" losers = "" for line in hunnid: if "100k" in line: winners += line.split(" ")[0]+", " elif "1" in line: losers += line.split(" ")[0]+", " if winners == "" and losers == "": sendMessage(s, "No one has rolled a 100k or a 1 yet FeelsBadMan") else: sendMessage(s, "winners: "+winners) time.sleep(1.3) sendMessage(s, "losers: "+losers)
import string from Read import getUser, getMessage from Socket import openSocket, sendMessage from Initialize import joinRoom s = openSocket() joinRoom(s) readbuffer = "" while True: readbuffer = readbuffer + s.recv(1024) temp = string.split(readbuffer, "\n") readbuffer = temp.pop() for line in temp: print(line) if "PING" in line: s.send(line.replace("PING", "PONG")) break user = getUser(line) message = getMessage(line) print user + " typed :" + message if "You Suck" in message: sendMessage(s, "No, you suck!") break if "!quote 1" in message: sendMessage(s, "People need to know ferrets are metal as f**k -Deveral") break
actualtime=time.time() if actualtime-lastUptimeUpdate > 60: nbUpdate=int((actualtime-lastUptimeUpdate)/60) uptimeUpdate(nbUpdate) lastUptimeUpdate+=nbUpdate*60 print(line.encode("ascii","ignore")) user=getUser(line) message=getMessage(line) messagelc=message.lower() noCommande=False cooldown=actualtime-lastCommande if user not in MODOS and cooldown < COOLDOWNCMD: noCommande=True else: if messagelc=="!help" or messagelc=="!commands" or messagelc=="!commandlist" or messagelc=="!commandes": sendMessage(s,"Ici Tanook_Lebot version bêta ! Je peux vous donner le !planning de la chaîne, les réseaux sociaux (!twitter, !youtube, !discord), les !pb Isaac de Tanook ainsi que les !starters et !mods du jeu, votre !uptime vos !messages et la liste des !modos. Vous pouvez tenter la !roulette, la !8ball et le !love, et j'ai quelques notions de base en modérations. :)") elif messagelc=="!ffz": sendMessage(s,"Extension pour avoir les émotes chaloupées !")") elif messagelc=="!isaacmods" or messagelc=="!isaacsmods" or messagelc=="!mods": sendMessage(s,"Instant-Start : ; Jud6s : ; Diversity :") elif messagelc=="!ladder": sendMessage(s,"Pour vous inscrire au Ladder c'est ici ! :") elif messagelc=="!diversity": sendMessage(s,"Diversity mod download + info:") elif messagelc=="!instantstart" or messagelc=="!instant-start": sendMessage(s,"Instant Start mod download + info:") elif messagelc=="!jud6s" or messagelc=="!judasd6": sendMessage(s,"Jud6s mod download + info:") elif messagelc=="!starters": sendMessage(s,"Le guide des starters sur Isaac c'est ici : !") elif messagelc=="!srl" or messagelc=="!speedrunslive":
def chatCommands(readbuffer,s,message,temp,line,user,greeted,trusted,mods,tempWhitelist): print(user + ": " + message) #all users try: split = message.split() greeting = split[0] person = split[1] except IndexError: person = "null" if (greeting.lower() in fileRead("Greetings.txt")) and (person.lower() in fileRead("Persons.txt")) or (person.lower() in fileRead("Greetings.txt")) and (greeting.lower() in fileRead("Persons.txt")): if (user not in fileRead('Greeted.txt')) and (user not in greeted): sendMessage(s, "Hello " + user + ", welcome to the stream!") greeted.append(user) fileWrite("Greeted.txt", user) if message == "!timeoutm\r": sendMessage(s, "/timeout " + user + " 1") sendMessage(s, "Really? Why did you time yourself out?") #Truested if (user in fileRead("Trusted.txt")) or (user in trusted) or (user in fileRead("Mods.txt")) or (user in mods): if "!quote" in message: quote(message,user,s) if "!dictionary" in message: dictionary(message,user,s) if message == "!credit\r": sendMessage(s, "The base of this code was thanks to Bad Nidalee on Youtube. Here's the Video:") if message == "!test\r": sendMessage(s, "Yes, Hi, I'm working " + user) if message == "!bed\r": sendMessage(s, "Bed? What is a bed? Sleep? What's sleep? Who needs it?") if message == "!commands\r": sendMessage(s, "!bed, !test, !credit, !timeoutm, !quote, !dictionary, !trusted, !bot, !social") if message == "!rules\r": sendMessage(s, fileRead("Rules.txt")) if message == "!trusted\r": sendMessage(s, "Trusteds