def training(PolicyNetwork, epochs=10, eta=0.001, batch_size=5, error_function=0, file="dan_data_10", adaptive_rule='linear', sample_proportion=1, db=False, db_name="none", details=True): t = time.time() if not db: testset = TrainingDataSgfPass("dgs", file) init_error = PolicyNetwork.propagate_set(testset, db, adaptive_rule, error_function) else: [no, sett] = PolicyNetwork.extract_batches_from_db(db_name, batch_size, sample_proportion) testset = [no, sett] init_error = "TODO" # TODO do this. Problem: Sett might not contain all games (sample-prop!=1) if details: print("Propagation and import of the set took", np.round(time.time() - t, 3), "seconds.") print("Learning is done for", epochs, "epochs, with batch size", batch_size, ",eta", eta, ",error function number", error_function, "and with games given by the file ", file, ".") t = time.time() print("Learning in progress...") errors_by_epoch = PolicyNetwork.learn(testset, epochs, eta, batch_size, sample_proportion, error_function, db, db_name, adaptive_rule) if not db: testset = TrainingDataSgfPass("dgs", file) final_error = PolicyNetwork.propagate_set(testset, db, adaptive_rule, error_function) else: final_error = "TODO" # TODO do this if details: print("Finished learning.") print("Details on the results:") print('Initial Error:', init_error) print('Final Error:', final_error) print("Total time needed for training:", time.time() - t) print("Visualization:") plt.figure(0) plt.plot(range(0, len(errors_by_epoch)), errors_by_epoch) plt.title("Error in each epoch") plt.xlabel("epochs") plt.ylabel("Error") print("Error was measured with error function number", str(error_function)) return errors_by_epoch
def Learnsplit(self, trainingdata, eta, batch_size, stoch_coeff, error_function, trainingrate, error_tolerance, maxepochs): N = len(trainingdata.dic) splitindex = int(round(N*trainingrate)) trainingset, testset = TrainingDataSgfPass(), TrainingDataSgfPass() trainingset.dic = dict(list(trainingdata.dic.items())[:splitindex]) testset.dic = dict(list(trainingdata.dic.items())[splitindex:]) error = [error_tolerance+1] epochs = 0 while error[-1:][0] > error_tolerance and epochs < maxepochs: epochs += 1 self.Learn(trainingdata, 1, batch_size, stoch_coeff, error_function) error.append(self.PropagateSet(testset,error_function)) return [error,epochs]
def test3(): PN = PolicyNet() print("Hello there") #PN.LearnDB(dbName='dan_data_295_db', sample_proportion=0.01, eta_start=0.01, stoch_coeff=1,error_function=0) testset = TrainingDataSgfPass(folder="dgs", id_list='dan_data_295') print(len(testset.dic)) error = PN.PropagateSetAdaptive(testset) print("Error:", error)
def splitintobatches(self, trainingdata, batchsize): #splits trainingdata into batches of size batchsize N = len(trainingdata.dic) if batchsize > N: batchsize = N k = int(np.ceil(N/batchsize)) Batch_sets=[0]*k Batch_sets[0]=TrainingDataSgfPass() Batch_sets[0].dic = dict(list(trainingdata.dic.items())[:batchsize]) for i in range(k-1): Batch_sets[i]=TrainingDataSgfPass() Batch_sets[i].dic=dict(list(trainingdata.dic.items())[i*batchsize:(i+1)*batchsize]) Batch_sets[k-1]=TrainingDataSgfPass() Batch_sets[k-1].dic = dict(list(trainingdata.dic.items())[(k-1)*batchsize:N]) number_of_batchs = k return[number_of_batchs, Batch_sets]
