def addUserSession(email, password): conn = initializeLoginDB() c = conn.cursor() dataInsert = (str(email), str(password)) sql = '''SELECT * FROM loginInfo WHERE screenName = ? AND password = ?''' row = c.execute(sql, dataInsert).fetchone() try: x = 1 custID = row[0] while x == 1: sessKey = random.randint(10000, 10000000) x = checkForExistingSess(c, sessKey) sql = '''INSERT INTO loginSessions VALUES (?, ?, ?);''' dataInsert = (sessKey, custID, currTime()) c.execute(sql, dataInsert) conn.commit() c.close() return sessKey except KeyError: c.close() addUserSession(email, password) except Exception: traceback.print_exc() c.close() return 0
def addItem(sessKey): try: conn = initializeDb(getCustIdFromSessKey(sessKey)) r = itemData = json.loads(r) print(itemData) try: itemData = itemData["message"] except Exception: traceback.print_exc() print(itemData) uId = itemData['uId'] itemNumber = itemData['itemNumber'] initTime = currTime() creatorId = 0 lifeTime = getLifetime(conn, int(itemNumber)) x = addLabelToTable(conn, uId, itemNumber, lifeTime, initTime, creatorId) if x: print('success') else: print('failure') return 'success' except Exception: traceback.print_exc() return 'error'
def getLifeRemaining(self): lifeRemaining = (self.initTime + self.lifetime * 60 - currTime()) return lifeRemaining
def getLifeRemaining(self): lifeRemaining = ((60 * self.lifetime) - int(currTime() - (self.initTime))) / 60 return lifeRemaining
def runInterface(empIdNo=0, custIdNumber=0): custNo = custIdNumber if not custNo: custNo = login() conn = initializeDb(custNo) c = conn.cursor() c.execute("PRAGMA busy_timeout = 10000") c.close() empId = empIdNo if not empId: empId = input("What is your ID number? ") else: pass pathSelector = input( "1: Add Item, 2: Delete Item, 3: View Item, 4: View All Items, 5: View All Items Of Type 6: Admin, 7: Exit " ) if pathSelector == 1: name = raw_input("Food Type? ") name = name.lower() try: itemNumber = int(findItemNumber(conn, name)) itemLife = int(getLifetime(conn, itemNumber)) uId = input("Label Number?") time = currTime() x = addLabelToTable(conn, uId, itemNumber, itemLife, time, empId) if not x: print("Failure") else: print("Item Added") except Exception: print("Food type not in database. Add food type from Admin menu.") if pathSelector == 2: labelNo = input("Enter label number to delete: ") delLabelFromTable(conn, labelNo) if pathSelector == 3: try: labelNo = input("Enter label number to view: ") label = selLabelFromTable(conn, labelNo) label.printLabel(conn) except Exception: print("Label Number Not In Database") if pathSelector == 4: printAllLables(conn) if pathSelector == 5: name = raw_input("Food Type? ") name = name.lower() try: itemNumber = int(findItemNumber(conn, name)) except Exception: print("Food type not in database. Add food type from Admin menu.") printAllLablesOfType(conn, itemNumber) if pathSelector == 6: pathSelector = input( "1: Add New Food Type, 2: Delete Food Type, 3: List All Food Types 4: Add Employee, 5: Remove Employee, 5: Back " ) if pathSelector == 1: name = raw_input("Food Type? ") name = name.lower() itemLife = 0 itemLife += 720 * input( "Enter number of months for which this item can be kept: ") itemLife += 24 * input( "Enter number of days for which this item can be kept: ") itemLife += input( "Enter number of hours for which this item can be kept: ") print(itemLife) itemLife = int(itemLife) x = item(name, getNewItemNumber(conn), itemLife) itemId = x.itemNumber addItemToTable(conn, itemId, name, itemLife) if pathSelector == 2: stringArg = raw_input( "Enter the name of the food type you would like to delete: ") stringArg = stringArg.lower() itemNum = findItemNumber(conn, stringArg) delItemFromTable(conn, itemNum) if pathSelector == 3: printAllItems(conn) if pathSelector == 4: pass if pathSelector == 5: pass if pathSelector == 7: custNo = 0 runInterfaceRec(empId, custNo)