def main(): from optparse import OptionParser parser = OptionParser() parser.add_option("-i", "--inputfile", dest="inputfile") parser.add_option("-N", "--multiplicity", dest="N", type="int", default=3) parser.add_option("-x", "--exclusive", action="store_true",\ dest="isExclusive", default=False) parser.add_option("-l", "--label", dest="label", type="string", default="") (options, args) = parser.parse_args() N = options.N isExclusive = options.isExclusive label_text = options.label if isExclusive and not (N == 2 or N == 3): parser.error("Exclusive plot only for N =2 or 3") import configurations as config from ROOT import TFile, TCanvas, THStack, TLegend, TPaveText, gStyle from ModelParser import ModelKey gStyle.SetPadTopMargin(0.05) gStyle.SetPadRightMargin(0.05) suffix = "" if not isExclusive: suffix = "up" sm_files = [] for model in config.sm_models: f = TFile("%s/%s.root" % (config.sm_dir, model), "READ") sm_files.append(f) bh_weights = [] bh_files = [] from BHXsec import BHXsec xsec = BHXsec() for model in config.bh_showcase: f = TFile("%s/%s.root" % (config.bh_dir, model), "READ") bh_files.append(f) h = f.Get("plotsNoCut/ST") nEvents = h.GetEntries() bh_weights.append( xsec.get(model) / nEvents * config.integrated_luminosity) c = TCanvas("ST_Mul%d%s" % (N, suffix), "ST_Mul%d%s" % (N, suffix), 500, 500) hs = THStack() infile = TFile(options.inputfile, "READ") hBkg = infile.Get("Background_N%d%s" % (N, suffix)) gBkg = infile.Get("BackgroundGraph_N%d%s" % (N, suffix)) hData = infile.Get("Data_N%d%s" % (N, suffix)) hBkg = infile.Get("Background_N%d%s" % (N, suffix)) hBkg.SetMarkerSize(0) hBkg_ = hBkg.Clone("BkgLine") hBkg.SetFillColor(33) hBkg.SetLineColor(33) hBkg_.SetLineWidth(3) hBkg_.SetLineColor(862) hs.Add(hBkg, "e3") legend = TLegend(0.3326613, 0.6419492, 0.9294355, 0.9216102) legend.SetTextSize(0.02966102) legend.SetTextFont(42) legend.SetFillColor(0) legend.SetLineColor(0) if isExclusive: legend.SetHeader("N = %d" % N) else: legend.SetHeader("N #geq %d" % N) legend.AddEntry(hData, "Data", "p") legend.AddEntry(hBkg_, "Background", "l") legend.AddEntry(hBkg, "Uncertainty", "f") legend_sm = TLegend(0.6471774, 0.7669492, 0.8508065, 0.8771186) legend_sm.SetTextSize(0.02966102) legend_sm.SetTextFont(42) legend_sm.SetFillColor(0) legend_sm.SetLineColor(0) for i, f in enumerate(bh_files): h = f.Get("plotsN%d%s/ST" % (N, suffix)) h.Rebin(config.rebin) h.Scale(bh_weights[i]) # Add background for ibin in range(h.GetNbinsX()): h.SetBinContent(ibin+1,\ h.GetBinContent(ibin+1)\ + hBkg.GetBinContent(ibin+1)) h.SetLineWidth(2) h.SetLineStyle(i + 2) hs.Add(h, "hist") model = ModelKey(config.bh_showcase[i]) bh_legend = "M_{D} = %.1f TeV, M_{BH}^{ min} = %.1f TeV, n = %d" % (\ model.parameter["MD"], model.parameter["M"], model.parameter["n"]) legend.AddEntry(h, bh_legend, "l") if isExclusive: for i, f in enumerate(sm_files): h = f.Get("plotsN%d%s/ST" % (N, suffix)) h.Rebin(config.rebin) h.Scale(config.integrated_luminosity) h.SetFillColor(config.sm_colors[i]) h.SetLineColor(config.sm_colors[i]) hs.Add(h, "hist") legend_sm.AddEntry(h, config.sm_models[i], "f") #hs.Add(hData, "e") hs.Draw("nostack") c.SetLogy(1) hs.GetXaxis().SetTitle("S_{T} (GeV)") hs.GetYaxis().SetTitle(hData.GetYaxis().GetTitle()) hs.GetYaxis().SetTitleOffset(1.2) ibin = 0 if isExclusive: hs.GetXaxis().SetRangeUser(config.fit_range[0], config.maxST) ibin = hData.FindBin(config.fit_range[0]) else: hs.GetXaxis().SetRangeUser(config.norm_range[0], config.maxST) ibin = hData.FindBin(config.norm_range[0]) from Styles import formatUncertainty formatUncertainty(gBkg) gBkg.Draw("LX") hData.Draw("esame") hs.SetMinimum(5e-2) if isExclusive: hs.SetMaximum(hData.GetBinContent(ibin) * 20) else: #hs.SetMaximum(4e4) hs.SetMaximum(hData.GetBinContent(ibin) * 20) legend.Draw("plain") if isExclusive: legend_sm.Draw("plain") if isExclusive: cmslabel = TPaveText(0.5544355, 0.5127119, 0.8991935, 0.6292373, "brNDC") else: cmslabel = TPaveText(0.1955645, 0.1631356, 0.5403226, 0.279661, "brNDC") cmslabel.AddText(config.cmsTitle) cmslabel.AddText(config.cmsSubtitle) cmslabel.SetFillColor(0) cmslabel.Draw("plain") label = TPaveText(0.6891129, 0.8644068, 0.9435484, 0.9258475, "brNDC") label.SetFillColor(0) label.SetTextSize(0.0529661) label.AddText(label_text) label.Draw("plain") c.Update() raw_input("Press Enter to continue...")
def main(): from optparse import OptionParser parser = OptionParser() parser.add_option("-i", "--inputfile", dest="inputfile") parser.add_option("-N", "--multiplicity", dest="N", type="int", default=3) parser.add_option("-x", "--exclusive", action="store_true",\ dest="isExclusive", default=False) parser.add_option("-l", "--label", dest="label", type="string", default="") (options, args) = parser.parse_args() N = options.N isExclusive = options.isExclusive label_text = options.label if isExclusive and not (N == 2 or N == 3): parser.error("Exclusive plot only for N =2 or 3") import configurations as config from ROOT import TFile, TCanvas, THStack, TLegend, TPaveText, TH1F, gStyle from ModelParser import ModelKey gStyle.SetPadTopMargin(0.05) gStyle.SetPadRightMargin(0.05) gStyle.SetOptStat(0000000) suffix = "" if not isExclusive: suffix = "up" sm_files = [] for model in config.sm_models: f = TFile("%s/%s.root" % (config.sm_dir, model), "READ") sm_files.append(f) bh_weights = [] bh_files = [] from BHXsec import BHXsec xsec = BHXsec() for model in config.bh_showcase: f = TFile("%s/%s.root" % (config.bh_dir, model), "READ") bh_files.append(f) h = f.Get("plotsNoCut/ST") nEvents= h.GetEntries() bh_weights.append(xsec.get(model) / nEvents * config.integrated_luminosity) c = TCanvas("ST_Mul%d%s" % (N, suffix), "ST_Mul%d%s" % (N, suffix), 500, 500) hs = THStack() hs1 = THStack() infile = TFile(options.inputfile, "READ") hBkg = infile.Get("Background_N%d%s" % (N, suffix)) gBkg = infile.Get("BackgroundGraph_N%d%s" % (N, suffix)) hData = infile.Get("Data_N%d%s" % (N, suffix)) hBkg = infile.Get("Background_N%d%s" % (N, suffix)) hBkg.SetMarkerSize(0) hBkg_ = hBkg.Clone("BkgLine") hBkg.SetFillColor(33) hBkg.SetLineColor(33) hBkg_.SetLineWidth(3) hBkg_.SetLineColor(862) hs.Add(hBkg, "e3") hData_N2 = infile.Get("Data_N2") hBkg_N2 = infile.Get("Background_N2") ratio_data = infile.Get("Data_N%d%s" % (N, suffix)) ratio_data.Sumw2() ratio_data.Divide(hData_N2,hBkg_N2) ref_N2 = infile.Get("ReferenceTemplateN2_0") ref_N3 = infile.Get("ReferenceTemplateN3_0") ratio_fits = infile.Get("ReferenceTemplateN2_0") ratio_fits.Sumw2() ratio_fits.Divide(ref_N2,ref_N3) legend = TLegend(0.3026613,0.6919492,0.6094355,0.8816102) legend.SetTextSize(0.041); #was 0.02966102 legend.SetTextFont(42); legend.SetFillColor(0) legend.SetLineColor(0) if isExclusive: legend.SetHeader("Multiplicity, N = %d" % N) else: legend.SetHeader("Multiplicity, N #geq %d" % N) legend.AddEntry(ratio_data, "Data/Background", "p") legend.AddEntry(ratio_fits, "Fit-0 (N=2)/Fit-0 (N=3)", "l") legend_sm = TLegend(0.6271774,0.6769492,0.8308065,0.8171186) legend_sm.SetTextSize(0.041); legend_sm.SetTextFont(42); legend_sm.SetFillColor(0) legend_sm.SetLineColor(0) for i, f in enumerate(bh_files): h = f.Get("plotsN%d%s/ST" % (N, suffix)) h.Rebin(config.rebin) h.Scale(bh_weights[i]) # Add background for ibin in range(h.GetNbinsX()): h.SetBinContent(ibin+1,\ h.GetBinContent(ibin+1)\ + hBkg.GetBinContent(ibin+1)) h.SetLineWidth(2) h.SetLineStyle(i+2) hs.Add(h, "hist") model = ModelKey(config.bh_showcase[i]) bh_legend = "M_{D} = %.1f TeV, M_{BH}^{ min} = %.1f TeV, n = %d" % (\ model.parameter["MD"], model.parameter["M"], model.parameter["n"]) #legend.AddEntry(h, bh_legend, "l") if isExclusive: for i, f in enumerate(sm_files): h = f.Get("plotsN%d%s/ST" % (N, suffix)) h.Rebin(config.rebin) h.Scale(config.integrated_luminosity) h.SetFillColor(config.sm_colors[i]) h.SetLineColor(config.sm_colors[i]) hs1.Add(h, "hist") #legend_sm.AddEntry(h, config.sm_models[i], "f") #hs.Add(hData, "e") #TH1F *ratio_data ratio_fits.SetLineColor(4) ratio_fits.SetMarkerStyle(0) ratio_fits.SetLineWidth(2) #hs1.SetMinimum(1e-1) ratio_fits.Draw("linee1") ratio_data.Draw("same") #hs.Draw("samenostack") #c.SetLogy(1) ratio_fits.GetXaxis().SetTitle("S_{T} (GeV)") ratio_fits.GetYaxis().SetTitle("Arbitrary Units") ratio_fits.GetYaxis().SetTitleOffset(1.1) ratio_fits.GetYaxis().SetTitleSize(0.045) ratio_fits.GetYaxis().SetLabelSize(0.045) ratio_fits.GetXaxis().SetTitleSize(0.045) ratio_fits.GetXaxis().SetLabelSize(0.045) ratio_fits.GetXaxis().Draw() ibin = 0 if isExclusive: ratio_fits.GetXaxis().SetRangeUser(config.fit_range[0], config.fit_range[1]+330) ibin = hData.FindBin(config.fit_range[0]) else: ratio_fits.GetXaxis().SetRangeUser(config.norm_range[0], config.norm_range[1]+330) ibin = hData.FindBin(config.norm_range[0]) from Styles import formatUncertainty formatUncertainty(gBkg) #gBkg.Draw("LX") #hData.GetXaxis().SetNdivisions(510) #hData.Draw("esame") ratio_fits.SetTitle("") ratio_fits.SetMinimum(0) ratio_fits.SetMaximum(3) legend.Draw("plain") #if isExclusive: # legend_sm.Draw("plain") if isExclusive: cmslabel =TPaveText(0.45,0.90,0.60,0.93,"brNDC"); else: cmslabel = TPaveText(0.45,0.90,0.60,0.93,"brNDC") cmslabel.AddText(config.cmsTitle) #cmslabel.AddText(config.cmsSubtitle) cmslabel.SetFillColor(0) cmslabel.SetTextSize(0.041) cmslabel.Draw("plain") label = TPaveText(0.8891129,0.8644068,0.9435484,0.9258475,"brNDC") label.SetFillColor(0) label.SetTextSize(0.0529661); label.AddText(label_text); label.Draw("plain") if isExclusive: c.Print("ST_Residuals_Mul%d.pdf" % N) c.Print("ST_Residuals_Mul%d.png" % N) else: c.Print("ST_Mul%dup.pdf" % N) c.Print("ST_Mul%dup.png" % N) c.Update() raw_input("Press Enter to continue...")
