def main(): CMSStyle.setCMSEra(2018) xtitle = "p_{T}^{MET} [GeV]" hists = createhists(2) for ratio in [True,False]: # True plothist(xtitle,hists,ratio=ratio,logy=True,norm=False) for hor in ['','L','LL','R','RR','C','CL','CR']: for ver in ['','T','TT','B','BB','M']: pos = (hor+'-'+ver).strip('-') plothist(xtitle,hists,ratio=ratio,logy=True,norm=False,pos=pos) deletehist(hists)
def testposition(): """Test positioning of drawlegend.""" xtitle = "p_{T}^{MET} [GeV]" hists = createhists(2) for ratio in [False]: # True plothist(xtitle, hists, ratio=ratio, logy=True, norm=False) for hor in ['', 'L', 'LL', 'R', 'RR', 'C', 'CL', 'CR']: for ver in ['', 'T', 'TT', 'B', 'BB', 'M']: pos = (hor + '-' + ver).strip('-') plothist(xtitle, hists, ratio=ratio, logy=True, norm=False, pos=pos) deletehist(hists)
def testwidth(): """Test automatic width of drawlegend.""" xtitle = "p_{T}^{MET} [GeV]" entries = [ "short", "Z -> tautau", "Z #rightarrow #tau_{h}tau_{h}", "p_{T} > 20 GeV, |#eta| < 2.5", "p_{T} > 20 GeV, 2.5 < |#eta| < 4.7", "this is medium long", "this is a very long legend entry", "this is a very long Z -> tautau", "line one\nline two", ] hists = createhists(2) for i, entry in enumerate(entries): tag = "_width%d" % (i) hists[0].SetTitle(entry) plothist(xtitle, hists, ratio=False, logy=True, norm=False, tag=tag) #,pos='R' deletehist(hists)
def createinputs(fname, sampleset, observables, bins, **kwargs): """Create histogram inputs in ROOT file for datacards. fname: filename pattern of ROOT file sampleset: SampleSet object observables: list of Variables objects bins: list of Selection objects """ #LOG.header("createinputs") outdir = kwargs.get('outdir', "") tag = kwargs.get('tag', "") # file tag htag = kwargs.get('htag', "") # hist tag for systematic filters = kwargs.get('filter', None) # only create histograms for these processes vetoes = kwargs.get('veto', None) # veto these processes parallel = kwargs.get('parallel', True) # MultiDraw histograms in parallel recreate = kwargs.get('recreate', False) # recreate ROOT file replaceweight = kwargs.get('replaceweight', None) # replace weight extraweight = kwargs.get('weight', "") # extraweight shiftQCD = kwargs.get('shiftQCD', 0) # e.g 0.30 for 30% verbosity = kwargs.get('verb', 0) option = 'RECREATE' if recreate else 'UPDATE' method = 'QCD_OSSS' if filters == None or 'QCD' in filters else None method = kwargs.get('method', method) # FILE LOGISTICS: prepare file and directories files = {} ensuredir(outdir) fname = os.path.join(outdir, fname) for obs in observables: obsname = obs.filename ftag = tag + obs.tag fname_ = repkey(fname, OBS=obsname, TAG=tag) file = TFile.Open(fname_, option) if recreate: print ">>> created file %s" % (fname_) for selection in bins: if not obs.plotfor(selection): continue obs.changecontext(selection) ensureTDirectory(file, selection.filename, cd=True, verb=verbosity) if recreate: string = joincuts(selection.selection, obs.cut) TNamed("selection", string).Write( ) # write exact selection string to ROOT file for the record / debugging #TNamed("weight",sampleset.weight).Write() LOG.verb( "%s selection %r: %r" % (obsname,, string), verbosity, 1) files[obs] = file # GET HISTS for selection in bins: bin = selection.filename # bin name print ">>>\n>>> " + color( " %s " % (bin), 'magenta', bold=True, ul=True) if htag: print ">>> systematic uncertainty: %s" % (color( htag.lstrip('_'), 'grey')) if recreate or verbosity >= 1: print ">>> %r" % (selection.selection) hists = sampleset.gethists(observables, selection, method=method, split=True, parallel=parallel, filter=filters, veto=vetoes) # SAVE HIST ljust = 4 + max(11, len(htag)) # extra space TAB = LOG.table("%10.1f %10d %-18s %s") TAB.printheader('events', 'entries', 'variable', 'process'.ljust(ljust)) for obs, hist in hists.iterhists(): name = lreplace(hist.GetName(), obs.filename).strip( '_') # histname = $VAR_$NAME (see Sample.gethist) if not name.endswith(htag): name += htag # HIST = $PROCESS_$SYSTEMATIC name = repkey(name, BIN=bin) drawopt = 'E1' if 'data' in name else 'EHIST' lcolor = kBlack if any( s in name for s in ['data', 'ST', 'VV']) else hist.GetFillColor() hist.SetOption(drawopt) hist.SetLineColor(lcolor) hist.SetFillStyle(0) # no fill in ROOT file hist.SetName(name) hist.GetXaxis().SetTitle(obs.title) for i, yval in enumerate(hist): if yval < 0: print ">>> replace bin %d (%.3f<0) of %r" % ( i, yval, hist.GetName()) hist.SetBinContent(i, 0) files[obs].cd(bin) # $FILE:$BIN/$PROCESS_$SYSTEMATC hist.Write(name, TH1.kOverwrite) TAB.printrow(hist.GetSumOfWeights(), hist.GetEntries(), obs.printbins(), name) deletehist(hist) # clean memory # CLOSE for obs, file in files.iteritems(): file.Close()