Пример #1
 def blind(self,bmin=None,bmax=None,**kwargs):
   """Return selection string that blinds some window (bmin,bmax),
   making sure the cuts match the bin edges of some (nbins,xmin,xmax) binning."""
   verbosity = LOG.getverbosity(self,kwargs)
   if bmin==None:
     bmin = self.blindcuts[0]
   if bmax<bmin:
     bmax, bmin = bmin, bmax
   LOG.insist(bmax>bmin,'Variable.blind: "%s" has window a = %s <= %s = b !'%(self._name,bmin,bmax))
   blindcut = ""
   xlow, xhigh = bmin, bmax
   nbins, xmin, xmax = self.nbins, self.min, self.max
   if self.hasvariablebins():
     bins = self.bins
     for xval in bins:
       if xval>bmin: break
       xlow = xval
     for xval in reversed(bins):
       if xval<bmax: break
       xhigh = xval
     binwidth   = float(xmax-xmin)/nbins
     if xmin<bmin<xmax:
       bin, rem = divmod(bmin-xmin,binwidth)
       xlow     = bin*binwidth
     if xmin<bmax<xmax:
       bin, rem = divmod(bmax-xmin,binwidth)
       if rem>0:
         bin   += 1
       xhigh    = bin*binwidth
   blindcut = "(%s<%s || %s<%s)"%(self.name,xlow,xhigh,self.name)
   LOG.verb('Variable.blind: blindcut = "%s" for a (%s,%s) window and (%s,%s,%s) binning'%(blindcut,bmin,bmax,nbins,xmin,xmax),verbosity,2) 
   return blindcut
Пример #2
 def getedge(self,i):
   """Get edge. 0=first edge, nbins+1=last edge"""
   LOG.insist(i>=0,"getedge: Number of bin edge has to be >= 0! Got: %s"%(i))
   LOG.insist(i<=self.nbins+1,"getedge: Number of bin edge has to be <= %d! Got: %s"%(self.nbins+1,i))
   if self.hasvariablebins():
     return self.bins[i]
   return self.min+i*(self.max-self.min)/self.nbins
Пример #3
 def __init__(self, name, *args, **kwargs):
     strings = [a for a in args if isinstance(a, str)]
     self.name = name
     self.name_ = name  # backup for addoverflow
     self.title = strings[0] if strings else self.name
     self.filename = makefilename(self.name.replace('/', '_'))
     self.title = kwargs.get('title', self.title)  # for plot axes
     self.filename = kwargs.get('fname', self.filename)
     self.filename = kwargs.get('filename',
                                self.filename)  # name for files, histograms
     self.filename = self.filename.replace('$NAME', self.name).replace(
         '$VAR', self.name)  #.replace('$FILE',self.filename)
     self.tag = kwargs.get('tag', "")
     self.units = kwargs.get('units', True)  # for plot axes
     self.latex = kwargs.get('latex', True)  # for plot axes
     self.nbins = None
     self.min = None
     self.max = None
     self.bins = None
     self.cut = kwargs.get('cut', "")  # extra cut when filling histograms
     self.weight = kwargs.get(
         'weight', "")  # extra weight when filling histograms (MC only)
     self.dataweight = kwargs.get(
         'dataweight', "")  # extra weight when filling histograms for data
     self.dividebins = kwargs.get('dividebins', self.hasvariablebins(
     ))  # divide each histogram bins by it bin size (done in Plot.draw)
     self.data = kwargs.get('data', True)  # also draw data
     self.flag = kwargs.get('flag', "")  # flag, e.g. 'up', 'down', ...
     self.binlabels = kwargs.get('labels', [])  # bin labels for x axis
     self.ymin = kwargs.get('ymin', None)
     self.ymax = kwargs.get('ymax', None)
     self.rmin = kwargs.get('rmin', None)
     self.rmax = kwargs.get('rmax', None)
     self.ratiorange = kwargs.get('rrange', None)
     self.logx = kwargs.get('logx', False)
     self.logy = kwargs.get('logy', False)
     self.ymargin = kwargs.get(
         'ymargin', None)  # margin between hist maximum and plot's top
     self.logyrange = kwargs.get(
         'logyrange', None)  # log(y) range from hist maximum to ymin
     self.position = kwargs.get('pos', "")  # legend position
     self.position = kwargs.get('position',
                                self.position)  # legend position
     self.ncols = kwargs.get('ncol', None)  # number of legend columns
     self.ncols = kwargs.get('ncols',
                             self.ncols)  # number of legend columns
     #self.plot         = kwargs.get('plots',       True          )
     self.only = kwargs.get('only', [])  # only plot for these patterns
     self.veto = kwargs.get('veto', [])  # do not plot for these patterns
     self.blindcuts = kwargs.get('blind',
                                 "")  # string for blind cuts to blind data
     self.addoverflow_ = kwargs.get('addoverflow',
                                    False)  # add overflow to last bin
     if self.latex:
         self.title = makelatex(self.title, units=self.units)
         if 'ctitle' in kwargs:
             for ckey, title in kwargs['ctitle'].iteritems():
                 kwargs['ctitle'][ckey] = makelatex(title)
     if self.only:
         self.only = ensurelist(self.only)
     if self.veto:
         self.veto = ensurelist(self.veto)
     if self.binlabels and len(self.binlabels) < self.nbins:
         LOG.warning("Variable.init: len(binlabels)=%d < %d=nbins" %
                     (len(self.binlabels), self.nbins))
     if self.addoverflow_:
     if islist(self.blindcuts):
             len(self.blindcuts) == 2,
             "Variable.init: blind cuts must be a string, or a pair of floats! Got: %s"
             % (self.blindcuts, ))
         self.blindcuts = self.blind(*self.blindcuts)
     self.ctxtitle = getcontext(kwargs,
                                regex=True)  # context-dependent title
     self.ctxbins = getcontext(kwargs, args, key='cbins',
                               regex=True)  # context-dependent binning
     self.ctxposition = getcontext(kwargs,
                                   regex=True)  # context-dependent position
     self.ctxblind = getcontext(
         kwargs, self.blindcuts, key='cblind',
         regex=True)  # context-dependent blind limits
     self.ctxymargin = getcontext(kwargs,
                                  regex=True)  # context-dependent ymargin
     self.ctxcut = getcontext(kwargs, self.cut, key='ccut',
                              regex=True)  # context-dependent cuts
     self.ctxweight = getcontext(kwargs,
                                 regex=True)  # context-dependent cuts