def main(): from optparse import OptionParser parser = OptionParser() parser.add_option("-i", "--inputfile", dest="inputfile") parser.add_option("-N", "--multiplicity", dest="N", type="int", default=3) parser.add_option("-x", "--exclusive", action="store_true",\ dest="isExclusive", default=False) parser.add_option("-l", "--label", dest="label", type="string", default="") (options, args) = parser.parse_args() N = options.N isExclusive = options.isExclusive label_text = options.label if isExclusive and not (N == 2 or N == 3): parser.error("Exclusive plot only for N =2 or 3") import configurations as config from ROOT import TFile, TCanvas, THStack, TLegend, TPaveText, gStyle from ModelParser import ModelKey gStyle.SetPadTopMargin(0.05) gStyle.SetPadRightMargin(0.05) gStyle.SetErrorX(0.) suffix = "" if not isExclusive: suffix = "up" sm_files = [] for model in config.sm_models: f = TFile("%s/%s.root" % (config.sm_dir, model), "READ") sm_files.append(f) bh_weights = [] bh_files = [] from BHXsec import BHXsec xsec = BHXsec() for model in config.bh_showcase: f = TFile("%s/%s.root" % (config.bh_dir, model), "READ") bh_files.append(f) h = f.Get("plotsNoCut/ST") nEvents= h.GetEntries() bh_weights.append(xsec.get(model) / nEvents * config.integrated_luminosity) c = TCanvas("ST_Mul%d%s" % (N, suffix), "ST_Mul%d%s" % (N, suffix), 500, 500) hs = THStack() hs1 = THStack() infile = TFile(options.inputfile, "READ") hBkg = infile.Get("Background_N%d%s" % (N, suffix)) gBkg = infile.Get("BackgroundGraph_N%d%s" % (N, suffix)) hData = infile.Get("Data_N%d%s" % (N, suffix)) hBkg = infile.Get("Background_N%d%s" % (N, suffix)) hBkg.SetMarkerSize(0) hBkg_ = hBkg.Clone("BkgLine") hBkg.SetFillColor(33) hBkg.SetLineColor(33) hBkg_.SetLineWidth(3) hBkg_.SetLineColor(862) hs.Add(hBkg, "e3") #legend = TLegend(0.2826613,0.4819492,0.6094355,0.9416102) # - only for N >= 2 and 3 legend = TLegend(0.3026613,0.5519492,0.6094355,0.9416102) # was 0.4919... legend.SetTextSize(0.041); #was 0.02966102 legend.SetTextFont(42); legend.SetFillColor(0) legend.SetLineColor(0) if isExclusive: legend.SetHeader("Multiplicity N = %d" % N) else: legend.SetHeader("Multiplicity N #geq %d" % N) legend.AddEntry(hData, "Data", "lep") legend.AddEntry(hBkg_, "Background", "l") legend.AddEntry(hBkg, "Uncertainty", "f") legend_sm = TLegend(0.6271774,0.7369492,0.8308065,0.8771186) legend_sm.SetTextSize(0.041); legend_sm.SetTextFont(42); legend_sm.SetFillColor(0) legend_sm.SetLineColor(0) for i, f in enumerate(bh_files): h = f.Get("plotsN%d%s/ST" % (N, suffix)) h.Rebin(config.rebin) h.Scale(bh_weights[i]) # Add background for ibin in range(h.GetNbinsX()): h.SetBinContent(ibin+1,\ h.GetBinContent(ibin+1)\ + hBkg.GetBinContent(ibin+1)) h.SetLineWidth(3) #h.SetLineColor(i+2) h.SetLineStyle(i+2) if i == 0: h.SetLineColor(814) if i == 1: h.SetLineStyle(5) h.SetLineColor(899) if i == 2: h.SetLineStyle(9) h.SetLineColor(4) if i == 3: h.SetLineStyle(3) h.SetLineColor(614) hs.Add(h, "hist") model = ModelKey(config.bh_showcase[i]) bh_legend = "M_{D} = %.1f TeV, M_{BH}^{ min} = %.1f TeV, n = %d" % (\ model.parameter["MD"], model.parameter["M"], model.parameter["n"]) if i == 3: bh_legend = "M_{D} = 3.0 TeV, M_{QBH}^{ min} = 4.0 TeV, n = 4" legend.AddEntry(h, bh_legend, "l") # qbh_legend = "M_{D} = 4.0 TeV, M_{QBH}^{ min} = 5.0 TeV, n = 5" # legend.AddEntry(h, qbh_legend, "l") if isExclusive: for i, f in enumerate(sm_files): h = f.Get("plotsN%d%s/ST" % (N, suffix)) h.Rebin(config.rebin) h.Scale(config.integrated_luminosity) h.SetFillColor(config.sm_colors[i]) h.SetLineColor(config.sm_colors[i]) hs1.Add(h, "hist") legend_sm.AddEntry(h, config.sm_models[i], "f") #hs.Add(hData, "e") hs.Draw("nostack") hs1.Draw("same") c.SetLogy(1) hs.GetXaxis().SetTitle("S_{T} (GeV)") hs.GetYaxis().SetTitle(hData.GetYaxis().GetTitle()) hs.GetYaxis().SetTitleOffset(1.25) hs.GetYaxis().SetTitleSize(0.04) hs.GetYaxis().SetLabelSize(0.04) hs.GetXaxis().SetTitleSize(0.04) hs.GetXaxis().SetLabelSize(0.04) ibin = 0 #if isExclusive: # hs.GetXaxis().SetRangeUser(config.fit_range[0], config.maxST) # ibin = hData.FindBin(config.fit_range[0]) #else: # hs.GetXaxis().SetRangeUser(config.norm_range[0], config.maxST) # ibin = hData.FindBin(config.norm_range[0]) if isExclusive: hs.GetXaxis().SetRangeUser(1800, config.maxST) ibin = hData.FindBin(1800) else: hs.GetXaxis().SetRangeUser(config.norm_range[0], config.maxST) ibin = hData.FindBin(config.norm_range[0]) from Styles import formatUncertainty formatUncertainty(gBkg) gBkg.Draw("LX") hData.Draw("sameex0") hs.SetMinimum(5e-1) if isExclusive: hs.SetMaximum(hData.GetBinContent(ibin) * 40) else: #hs.SetMaximum(4e4) hs.SetMaximum(hData.GetBinContent(ibin) * 20) # or 1e7 for N>=3 and use 4 models legend.Draw("plain") if isExclusive: legend_sm.Draw("plain") if isExclusive: cmslabel =TPaveText(0.45,0.96,0.60,0.99,"brNDC"); else: cmslabel = TPaveText(0.45,0.96,0.60,0.99,"brNDC") cmslabel.AddText(config.cmsTitle) #cmslabel.AddText(config.cmsSubtitle) cmslabel.SetFillColor(0) cmslabel.SetTextSize(0.041) cmslabel.Draw("plain") label = TPaveText(0.8891129,0.8644068,0.9435484,0.9258475,"brNDC") label.SetFillColor(0) label.SetTextSize(0.0529661); label.AddText(label_text); label.Draw("plain") #block1 =TPaveText(0.333,0.84,0.354,0.86,"brNDC"); # for N>=2 and >=3 only block1 =TPaveText(0.351,0.85,0.37,0.87,"brNDC"); block1.SetFillColor(0) block1.Draw("plain") #block2 =TPaveText(0.295,0.84,0.315,0.86,"brNDC"); # for N>=2 and >=3 only block2 =TPaveText(0.314,0.85,0.332,0.87,"brNDC"); block2.SetFillColor(0) block2.Draw("plain") if isExclusive: c.Print("ST_Mul%d.pdf" % N) c.Print("ST_Mul%d.png" % N) else: c.Print("ST_Mul%dup.pdf" % N) c.Print("ST_Mul%dup.png" % N) c.Update() raw_input("Press Enter to continue...")
