def add_tasks(): # Pop a window to add tasks add_tasks_window = Toplevel() add_tasks_window.title("Add Tasks") add_tasks_window.iconbitmap('icon.ico') add_tasks_window.geometry("335x350") # reponse = messagebox.showinfo("Successfully Added", "The tasks are added successfully!") calendar_image_add_tasks ="calendar.jpg") calendar_image_add_tasks = ImageTk.PhotoImage( calendar_image_add_tasks.resize((20, 20))) # Create add_task frame add_task_frame = LabelFrame(add_tasks_window, borderwidth=0) # Find current date and subjects date, subjects = Task.date_subject_finder("ToDoList.txt") subject_label_list = [] subject_entry_list = [] # Create labels and entries for user to input their tasks for i, subject in enumerate(subjects): label = Label(add_task_frame, text=subject, font=("Calibri", 14)) label.grid(row=i + 1, column=0, padx=(10, 30), sticky=W) subject_label_list.append(label) entry = Entry(add_task_frame, width=30) entry.grid(row=i + 1, column=1, sticky=W) subject_entry_list.append(entry) # Create date label current_date_label = Label(add_task_frame, text=f"Today is {date}", font=("Calibri", 14)) current_date_label.grid(row=0, column=0, columnspan=2) # Create today/tomorrow choice Button add_tasks_today_button = Button( add_task_frame, text="Add To Today", font=("Calibri", 12), command=lambda: add_tasks_today(subject_entry_list, add_tasks_window)) add_tasks_today_button.grid(row=len(subjects) + 1, column=0, pady=(10, 10)) add_tasks_tomorrow_button = Button( add_task_frame, text="Add To Another Day", command=lambda: add_tasks_tomorrow( subjects, add_task_frame, calendar_image_add_tasks, subject_entry_list, add_tasks_window), font=("Calibri", 12)) add_tasks_tomorrow_button.grid(row=len(subjects) + 1, column=1, pady=(10, 10)) add_task_frame.pack()
def complete_tasks_submit(listbox, object_list, window): selections = list(listbox.curselection()) # print (listbox.get(selections[0])) # print (object_list[selections[0]].name) dates, subjects = Task.date_subject_finder("ToDoList.txt") completed_object_list = [ object for i, object in enumerate(object_list) if i in selections and not in subjects ] Task.make_it_complete("ToDoList.txt", completed_object_list) window.destroy()
def add_tasks_tomorrow(subject_list, frame, image, subject_entry_list, window): global date_label, date_entry # Create date label and entry date_label = Label(frame, text="Date of The Day:", font=("Calibri", 12)) date_label.grid(row=len(subject_list) + 2, column=0, padx=(10, 14)) date_entry = Entry(frame, width=20) date_entry.grid(row=len(subject_list) + 2, column=1, sticky=W) # open the file to read the lines f = open("ToDoList.txt", "r") lines = f.readlines() f.close() date, subjects = Task.date_subject_finder("ToDoList.txt") # Find the uncompleted tasks from yesterday subject_index = 0 # Create a blank list to store the tasks that haven't been completed subject_uncompleted_tasks = [[]] * len(subjects) for line in lines: # Find date for instanciate task objects if "Date:" in line: date = line.split(": ")[1].strip("\n") # Update the uncompleted list elif subjects[subject_index] in line: tasks = Task.get_tasks_from_line(date, subjects[subject_index], line) uncompleted = [] for task in tasks: if task.completed == False: uncompleted.append( subject_uncompleted_tasks[subject_index] = uncompleted subject_index += 1 if subject_index == len(subjects): subject_index = 0 f = open("Settings.txt", "r+") lines = f.readlines() if lines[0].split(": ")[1] == "On": # Insert the uncompleted tasks into the entry for i, entry in enumerate(subject_entry_list): for index, task in enumerate(subject_uncompleted_tasks[i]): if index != len(subject_uncompleted_tasks[i]) - 1: entry.insert(END, task + ",") else: entry.insert(END, task) # Pop up a messagebox at the first time the user use this feature if lines[0].split(": ")[2].strip("\n") == "Ask": response = messagebox.askyesno( "Auto Add Notification", f'''Auto Add is turned on by default. Turn in off?\t (This message will not show up again)''') lines[0] = lines[0].replace("Ask", "Asked") if response == 1: lines[0] = lines[0].replace("On", "Off") # Not show up again for line in lines: f.write(line) f.close() # Craete a date selection button calendar_button = Button(frame, image=image, command=select_date) calendar_button.grid(row=len(subject_list) + 2, column=1, padx=(96, 0)) # Create a submit button add_task_tomorrow_submit_button = Button( frame, text="Submit", font=("Calibri", 12), command=lambda: add_task_tomorrow_submit(subject_entry_list, window)) add_task_tomorrow_submit_button.grid(row=len(subject_list) + 3, column=0, columnspan=2, pady=(10, 0))
