Пример #1
class S3Request(object):
    def __init__(self, s3, method_string, resource, headers, body, params = {}):
        self.s3 = s3
        self.headers = SortedDict(headers or {}, ignore_case = True)
        # Add in any extra headers from s3 config object
        if self.s3.config.extra_headers:
        if len(self.s3.config.access_token)>0:
        self.resource = resource
        self.method_string = method_string
        self.params = params
        self.body = body


    def update_timestamp(self):
        if self.headers.has_key("date"):
        self.headers["x-amz-date"] = time.strftime("%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S +0000", time.gmtime())

    def format_param_str(self):
        Format URL parameters from self.params and returns
        ?parm1=val1&parm2=val2 or an empty string if there
        are no parameters.  Output of this function should
        be appended directly to self.resource['uri']
        param_str = ""
        for param in self.params:
            if self.params[param] not in (None, ""):
                param_str += "&%s=%s" % (param, self.params[param])
                param_str += "&%s" % param
        return param_str and "?" + param_str[1:]

    def sign(self):
        h  = self.method_string + "\n"
        h += self.headers.get("content-md5", "")+"\n"
        h += self.headers.get("content-type", "")+"\n"
        h += self.headers.get("date", "")+"\n"
        for header in self.headers.keys():
            if header.startswith("x-amz-"):
                h += header+":"+str(self.headers[header])+"\n"
        if self.resource['bucket']:
            h += "/" + self.resource['bucket']
        h += self.resource['uri']
        debug("SignHeaders: " + repr(h))
        signature = sign_string_v2(h)

        self.headers["Authorization"] = "AWS "+self.s3.config.access_key+":"+signature

    def get_triplet(self):
        resource = dict(self.resource)  ## take a copy
        resource['uri'] += self.format_param_str()
        return (self.method_string, resource, self.headers)
Пример #2
    def object_copy(self, src_uri, dst_uri, extra_headers = None):
        if src_uri.type != "s3":
            raise ValueError("Expected URI type 's3', got '%s'" % src_uri.type)
        if dst_uri.type != "s3":
            raise ValueError("Expected URI type 's3', got '%s'" % dst_uri.type)
        headers = SortedDict(ignore_case = True)
        headers['x-amz-copy-source'] = "/%s/%s" % (src_uri.bucket(), self.urlencode_string(src_uri.object()))
        ## TODO: For now COPY, later maybe add a switch?
        headers['x-amz-metadata-directive'] = "COPY"
        if self.config.acl_public:
            headers["x-amz-acl"] = "public-read"
        if self.config.reduced_redundancy:
            headers["x-amz-storage-class"] = "REDUCED_REDUNDANCY"
        if extra_headers:

        # Sync public ACL
        if self.config.acl_copy_public:
            acl = self.get_acl(src_uri)
            if acl.isAnonRead():
                headers["x-amz-acl"] = "public-read"
        request = self.create_request("OBJECT_PUT", uri = dst_uri, headers = headers)
            response = self.send_request(request)
        except Exception, e:
            if e.status == 412:
                # PreconditionFailed response - this is ok, just skip
                return {"status": e.status}
                raise e
Пример #3
    def object_copy(self, src_uri, dst_uri, extra_headers = None):
        if src_uri.type != "s3":
            raise ValueError("Expected URI type 's3', got '%s'" % src_uri.type)
        if dst_uri.type != "s3":
            raise ValueError("Expected URI type 's3', got '%s'" % dst_uri.type)
        headers = SortedDict(ignore_case = True)
        headers['x-amz-copy-source'] = "/%s/%s" % (src_uri.bucket(), self.urlencode_string(src_uri.object()))
        ## TODO: For now COPY, later maybe add a switch?
        headers['x-amz-metadata-directive'] = "COPY"
        if self.config.acl_public:
            headers["x-amz-acl"] = "public-read"
        if self.config.reduced_redundancy:
            headers["x-amz-storage-class"] = "REDUCED_REDUNDANCY"

        ## Set server side encryption
        if self.config.server_side_encryption:
            headers["x-amz-server-side-encryption"] = "AES256"

        if extra_headers:
            headers['x-amz-metadata-directive'] = "REPLACE"

        filename = os.path.basename(str(src_uri))
        headers["content-type"] = self.content_type(filename)

        request = self.create_request("OBJECT_PUT", uri = dst_uri, headers = headers)
        response = self.send_request(request)
        return response
Пример #4
class S3Request(object):
    def __init__(self, s3, method_string, resource, headers, params={}):
        self.s3 = s3
        self.headers = SortedDict(headers or {}, ignore_case=True)
        # Add in any extra headers from s3 config object
        if self.s3.config.extra_headers:
        if len(self.s3.config.access_token) > 0:
            self.headers['x-amz-security-token'] = self.s3.config.access_token
        self.resource = resource
        self.method_string = method_string
        self.params = params


    def update_timestamp(self):
        if self.headers.has_key("date"):
            del (self.headers["date"])
        self.headers["x-amz-date"] = time.strftime(
            "%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S +0000", time.gmtime())