def main(): from optparse import OptionParser parser = OptionParser() parser.add_option("-i", "--inputfile", dest="inputfile") parser.add_option("-o", "--ouputfile", dest="outputfile") parser.add_option("-b", "--batch", action="store_true",\ dest="isBatch", default=False) parser.add_option("--normalization", nargs=2,\ type="float", dest="norm_range") parser.add_option("--fit", nargs=2,\ type="float", dest="fit_range") (options, args) = parser.parse_args() isSaveOutput = options.outputfile is not None if not (options.inputfile): parser.error("Please specify inputfiles.") import configurations as config integrated_luminosity = config.integrated_luminosity if options.fit_range: fit_range = options.fit_range norm_range = (fit_range[1] - 200., fit_range[1]) else: fit_range = config.fit_range norm_range = config.norm_range # Override normalization range from input if options.norm_range: norm_range = options.norm_range from Styles import formatST, formatTemplate, formatUncertainty from ROOT import TFile, TF1, TH1D, TMath, TCanvas, TLegend,\ TGraphAsymmErrors, TVectorD, gStyle gStyle.SetPadTopMargin(0.05) gStyle.SetPadRightMargin(0.05) #gStyle.SetOptFit(2222222) #gStyle.SetStatX(0.95) #gStyle.SetStatY(0.95) gStyle.SetOptStat(0000000) gStyle.SetOptFit(0000000) from ROOT import TFile, TCanvas, TMultiGraph, TLegend, TPaveText #input file name infile = TFile(options.inputfile, "READ") from HistoStore import HistoStore store = HistoStore() canvas = HistoStore() print "Fit range: %d - %d GeV" % fit_range print "Normalization range: %d - %d GeV" % norm_range print "Integrated luminosity: %d inv. pb" % integrated_luminosity # Fit for N in config.exclusive_multiplicities: hST = infile.Get("plots%dJets/ST" % N) hST.GetXaxis().SetNdivisions(510) if not options.isBatch: c = TCanvas("TemplateN%d" % N, "TemplateN%d" % N, 500, 500) formatST(hST) hST.SetTitle("") hST.Draw("e") hST.GetXaxis().SetRangeUser(fit_range[0], config.maxST) hST.GetYaxis().SetRangeUser(1e-2, 2e4) hST.GetYaxis().SetTitleOffset(1.25) hST.GetYaxis().SetTitleSize(0.04) hST.GetYaxis().SetLabelSize(0.04) hST.GetXaxis().SetTitleSize(0.04) hST.GetXaxis().SetLabelSize(0.04) c.SetLogy(1) for i,formula in enumerate(config.templates): print "formula %d" % (i) if N == 2: f = TF1("templateN%d_%d" % (N, i), formula, 0, 10000) elif N == 3: f = store.get("templateN2_%d" % i).Clone("templateN%d_%d" % (N, i)) if i < 3: hST.Fit(f, "QN0", "", 1800, 2800) hST.Fit(f, "QN0", "", 1800, 2800) hST.Fit(f, "QN0", "", 1800, 2800) hST.Fit(f, "QN0", "", 1800, 2800) hST.Fit(f, "QN0", "", 1800, 2800) hST.Fit(f, "QN0", "", 1800, 2800) hST.Fit(f, "QN0", "", 1800, 2800) hST.Fit(f, "QN0", "", 1800, 2800) hST.Fit(f, "QN0", "", 1800, 2800) hST.Fit(f, "QN0", "", 1800, 2800) hST.Fit(f, "QN0", "", 1800, 2800) hST.Fit(f, "QN0", "", 1800, 2800) hST.Fit(f, "QN0", "", 1800, 2800) hST.Fit(f, "QN0", "", 1800, 2800) hST.Fit(f, "QN0", "", 1800, 2800) hST.Fit(f, "QN0", "", 1800, 2800) hST.Fit(f, "QN0", "", 1800, 2800) hST.Fit(f, "QN0", "", 1800, 2800) hST.Fit(f, "QN0", "", 1800, 2800) hST.Fit(f, "QN0", "", 1800, 2800) hST.Fit(f, "QN0", "", 1800, 2800) hST.Fit(f, "QN0", "", 1800, 2800) hST.Fit(f, "QN0", "", 1800, 2800) hST.Fit(f, "QN0", "", 1800, 2800) hST.Fit(f, "N0", "", 1800, 2800) elif i == 0: hST.Fit(f, "Q0", "", fit_range[0], fit_range[1]) elif i > 2: hST.Fit(f, "QN0", "", fit_range[0], fit_range[1]) hST.Fit(f, "QN0", "", fit_range[0], fit_range[1]) hST.Fit(f, "QN0", "", fit_range[0], fit_range[1]) hST.Fit(f, "QN0", "", fit_range[0], fit_range[1]) hST.Fit(f, "QN0", "", fit_range[0], fit_range[1]) hST.Fit(f, "QN0", "", fit_range[0], fit_range[1]) hST.Fit(f, "QN0", "", fit_range[0], fit_range[1]) hST.Fit(f, "QN0", "", fit_range[0], fit_range[1]) hST.Fit(f, "QN0", "", fit_range[0], fit_range[1]) hST.Fit(f, "QN0", "", fit_range[0], fit_range[1]) hST.Fit(f, "QN0", "", fit_range[0], fit_range[1]) hST.Fit(f, "QN0", "", fit_range[0], fit_range[1]) hST.Fit(f, "QN0", "", fit_range[0], fit_range[1]) hST.Fit(f, "QN0", "", fit_range[0], fit_range[1]) hST.Fit(f, "QN0", "", fit_range[0], fit_range[1]) hST.Fit(f, "QN0", "", fit_range[0], fit_range[1]) hST.Fit(f, "QN0", "", fit_range[0], fit_range[1]) hST.Fit(f, "QN0", "", fit_range[0], fit_range[1]) hST.Fit(f, "QN0", "", fit_range[0], fit_range[1]) hST.Fit(f, "QN0", "", fit_range[0], fit_range[1]) hST.Fit(f, "QN0", "", fit_range[0], fit_range[1]) hST.Fit(f, "QN0", "", fit_range[0], fit_range[1]) hST.Fit(f, "QN0", "", fit_range[0], fit_range[1]) hST.Fit(f, "QN0", "", fit_range[0], fit_range[1]) hST.Fit(f, "QN0", "", fit_range[0], fit_range[1]) formatTemplate(f, N, i) if not options.isBatch: f.Draw("same") hTemplate = hST.Clone("histoTemplateN%d_%d" % (N,i)) hTemplate.Reset() hTemplate.Eval(f) formatTemplate(hTemplate, N, i) if i == 0: hRef = hTemplate.Clone("ReferenceTemplateN%d_0" % N) # Print Chi-squre/Ndof print "N = %d, Chi^2/Ndof = %0.2f/%d" %\ (N, f.GetChisquare(), f.GetNDF()) if not options.isBatch: c.Update() c.Print("TemplateN%d.pdf" % N) c.Print("TemplateN%d.png" % N) # Calculate scale/error from OptimizationTools import OptimizeScale for histoN, templateN in [[2,3]]: hST = store.get("ReferenceTemplateN%d_0" % histoN) hTemplate = store.get("ReferenceTemplateN%d_0" % templateN) hlnL, scale, err = OptimizeScale(hST, hTemplate, norm_range) hlnL.SetName("LogLikelihood_%dto%d" % (templateN, histoN)) for i in range(len(config.templates)): hTemplate = store.get("histoTemplateN%d_%d" % (templateN, i)) hTemplate_ = hTemplate.Clone("histoTemplateN%d_%d__RescaledToN%d" % (templateN, i, histoN)) hTemplate_.Scale(scale) # Shape Uncertainty hBkgTemplate = store.get("histoTemplateN2_0") hBkgTemplate.Rebin(config.rebin) nbins = hBkgTemplate.GetNbinsX() vST = TVectorD(nbins) vBkg = TVectorD(nbins) vexl = TVectorD(nbins) vexh = TVectorD(nbins) shape_el = TVectorD(nbins) shape_eh = TVectorD(nbins) rel_shape_el = TVectorD(nbins) rel_shape_eh = TVectorD(nbins) for i in range(nbins): vST[i] = hBkgTemplate.GetBinCenter(i+1) if (vST[i] < vBkg[i] = hBkgTemplate.GetBinContent(i+1) else: vBkg[i] = 0.0 vexl[i] = 0.0 vexh[i] = 0.0 shape_el[i] = 0.0 shape_eh[i] = 0.0 rel_shape_el[i] = 0.0 rel_shape_eh[i] = 0.0 for i in range(len(config.templates)): for label in ["histoTemplateN2_%d", "histoTemplateN3_%d__RescaledToN2"]: if label % i == "histoTemplateN2_0": continue h = store.get(label % i) h.Rebin(config.rebin) for ibin in range(nbins): diff = h.GetBinContent(ibin+1) - vBkg[ibin] if diff > 0 and diff > shape_eh[ibin]: shape_eh[ibin] = diff elif diff < 0 and abs(diff) > shape_el[ibin]: shape_el[ibin] = abs(diff) # Relative Shape Uncertaincy for i in range(nbins): if vBkg[i] > 0: #rel_shape_el[i] = rel_shape_el[i] / vBkg[i] #hape_eh[i] = rel_shape_eh[i] / vBkg[i] max_err = max(shape_el[i], shape_eh[i]) shape_el[i] = max_err shape_eh[i] = max_err rel_shape_el[i] = max_err /vBkg[i] rel_shape_eh[i] = max_err /vBkg[i] else: rel_shape_el[i] = 0.0 rel_shape_eh[i] = 0.0 #print vST[i], vBkg[i], rel_shape_el[i], rel_shape_eh[i] gShapeUncertainty = TGraphAsymmErrors(vST, vBkg, vexl, vexh, shape_el, shape_eh) gShapeUncertainty.SetName("Shape_Uncertainty") formatUncertainty(gShapeUncertainty) gRelShapeUncertainty = TGraphAsymmErrors(vST, vexl, vexl, vexh, rel_shape_el, rel_shape_eh) gRelShapeUncertainty.SetName("Relative_Shape_Uncertainty") formatUncertainty(gRelShapeUncertainty) # Generate Backgrouds for N in config.label_for_data: hST = infile.Get("plotsN%s/ST" % N) rel_scale_err2 = 0.0 scale_factor = 1.0 for Nref in config.label_for_ref: if N == Nref: continue template = store.get("ReferenceTemplateN%s_0" % Nref) hlnL, scale, err = OptimizeScale(hST, template, norm_range) hlnL.SetName("LogLikelihood_%sto%s" % (Nref, N)) if Nref == "2": scale_factor = scale rel_scale_err2 += err/scale * err/scale print "%s/%s %.3f $\pm$ %.3f" % (N, Nref, scale, err) vy = TVectorD(nbins) veyh = TVectorD(nbins) veyl = TVectorD(nbins) for i in range(nbins): vy[i] = vBkg[i] * scale_factor veyh[i] = vy[i] * TMath.Sqrt(rel_scale_err2 + rel_shape_eh[i]*rel_shape_eh[i]) veyl[i] = vy[i] * TMath.Sqrt(rel_scale_err2 + rel_shape_el[i]*rel_shape_el[i]) print "Scaling uncertainty (%s): %.2f" %\ (N, TMath.sqrt(rel_scale_err2) * 100.0) gBkg = TGraphAsymmErrors(vST, vy, vexl, vexh, veyl, veyh) gBkg.SetName("BackgroundGraph_N%s" % N) formatUncertainty(gBkg) hST.Rebin(config.rebin) hST.SetName("Data_N%s" % N) formatST(hST) hBkg = hST.Clone("Background_N%s" % N) hBkg.Reset() for i in range(nbins): ibin = hBkg.FindBin(vST[i]) hBkg.SetBinContent(ibin, vy[i]) hBkg.SetBinError(ibin, max(veyh[i], vexl[i])) from OptimizationTools import Integral hIntBkg = hBkg.Clone("IntegralBackground_N%s" % N) Integral(hIntBkg) hIntData = hST.Clone("IntegralData_N%s" % N) Integral(hIntData) # Plot Shape Uncertainty if not options.isBatch: legend_shape = TLegend(0.4244355,0.4241525,0.9395968,0.8652542) legend_shape.SetTextFont(42) legend_shape.SetFillColor(0) legend_shape.SetLineColor(0) legend_shape.SetTextSize(0.036) c = TCanvas("ShapeUncertaintyN2", "ShapeUncertaintyN2", 500, 500) gShapeUncertainty.Draw("AC3") gShapeUncertainty.GetXaxis().SetNdivisions(510) gShapeUncertainty.GetXaxis().SetRangeUser(fit_range[0], config.maxST) gShapeUncertainty.GetYaxis().SetRangeUser(5e-2, 5e6) legend_shape.AddEntry(store.get("Data_N2"), "Data (N = 2)", "p") legend_shape.AddEntry(gShapeUncertainty, "Shape Uncertainty", "f") for i in range(len(config.templates)): for label in ["histoTemplateN2_%d", "histoTemplateN3_%d__RescaledToN2"]: h = store.get(label % i) h.GetXaxis().SetRangeUser(fit_range[0], config.maxST) h.Draw("histcsame") h.GetXaxis().SetNdivisions(510) if label == "histoTemplateN2_%d": N = 2 else: N = 3 legend_shape.AddEntry(h, "Parameterization %d (N = %d)" % (i, N), "l") store.get("Data_N2").Draw("esame") cmslabel = TPaveText(0.45,0.90,0.60,0.93,"brNDC") cmslabel.AddText(config.cmsTitle) #cmslabel.AddText(config.cmsSubtitle) cmslabel.SetFillColor(0) cmslabel.SetTextSize(0.041) cmslabel.Draw("plain") c.SetLogy(1) legend_shape.Draw("plain") c.Update() c.Print("ShapeUncertaintyN2.pdf") c.Print("ShapeUncertaintyN2.png") if isSaveOutput: store.saveAs(options.outputfile) if not options.isBatch: raw_input("Press Enter to continue...")
