def do_cert(self, line): if SSL.check_cert_exist(line): cert = SSL.get_cert(line) keyusage = ["digitalSignature", "nonRepudiation", "keyEncipherment"] extendedkeys = [""] if SSL.cert_equal_to_key_and_extended_key(cert, keyusage, extendedkeys, strict=False): Config().config.set("ocsp", "cert", line) else: print "Certificate is not valid to use with OCSP Responder" else: profile = Render.select_profile() certid = Render.select_cert(profile=profile) Config().config.set("ocsp", "cert", certid) if Config().config.getboolean("ocsp", "enable") and len(Config().config.get("ocsp", "cert")) > 0: Daemons.start_daemon("ocsp") else: print "OCSP must be enable and valid certificate for responder must be present"
def show_cert(self, certid=None): list = [] if certid: rawmode = False if "_" in certid and certid.split("_")[1] == "raw": rawmode = True certid = certid.split("_")[0] i=0 for cert in SSL.get_all_certificates(): if certid == cert['id']: i = 1 SSL.display_cert(cert['cert']) if rawmode: print crypto.dump_certificate(crypto.FILETYPE_PEM, cert['cert']) if i == 0: print "*** Certificate not found" else: for cert in SSL.get_all_certificates(): state = SSL.get_state_cert(cert['cert']) list.append((cert['id'], SSL.get_x509_name(cert['cert'].get_subject()), state)) Render.print_table(('ID', 'Subject', 'State'), list)
def do_profile(self, line): if line: profile = line.split(' ')[0] else: profile = raw_input("Profile name : ") keys_usage = [] extended_keys = [] if Config().config.has_section("profile_" + profile): keys_usage = str(Config().config.get("profile_" + profile, "keyusage")).split('|') extended_keys = str(Config().config.get("profile_" + profile, "extended")).split('|') else: Config().config.add_section("profile_"+profile) keys_usage = Render.print_selector(SSL.get_key_usage(), keys_usage) extended_keys = Render.print_selector(SSL.get_extended_key_usage(), extended_keys) Config().config.set("profile_" + profile, "keyusage", '|'.join(keys_usage)) Config().config.set("profile_" + profile, "extended", '|'.join(extended_keys)) rep = raw_input("Use LDAP if enable to search subject (y/n) : ") if "y" in rep: filter = raw_input("LDAP Filter : ") Config().config.set("profile_" + profile, "ldap", filter) else: Config().config.set("profile_" + profile, "ldap", "false")
def do_create(self, line): profile = Render.select_profile() if profile: self.create_cert(profile)
def create_cert(self, profile): before = datetime.utcnow() after = before + timedelta(days=Config().config.getint("cert", "validity")) pkey = SSL.create_key(Config().config.getint("cert", "key_size")) ca = SSL.get_ca() cert = SSL.create_cert(pkey) if Config().config.get("ldap", "enable") and "false" not in Config().config.get("profile_" + profile, "ldap"): print "Search in LDAP" l = LDAP() filter = Config().config.get("profile_" + profile, "ldap") res = l.get_dn(l.get_basedn(), filter, ['cn', 'mail', 'uid']) listSearch = {} users = {} for elt in res: key = elt[0] val = elt[1]['cn'][0] mail = None if 'mail' in elt[1].keys(): mail = elt[1]['mail'][0] val = val + " (mail : " + elt[1]['mail'][0] + ")" listSearch.update({key: val}) users.update({key: {'mail': mail, 'cn': elt[1]['cn'][0]}}) nbr_select = 0 while nbr_select != 1: userList = Render.print_selector(listSearch) nbr_select = len(userList) email = users[userList[0]]['mail'] cn = users[userList[0]]['cn'] subject_array = userList[0].split(',') subject_array.reverse() subject_array.pop() subject = '/'.join(subject_array) + "/CN=" + cn else: cn = raw_input("Common Name : ") email = raw_input("Mail address : ") subject = Config().config.get("ca", "base_cn") + "/CN=" + cn subject_x509 = SSL.parse_str_to_x509Name(subject, cert.get_subject()) issuer_x509 = ca.get_subject() if email: subject_x509.emailAddress = email cert.set_subject(subject_x509) cert.set_issuer(issuer_x509) cert.set_notBefore(before.strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S%Z")+"Z") cert.set_notAfter(after.strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S%Z")+"Z") cert.set_serial_number(int(time() * 1000000)) cert.set_version(2) bsConst = "CA:FALSE" cert.add_extensions([ crypto.X509Extension("basicConstraints", True, bsConst), crypto.X509Extension("keyUsage", True, SSL.get_key_usage_from_profile(profile)), crypto.X509Extension("subjectKeyIdentifier", False, "hash", subject=cert), ]) cert.add_extensions([ crypto.X509Extension("authorityKeyIdentifier", False, "keyid:always", issuer=ca) ]) cert.add_extensions([ crypto.X509Extension("extendedKeyUsage", False, SSL.get_extended_key_usage_from_profile(profile)) ]) if Config().config.getboolean("crl", "enable"): crlUri = "URI:" + Config().config.get("crl", "uri") cert.add_extensions([ crypto.X509Extension("crlDistributionPoints", False, crlUri) ]) if Config().config.getboolean("ocsp", "enable"): ocspUri = "OCSP;URI:" + Config().config.get("ocsp", "uri") cert.add_extensions([ crypto.X509Extension("authorityInfoAccess", False, ocspUri) ]) cert_signed = SSL.sign(cert, SSL.get_ca_privatekey(), Config().config.get("cert", "digest")) SSL.set_cert(cert_signed) SSL.set_cert_privatekey(cert_signed, pkey) if Config().config.getboolean("ldap", "enable"): LDAP.add_queue(cert_signed)