def complete_tasks(): # pop a new window for completing tasks complete_tasks_window = Toplevel() complete_tasks_window.title("Complete Tasks") complete_tasks_window.iconbitmap('icon.ico') complete_tasks_window.geometry("335x350") # create a frame to display all the widgets complete_tasks_frame = LabelFrame(complete_tasks_window, borderwidth=0) # for changing background insert_count = 0 subject_row = [] with open("ToDoList.txt", "r") as f: lines = f.readlines() # find the latest date and all related tasks in that date latest_date, subjects = Task.date_subject_finder("ToDoList.txt") latest_date_list = [line for line in lines if latest_date in line] latest_date_index = lines.index(latest_date_list[0]) relevant_tasks = lines[latest_date_index + 1:latest_date_index + 1 + len(subjects)] relevant_tasks_object_list = [] # create a label for date date_label = Label( complete_tasks_frame, text=f"Today is {latest_date}\n Here is what you haven't completed", font=("Calibri", 12)) date_label.pack(pady=(5, 6)) # Create a scrollbar for the complete_tasks listbox complete_tasks_scrollbar = Scrollbar(complete_tasks_frame, orient=VERTICAL) # Create a listbox to display all the tasks complete_tasks_listbox = Listbox( complete_tasks_frame, width=50, height=12, yscrollcommand=complete_tasks_scrollbar, selectmode=MULTIPLE) # pack and configure the scollbar and the listbox complete_tasks_scrollbar.config(command=complete_tasks_listbox.yview) complete_tasks_scrollbar.pack(side=RIGHT, fill=Y) complete_tasks_listbox.pack(pady=(0, 6)) # iterate through lines in the latest date for index, line in enumerate(relevant_tasks): relevant_tasks_object_list.append(subjects[index]) tasks = Task.get_tasks_from_line(latest_date, subjects[index], line) complete_tasks_listbox.insert(END, f"{subjects[index]}") subject_row.append(insert_count) insert_count += 1 # display tasks line by line for task in tasks: if task.completed == False: relevant_tasks_object_list.append(task) complete_tasks_listbox.insert(END, f"{}") insert_count += 1 # change the colors for row_index in subject_row: complete_tasks_listbox.itemconfig(row_index, bg='#dcf1f7') complete_task_submit_button = Button( complete_tasks_frame, text="Complet Select Tasks", font=("Calibri", 12), command=lambda: complete_tasks_submit(complete_tasks_listbox, relevant_tasks_object_list, complete_tasks_window)) complete_task_submit_button.pack() complete_tasks_frame.pack()
def read_all_tasks(): read_all_tasks_window = Toplevel() read_all_tasks_window.title("Read Tasks") read_all_tasks_window.iconbitmap('icon.ico') read_all_tasks_window.geometry("370x480") # Create a frame in read all tasks window read_all_tasks_filter_frame = LabelFrame(read_all_tasks_window, borderwidth=0) # Add filter options date_selection = StringVar() date_list = Task.find_date("ToDoList.txt") date_list.append("All") # Create a drop down menu to select different date date_filter_dropdown = OptionMenu(read_all_tasks_filter_frame, date_selection, *date_list) date_selection.set(date_list[-1]) date_filter_dropdown.grid(row=1, column=1) # Create date Label (filter by date) date_label = Label(read_all_tasks_filter_frame, text="By Date", font=("Calibri", 12)) date_label.grid(row=0, column=1) completed_selection = StringVar() # Create a drop down menu to select different completion status completed_filter_dropdown = OptionMenu( read_all_tasks_filter_frame, completed_selection, *["Completed", "Not Completed", "All"]) completed_selection.set("All") completed_filter_dropdown.grid(row=1, column=2) # Create completed Label (filter by completed) completed_label = Label(read_all_tasks_filter_frame, text="By Completed", font=("Calibri", 12)) completed_label.grid(row=0, column=2) # find the latest day(not used) and all the subjects latest_date, subjects = Task.date_subject_finder("ToDoList.txt") var_list = [] # Create a list of variables to store the values for checkboxes for i in range(len(subjects)): var_list.append(IntVar()) # Create checkboxes for every subject for i, subject in enumerate(subjects): var = var_list[i] subject_check_button = Checkbutton(read_all_tasks_filter_frame, text=subject, variable=var) subject_check_button.grid(row=2 + i // 4, column=i % 4) # Create the apply button (apply the filter options) apply_button = Button( read_all_tasks_filter_frame, text="Apply", font=("Calibri", 12), command=lambda: redraw_listbox( [var.get() for var in var_list], subjects, date_selection.get(), completed_selection.get(), read_all_tasks_window)) apply_button.grid(row=3 + len(subjects) // 4, column=0, columnspan=4) # display the filter frame read_all_tasks_filter_frame.pack() # display all the tasks (before filter) with open("ToDoList.txt", "r") as f: read_all_tasks_listbox(read_all_tasks_window, f.readlines())