Пример #1
 def test_many_fluxes(self, mock_data):
     dv = calculate_dv(mock_data[0])
     new_wave = create_log_lam_grid(dv, mock_data[0].min(),
     flux_stack = np.tile(mock_data[1], (4, 1))
     fluxes = resample(mock_data[0], flux_stack, new_wave)
     assert fluxes.shape == (4, len(new_wave))
Пример #2
    def __init__(
        emulator: Union[str, Emulator],
        data: Union[str, Spectrum],
        grid_params: Sequence[float],
        max_deque_len: int = 100,
        name: str = "SpectrumModel",
        if isinstance(emulator, str):
            emulator = Emulator.load(emulator)
        if isinstance(data, str):
            data = Spectrum.load(data)

        if len(data) > 1:
            raise ValueError(
                "Multiple orders detected in data, please use EchelleModel")

        self.emulator: Emulator = emulator
        self.data_name = data.name
        self.data = data[0]

        dv = calculate_dv(self.data.wave)
        self.min_dv_wave = create_log_lam_grid(dv, self.emulator.wl.min(),
        self.bulk_fluxes = resample(self.emulator.wl,

        self.residuals = deque(maxlen=max_deque_len)

        # manually handle cheb coeffs to offset index by 1
        chebs = params.pop("cheb", [])
        cheb_idxs = [str(i) for i in range(1, len(chebs) + 1)]
        params["cheb"] = dict(zip(cheb_idxs, chebs))
        # load rest of params into FlatterDict
        self.params = FlatterDict(params)
        self.frozen = []
        self.name = name

        # Unpack the grid parameters
        self.n_grid_params = len(grid_params)
        self.grid_params = grid_params

        # None means "yet to be calculated", do not use NaN
        self._lnprob = None
        self._glob_cov = None
        self._loc_cov = None

        self.log = logging.getLogger(self.__class__.__name__)

        self.flux_scalar_func = flux_scalar = LinearNDInterpolator(
            self.emulator.grid_points, self.emulator.flux_scalar)
Пример #3
 def test_resample(self, mock_data):
     dv = calculate_dv(mock_data[0])
     new_wave = create_log_lam_grid(dv, mock_data[0].min(),
     flux = resample(*mock_data, new_wave)
     assert flux.shape == new_wave.shape
Пример #4
 def test_bad_waves(self, mock_data, wave):
     with pytest.raises(ValueError):
         resample(*mock_data, wave)
Пример #5
 def resample_final(w, f):
     return (self.wl_final, resample(w, f, self.wl_final))
Пример #6
 def resample_loglam(w, f):
     return (wl_loglam, resample(w, f, wl_loglam)) # - fl
Пример #7
def mock_data(mock_hdf5_interface):
    wave = mock_hdf5_interface.wl
    new_wave = create_log_lam_grid(1e3, wave.min(), wave.max())["wl"]
    flux = resample(wave, next(mock_hdf5_interface.fluxes), new_wave)
    yield new_wave, flux
Пример #8
    def __call__(self):
        Performs the transformations according to the parameters available in
        flux, cov : tuple
            The transformed flux and covariance matrix from the model
        wave = self.min_dv_wave
        fluxes = self.bulk_fluxes

        if "vsini" in self.params:
            fluxes = rotational_broaden(wave, fluxes, self.params["vsini"])

        if "vz" in self.params:
            wave = doppler_shift(wave, self.params["vz"])

        fluxes = resample(wave, fluxes, self.data.wave)

        if "Av" in self.params:
            fluxes = extinct(self.data.wave, fluxes, self.params["Av"])

        if "cheb" in self.params:
            # force constant term to be 1 to avoid degeneracy with log_scale
            coeffs = [1, *self.cheb]
            fluxes = chebyshev_correct(self.data.wave, fluxes, coeffs)

        # Scale factor from emulator normalization
        flux_scalar = self.flux_scalar_func(self.grid_params)[0]

        # Only rescale flux_mean and flux_std
        if "log_scale" in self.params:
            scale = np.exp(self.params["log_scale"]) * flux_scalar
            fluxes[-2:] = rescale(fluxes[-2:], scale)

        weights, weights_cov = self.emulator(self.grid_params)

        L, flag = cho_factor(weights_cov, overwrite_a=True)

        # Decompose the bulk_fluxes (see emulator/emulator.py for the ordering)
        *eigenspectra, flux_mean, flux_std = fluxes

        # Complete the reconstruction
        X = eigenspectra * flux_std
        flux = weights @ X + flux_mean

        # Renorm to data flux if no "log_scale" provided
        if "log_scale" not in self.params:
            factor = _get_renorm_factor(self.data.wave, flux * flux_scalar,
                                        self.data.flux) * flux_scalar
            flux = rescale(flux, factor)
            X = rescale(X, factor)

        cov = X.T @ cho_solve((L, flag), X)

        # Poisson Noise Scaling
        if "global_cov:sigma_amp" in self.params:
            poisson_scale = self.params["global_cov:sigma_amp"]
            poisson_scale = 1

        # Trivial covariance
                         cov.diagonal() + (poisson_scale * self.data.sigma**2))

        # Trival and global covariance
        if "global_cov" in self.params:
            if "global_cov" not in self.frozen or self._glob_cov is None:
                if "global_cov:log_amp" in self.params.keys():
                    ag = np.exp(self.params["global_cov:log_amp"])
                    ag = self.params["global_cov:amp"]
                if "global_cov:log_ls" in self.params.keys():
                    lg = np.exp(self.params["global_cov:log_ls"])
                    lg = self.params["global_cov:ls"]
                T = self.params["T"]
                self._glob_cov = global_covariance_matrix(
                    self.data.wave, T, ag, lg)

        if self._glob_cov is not None:
            cov += self._glob_cov

        # Local covariance
        if "local_cov" in self.params:
            if "local_cov" not in self.frozen or self._loc_cov is None:
                self._loc_cov = 0
                for kernel in self.params.as_dict()["local_cov"]:
                    mu = kernel["mu"]
                    amplitude = np.exp(kernel["log_amp"])
                    sigma = np.exp(kernel["log_sigma"])
                    self._loc_cov += local_covariance_matrix(
                        self.data.wave, amplitude, mu, sigma)

        if self._loc_cov is not None:
            cov += self._loc_cov

        return flux, cov