    def format_param_str(self):
        Format URL parameters from self.params and returns
        ?parm1=val1&parm2=val2 or an empty string if there
        are no parameters.  Output of this function should
        be appended directly to self.resource['uri']
        param_str = ""
        for param in self.params:
            if self.params[param] not in (None, ""):
                param_str += "&%s=%s" % (param, self.params[param])
                param_str += "&%s" % param
        return param_str and "?" + param_str[1:]

    def sign(self):
        h = self.method_string + "\n"
        h += self.headers.get("content-md5", "") + "\n"
        h += self.headers.get("content-type", "") + "\n"
        h += self.headers.get("date", "") + "\n"
        for header in self.headers.keys():
            if header.startswith("x-amz-"):
                h += header + ":" + str(self.headers[header]) + "\n"
        h += self.resource['uri']
        debug("SignHeaders: " + repr(h))
        signature = sign_string(h)

            "Authorization"] = "AWS " + self.s3.config.access_key + ":" + signature

    def get_triplet(self):
        resource = dict(self.resource)  ## take a copy
        resource['uri'] += self.format_param_str()
        return (self.method_string, resource, self.headers)
Пример #5
	def object_copy(self, src_uri, dst_uri, extra_headers = None):
		if src_uri.type != "s3":
			raise ValueError("Expected URI type 's3', got '%s'" % src_uri.type)
		if dst_uri.type != "s3":
			raise ValueError("Expected URI type 's3', got '%s'" % dst_uri.type)
		headers = SortedDict()
		headers['x-amz-copy-source'] = "/%s/%s" % (src_uri.bucket(), self.urlencode_string(src_uri.object()))
		if self.config.acl_public:
			headers["x-amz-acl"] = "public-read"
		if extra_headers:
		request = self.create_request("OBJECT_PUT", uri = dst_uri, headers = headers)
		response = self.send_request(request)
		return response
Пример #6
    def object_copy(self, src_uri, dst_uri, extra_headers = None):
        if src_uri.type != "s3":
            raise ValueError("Expected URI type 's3', got '%s'" % src_uri.type)
        if dst_uri.type != "s3":
            raise ValueError("Expected URI type 's3', got '%s'" % dst_uri.type)
        headers = SortedDict(ignore_case = True)
        headers['x-amz-copy-source'] = "/%s/%s" % (src_uri.bucket(), self.urlencode_string(src_uri.object()))
        ## TODO: For now COPY, later maybe add a switch?
        headers['x-amz-metadata-directive'] = "COPY"
        if self.config.acl_public:
            headers["x-amz-acl"] = "public-read"
        if self.config.reduced_redundancy:
            headers["x-amz-storage-class"] = "REDUCED_REDUNDANCY"

        ## Set server side encryption
        if self.config.server_side_encryption:
            headers["x-amz-server-side-encryption"] = "AES256"

        if extra_headers:
            headers['x-amz-metadata-directive'] = "REPLACE"
        request = self.create_request("OBJECT_PUT", uri = dst_uri, headers = headers)
        response = self.send_request(request)
        return response
Пример #7
        if filename != "-" and not os.path.isfile(filename):
            raise InvalidFileError(u"%s is not a regular file" % unicodise(filename))
            if filename == "-":
                file = sys.stdin
                size = 0
                file = open(filename, "rb")
                size = os.stat(filename)[ST_SIZE]
        except (IOError, OSError), e:
            raise InvalidFileError(u"%s: %s" % (unicodise(filename), e.strerror))

        headers = SortedDict(ignore_case = True)
        if extra_headers:

        ## MIME-type handling
        content_type = self.config.mime_type
        content_encoding = None
        if filename != "-" and not content_type and self.config.guess_mime_type:
            (content_type, content_encoding) = mime_magic(filename)
        if not content_type:
            content_type = self.config.default_mime_type

        ## add charset to content type
        if self.add_encoding(filename, content_type):
            content_type = content_type + "; charset=" + self.config.encoding.upper()

        headers["content-type"] = content_type
        if content_encoding is not None:
Пример #8
            raise InvalidFileError(u"%s is not a regular file" %
            if filename == "-":
                file = sys.stdin
                size = 0
                file = open(filename, "rb")
                size = os.stat(filename)[ST_SIZE]
        except (IOError, OSError), e:
            raise InvalidFileError(u"%s: %s" %
                                   (unicodise(filename), e.strerror))

        headers = SortedDict(ignore_case=True)
        if extra_headers:

        ## MIME-type handling
        content_type = self.config.mime_type
        content_encoding = None
        if filename != "-" and not content_type and self.config.guess_mime_type:
            (content_type, content_encoding) = mime_magic(filename)
        if not content_type:
            content_type = self.config.default_mime_type
        if not content_encoding:
            content_encoding = self.config.encoding.upper()

