def make_phylip_seq_dist_mat(inseqs, alphabet, tmp_path = None): commands = "2\ny\n" with tmp_directory(dir=tmp_path, rm_dir=False) as r_path: with push_dir(r_path): with open('cmd_file', 'w') as cmd_handle: cmd_handle.write(commands) cmd_handle = open('cmd_file') with open('infile', 'w') as handle: trans_names = write_phylip_seqs(inseqs, handle, alphabet = alphabet) if alphabet == generic_protein: cmd = 'phylip protdist' elif alphabet == generic_dna: cmd = 'phylip dnadist' else: raise KeyError, 'Unknown alphabet.' cmd = shlex.split(cmd) try: check_call(cmd, stdin = cmd_handle) except: print r_path raise KeyError with open('outfile') as handle: dist_data = return trans_names, dist_data
def make_phylip_tree(dist_data, tmp_path = None): commands = "2\n3\ny\n" with tmp_directory(dir=tmp_path, rm_dir=True) as r_path: with push_dir(r_path): with open('cmd_file', 'w') as cmd_handle: cmd_handle.write(commands) cmd_handle = open('cmd_file') with open('infile', 'w') as handle: handle.write(dist_data) cmd = shlex.split('phylip neighbor') check_call(cmd, stdin = cmd_handle) with open('outtree') as handle: tree = dendropy.Tree.get_from_stream(handle, schema='newick') return tree
def make_pdf(input_notebook_path, output_pdf): """Converts a ipyp notebook to a pdf""" notebook_fname = input_notebook_path.rsplit(os.sep, 1)[-1] notebook_base = notebook_fname.rsplit('.', 1)[0] with tmp_directory() as tmp_path: with tmp_changedir(tmp_path): new_notebook_path = os.path.join(tmp_path, notebook_fname) new_tex_path = os.path.join(tmp_path, notebook_base+'.tex') new_pdf_path = os.path.join(tmp_path, notebook_base+'.pdf') shutil.copy(input_notebook_path, new_notebook_path) run_nbconvert(new_notebook_path) run_latex(new_tex_path) shutil.move(new_pdf_path, output_pdf)
def align_with_lastz(input_seqs, ref_seqs): """Aligns set of query sequences with a reference.""" with tmp_directory() as tmp_dir: seq_file = os.path.join(tmp_dir, "query.fasta") ref_file = os.path.join(tmp_dir, "ref.fasta") out_file = os.path.join(tmp_dir, "res.fasta") with open(seq_file, "w") as handle: fasta_writer(handle, input_seqs) with open(ref_file, "w") as handle: fasta_writer(handle, ref_seqs) call_lastz(seq_file, ref_file, out_file) with open(out_file) as handle: return list(SAMreader(handle))