def train_dict(layers=[9 * 9, 1000, 200, 9 * 9 + 1], filter_ids=[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7], batch_size=100, eta=0.001, err_fct=0, duration_in_hours=8, custom_save_name="none", adaptive_rule="logarithmic", regularization=0, momentum=0): print("This Script will generate a PolicyNet and train it for a certain time.") print("For this, Dictionaries are used. No DBs are involved.") print("") print("Info:") print("Layers ", layers) print("filter_ids ", filter_ids) print("batch_size", batch_size) print("eta", eta) print("err_fct", err_fct) print("duration_in_hours", duration_in_hours) print("custom_save_name", custom_save_name) print("adaptive_rule", adaptive_rule) print("Regularization parameter:", regularization) print("Momentum parameter:", momentum) print("") PN = PolicyNet(layers=layers, filter_ids=filter_ids) testset = TrainingDataSgfPass("dgs", "dan_data_10") print("Games have been imported from dan_data_10.") [number_of_batchs, batchs] = PN.splitintobatches(testset, batch_size) print("Split up into", number_of_batchs, "Batches with size", batch_size, ".") errors_by_epoch = [] init_error = PN.propagate_set(testset, False, adaptive_rule, err_fct) start = time.time() epoch = 0 print("Training process starts now. It will take ", duration_in_hours, " hours.") while time.time() - start < duration_in_hours * 60 * 60: t = time.time() errors_by_epoch.append(0) for i_batch in range(0, number_of_batchs): error_in_batch = PN.learn_batch(batchs[i_batch], eta, err_fct, False, adaptive_rule, True, regularization, momentum) errors_by_epoch[epoch] += error_in_batch errors_by_epoch[epoch] = errors_by_epoch[epoch] / number_of_batchs print("Epoch", epoch, "with error", errors_by_epoch[epoch]) print("Time needed for epoch in seconds:", np.round(time.time() - t)) epoch = epoch + 1 print("") if custom_save_name is "none": save_name = "weights"+str(duration_in_hours)+"hours"+"".join(str(x) for x in filter_ids)+"filtids"+epoch+"epochs" else: save_name = custom_save_name PN.saveweights(save_name) total_time = time.time() - start print("Total time taken for training:", total_time, "and epochs", epoch) print("Average time per epoch:", total_time / epoch) print("Initial error:", init_error) print("Final error:", errors_by_epoch[-1]) improvement = init_error - errors_by_epoch[-1] print("Total error improvement:", improvement) print("Error development: ", errors_by_epoch) print("Error reduction per second:", improvement / total_time) plt.plot(range(0, len(errors_by_epoch)), errors_by_epoch)
def test4(): PN = PolicyNet() PNA = PolicyNet() testset = TrainingDataSgfPass("dgs",range(10)) err=PN.PropagateSet(testset) errA=PNA.PropagateSetAdaptive(testset) print(err,errA) epochs=3 e1=PN.Learn(testset,epochs,0.01,10,1,0) print("first done") e2=PNA.Learn(testset,epochs,0.01,10,1,0) print(e1,e2) #test4()
def test2(): #passen PN = PolicyNet() testset = TrainingDataSgfPass("dgs",'dan_data_10') error=PN.Learn(testset,2) print("No batchs: error",error)
def test1(): PN = PolicyNet() testset = TrainingDataSgfPass("dgs",'dan_data_10') epochs=2 error_by_epoch = PN.Learn(testset,epochs) plt.plot(range(0,epochs),error_by_epoch)
'\n' + 'seconds per epoch: ' + str(seconds_per_epoch)) fclient.close() else: print('........................') print('Please choose another filename! This is already taken.') # Stefan: if your_name is "Stefan": # hier schreibe ich mein training rein print("halo I bims") training_program = 11 if training_program == 1: # Checking error on a testset, while training on a different set PN = PolicyNet() testset = TrainingDataSgfPass("dgs", "dan_data_10") trainingset = TrainingDataSgfPass("dgs", "dan_data_295") start = time.time() errors_by_training = [] while time.time() - start < 0.5 * 60 * 60: #half hour errors_by_epoch = PN.Learn(trainingset, 5, 0.01, 200, 0.8, 0) errors_by_training.append(errors_by_epoch) if training_program == 2: #standard batch Dan 10 trainingdata = TrainingDataSgfPass("dgs", "dan_data_10") batch_size = 100 eta = 0.01 stoch_coeff = 1 epochs = 20 error_function = 0 activation_function = 0