Пример #1
def build_VF_propagation_backward(LT, t_b=0, t_e=200, neighb_size=20, dist_max=200, nb_proc = 8, Ws = [4, 1, 0]):
    ''' Main function that performs the backward propagation.
        The SVF is saved in LT.VF
            LT: lineageTree
            t_b: int, first time point to process (note that t_e < t_b since we are propagating backward)
            t_e: int, last time point to process
            neighb_size: int, number of neighbors to look at to build the neighborhood density
            dist_max: float, distance max from which a vector is considered.
                Notice that the value used is so big that in that case it does not discard any cell.
                This parameter is historical
            nb_proc: int, number of processes to run in parallel:
                1: no parallelisation
                negative number: as many as possible (default)
                1 < *nb*: *nb* parallel processes.
            Ws: [int, int, int], list of weights for the neighborhood
    if (not hasattr(LT, 'VF')) or LT.VF == None:
        LT.VF = lineageTree(None, None, None)
        starting_cells = LT.time_nodes[t_b]
        unique_id = 0
        LT.VF.time_nodes = {t_b: []}
        for C in starting_cells:
            i = LT.VF.get_next_id()

    gg_line = '\r%03d: GG done (%.2f s); '
    prop_line = 'P done (%.2f s); '
    add_line = 'Add done (%.2f s); '
    fusion_line = 'F done (%.2f s); '
    nb_cells_line = '#C: %06d'

    full_length = len(gg_line) + 3 + 5 +\
                  len(prop_line) + 5 +\
                  len(add_line) + 5 + \
                  len(fusion_line) + 5 + \
                  len(nb_cells_line) + 6

    for t in range(t_b, t_e, -1):
        tic = time()

        to_check_VF = LT.VF.time_nodes[t]
        idx3d, to_check_LT = LT.get_idx3d(t)
        LT.VF.time_nodes[t-1] = []
        Gabriel_graph = LT.get_gabriel_graph(t)
        GG_pred = LT.get_gabriel_graph(t-1) if t_e < t else {}
        GG_succ = LT.get_gabriel_graph(t+1) if t < t_b else {}

        gg_time = time() - tic
        tagged = set()
        cell_mapping_LT_VF = {}
        mapping = []
        for C in to_check_VF:
            C_LT = to_check_LT[idx3d.query(LT.VF.pos[C])[1]]
            cell_mapping_LT_VF.setdefault(C_LT, []).append(C)
            if not C_LT in tagged:
                C_LT_pred = set(LT.predecessor.get(C_LT, []))
                C_LT_pred_2 = set([ci for pred in LT.predecessor.get(C_LT, []) for ci in GG_pred.get(pred, set())])
                C_LT_succ = set(LT.successor.get(C_LT, []))
                C_LT_succ_2 = set([ci for succ in LT.successor.get(C_LT, []) for ci in GG_succ.get(succ, set())])
                N = list(Gabriel_graph.get(C_LT, set()))
                weight_mat = np.ones_like(N)
                N_pred = {n: LT.predecessor.get(n, []) for n in N}
                N_succ = {n: LT.successor.get(n, []) for n in N}
                for i, n in enumerate(N):
                    for n_predii in N_pred[n]:
                        if C_LT_pred.intersection(GG_pred.get(n_predii, set())):
                            W = Ws[0]
                        elif C_LT_pred_2.intersection(GG_pred.get(n_predii, set())):
                            W = Ws[1]
                            W = Ws[2]
                    for n_succii in N_succ[n]:
                        if C_LT_succ.intersection(GG_succ.get(n_succii, set())):
                            W += Ws[0]
                        elif C_LT_succ_2.intersection(GG_succ.get(n_succii, set())):
                            W += Ws[1]
                            W += Ws[2]
                    weight_mat[i] = W
                if (weight_mat == 0).all():
                    weight_mat[:] = 1
                mapping += [(C_LT, np.array(list(N)), dist_max, weight_mat)]

        out = []

