Пример #1
    def filter(self, ast):
        """ Find the declaration of the """
        id_node = None
        if self.func_call.name.name in self.ignore_names:
            raise IgnoreMutationException('This function is already implemented on CUDA')
            # ast.show()
 #          from Tools.Debug import DotDebugTool
 #          DotDebugTool().apply(self.func_call)
            decl = decl_of_id(self.func_call.name, ast)
            if hasattr(decl, 'storage') and 'extern' in decl.storage:
#                print "********************"
#                print dir(decl)
#                decl.show()
#                print "********************"
                print " *** Cannot use external declarations inside kernel *** "
                print " Decl : " + decl.name
                raise FilterError("Cannot use external declarations inside kernel")
            af = FuncDeclOfNameFilter(name = self.func_call.name)
            id_node = af.apply(ast)
#            print " Declaration " + str(self.func_call.name) + " is " + str(id_node) 
#            print " Definition " + str(id_node.parent.parent)
        except NodeNotFound:
            print " *** Node not found *** "
            return None
#        if isinstance(id_node.parent, c_ast.Decl):
        if isinstance(id_node.parent.parent, c_ast.FileAST):
            for elem in id_node.parent.parent.ext:
                if isinstance(elem, c_ast.FuncDef) and elem.decl.name == self.func_call.name:
                    return elem
            raise NodeNotFound(id_node)
            return id_node.parent.parent
Пример #2
    def _get_dict_from_clauses(self, clauses, ast, init=None):
        """ Return a dict of clauses from a list of OmpClause objects
              Example: [OmpClause('REDUCTION', ...), OmpClause('PRIVATE', ...)]
                 will return:  {'REDUCTION' : [....] , 'PRIVATE' : [...]}

            :return: dict with clauses
        clause_names = ["SHARED", "PRIVATE", "NOWAIT", "REDUCTION", "COPY_IN", "COPY_OUT"]
        clause_dict = {}
        if not init:
            clause_dict = self._clauses
        # Note: Each identifiers is a ParamList
        for elem in clauses:

            if not clause_dict.has_key(elem.name):
                clause_dict[elem.name] = []

            if elem.name in ["SHARED", "PRIVATE", "REDUCTION", "COPY_IN", "COPY_OUT"]:
                for id in elem.identifiers.params:
                    decl = decl_of_id(id, ast)
                    if not decl:
                        raise AbortMutationException(
                            " Declaration of " + id.name + " in " + elem.name + " clause could not be found "
                    # If a declaration with the same name is already stored, pass. Otherwise, append it to the list
                    for stored_decl in clause_dict[elem.name]:
                        if decl.name == stored_decl.name:
            elif elem.name == "NOWAIT":
                clause_dict[elem.name] = True

        for name in clause_names:
            if not clause_dict.has_key(name):
                clause_dict[name] = []

        if not init:
            self._clauses = clause_dict
        return clause_dict
Пример #3
    def mutatorFunction(self, ast, ompParallel_node):
        """ CUDA mutator, writes memory transfer operations for a parallel region
        from Backends.Cuda.Mutators.CM_llcNestedFor import CM_llcNestedFor
        from Backends.Cuda.Mutators.CM_OmpFor import CM_OmpFor

        threadprivate = []
        for elem in OmpThreadPrivateFilter().dfs_iter(ast):
            threadprivate.extend([decl_of_id(it, ast) for it in elem.identifiers.params])
        # print " Threadprivate : " + str(threadprivate)

        clause_dict = self._get_dict_from_clauses(ompParallel_node.clauses, ast)

        shared_params = clause_dict['SHARED']
        modified_shared_vars = clause_dict['COPY_OUT']
        copyin_shared_vars = clause_dict['COPY_IN']

        # If no copy clauses specified, default to shared params
        if len(copyin_shared_vars) == 0 and len(modified_shared_vars) == 0:
            modified_shared_vars = shared_params
            copyin_shared_vars = shared_params

        private_params = clause_dict['PRIVATE'] 
        nowait = clause_dict.has_key('NOWAIT')
        # If the parallel statement have declarations, they are private to the thread, so, we need to put them as params
        print " Parallel : " + str(ompParallel_node)
        if ompParallel_node.stmt.decls:
            private_params += ompParallel_node.stmt.decls

        # Loops inside parallel region (wired for now)
        CM_llcNestedFor(clause_dict, kernel_name = self.kernel_prefix + "_nestedLoopKernel").apply_all(ompParallel_node, ast)
        CM_OmpFor(clause_dict, kernel_name = self.kernel_prefix + "_loopKernel").apply_all(ompParallel_node, ast)

        ##################### Statement for cuda
        cuda_stmts = c_ast.Compound(stmts = [], decls = []);

        ##################### Cuda parameters on host

        ##################### Declarations

        declarations_subtree = self.buildParallelDeclarations(shared_node_list = copyin_shared_vars, ast = ast)
        InsertTool(subtree = declarations_subtree, position = "begin").apply(cuda_stmts, 'decls')

        # Initialization
#        initialization_subtree = self.buildInitialization(shared_vars = shared_params, ast = ast)
        InsertTool(subtree = self._parallel.stmt, position = "begin").apply(cuda_stmts, 'stmts')
#        InsertTool(subtree = initialization_subtree, position = "begin").apply(cuda_stmts, 'stmts')

        # Retrieve data
        retrieve_subtree = self.buildRetrieve(reduction_vars = [], modified_shared_vars = modified_shared_vars, ast = ast, shared_vars = copyin_shared_vars)
        InsertTool(subtree = retrieve_subtree, position = "end").apply(cuda_stmts, 'stmts')

        ##################### Support subtree
        ### Support has been moved to an external include file
        # support_subtree = self.buildSupport()
        # InsertTool(subtree = c_ast.Compound(stmts = support_subtree.stmts, decls = None), position = "end").apply(ast, 'ext')
        # InsertTool(subtree = c_ast.Compound(decls = support_subtree.decls, stmts = None), position = "begin").apply(ast, 'ext')
        print " *** You must include reduction_snippets.h after translation *** "

        ##################### Loop substitution 
        # Replace the entire pragma by a CompoundStatement with all the new statements
        # Note: The parent of Parallel is always a Pragma node
        ReplaceTool(new_node = cuda_stmts, old_node = self._parallel.parent).apply(self._parallel.parent.parent, 'stmts')