are users whome I trust more then the random viewer, they get access to commands and immunity from some of my automated modderating") if message == "!bot\r": sendMessage(s, "I am Hayleethegamer's bot, I am all hard coded by Haylee with some base code from someone else (check credit command). I enjoy watching chat and Haylee. And don't call me an it, I'm a she.") if message == "!social\r": sendMessage(s, "At the moment I do not have any social media I'm linking with this twitch account, but I may in the future") #Moderators if (user in fileRead("Mods.txt")) or (user in mods): if "!addtrusted" in message: foundUser = addUser(message) trusted.append(foundUser) fileWrite("Trusted.txt", foundUser) sendMessage(s, foundUser + " was added to Trusted list") if "!whitelist " in message: whitelisted = addUser tempWhitelist.append(whitelisted) sendMessage(s, whitelisted + " May now post one link in chat") if "!removetrusted " in message: removeUser = addUser(message) removeLine("Trusted.txt", removeUser) sendMessage(s, removeUser + " was removed from the trusted list.") #broadcaster if user == "hayleethegamer": if (message == "!exit\r"): quit(s) if "!addmod" in message: foundUser = addUser(message) print(foundUser) mods.append(foundUser) fileWrite("Mods.txt", foundUser) sendMessage(s, foundUser + " was added to the Moderators list") if (message == "!reloadbot\r"): print("Restarting...") varChange("Reload.txt", "reload = 1")"Files/") quit(s) if "!removemod" in message: removedUser = addUser(message) removeLine("Mods.txt", removedUser) sendMessage(s, removedUser + " was removed from the list of mods.") #Bot Moding if (user not in trusted) and (user not in fileRead("Trusted.txt")) and (user not in mods) and (user not in fileRead("Mods.txt")): capsCount = countCaps(message) if (capsCount >= 10) and (capsCount <= 15): messagePick = [1,2] sentCapWarn = random.sample(messagePick) if sentCapWarn == 1: sendMessage(s,"Easy on the caps " + user) elif sentCapWarn == 2: sendMessage(s, "WHY ARE YOU SHOUTING " + user.upper()) if (capsCount >= 15): sendMessage(s, "/timeout " + user + " 10") sendMessage(s, user + " Chill for ten seconds") if (capsCount >= 20): sendMessage(s, "/timeout " + user + " 10") sendMessage(s, user.upper() + "WHY ARE YOU SHOUTING SO MUCH!? ONLY MODS AND TRUSTEDS ARE ALLOWED TO!") if ("http" in message.lower()) or (".com" in message.lower()) or (".net" in message.lower()) or (".org" in message.lower()) or (".ly" in message.lower()) or (".do" in message.lower()) or (".gl" in message.lower()) or (".co" in message.lower()): if user not in tempWhitelist: sendMessage(s, "/timeout " + user + " 1") sendMessage(s, "Sorry " + user + " but no links without permission") elif (user in tempWhitelist): tempWhitelist.remove(user) else: print("WTF, how dd that happen?") if message.strip().lower() in fileRead("URLBlackList.txt"): #ask about making get blocked when only is in file sendMessage(s, "/timeout " + user + " 30") sendMessage(s, "Wooooooooo " + user + " that link is not allowed at all. This gets you a 30 second time out") if (message.strip().lower() in fileRead("BlackList.txt")): sendMessage(s, "/timeout " + user + " 30") sendMessage(s, "Watch it, Don't be offensive. Chill for half a minute.") if (message.strip().lower() in fileRead("ChestGreyList.txt")): sendMessage(s, "Sorry your jealous " + user + ", but....") quote(" secret 1", user, s)
import string from Read import getUser, getMessage from Socket import openSocket, sendMessage from Initialize import joinRoom s = openSocket() joinRoom(s) readbuffer = "" while True: readbuffer = readbuffer + s.recv(1024) temp = string.split(readbuffer, "\n") readbuffer = temp.pop() for line in temp: print(line) if "PING" in line: s.send(line.replace("PING", "PONG")) break user = getUser(line) message = getMessage(line) print user + " typed :" + message if "You Suck" in message: sendMessage(s, "No, you suck!") break
def checkforcommands(s,m): command = m[1].split(" ")[0] if command == "!help": sendMessage(s,"/w " + m[0] + " Sorry can't help you " + m[0] + "!")
