Пример #1
        print "****************************"

    # Which stage are we swimming?
    stage = None
    if swimStripping:
        stage = 'Stripping'
        stage = 'Trigger'

    # Get or Create the KeyedContainer for the SwimmingReports
    reports = TES[options.swimRepLoc]
    if not reports:
        reports = createObject(SwimmingReports)
        # Put the container in the TES
        sc = TES.registerObject(options.swimRepLoc, reports)
        if not sc.isSuccess():
            print "Failed to register SwimmingReports in TES"
    # Get or create the SwimmingReport
    report = reports(mycand.key())
    if not report:
        report = createObject(LHCb.SwimmingReport, mycand)
        # Put the SwimmingReport in the container.
    elif report.hasStage(stage):
        print "WARNING, stage %s already present, this is unsupported and will fail!"

    # Create the TurningPoint objects and put them in the report
    for turn in finalTurningPointsForWriting:
        d = std_map_sb()
        for decision, value in turn[3][1].iteritems():