def to_tree_obj(self, spanning_tree, k, resp):
        """Computes a Tree object from the spanning tree. Categorical distributions are
        computed from the samples and responsibilities

            spanning_tree -- List of tuples (v_i, v_j weight)
            k             -- Index of tree we're updating
            resp          -- Responsibility matrix (num_samples, num_trees)

            Tree object with first vertex in the spanning tree as root and remaining nodes 
            organised as a Tree, each node with its MLE q distribution
        tree = Tree()
        tree.root = Node(0, [])
        tree.k = 2
        visit_list = [tree.root]
        remaining_nodes = spanning_tree

        while len(visit_list) != 0:# and len(remaining_nodes):
            tree.num_nodes += 1
            tree.num_leaves += 1
            cur_node = visit_list[0]
            # We're going to separate the remaining nodes in those that are connected
            # to the current and those that aren't
            connected = [edge for edge in remaining_nodes
                         if edge[0] == int( or edge[1] == int(]
            not_connected = [edge for edge in remaining_nodes
                         if edge[0] != int( and edge[1] != int(]

            # We create a Node for the connected nodes and add them as children to current node
            for edge in connected:
                other = edge[0] if edge[0] != int( else edge[1]
                child = Node(other, [])
                child.ancestor = cur_node
            visit_list = visit_list[1:] + cur_node.descendants
            remaining_nodes = not_connected # Keep only nodes that aren't connected yet

        # Now we built a tree. We traverse it again to set the correct node names and
        # categorical distributions
        visit_list = [tree.root]
        cont = 0
        while len(visit_list) != 0:
            cur_node = visit_list[0]
            # TODO: Why does it work if I dont't rename the nodes?
   = cont 
            cat = []
            if cur_node.ancestor == None:
                cat = [self.q_marginal(k,, 0, resp),
                       self.q_marginal(k,, 1, resp)]
                parent_idx = int(
                child_idx = int(
                for p in [0, 1]: # For possible values of parent
                    q_given_parent = [0, 0]
                    for c in [0, 1]: # For possible values of child
                        q_given_parent[c] = self.q(k, parent_idx, child_idx, p, c, resp)
                    q_given_parent /= self.q_marginal(k, parent_idx, p, resp)
            cont += 1
   = cat
            visit_list = visit_list[1:] + cur_node.descendants
        return tree