        if nb_proc == 1:
            for params in mapping:
                out += [single_cell_propagation(params)]
            if nb_proc < 1:
                pool = Pool()
                pool = Pool(processes=nb_proc)
            out = pool.map(single_cell_propagation, mapping)
        for C_LT, med in out:
            for C_VF in cell_mapping_LT_VF[C_LT]:
                LT.VF.add_node(t-1, C_VF, LT.VF.pos[C_VF] + med, reverse = True)

        idx3d, to_check_LT = LT.get_idx3d(t-1)
        to_check_VF = LT.VF.time_nodes[t-1]

        sys.stdout.write('\b'*(full_length) + ' '*(full_length))
        sys.stdout.write(gg_line%(t, gg_time))

        sys.stdout.write(prop_line%(time() - tic))

        if not LT.spatial_density.has_key(to_check_LT[0]):
            LT.compute_spatial_density(t-1, t-1, neighb_size)

        idx3d, to_check_VF = LT.VF.get_idx3d(t-1)[:2]
        dist_to_VF, equivalence = idx3d.query([LT.pos[c] for c in to_check_LT], 1)
        tmp = np.array([dist_to_VF[i]/LT.spatial_density[c] for i, c in enumerate(to_check_LT)])
        to_add = [to_check_LT[i] for i in np.where(tmp>1.25)[0]]
        for C in to_add:
            LT.VF.add_node(t-1, None, LT.pos[C])

        sys.stdout.write(add_line%(time() - tic))

    LT.VF.t_b = t_e
    LT.VF.t_e = t_b

    return LT.VF
    Yb_f = interpolate.InterpolatedUnivariateSpline(times, Yb, k=1)
    Zb_f = interpolate.InterpolatedUnivariateSpline(times, Zb, k=1)
    Ti = np.arange(tb - 1, te + 2)
    barycenters_interp = dict(zip(Ti, zip(Xb_f(Ti), Yb_f(Ti), Zb_f(Ti))))

    return barycenters_interp, barycenters

if __name__ == '__main__':
    (path_LT, path_VF, path_mask, t, path_out_am, labels, DS, path_DB,
     path_div, path_bary, label_names, ani, invert) = read_param_file()
    if not os.path.exists(path_out_am):
    if not os.path.exists('.mask_images/'):
    VF = lineageTree(path_VF)
    tb = VF.t_b
    te = VF.t_e

    if path_bary is not None:
            barycenters, b_dict = get_barycenter(path_bary, tb, te)
        except Exception as e:
            print "Wrong file path to barycenter, please specify the path to the .csv file."
            print "The process will continue as if no barycenter were provided,"
            print "disabling the computation of the spherical coordinates"
            print "error raised: ", e
            path_bary = None

    im = imread(path_mask)
    for l in labels:
Пример #3
    if not os.path.exists(path_out):
    if not os.path.exists(path_out + 'Amira_SVF/'):
        os.makedirs(path_out + 'Amira_SVF/')
    if not os.path.exists(path_out + 'Amira_TGMM/'):
        os.makedirs(path_out + 'Amira_TGMM/')

    if p_TGMM is None or not os.path.exists(p_TGMM):
        files = [f for f in os.listdir(path_to_xml) if '.xml' in f]
        pos_time = len(os.path.commonprefix(files))
        times = [int(file.split('.')[0][pos_time:]) for file in files]
        if tb < 0:
            tb = min(times) + 10
        if te < 0:
            te = max(times) - 10
        LT_main = lineageTree(file_format = path_to_xml + '/GMEMfinalResult_frame%04d.xml',
                         tb = tb, te = te, z_mult = anisotropy)
        LT_main.to_binary(path_out + 'TGMM.bin')
        LT_main = lineageTree(file_format = p_TGMM)
        tb = LT_main.t_b
        te = LT_main.t_e
    LT = LT_main

    if not os.path.exists(path_out + 'GG.bin'):
        LT = LT_main
        tic = time()
        GG_to_bin(LT_main.Gabriel_graph, path_out + 'GG.bin')
        print 'Gabriel graph pre-processing:',  time() - tic
        LT_main.Gabriel_graph = GG_from_bin(path_out + 'GG.bin')