Пример #1
def mytest(input_text, want_out, msg):
    global py_prog
    process = subprocess.Popen(
        ['python3', py_prog, '-'],
        shell=False, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE
    process.stdin.write(bytes(input_text, 'utf_8'))
    got_out = process.stdout.read().decode('utf-8')

    if not ok(_normalize_lf(got_out) == _normalize_lf(want_out), msg):
        diag("Received [[[%s]]]" % (got_out))
Пример #2
    def test_befs_weights(self, name, string, weights):

        # TEST:$test_befs=$test_befs+$set_befs;
        self._set_befs_weights(name, string)

        for idx in range(0, self.NUM_BEFS_WEIGHTS):
            top = bottom = weights[idx]
            # floating-point values.
            if (top != int(top) + 0.0):
                top = top + 1e-6
                bottom = bottom - 1e-6

            have = self.get_befs_weight(self.user, idx)
            # TEST:$test_befs=$test_befs+$num_befs_weights;
            if (not ok((bottom <= have) and (have <= top),
                       name + " - Testing Weight No. " + str(idx))):
                diag("Should be: [" + str(bottom) + "," + str(top) + "] ; " +
                     "Is: " + str(have))
Пример #3
    def __init__(self):
        self.fcs = CDLL("../libfreecell-solver." +
                        ("dll" if (platform.system() == 'Windows') else "so"))

        self.user_alloc = self.fcs.freecell_solver_user_alloc
        self.user_alloc.restype = c_void_p
        self.u_get_num_times = self.fcs.freecell_solver_user_get_num_times_long
        self.u_get_num_times.restype = c_long
        prefix = 'freecell_solver_user'
        func = 'get_num_states_in_collection_long'
        self.get_num_states = self.fcs[prefix + '_' + func]
        self.get_num_states.restype = c_long
        self.user = c_void_p(self.user_alloc())
        diag("[Gnoom] self.user = <%s>" % self.user)

        self.get_befs_weight = self.fcs.fc_solve_user_INTERNAL_get_befs_weight

        self.get_befs_weight.restype = c_double
Пример #4
    def input_cmd_line(self, name, cmd_line_args):

        last_arg = c_int()
        error_string = c_char_p()
        known_params = c_char_p(None)
        opened_files_dir = create_string_buffer(32001)
        diag("opened_files_dir = <%s>" % opened_files_dir)

        if False:  # (platform.system() == 'Windows'):
            import sys

        cmd_line_args_tuple = tuple(cmd_line_args)

        prefix = 'freecell_solver_user_cmd_line'
        func = 'parse_args_with_file_nesting_count'

        self.fcs[prefix + '_' + func](
            self.user,  # instance
            len(cmd_line_args),    # argc
            ((c_char_p * len(cmd_line_args))(
                *tuple(bytes(s, 'UTF-8') for s in cmd_line_args_tuple)
            )),  # argv
            0,   # start_arg
            byref(known_params),  # known_params
            None,   # callback
            None,   # callback_context
            byref(error_string),  # error_string
            byref(last_arg),    # last_arg
            c_int(-1),  # file_nesting_count

        # TEST:$input_cmd_line++;
        is_ok(last_arg.value, len(cmd_line_args),
              name + " - assign weights - processed two arguments")
Пример #5
def eq_ok(have, want, blurb):
    ret = ok(have == want, blurb)
    if (not ret):
        diag("(have = '%s', want = '%s')" % (have, want))
    return ret
Пример #6
def check_sum(n, p, val):
    ret = pascal_sum(n, p)
    if not ok(ret == val, "pascal_sum(%d,%d)" % (n, p)):
        diag("got = %d ; expected = %d" % (ret, val))
Пример #7
def check_sum(n, p, val):
    ret = pascal_sum(n, p)
    if not ok(ret == val, "pascal_sum(%d,%d)" % (n, p)):
        diag("got = %d ; expected = %d" % (ret, val))
Пример #8
def eq_ok(have, want, blurb):
    ret = ok(have == want, blurb)
    if (not ret):
        diag("(have = '%s', want = '%s')" % (have, want))
    return ret