def __init__(self, func, bounds, args=(),
                 strategy='best1bin', maxiter=1000, popsize=15,
                 tol=0.01, mutation=(0.5, 1), recombination=0.7, seed=None,
                 maxfun=np.inf, callback=None, disp=False, polish=True,
                 init='latinhypercube', atol=0,

                 wait_time=10, poll_time=3, topology = None

        if strategy in self._binomial:
            self.mutation_func = getattr(self, self._binomial[strategy])
        elif strategy in self._exponential:
            self.mutation_func = getattr(self, self._exponential[strategy])
            raise ValueError("Please select a valid mutation strategy")
        self.strategy = strategy

        self.callback = callback
        self.polish = polish

        self.island_marker = island_marker
        self.number_of_migrations = number_of_migrations
        self.key = key
        self.wait_time = wait_time
        self.poll_time = poll_time
        self.number_of_islands = number_of_islands
        if topology is None:
            self.topology = Topology.create_1_way_ring(number_of_islands=self.number_of_islands)

            self.topology = topology

        # relative and absolute tolerances for convergence
        self.tol, self.atol = tol, atol

        # Mutation constant should be in [0, 2). If specified as a sequence
        # then dithering is performed.
        self.scale = mutation
        if (not np.all(np.isfinite(mutation)) or
                np.any(np.array(mutation) >= 2) or
                np.any(np.array(mutation) < 0)):
            raise ValueError('The mutation constant must be a float in '
                             'U[0, 2), or specified as a tuple(min, max)'
                             ' where min < max and min, max are in U[0, 2).')

        self.dither = None
        if hasattr(mutation, '__iter__') and len(mutation) > 1:
            self.dither = [mutation[0], mutation[1]]

        self.cross_over_probability = recombination

        self.func = func
        self.args = args

        # convert tuple of lower and upper bounds to limits
        # [(low_0, high_0), ..., (low_n, high_n]
        #     -> [[low_0, ..., low_n], [high_0, ..., high_n]]
        self.limits = np.array(bounds, dtype='float').T
        if (np.size(self.limits, 0) != 2 or not
            raise ValueError('bounds should be a sequence containing '
                             'real valued (min, max) pairs for each value'
                             ' in x')

        if maxiter is None:  # the default used to be None
            maxiter = 1000
        self.maxiter = maxiter
        if maxfun is None:  # the default used to be None
            maxfun = np.inf
        self.maxfun = maxfun

        # population is scaled to between [0, 1].
        # We have to scale between parameter <-> population
        # save these arguments for _scale_parameter and
        # _unscale_parameter. This is an optimization
        self.__scale_arg1 = 0.5 * (self.limits[0] + self.limits[1])
        self.__scale_arg2 = np.fabs(self.limits[0] - self.limits[1])

        self.parameter_count = np.size(self.limits, 1)

        self.random_number_generator = check_random_state(seed)

        # default population initialization is a latin hypercube design, but
        # there are other population initializations possible.
        # the minimum is 5 because 'best2bin' requires a population that's at
        # least 5 long
        self.num_population_members = max(5, popsize * self.parameter_count)

        self.population_shape = (self.num_population_members,

        self._nfev = 0
        if isinstance(init, string_types):
            if init == 'latinhypercube':
            elif init == 'random':
                raise ValueError(self.__init_error_msg)

        self.disp = disp