def main(): from optparse import OptionParser parser = OptionParser() parser.add_option("-i", "--inputfile", dest="inputfile") parser.add_option("-N", "--multiplicity", dest="N", type="int", default=3) parser.add_option("-x", "--exclusive", action="store_true",\ dest="isExclusive", default=False) parser.add_option("-l", "--label", dest="label", type="string", default="") (options, args) = parser.parse_args() N = options.N isExclusive = options.isExclusive label_text = options.label if isExclusive and not (N == 2 or N == 3): parser.error("Exclusive plot only for N =2 or 3") import configurations as config from ROOT import TFile, TCanvas, THStack, TLegend, TPaveText, gStyle from ModelParser import ModelKey gStyle.SetPadTopMargin(0.05) gStyle.SetPadRightMargin(0.05) suffix = "" if not isExclusive: suffix = "up" sm_files = [] for model in config.sm_models: f = TFile("%s/%s.root" % (config.sm_dir, model), "READ") sm_files.append(f) bh_weights = [] bh_files = [] from BHXsec import BHXsec xsec = BHXsec() for model in config.bh_showcase: f = TFile("%s/%s.root" % (config.bh_dir, model), "READ") bh_files.append(f) h = f.Get("plotsNoCut/ST") nEvents= h.GetEntries() bh_weights.append(xsec.get(model) / nEvents * config.integrated_luminosity) c = TCanvas("ST_Mul%d%s" % (N, suffix), "ST_Mul%d%s" % (N, suffix), 500, 500) hs = THStack() infile = TFile(options.inputfile, "READ") hBkg = infile.Get("Background_N%d%s" % (N, suffix)) gBkg = infile.Get("BackgroundGraph_N%d%s" % (N, suffix)) hData = infile.Get("Data_N%d%s" % (N, suffix)) hBkg = infile.Get("Background_N%d%s" % (N, suffix)) hBkg.SetMarkerSize(0) hBkg_ = hBkg.Clone("BkgLine") hBkg.SetFillColor(33) hBkg.SetLineColor(33) hBkg_.SetLineWidth(3) hBkg_.SetLineColor(862) hs.Add(hBkg, "e3") legend = TLegend(0.3326613,0.6419492,0.9294355,0.9216102) legend.SetTextSize(0.02966102); legend.SetTextFont(42); legend.SetFillColor(0) legend.SetLineColor(0) if isExclusive: legend.SetHeader("N = %d" % N) else: legend.SetHeader("N #geq %d" % N) legend.AddEntry(hData, "Data", "p") legend.AddEntry(hBkg_, "Background", "l") legend.AddEntry(hBkg, "Uncertainty", "f") legend_sm = TLegend(0.6471774,0.7669492,0.8508065,0.8771186) legend_sm.SetTextSize(0.02966102); legend_sm.SetTextFont(42); legend_sm.SetFillColor(0) legend_sm.SetLineColor(0) for i, f in enumerate(bh_files): h = f.Get("plotsN%d%s/ST" % (N, suffix)) h.Rebin(config.rebin) h.Scale(bh_weights[i]) # Add background for ibin in range(h.GetNbinsX()): h.SetBinContent(ibin+1,\ h.GetBinContent(ibin+1)\ + hBkg.GetBinContent(ibin+1)) h.SetLineWidth(2) h.SetLineStyle(i+2) hs.Add(h, "hist") model = ModelKey(config.bh_showcase[i]) bh_legend = "M_{D} = %.1f TeV, M_{BH}^{ min} = %.1f TeV, n = %d" % (\ model.parameter["MD"], model.parameter["M"], model.parameter["n"]) legend.AddEntry(h, bh_legend, "l") if isExclusive: for i, f in enumerate(sm_files): h = f.Get("plotsN%d%s/ST" % (N, suffix)) h.Rebin(config.rebin) h.Scale(config.integrated_luminosity) h.SetFillColor(config.sm_colors[i]) h.SetLineColor(config.sm_colors[i]) hs.Add(h, "hist") legend_sm.AddEntry(h, config.sm_models[i], "f") #hs.Add(hData, "e") hs.Draw("nostack") c.SetLogy(1) hs.GetXaxis().SetTitle("S_{T} (GeV)") hs.GetYaxis().SetTitle(hData.GetYaxis().GetTitle()) hs.GetYaxis().SetTitleOffset(1.2) ibin = 0 if isExclusive: hs.GetXaxis().SetRangeUser(config.fit_range[0], config.maxST) ibin = hData.FindBin(config.fit_range[0]) else: hs.GetXaxis().SetRangeUser(config.norm_range[0], config.maxST) ibin = hData.FindBin(config.norm_range[0]) from Styles import formatUncertainty formatUncertainty(gBkg) gBkg.Draw("LX") hData.Draw("esame") hs.SetMinimum(5e-2) if isExclusive: hs.SetMaximum(hData.GetBinContent(ibin) * 20) else: #hs.SetMaximum(4e4) hs.SetMaximum(hData.GetBinContent(ibin) * 20) legend.Draw("plain") if isExclusive: legend_sm.Draw("plain") if isExclusive: cmslabel =TPaveText(0.5544355,0.5127119,0.8991935,0.6292373,"brNDC"); else: cmslabel = TPaveText(0.1955645,0.1631356,0.5403226,0.279661,"brNDC") cmslabel.AddText(config.cmsTitle) cmslabel.AddText(config.cmsSubtitle) cmslabel.SetFillColor(0) cmslabel.Draw("plain") label = TPaveText(0.6891129,0.8644068,0.9435484,0.9258475,"brNDC") label.SetFillColor(0) label.SetTextSize(0.0529661); label.AddText(label_text); label.Draw("plain") c.Update() raw_input("Press Enter to continue...")
