Пример #1
    def __init__(self):
        '''Initializes the backend manager.

        .. py:attribute:: state

        The :py:class:`BackendManager`'s current state.

        .. py:attribute:: state_lock

        Recursive lock to mediate access to :py:attr:`state`.

        .. py:attribute:: action_lock

        Hard lock to serialize backend life cycle actions. This lock is acquired while initializing and shutting down
        the backend.

        .. py:attribute:: src_inspector

        The source inspector object, :py:class:`Inspector`.

        .. py:attribute:: current_backend_name

        The name of the current backend. This starts out as the default backend's name, but can be changed to a different
        backend name.

        .. py:attribute:: possible_backends

        Filtered list of backend names. This is a subset of the *backends* settings, filtered on whether the backend's *type*
        is avaiable. For example, if *hsdev* is not installed (not available), then none of the *hsdev* backend names are
        possible (and not in this list).

        .. py:attribute:: project_cache

        A mapping between project names and files associated with each project.
        BackendManager.ACTIVE_BACKEND = Backend.NullHaskellBackend(self)
        self.state = self.INITIAL
        self.state_lock = threading.RLock()
        self.action_lock = threading.Lock()
        self.src_inspector = Inspector.Inspector(BackendManager.ACTIVE_BACKEND)
        self.current_backend_name = BackendManager.ACTIVE_BACKEND.backend_name(
        self.possible_backends = {}
        self.project_cache = {}
Пример #2
 def set_backend(self, new_backend):
     BackendManager.ACTIVE_BACKEND = new_backend
     with Inspector.Inspector(new_backend) as insp:
         self.src_inspector = insp