Пример #1
#! /usr/bin/env python
import rospy

# For the state machine
from StateMachine import Smach

# To graph the state machine diagram
# import pygraphviz

# ROS messages and services
from std_msgs.msg import String, Int32
# from eagle_one_test.msg import State

# Initialize the state machine and variables
smach = Smach()
state = String()
transition = String()

# Callback functions to handle the data along the /smach/transition topic
def transition_cb(msg):
    transition.data = msg.data

# ROS initializations
rospy.loginfo("Hulk Smach!")  # Let's us know that this has loaded
rate = rospy.Rate(100)  # 100Hz

# Setup the publishers and subscribers
state_pub = rospy.Publisher('/smach/state', String, queue_size=100000)