def main(): from optparse import OptionParser parser = OptionParser() parser.add_option("-i", "--inputfile", dest="inputfile") parser.add_option("-o", "--ouputfile", dest="outputfile") parser.add_option("-b", "--batch", action="store_true",\ dest="isBatch", default=False) parser.add_option("--normalization", nargs=2,\ type="float", dest="norm_range") parser.add_option("--fit", nargs=2,\ type="float", dest="fit_range") (options, args) = parser.parse_args() isSaveOutput = options.outputfile is not None if not (options.inputfile): parser.error("Please specify inputfiles.") import configurations as config if options.fit_range: fit_range = options.fit_range norm_range = (fit_range[1] - 200., fit_range[1]) else: fit_range = config.fit_range norm_range = config.norm_range # Override normalization range from input if options.norm_range: norm_range = options.norm_range from Styles import formatST, formatTemplate, formatUncertainty from ROOT import TFile, TF1, TH1D, TMath, TCanvas, TLegend,\ TGraphAsymmErrors, TVectorD, gStyle gStyle.SetPadTopMargin(0.05) gStyle.SetPadRightMargin(0.05) #gStyle.SetOptFit(1111111) #input file name infile = TFile(options.inputfile, "READ") from HistoStore import HistoStore store = HistoStore() canvas = HistoStore() print "Fit range: %d - %d GeV" % fit_range print "Normalization range: %d - %d GeV" % norm_range # Fit for N in config.exclusive_multiplicities: hST = infile.Get("plots%dJets/ST" % N) if not options.isBatch: c = TCanvas("TemplateN%d" % N, "TemplateN%d" % N, 500, 500) formatST(hST) hST.Draw("e") hST.GetXaxis().SetRangeUser(fit_range[0], config.maxST) hST.GetYaxis().SetRangeUser(1e-2, 2e4) hST.GetYaxis().SetTitleOffset(1.2) c.SetLogy(1) for i, formula in enumerate(config.templates): if N == 2: f = TF1("templateN%d_%d" % (N, i), formula, 0, 10000) elif N == 3: f = store.get("templateN2_%d" % i).Clone("templateN%d_%d" % (N, i)) hST.Fit(f, "QN0", "", fit_range[0], fit_range[1]) hST.Fit(f, "QN0", "", fit_range[0], fit_range[1]) hST.Fit(f, "QN0", "", fit_range[0], fit_range[1]) hST.Fit(f, "QN0", "", fit_range[0], fit_range[1]) hST.Fit(f, "QN0", "", fit_range[0], fit_range[1]) hST.Fit(f, "QN0", "", fit_range[0], fit_range[1]) hST.Fit(f, "QN0", "", fit_range[0], fit_range[1]) hST.Fit(f, "QN0", "", fit_range[0], fit_range[1]) hST.Fit(f, "QN0", "", fit_range[0], fit_range[1]) hST.Fit(f, "QN0", "", fit_range[0], fit_range[1]) hST.Fit(f, "QN0", "", fit_range[0], fit_range[1]) hST.Fit(f, "QN0", "", fit_range[0], fit_range[1]) hST.Fit(f, "QN0", "", fit_range[0], fit_range[1]) hST.Fit(f, "QN0", "", fit_range[0], fit_range[1]) hST.Fit(f, "QN0", "", fit_range[0], fit_range[1]) hST.Fit(f, "QN0", "", fit_range[0], fit_range[1]) hST.Fit(f, "QN0", "", fit_range[0], fit_range[1]) hST.Fit(f, "QN0", "", fit_range[0], fit_range[1]) hST.Fit(f, "QN0", "", fit_range[0], fit_range[1]) hST.Fit(f, "QN0", "", fit_range[0], fit_range[1]) hST.Fit(f, "QN0", "", fit_range[0], fit_range[1]) hST.Fit(f, "QN0", "", fit_range[0], fit_range[1]) hST.Fit(f, "QN0", "", fit_range[0], fit_range[1]) hST.Fit(f, "QN0", "", fit_range[0], fit_range[1]) hST.Fit(f, "QN0", "", fit_range[0], fit_range[1]) if i == 0: hST.Fit(f, "Q0", "", fit_range[0], fit_range[1]) formatTemplate(f, N, i) if not options.isBatch: f.Draw("same") hTemplate = hST.Clone("histoTemplateN%d_%d" % (N, i)) hTemplate.Reset() hTemplate.Eval(f) formatTemplate(hTemplate, N, i) if i == 0: hRef = hTemplate.Clone("ReferenceTemplateN%d_0" % N) # Print Chi-squre/Ndof print "N = %d, Chi^2/Ndof = %0.2f/%d" %\ (N, f.GetChisquare(), f.GetNDF()) if not options.isBatch: c.Update() # Calculate scale/error from OptimizationTools import OptimizeScale for histoN, templateN in [[2, 3]]: hST = store.get("ReferenceTemplateN%d_0" % histoN) hTemplate = store.get("ReferenceTemplateN%d_0" % templateN) hlnL, scale, err = OptimizeScale(hST, hTemplate, norm_range) hlnL.SetName("LogLikelihood_%dto%d" % (templateN, histoN)) for i in range(len(config.templates)): hTemplate = store.get("histoTemplateN%d_%d" % (templateN, i)) hTemplate_ = hTemplate.Clone("histoTemplateN%d_%d__RescaledToN%d" % (templateN, i, histoN)) hTemplate_.Scale(scale) # Shape Uncertainty hBkgTemplate = store.get("histoTemplateN2_0") hBkgTemplate.Rebin(config.rebin) nbins = hBkgTemplate.GetNbinsX() vST = TVectorD(nbins) vBkg = TVectorD(nbins) vexl = TVectorD(nbins) vexh = TVectorD(nbins) shape_el = TVectorD(nbins) shape_eh = TVectorD(nbins) rel_shape_el = TVectorD(nbins) rel_shape_eh = TVectorD(nbins) for i in range(nbins): vST[i] = hBkgTemplate.GetBinCenter(i + 1) if (vST[i] < vBkg[i] = hBkgTemplate.GetBinContent(i + 1) else: vBkg[i] = 0.0 vexl[i] = 0.0 vexh[i] = 0.0 shape_el[i] = 0.0 shape_eh[i] = 0.0 rel_shape_el[i] = 0.0 rel_shape_eh[i] = 0.0 for i in range(len(config.templates)): for label in [ "histoTemplateN2_%d", "histoTemplateN3_%d__RescaledToN2" ]: if label % i == "histoTemplateN2_0": continue h = store.get(label % i) h.Rebin(config.rebin) for ibin in range(nbins): diff = h.GetBinContent(ibin + 1) - vBkg[ibin] if diff > 0 and diff > shape_eh[ibin]: shape_eh[ibin] = diff elif diff < 0 and abs(diff) > shape_el[ibin]: shape_el[ibin] = abs(diff) # Relative Shape Uncertaincy for i in range(nbins): if vBkg[i] > 0: #rel_shape_el[i] = rel_shape_el[i] / vBkg[i] #hape_eh[i] = rel_shape_eh[i] / vBkg[i] max_err = max(shape_el[i], shape_eh[i]) shape_el[i] = max_err shape_eh[i] = max_err rel_shape_el[i] = max_err / vBkg[i] rel_shape_eh[i] = max_err / vBkg[i] else: rel_shape_el[i] = 0.0 rel_shape_eh[i] = 0.0 #print vST[i], vBkg[i], rel_shape_el[i], rel_shape_eh[i] gShapeUncertainty = TGraphAsymmErrors(vST, vBkg, vexl, vexh, shape_el, shape_eh) gShapeUncertainty.SetName("Shape_Uncertainty") formatUncertainty(gShapeUncertainty) gRelShapeUncertainty = TGraphAsymmErrors(vST, vexl, vexl, vexh, rel_shape_el, rel_shape_eh) gRelShapeUncertainty.SetName("Relative_Shape_Uncertainty") formatUncertainty(gRelShapeUncertainty) # Generate Backgrouds for N in config.label_for_data: hST = infile.Get("plotsN%s/ST" % N) rel_scale_err2 = 0.0 scale_factor = 1.0 for Nref in config.label_for_ref: if N == Nref: continue template = store.get("ReferenceTemplateN%s_0" % Nref) hlnL, scale, err = OptimizeScale(hST, template, norm_range) hlnL.SetName("LogLikelihood_%sto%s" % (Nref, N)) if Nref == "2": scale_factor = scale rel_scale_err2 += err / scale * err / scale print "%s/%s %.3f +/- %.3f" % (N, Nref, scale, err) vy = TVectorD(nbins) veyh = TVectorD(nbins) veyl = TVectorD(nbins) for i in range(nbins): vy[i] = vBkg[i] * scale_factor veyh[i] = vy[i] * TMath.Sqrt(rel_scale_err2 + rel_shape_eh[i] * rel_shape_eh[i]) veyl[i] = vy[i] * TMath.Sqrt(rel_scale_err2 + rel_shape_el[i] * rel_shape_el[i]) print "Scaling uncertainty (%s): %.2f" %\ (N, TMath.sqrt(rel_scale_err2) * 100.0) gBkg = TGraphAsymmErrors(vST, vy, vexl, vexh, veyl, veyh) gBkg.SetName("BackgroundGraph_N%s" % N) formatUncertainty(gBkg) hST.Rebin(config.rebin) hST.SetName("Data_N%s" % N) formatST(hST) hBkg = hST.Clone("Background_N%s" % N) hBkg.Reset() for i in range(nbins): ibin = hBkg.FindBin(vST[i]) hBkg.SetBinContent(ibin, vy[i]) hBkg.SetBinError(ibin, max(veyh[i], vexl[i])) from OptimizationTools import Integral hIntBkg = hBkg.Clone("IntegralBackground_N%s" % N) Integral(hIntBkg) hIntData = hST.Clone("IntegralData_N%s" % N) Integral(hIntData) # Plot Shape Uncertainty if not options.isBatch: legend_shape = TLegend(0.5544355, 0.5741525, 0.9395968, 0.9152542) legend_shape.SetTextFont(42) legend_shape.SetFillColor(0) legend_shape.SetLineColor(0) c = TCanvas("ShapeUncertaintyN2", "ShapeUncertaintyN2", 500, 500) gShapeUncertainty.Draw("AC3") gShapeUncertainty.GetXaxis().SetRangeUser(fit_range[0], config.maxST) gShapeUncertainty.GetYaxis().SetRangeUser(5e-2, 1.2e6) legend_shape.AddEntry(store.get("Data_N2"), "Data (N = 2)", "p") legend_shape.AddEntry(gShapeUncertainty, "Shape Uncertainty", "f") for i in range(len(config.templates)): for label in [ "histoTemplateN2_%d", "histoTemplateN3_%d__RescaledToN2" ]: h = store.get(label % i) h.GetXaxis().SetRangeUser(fit_range[0], config.maxST) h.Draw("histcsame") if label == "histoTemplateN2_%d": N = 2 else: N = 3 legend_shape.AddEntry(h, "Parametrization %d (N = %d)" % (i, N), "l") store.get("Data_N2").Draw("esame") c.SetLogy(1) legend_shape.Draw("plain") c.Update() if isSaveOutput: store.saveAs(options.outputfile) if not options.isBatch: raw_input("Press Enter to continue...")
