Пример #1
from matplotlib.ticker import MultipleLocator
from Starfish.emulator import PCAGrid, WeightEmulator

f = open(args.input)
cfg = yaml.load(f)

#Load individual samples and then concatenate them
base = cfg["outdir"]
#samples = np.array([np.load(base + "samples_w{}.npy".format(i)) for i in range(5)])

#Instead, use the optimized parameters.
params = np.load(base + "params.npy")

pcagrid = PCAGrid.from_cfg(cfg)

temps = np.unique(pcagrid.gparams[:,0])
loggs = np.unique(pcagrid.gparams[:,1])
Zs = np.unique(pcagrid.gparams[:,2])
points = {"temp":temps, "logg":loggs, "Z":Zs}
nts = len(temps)
nls = len(loggs)
nzs = len(Zs)

int_temps = np.linspace(temps[0], temps[-1], num=40)
int_loggs = np.linspace(loggs[0], loggs[-1], num=40)
int_Zs = np.linspace(Zs[0], Zs[-1], num=40)

def explore(weight_index):
Пример #2
import yaml

f = open(args.input)
cfg = yaml.load(f)

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.ticker import FormatStrFormatter as FSF
from matplotlib.ticker import MaxNLocator
from matplotlib.ticker import MultipleLocator
from Starfish.config.grid_tools import HDF5Interface
from Starfish.emulator import PCAGrid

pcagrid = PCAGrid.from_cfg(cfg)
ind = pcagrid.ind

#Make sure that we can get the same indices from the main grid.
grid = HDF5Interface(cfg["grid"], ranges=cfg["ranges"])
wl = grid.wl[ind]

temps = np.unique(pcagrid.gparams[:, 0])
loggs = np.unique(pcagrid.gparams[:, 1])
Zs = np.unique(pcagrid.gparams[:, 2])
points = {"temp": temps, "logg": loggs, "Z": Zs}

base = cfg['outdir']
# Plot the eigenspectra

for i, comp in enumerate(pcagrid.pcomps):
Пример #3
Take an HDF5 file and downsize it to a PCA grid, write out to HDF5.

import argparse
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog="create_PCA.py",
                description="Decompose the spectra into eigenspectra.")
parser.add_argument("input", help="*.yaml file specifying parameters.")
args = parser.parse_args()

import yaml
from Starfish.emulator import PCAGrid

f = open(args.input)
cfg = yaml.load(f)

pca = PCAGrid.from_cfg(cfg)