readbuffer = readbuffer + s.recv(1024) temp = string.split(readbuffer, "\n") readbuffer = temp.pop() for line in temp: print(line) if "PING" in line: s.send(line.replace("PING", "PONG")) break user = getUser(line) message = getMessage(line) print user + " typed :" + message #test if there is more than one result if(sum(pattern in message for pattern in PATT) == 1): sendMessage(s, "One match, Ok !") #debugging for the arduino / computer serial exchange if testSerial: print "On" #serial writing to the arduino, then wait. ser.write(bytes(1)) sleep(arduinoWaitTime) print "Off" #serial writing to the arduino, then wait. ser.write(bytes(0)) sleep(arduinoWaitTime) else: # Checks if text within the stream item is populated and issues a command to the Arduino if availableArduino: if (message.rstrip() == leftKey):
def textDelay(msg,delai): time.sleep(delai) for ligne in msg.split("\n"): sendMessage(s,ligne) return True
readbuffer = temp.pop() for line in temp: print(line) if "PING" in line: s.send((line.replace("PING", "PONG") + "\r\n")) print(line.replace("PING", "PONG")) break user = getUser(line) message = getMessage(line) print(user + " typed :" + message) if "sklive_如月" in message: player("8 8 3 7歐提 燒!") sendMessage(s, "8837歐提 燒!") break elif "!8837" in message: player("8 8 3 7歐提 燒!") break elif "戳8837" in message: player_Poi("KisaragiKai27.mp3") sendMessage(s, "如月:司令官ったら・・・ありがとう、好きよ。") break elif "http" in message: player("只是一個網址") break elif "sklive_田中" in message: player("幹你田中 燒!") break elif "sklive_歐提燒" in message:
print("Twitch PING'd") s.send(line.replace("PING", "PONG")) print("Knubot PONG'd") else: print(line) user = getUser(line) message = getMessage(line) #commands if COMM == True: for command in commandlist: separate = command.split(" : ", 1) if CSCO == True: if separate[0] in message: sendMessage(s, separate[1]) print("Command received and returned (" + separate[0] + ", " + separate[1] + ")") else: if separate[0].lower() in message.lower(): sendMessage(s, separate[1]) print("Command received and returned (" + separate[0] + ", " + separate[1] + ")") #bannable phrases if BANP == True: for phrase in phraselist: if CSBN == True: if phrase in message: sendMessage(s, "/ban " + user) print("User " + user + " has been banned for saying " + phrase + ".") sendMessage(s, BAND + " (" + user + " has been banned for saying " + phrase + ")")
def quit(s): sendMessage(s, "OK, I'm being pulled way, see you later!") sys.exit()
from Settings import bannedWords s = openSocket() joinRoom(s) readbuffer = "" while True: readbuffer = readbuffer + s.recv(1024) temp = string.split(readbuffer, "\n") readbuffer = temp.pop() for line in temp: print(line) user = getUser(line) message = getMessage(line) if "PING" in line: s.send(line.replace("PING", "PONG")) break print user + " typed :" + message if bannedWords in message: sendMessage(s, "Sorry, but you can't say that.") break if "!help" in line: s.send(line.replace("!help", "return_help")) break
s = openSocket() joinRoom(s) readbuffer = "" greeting = "hey, hi, hello, greetings" person = "haylee, chat, friends, guys, all, everyone" greeting = greeting.split(",") person = person.split(",") greeted = [] mods = [] trusted = [] wgreeted = open('Files/Greeted.txt', 'a') tempWhitelist = [] while True: readbuffer = readbuffer + s.recv(1024) temp = string.split(readbuffer, "\n") readbuffer = temp.pop() for line in temp: #print("Debug: " + line) if "PING" in line: s.send(line.replace("PING", "PONG")) print(line) print(line.replace("PING", "PONG")) sendMessage(s, "Debug: Ping found and responded too") break user = getUser(line) message = getMessage(line) chatCommands(readbuffer,s,message,temp,line,user,greeting,person,wgreeted,greeted,trusted,mods,tempWhitelist)