def main(): from optparse import OptionParser parser = OptionParser() parser.add_option("-i", "--inputfile", dest="inputfile") parser.add_option("-N", "--multiplicity", dest="N", type="int", default=3) parser.add_option("-x", "--exclusive", action="store_true",\ dest="isExclusive", default=False) parser.add_option("-l", "--label", dest="label", type="string", default="") (options, args) = parser.parse_args() N = options.N isExclusive = options.isExclusive label_text = options.label if isExclusive and not (N == 2 or N == 3): parser.error("Exclusive plot only for N =2 or 3") import configurations as config from ROOT import TFile, TCanvas, THStack, TLegend, TPaveText, TH1F, gStyle from ModelParser import ModelKey gStyle.SetPadTopMargin(0.05) gStyle.SetPadRightMargin(0.05) gStyle.SetOptStat(0000000) suffix = "" if not isExclusive: suffix = "up" sm_files = [] for model in config.sm_models: f = TFile("%s/%s.root" % (config.sm_dir, model), "READ") sm_files.append(f) bh_weights = [] bh_files = [] from BHXsec import BHXsec xsec = BHXsec() for model in config.bh_showcase: f = TFile("%s/%s.root" % (config.bh_dir, model), "READ") bh_files.append(f) h = f.Get("plotsNoCut/ST") nEvents = h.GetEntries() bh_weights.append( xsec.get(model) / nEvents * config.integrated_luminosity) c = TCanvas("ST_Mul%d%s" % (N, suffix), "ST_Mul%d%s" % (N, suffix), 500, 500) hs = THStack() hs1 = THStack() infile = TFile(options.inputfile, "READ") hBkg = infile.Get("Background_N%d%s" % (N, suffix)) gBkg = infile.Get("BackgroundGraph_N%d%s" % (N, suffix)) hData = infile.Get("Data_N%d%s" % (N, suffix)) hBkg = infile.Get("Background_N%d%s" % (N, suffix)) hBkg.SetMarkerSize(0) hBkg_ = hBkg.Clone("BkgLine") hBkg.SetFillColor(33) hBkg.SetLineColor(33) hBkg_.SetLineWidth(3) hBkg_.SetLineColor(862) hs.Add(hBkg, "e3") hData_N2 = infile.Get("Data_N2") hBkg_N2 = infile.Get("Background_N2") ratio_data = infile.Get("Data_N%d%s" % (N, suffix)) ratio_data.Sumw2() ratio_data.Divide(hData_N2, hBkg_N2) ref_N2 = infile.Get("ReferenceTemplateN2_0") ref_N3 = infile.Get("ReferenceTemplateN3_0") ratio_fits = infile.Get("ReferenceTemplateN2_0") ratio_fits.Sumw2() ratio_fits.Divide(ref_N2, ref_N3) legend = TLegend(0.3026613, 0.6919492, 0.6094355, 0.8816102) legend.SetTextSize(0.041) #was 0.02966102 legend.SetTextFont(42) legend.SetFillColor(0) legend.SetLineColor(0) if isExclusive: legend.SetHeader("Multiplicity, N = %d" % N) else: legend.SetHeader("Multiplicity, N #geq %d" % N) legend.AddEntry(ratio_data, "Data/Background", "p") legend.AddEntry(ratio_fits, "Fit-0 (N=2)/Fit-0 (N=3)", "l") legend_sm = TLegend(0.6271774, 0.6769492, 0.8308065, 0.8171186) legend_sm.SetTextSize(0.041) legend_sm.SetTextFont(42) legend_sm.SetFillColor(0) legend_sm.SetLineColor(0) for i, f in enumerate(bh_files): h = f.Get("plotsN%d%s/ST" % (N, suffix)) h.Rebin(config.rebin) h.Scale(bh_weights[i]) # Add background for ibin in range(h.GetNbinsX()): h.SetBinContent(ibin+1,\ h.GetBinContent(ibin+1)\ + hBkg.GetBinContent(ibin+1)) h.SetLineWidth(2) h.SetLineStyle(i + 2) hs.Add(h, "hist") model = ModelKey(config.bh_showcase[i]) bh_legend = "M_{D} = %.1f TeV, M_{BH}^{ min} = %.1f TeV, n = %d" % (\ model.parameter["MD"], model.parameter["M"], model.parameter["n"]) #legend.AddEntry(h, bh_legend, "l") if isExclusive: for i, f in enumerate(sm_files): h = f.Get("plotsN%d%s/ST" % (N, suffix)) h.Rebin(config.rebin) h.Scale(config.integrated_luminosity) h.SetFillColor(config.sm_colors[i]) h.SetLineColor(config.sm_colors[i]) hs1.Add(h, "hist") #legend_sm.AddEntry(h, config.sm_models[i], "f") #hs.Add(hData, "e") #TH1F *ratio_data ratio_fits.SetLineColor(4) ratio_fits.SetMarkerStyle(0) ratio_fits.SetLineWidth(2) #hs1.SetMinimum(1e-1) ratio_fits.Draw("linee1") ratio_data.Draw("same") #hs.Draw("samenostack") #c.SetLogy(1) ratio_fits.GetXaxis().SetTitle("S_{T} (GeV)") ratio_fits.GetYaxis().SetTitle("Arbitrary Units") ratio_fits.GetYaxis().SetTitleOffset(1.1) ratio_fits.GetYaxis().SetTitleSize(0.045) ratio_fits.GetYaxis().SetLabelSize(0.045) ratio_fits.GetXaxis().SetTitleSize(0.045) ratio_fits.GetXaxis().SetLabelSize(0.045) ratio_fits.GetXaxis().Draw() ibin = 0 if isExclusive: ratio_fits.GetXaxis().SetRangeUser(config.fit_range[0], config.fit_range[1] + 330) ibin = hData.FindBin(config.fit_range[0]) else: ratio_fits.GetXaxis().SetRangeUser(config.norm_range[0], config.norm_range[1] + 330) ibin = hData.FindBin(config.norm_range[0]) from Styles import formatUncertainty formatUncertainty(gBkg) #gBkg.Draw("LX") #hData.GetXaxis().SetNdivisions(510) #hData.Draw("esame") ratio_fits.SetTitle("") ratio_fits.SetMinimum(0) ratio_fits.SetMaximum(3) legend.Draw("plain") #if isExclusive: # legend_sm.Draw("plain") if isExclusive: cmslabel = TPaveText(0.45, 0.90, 0.60, 0.93, "brNDC") else: cmslabel = TPaveText(0.45, 0.90, 0.60, 0.93, "brNDC") cmslabel.AddText(config.cmsTitle) #cmslabel.AddText(config.cmsSubtitle) cmslabel.SetFillColor(0) cmslabel.SetTextSize(0.041) cmslabel.Draw("plain") label = TPaveText(0.8891129, 0.8644068, 0.9435484, 0.9258475, "brNDC") label.SetFillColor(0) label.SetTextSize(0.0529661) label.AddText(label_text) label.Draw("plain") if isExclusive: c.Print("ST_Residuals_Mul%d.pdf" % N) c.Print("ST_Residuals_Mul%d.png" % N) else: c.Print("ST_Mul%dup.pdf" % N) c.Print("ST_Mul%dup.png" % N) c.Update() raw_input("Press Enter to continue...")
def main(): from optparse import OptionParser parser = OptionParser() parser.add_option("-i", "--inputfile", dest="inputfile") parser.add_option("-N", "--multiplicity", dest="N", type="int", default=3) parser.add_option("-x", "--exclusive", action="store_true",\ dest="isExclusive", default=False) parser.add_option("-l", "--label", dest="label", type="string", default="") parser.add_option("-z", "--zeyneplabel",action="store_true",dest="zeynep",default=True) (options, args) = parser.parse_args() N = options.N isExclusive = options.isExclusive label_text = options.label zeynep = options.zeynep if isExclusive and not (N == 2 or N == 3): parser.error("Exclusive plot only for N =2 or 3") import configurations as config from ROOT import TFile, TCanvas, THStack, TLegend, TPaveText, gStyle, TPad, TH1F, TGraphAsymmErrors, TMath from ModelParser import ModelKey gStyle.SetPadTopMargin(0.05) gStyle.SetPadRightMargin(0.05) gStyle.SetPadBottomMargin(0.20) gStyle.SetErrorX(0.) suffix = "" if not isExclusive: suffix = "up" sm_files = [] for model in config.sm_models: f = TFile("%s/%s.root" % (config.sm_dir, model), "READ") sm_files.append(f) bh_weights = [] bh_files = [] from BHXsec import BHXsec xsec = BHXsec() for model in config.bh_showcase: f = TFile("%s/%s.root" % (config.bh_dir, model), "READ") bh_files.append(f) h = f.Get("plotsNoCut/ST") nEvents= h.GetEntries() bh_weights.append(xsec.get(model) / nEvents * config.integrated_luminosity) c = TCanvas("ST_Mul%d%s" % (N, suffix), "ST_Mul%d%s" % (N, suffix), 500, 600) hs = THStack() hs1 = THStack() infile = TFile(options.inputfile, "READ") hBkg = infile.Get("Background_N%d%s" % (N, suffix)) #hnewBkg = infile.Get("histoTemplateN3_0") hnewBkg = infile.Get("ReferenceTemplateN3_0") gBkg = infile.Get("BackgroundGraph_N%d%s" % (N, suffix)) hData = infile.Get("Data_N%d%s" % (N, suffix)) hBkg = infile.Get("Background_N%d%s" % (N, suffix)) hBkg.SetMarkerSize(0) hBkg_ = hBkg.Clone("BkgLine") hBkg.SetFillColor(33) hBkg.SetLineColor(33) hBkg_.SetLineWidth(3) hBkg_.SetLineColor(862) hs.Add(hBkg, "e3") hnewBkg.SetLineWidth(3) hnewBkg.Scale(10*3.407) hs.Add(hnewBkg,"l") legend = TLegend(0.2826613,0.4819492,0.6094355,0.9416102) # - only for N >= 2 and 3 #legend = TLegend(0.3026613,0.5519492,0.6094355,0.9416102) # was 0.4919...zeynep #legend = TLegend(0.3526613,0.5519492,0.6094355,0.9416102) # was 0.4919... #legend.SetTextSize(0.041); #was 0.02966102 legend.SetTextSize(0.037); legend.SetTextFont(42); legend.SetFillColor(0) legend.SetLineColor(0) if isExclusive: legend.SetHeader("Multiplicity N = %d" % N) else: legend.SetHeader("Multiplicity N #geq %d" % N) legend.AddEntry(hData, "Data", "lep") #legend.AddEntry(hnewBkg, "N=3 Fit Rescaled","l") legend.AddEntry(hBkg_, "Background", "l") legend.AddEntry(hBkg, "Uncertainty", "f") legend_sm = TLegend(0.6471774,0.7069492,0.8508065,0.8471186) # legend_sm = TLegend(0.6271774,0.7369492,0.8308065,0.8771186) # legend_sm.SetTextSize(0.037); legend_sm.SetTextSize(0.037); legend_sm.SetTextFont(42); legend_sm.SetFillColor(0) legend_sm.SetLineColor(0) for i, f in enumerate(bh_files): h = f.Get("plotsN%d%s/ST" % (N, suffix)) h.Rebin(config.rebin) h.Scale(bh_weights[i]) # Add background for ibin in range(h.GetNbinsX()): h.SetBinContent(ibin+1,\ h.GetBinContent(ibin+1)\ + hBkg.GetBinContent(ibin+1)) h.SetLineWidth(3) #h.SetLineColor(i+2) h.SetLineStyle(i+2) #if i == 0: #h.SetLineColor(814) if i == 0: h.SetLineStyle(5) h.SetLineColor(899) if i == 1: h.SetLineStyle(9) h.SetLineColor(4) if i == 2: h.SetLineStyle(3) h.SetLineColor(614) hs.Add(h, "hist") model = ModelKey(config.bh_showcase[i]) bh_legend = "M_{D} = %.1f TeV, M_{BH}^{ min} = %.1f TeV, n = %d" % (\ model.parameter["MD"], model.parameter["M"], model.parameter["n"]) if i == 3: bh_legend = "M_{D} = 3.0 TeV, M_{QBH}^{ min} = 4.0 TeV, n = 4" legend.AddEntry(h, bh_legend, "l") # qbh_legend = "M_{D} = 4.0 TeV, M_{QBH}^{ min} = 5.0 TeV, n = 5" # legend.AddEntry(h, qbh_legend, "l") #if isExclusive: zeynep = True if zeynep: for i, f in enumerate(sm_files): h = f.Get("plotsN%d%s/ST" % (N, suffix)) h.Rebin(config.rebin) h.Scale(config.integrated_luminosity) h.SetFillColor(config.sm_colors[i]) h.SetLineColor(config.sm_colors[i]) hs1.Add(h, "hist") legend_sm.AddEntry(h, config.sm_models[i], "f") #hs.Add(hData, "e") hs.Draw("nostack") hs1.Draw("same") c.SetLogy(1) hs.GetXaxis().SetTitle("S_{T} (GeV)") hs.GetYaxis().SetTitle(hData.GetYaxis().GetTitle()) hs.GetYaxis().SetTitleOffset(1.25) hs.GetYaxis().SetTitleSize(0.04) hs.GetYaxis().SetLabelSize(0.04) hs.GetXaxis().SetTitleSize(0.01) hs.GetXaxis().SetLabelSize(0.01) ibin = 0 #if isExclusive: # hs.GetXaxis().SetRangeUser(config.fit_range[0], config.maxST) # ibin = hData.FindBin(config.fit_range[0]) #else: # hs.GetXaxis().SetRangeUser(config.norm_range[0], config.maxST) # ibin = hData.FindBin(config.norm_range[0]) if isExclusive: hs.GetXaxis().SetRangeUser(1800, config.maxST) ibin = hData.FindBin(1800) else: hs.GetXaxis().SetRangeUser(config.norm_range[0], config.maxST) ibin = hData.FindBin(config.norm_range[0]) from Styles import formatUncertainty formatUncertainty(gBkg) gBkg.Draw("LX") hData.Draw("sameex0") hs.SetMinimum(5e-1) if isExclusive: hs.SetMaximum(1e7) # hs.SetMaximum(hData.GetBinContent(ibin) * 40) else: #hs.SetMaximum(1e8) hs.SetMaximum(hData.GetBinContent(ibin) * 20) # or 1e7 for N>=3 and use 4 models legend.Draw("plain") #if isExclusive: if zeynep: legend_sm.Draw("plain") if isExclusive: cmslabel =TPaveText(0.45,0.96,0.60,0.99,"brNDC"); else: cmslabel = TPaveText(0.45,0.96,0.60,0.99,"brNDC") cmslabel.AddText(config.cmsTitle) #cmslabel.AddText(config.cmsSubtitle) cmslabel.SetFillColor(0) cmslabel.SetTextSize(0.041) cmslabel.Draw("plain") label = TPaveText(0.8891129,0.8644068,0.9435484,0.9258475,"brNDC") label.SetFillColor(0) #label.SetTextSize(0.0529661); label.SetTextSize(0.0529661); label.AddText(label_text); label.Draw("plain") c.RedrawAxis() #Divide ibin = hData.FindBin(config.norm_range[0]) #print ibin fbin = hData.FindBin(config.maxST) #print fbin hData.Sumw2() hBkg_.Sumw2() Pull = TH1F("","",fbin-ibin+1,(ibin-1)*100,fbin*100) Pull2 = TH1F("","",fbin-ibin+1,(ibin-1)*100,fbin*100) Ratio = hData.Clone() Ratio.Add(hBkg_,-1) #Ratio.Divide(hBkg_) Band = TGraphAsymmErrors(fbin-ibin+1) for i in range(ibin-1,fbin+1): i += 1 if hData.GetBinContent(i) != 0: value = hData.GetBinContent(i) + (hBkg_.GetBinError(i)*hBkg_.GetBinError(i)) #print Ratio.GetBinError(i), value**(0.5) #print i-19,i,(i)*100, hData.GetBinContent(i) , hBkg_.GetBinContent(i),hData.GetBinContent(i) - hBkg_.GetBinContent(i) Pull.SetBinContent(i-19,(hData.GetBinContent(i) - hBkg_.GetBinContent(i))/ Ratio.GetBinError(i)) #print Ratio.GetBinError(i), abs(Ratio.GetBinContent(i))*0.05 #Pull.SetBinContent(i-19,(hData.GetBinContent(i) - hBkg_.GetBinContent(i))/ Ratio.GetBinError(i)) #Pull.SetBinContent(i-19,(hData.GetBinContent(i) / hBkg_.GetBinContent(i))) Pull.SetBinError(i-19,Ratio.GetBinError(i)) #Pull.SetBinError(i-19,hData.GetBinError(i)/gBkg.GetErrorY(i)) if (hBkg_.GetBinContent(i)*0.05 > hBkg_.GetBinError(i)): #print "bin error too small changing the error to: ", hBkg_.GetBinContent(i)*0.05 Pull2.SetBinContent(i-19,(hnewBkg.GetBinContent(i) - hBkg_.GetBinContent(i))/ (hBkg_.GetBinContent(i)*0.05)) else: Pull2.SetBinContent(i-19,(hnewBkg.GetBinContent(i) - hBkg_.GetBinContent(i))/ hBkg_.GetBinError(i)) #print hBkg_.GetBinError(i), hBkg_.GetBinContent(i)*0.05 #print i, " Pull2: ", Pull2.GetBinContent(i-19), "hnewBkg.GetBinContent(i-1): " , hnewBkg.GetBinContent(i-1), "hBkg_.GetBinContent(i): ", hBkg_.GetBinContent(i) else: Pull.SetBinContent(i-19,0) Pull2.SetBinContent(i-19,(hnewBkg.GetBinContent(i-1) - hBkg_.GetBinContent(i))/ hBkg_.GetBinError(i)) Band.SetPoint(i,hBkg_.GetBinCenter(i),1.0) #print hBkg_.GetBinContent(i), hBkg_.GetBinError(i) up = abs ( 1.- ((hBkg_.GetBinContent(i) + hBkg_.GetBinError(i)) / hBkg_.GetBinContent(i))) down = abs ( 1.- ((hBkg_.GetBinContent(i) - hBkg_.GetBinError(i)) / hBkg_.GetBinContent(i))) Band.SetPointError(i,0.,0.,down,up) #Band.Print() pad = TPad("pad", "pad", 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0) pad.SetTopMargin(0.799999) pad.SetRightMargin(0.05) pad.SetBottomMargin(0.09) pad.SetFillColor(0) #pad.SetGridy(1) pad.SetFillStyle(0) pad.Draw("same") Ratio.SetMarkerStyle(20) Pull.SetMarkerStyle(20) Pull.SetLineColor(1) Pull.SetMarkerSize(0.9) #Pull.SetMaximum(3) #Pull.SetMinimum(-1) Pull.SetMaximum(2.5) Pull.SetMinimum(-2.5) Pull.GetYaxis().SetNdivisions(5,1); Pull.GetXaxis().SetTitle('S_{T} (GeV)') Pull.GetXaxis().SetLabelSize(0.04) Pull.GetYaxis().SetTitleOffset(1.05) Pull.GetYaxis().SetLabelSize(0.02) Pull.GetYaxis().SetTitleSize(0.025) Pull.GetYaxis().CenterTitle(1) Pull.GetYaxis().SetTitle('#sigma(Data-Bkg)') Pull.SetFillColor(2) Pull.Draw("HIST") Pull2.SetLineColor(862) Pull2.SetLineWidth(3) Pull2.SetLineStyle(2) #Pull2.Draw("SAME") formatUncertainty(Band) Band.SetFillStyle(3001) # Band.Draw("le3") # Pull.Draw("ex0same") pad.RedrawAxis() gStyle.SetOptStat(0) #block1 =TPaveText(0.370,0.84,0.351,0.86,"brNDC"); # for N>=2 and >=3 only #block1 =TPaveText(0.361,0.85,0.377,0.87,"brNDC"); #block1 =TPaveText(0.333,0.88,0.354,0.85,"brNDC") #for n = 2 only block1 =TPaveText(0.331,0.82,0.357,0.85,"brNDC"); #FOR n=3 only block1.SetFillColor(0) block1.Draw("plain") #block2 =TPaveText(0.305,0.84,0.333,0.86,"brNDC"); # for N>=2 and >=3 only #block2 =TPaveText(0.395,0.85,0.41,0.87,"brNDC"); #block2 =TPaveText(0.296,0.88,0.316,0.85,"brNDC"); for n =2 only block2 =TPaveText(0.295,0.82,0.317,0.85,"brNDC"); #FOR n=3 only block2.SetFillColor(0) block2.Draw("plain") if isExclusive: c.Print("ST_Mul%d.pdf" % N) c.Print("ST_Mul%d.png" % N) else: c.Print("ST_Mul%dup.pdf" % N) c.Print("ST_Mul%dup.png" % N) c.Update() raw_input("Press Enter to continue...")