        ## add charset to content type
        if self.add_encoding(filename,
                             content_type) and content_encoding is not None:
            content_type = content_type + "; charset=" + content_encoding
Пример #9
def fetch_local_list(args, recursive = None):
    def _get_filelist_local(local_uri):
        info(u"Compiling list of local files...")
        if local_uri.isdir():
            local_base = deunicodise(local_uri.basename())
            local_path = deunicodise(local_uri.path())
            filelist = _fswalk(local_path, cfg.follow_symlinks)
            single_file = False
            local_base = ""
            local_path = deunicodise(local_uri.dirname())
            filelist = [( local_path, [], [deunicodise(local_uri.basename())] )]
            single_file = True
        loc_list = SortedDict(ignore_case = False)
        for root, dirs, files in filelist:
            rel_root = root.replace(local_path, local_base, 1)
            for f in files:
                full_name = os.path.join(root, f)
                if not os.path.isfile(full_name):
                if os.path.islink(full_name):
                                    if not cfg.follow_symlinks:
                relative_file = unicodise(os.path.join(rel_root, f))
                if os.path.sep != "/":
                    # Convert non-unix dir separators to '/'
                    relative_file = "/".join(relative_file.split(os.path.sep))
                if cfg.urlencoding_mode == "normal":
                    relative_file = replace_nonprintables(relative_file)
                if relative_file.startswith('./'):
                    relative_file = relative_file[2:]
                sr = os.stat_result(os.lstat(full_name))
                loc_list[relative_file] = {
                    'full_name_unicode' : unicodise(full_name),
                    'full_name' : full_name,
                    'size' : sr.st_size,
                    'mtime' : sr.st_mtime,
                    'timestamp' : sr.st_mtime,
                    ## TODO: Possibly more to save here...
        return loc_list, single_file

    cfg = Config()
    local_uris = []
    local_list = SortedDict(ignore_case = False)
    single_file = False

    if type(args) not in (list, tuple):
        args = [args]

    if recursive == None:
        recursive = cfg.recursive

    for arg in args:
        uri = S3Uri(arg)
        if not uri.type == 'file':
            raise ParameterError("Expecting filename or directory instead of: %s" % arg)
        if uri.isdir() and not recursive:
            raise ParameterError("Use --recursive to upload a directory: %s" % arg)

    for uri in local_uris:
        list_for_uri, single_file = _get_filelist_local(uri)

    ## Single file is True if and only if the user
    ## specified one local URI and that URI represents
    ## a FILE. Ie it is False if the URI was of a DIR
    ## and that dir contained only one FILE. That's not
    ## a case of single_file==True.
    if len(local_list) > 1:
        single_file = False

    return local_list, single_file
Пример #10
def fetch_local_list(args, recursive=None):
    def _get_filelist_local(local_uri):
        info(u"Compiling list of local files...")
        if local_uri.isdir():
            local_base = deunicodise(local_uri.basename())
            local_path = deunicodise(local_uri.path())
            filelist = _fswalk(local_path, cfg.follow_symlinks)
            single_file = False
            local_base = ""
            local_path = deunicodise(local_uri.dirname())
            filelist = [(local_path, [], [deunicodise(local_uri.basename())])]
            single_file = True
        loc_list = SortedDict(ignore_case=False)
        for root, dirs, files in filelist:
            rel_root = root.replace(local_path, local_base, 1)
            for f in files:
                full_name = os.path.join(root, f)
                if not os.path.isfile(full_name):
                if os.path.islink(full_name):
                    if not cfg.follow_symlinks:
                relative_file = unicodise(os.path.join(rel_root, f))
                if os.path.sep != "/":
                    # Convert non-unix dir separators to '/'
                    relative_file = "/".join(relative_file.split(os.path.sep))
                if cfg.urlencoding_mode == "normal":
                    relative_file = replace_nonprintables(relative_file)
                if relative_file.startswith('./'):
                    relative_file = relative_file[2:]
                sr = os.stat_result(os.lstat(full_name))
                loc_list[relative_file] = {
                    'full_name_unicode': unicodise(full_name),
                    'full_name': full_name,
                    'size': sr.st_size,
                    'mtime': sr.st_mtime,
                    ## TODO: Possibly more to save here...
        return loc_list, single_file

    cfg = Config()
    local_uris = []
    local_list = SortedDict(ignore_case=False)
    single_file = False

    if type(args) not in (list, tuple):
        args = [args]

    if recursive == None:
        recursive = cfg.recursive

    for arg in args:
        uri = S3Uri(arg)
        if not uri.type == 'file':
            raise ParameterError(
                "Expecting filename or directory instead of: %s" % arg)
        if uri.isdir() and not recursive:
            raise ParameterError("Use --recursive to upload a directory: %s" %

    for uri in local_uris:
        list_for_uri, single_file = _get_filelist_local(uri)

    ## Single file is True if and only if the user
    ## specified one local URI and that URI represents
    ## a FILE. Ie it is False if the URI was of a DIR
    ## and that dir contained only one FILE. That's not
    ## a case of single_file==True.
    if len(local_list) > 1:
        single_file = False

    return local_list, single_file