def main(): from optparse import OptionParser parser = OptionParser() parser.add_option("-i", "--inputfile", dest="inputfile") parser.add_option("-N", "--multiplicity", dest="N", type="int", default=3) parser.add_option("-x", "--exclusive", action="store_true",\ dest="isExclusive", default=False) parser.add_option("-l", "--label", dest="label", type="string", default="") parser.add_option("-z", "--zeyneplabel", action="store_true", dest="zeynep", default=True) (options, args) = parser.parse_args() N = options.N isExclusive = options.isExclusive label_text = options.label zeynep = options.zeynep if isExclusive and not (N == 2 or N == 3): parser.error("Exclusive plot only for N =2 or 3") import configurations as config from ROOT import TFile, TCanvas, THStack, TLegend, TPaveText, gStyle, TPad, TH1F, TGraphAsymmErrors, TMath from ModelParser import ModelKey gStyle.SetPadTopMargin(0.05) gStyle.SetPadRightMargin(0.05) gStyle.SetPadBottomMargin(0.20) gStyle.SetErrorX(0.) suffix = "" if not isExclusive: suffix = "up" sm_files = [] for model in config.sm_models: f = TFile("%s/%s.root" % (config.sm_dir, model), "READ") sm_files.append(f) bh_weights = [] bh_files = [] from BHXsec import BHXsec xsec = BHXsec() for model in config.bh_showcase: f = TFile("%s/%s.root" % (config.bh_dir, model), "READ") bh_files.append(f) h = f.Get("plotsNoCut/ST") nEvents = h.GetEntries() bh_weights.append( xsec.get(model) / nEvents * config.integrated_luminosity) c = TCanvas("ST_Mul%d%s" % (N, suffix), "ST_Mul%d%s" % (N, suffix), 500, 600) hs = THStack() hs1 = THStack() infile = TFile(options.inputfile, "READ") hBkg = infile.Get("Background_N%d%s" % (N, suffix)) #hnewBkg = infile.Get("histoTemplateN3_0") hnewBkg = infile.Get("ReferenceTemplateN3_0") gBkg = infile.Get("BackgroundGraph_N%d%s" % (N, suffix)) hData = infile.Get("Data_N%d%s" % (N, suffix)) hBkg = infile.Get("Background_N%d%s" % (N, suffix)) hBkg.SetMarkerSize(0) hBkg_ = hBkg.Clone("BkgLine") hBkg.SetFillColor(33) hBkg.SetLineColor(33) hBkg_.SetLineWidth(3) hBkg_.SetLineColor(862) hs.Add(hBkg, "e3") hnewBkg.SetLineWidth(3) hnewBkg.Scale(10 * 3.407) hs.Add(hnewBkg, "l") legend = TLegend(0.2826613, 0.4819492, 0.6094355, 0.9416102) # - only for N >= 2 and 3 #legend = TLegend(0.3026613,0.5519492,0.6094355,0.9416102) # was 0.4919...zeynep #legend = TLegend(0.3526613,0.5519492,0.6094355,0.9416102) # was 0.4919... #legend.SetTextSize(0.041); #was 0.02966102 legend.SetTextSize(0.037) legend.SetTextFont(42) legend.SetFillColor(0) legend.SetLineColor(0) if isExclusive: legend.SetHeader("Multiplicity N = %d" % N) else: legend.SetHeader("Multiplicity N #geq %d" % N) legend.AddEntry(hData, "Data", "lep") #legend.AddEntry(hnewBkg, "N=3 Fit Rescaled","l") legend.AddEntry(hBkg_, "Background", "l") legend.AddEntry(hBkg, "Uncertainty", "f") legend_sm = TLegend(0.6471774, 0.7069492, 0.8508065, 0.8471186) # legend_sm = TLegend(0.6271774,0.7369492,0.8308065,0.8771186) # legend_sm.SetTextSize(0.037); legend_sm.SetTextSize(0.037) legend_sm.SetTextFont(42) legend_sm.SetFillColor(0) legend_sm.SetLineColor(0) for i, f in enumerate(bh_files): h = f.Get("plotsN%d%s/ST" % (N, suffix)) h.Rebin(config.rebin) h.Scale(bh_weights[i]) # Add background for ibin in range(h.GetNbinsX()): h.SetBinContent(ibin+1,\ h.GetBinContent(ibin+1)\ + hBkg.GetBinContent(ibin+1)) h.SetLineWidth(3) #h.SetLineColor(i+2) h.SetLineStyle(i + 2) #if i == 0: #h.SetLineColor(814) if i == 0: h.SetLineStyle(5) h.SetLineColor(899) if i == 1: h.SetLineStyle(9) h.SetLineColor(4) if i == 2: h.SetLineStyle(3) h.SetLineColor(614) hs.Add(h, "hist") model = ModelKey(config.bh_showcase[i]) bh_legend = "M_{D} = %.1f TeV, M_{BH}^{ min} = %.1f TeV, n = %d" % (\ model.parameter["MD"], model.parameter["M"], model.parameter["n"]) if i == 3: bh_legend = "M_{D} = 3.0 TeV, M_{QBH}^{ min} = 4.0 TeV, n = 4" legend.AddEntry(h, bh_legend, "l") # qbh_legend = "M_{D} = 4.0 TeV, M_{QBH}^{ min} = 5.0 TeV, n = 5" # legend.AddEntry(h, qbh_legend, "l") #if isExclusive: zeynep = True if zeynep: for i, f in enumerate(sm_files): h = f.Get("plotsN%d%s/ST" % (N, suffix)) h.Rebin(config.rebin) h.Scale(config.integrated_luminosity) h.SetFillColor(config.sm_colors[i]) h.SetLineColor(config.sm_colors[i]) hs1.Add(h, "hist") legend_sm.AddEntry(h, config.sm_models[i], "f") #hs.Add(hData, "e") hs.Draw("nostack") hs1.Draw("same") c.SetLogy(1) hs.GetXaxis().SetTitle("S_{T} (GeV)") hs.GetYaxis().SetTitle(hData.GetYaxis().GetTitle()) hs.GetYaxis().SetTitleOffset(1.25) hs.GetYaxis().SetTitleSize(0.04) hs.GetYaxis().SetLabelSize(0.04) hs.GetXaxis().SetTitleSize(0.01) hs.GetXaxis().SetLabelSize(0.01) ibin = 0 #if isExclusive: # hs.GetXaxis().SetRangeUser(config.fit_range[0], config.maxST) # ibin = hData.FindBin(config.fit_range[0]) #else: # hs.GetXaxis().SetRangeUser(config.norm_range[0], config.maxST) # ibin = hData.FindBin(config.norm_range[0]) if isExclusive: hs.GetXaxis().SetRangeUser(1800, config.maxST) ibin = hData.FindBin(1800) else: hs.GetXaxis().SetRangeUser(config.norm_range[0], config.maxST) ibin = hData.FindBin(config.norm_range[0]) from Styles import formatUncertainty formatUncertainty(gBkg) gBkg.Draw("LX") hData.Draw("sameex0") hs.SetMinimum(5e-1) if isExclusive: hs.SetMaximum(1e7) # hs.SetMaximum(hData.GetBinContent(ibin) * 40) else: #hs.SetMaximum(1e8) hs.SetMaximum(hData.GetBinContent(ibin) * 20) # or 1e7 for N>=3 and use 4 models legend.Draw("plain") #if isExclusive: if zeynep: legend_sm.Draw("plain") if isExclusive: cmslabel = TPaveText(0.45, 0.96, 0.60, 0.99, "brNDC") else: cmslabel = TPaveText(0.45, 0.96, 0.60, 0.99, "brNDC") cmslabel.AddText(config.cmsTitle) #cmslabel.AddText(config.cmsSubtitle) cmslabel.SetFillColor(0) cmslabel.SetTextSize(0.041) cmslabel.Draw("plain") label = TPaveText(0.8891129, 0.8644068, 0.9435484, 0.9258475, "brNDC") label.SetFillColor(0) #label.SetTextSize(0.0529661); label.SetTextSize(0.0529661) label.AddText(label_text) label.Draw("plain") c.RedrawAxis() #Divide ibin = hData.FindBin(config.norm_range[0]) #print ibin fbin = hData.FindBin(config.maxST) #print fbin hData.Sumw2() hBkg_.Sumw2() Pull = TH1F("", "", fbin - ibin + 1, (ibin - 1) * 100, fbin * 100) Pull2 = TH1F("", "", fbin - ibin + 1, (ibin - 1) * 100, fbin * 100) Ratio = hData.Clone() Ratio.Add(hBkg_, -1) #Ratio.Divide(hBkg_) Band = TGraphAsymmErrors(fbin - ibin + 1) for i in range(ibin - 1, fbin + 1): i += 1 if hData.GetBinContent(i) != 0: value = hData.GetBinContent(i) + (hBkg_.GetBinError(i) * hBkg_.GetBinError(i)) #print Ratio.GetBinError(i), value**(0.5) #print i-19,i,(i)*100, hData.GetBinContent(i) , hBkg_.GetBinContent(i),hData.GetBinContent(i) - hBkg_.GetBinContent(i) Pull.SetBinContent( i - 19, (hData.GetBinContent(i) - hBkg_.GetBinContent(i)) / Ratio.GetBinError(i)) #print Ratio.GetBinError(i), abs(Ratio.GetBinContent(i))*0.05 #Pull.SetBinContent(i-19,(hData.GetBinContent(i) - hBkg_.GetBinContent(i))/ Ratio.GetBinError(i)) #Pull.SetBinContent(i-19,(hData.GetBinContent(i) / hBkg_.GetBinContent(i))) Pull.SetBinError(i - 19, Ratio.GetBinError(i)) #Pull.SetBinError(i-19,hData.GetBinError(i)/gBkg.GetErrorY(i)) if (hBkg_.GetBinContent(i) * 0.05 > hBkg_.GetBinError(i)): #print "bin error too small changing the error to: ", hBkg_.GetBinContent(i)*0.05 Pull2.SetBinContent( i - 19, (hnewBkg.GetBinContent(i) - hBkg_.GetBinContent(i)) / (hBkg_.GetBinContent(i) * 0.05)) else: Pull2.SetBinContent( i - 19, (hnewBkg.GetBinContent(i) - hBkg_.GetBinContent(i)) / hBkg_.GetBinError(i)) #print hBkg_.GetBinError(i), hBkg_.GetBinContent(i)*0.05 #print i, " Pull2: ", Pull2.GetBinContent(i-19), "hnewBkg.GetBinContent(i-1): " , hnewBkg.GetBinContent(i-1), "hBkg_.GetBinContent(i): ", hBkg_.GetBinContent(i) else: Pull.SetBinContent(i - 19, 0) Pull2.SetBinContent( i - 19, (hnewBkg.GetBinContent(i - 1) - hBkg_.GetBinContent(i)) / hBkg_.GetBinError(i)) Band.SetPoint(i, hBkg_.GetBinCenter(i), 1.0) #print hBkg_.GetBinContent(i), hBkg_.GetBinError(i) up = abs(1. - ((hBkg_.GetBinContent(i) + hBkg_.GetBinError(i)) / hBkg_.GetBinContent(i))) down = abs(1. - ((hBkg_.GetBinContent(i) - hBkg_.GetBinError(i)) / hBkg_.GetBinContent(i))) Band.SetPointError(i, 0., 0., down, up) #Band.Print() pad = TPad("pad", "pad", 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0) pad.SetTopMargin(0.799999) pad.SetRightMargin(0.05) pad.SetBottomMargin(0.09) pad.SetFillColor(0) #pad.SetGridy(1) pad.SetFillStyle(0) pad.Draw("same") Ratio.SetMarkerStyle(20) Pull.SetMarkerStyle(20) Pull.SetLineColor(1) Pull.SetMarkerSize(0.9) #Pull.SetMaximum(3) #Pull.SetMinimum(-1) Pull.SetMaximum(2.5) Pull.SetMinimum(-2.5) Pull.GetYaxis().SetNdivisions(5, 1) Pull.GetXaxis().SetTitle('S_{T} (GeV)') Pull.GetXaxis().SetLabelSize(0.04) Pull.GetYaxis().SetTitleOffset(1.05) Pull.GetYaxis().SetLabelSize(0.02) Pull.GetYaxis().SetTitleSize(0.025) Pull.GetYaxis().CenterTitle(1) Pull.GetYaxis().SetTitle('#sigma(Data-Bkg)') Pull.SetFillColor(2) Pull.Draw("HIST") Pull2.SetLineColor(862) Pull2.SetLineWidth(3) Pull2.SetLineStyle(2) #Pull2.Draw("SAME") formatUncertainty(Band) Band.SetFillStyle(3001) # Band.Draw("le3") # Pull.Draw("ex0same") pad.RedrawAxis() gStyle.SetOptStat(0) #block1 =TPaveText(0.370,0.84,0.351,0.86,"brNDC"); # for N>=2 and >=3 only #block1 =TPaveText(0.361,0.85,0.377,0.87,"brNDC"); #block1 =TPaveText(0.333,0.88,0.354,0.85,"brNDC") #for n = 2 only block1 = TPaveText(0.331, 0.82, 0.357, 0.85, "brNDC") #FOR n=3 only block1.SetFillColor(0) block1.Draw("plain") #block2 =TPaveText(0.305,0.84,0.333,0.86,"brNDC"); # for N>=2 and >=3 only #block2 =TPaveText(0.395,0.85,0.41,0.87,"brNDC"); #block2 =TPaveText(0.296,0.88,0.316,0.85,"brNDC"); for n =2 only block2 = TPaveText(0.295, 0.82, 0.317, 0.85, "brNDC") #FOR n=3 only block2.SetFillColor(0) block2.Draw("plain") if isExclusive: c.Print("ST_Mul%d.pdf" % N) c.Print("ST_Mul%d.png" % N) else: c.Print("ST_Mul%dup.pdf" % N) c.Print("ST_Mul%dup.png" % N) c.Update() raw_input("Press Enter to continue...")