Пример #1
class TestTFTPHandler(TriblerCoreTest):
    This class contains tests for the TFTP handler class.
    def setUp(self, annotate=True):
        yield TriblerCoreTest.setUp(self, annotate=annotate)
        self.handler = TftpHandler(None, None, None)

    def tearDown(self, annotate=True):
        yield TriblerCoreTest.tearDown(self, annotate=annotate)

    def test_download_file_not_running(self):
        Testing whether we do nothing if we are not running a session
        def mocked_add_new_session(_):
            raise RuntimeError("_add_new_session not be called")

        self.handler._add_new_session = mocked_add_new_session
        self.handler.download_file("test", "", 1234)

    def test_check_session_timeout(self):
        Testing whether we fail if we exceed our maximum amount of retries
        mock_session = MockObject()
        mock_session.retries = 2
        mock_session.timeout = 1
        mock_session.last_contact_time = 2
        self.handler._max_retries = 1

    def test_schedule_callback_processing(self):
        Testing whether scheduling a TFTP callback works correctly
        self.handler._callback_scheduled = True

    def test_cleanup_session(self):
        Testing whether a tftp session is correctly cleaned up
        self.handler._session_id_dict["c"] = 1
        self.handler._session_dict = {"abc": "test"}
        self.assertFalse('c' in self.handler._session_id_dict)

    def test_data_came_in(self):
        Testing whether we do nothing when data comes in and the handler is not running
        def mocked_process_packet(_dummy1, _dummy2):
            raise RuntimeError("_process_packet may not be called")

        self.handler._process_packet = mocked_process_packet
        self.handler._is_running = False
        self.handler.data_came_in(None, None)

    def test_data_came_in_invalid_candidate(self):
        Testing whether we do nothing when data comes in from an invalid candidate
            self.handler, "_process_packet", lambda x, y:
            (_ for _ in
             ()).throw(RuntimeError("_process_packet may not be called")))
        self.handler.data_came_in(('', 0), None)

    def test_handle_new_request_no_metadata(self):
        When the metadata_store from LaunchManyCore is not available, return
        from the function rather than trying to load the metadata.

        # Make sure the packet appears to have the correct attributes
        fake_packet = {
            "opcode": OPCODE_RRQ,
            "file_name": METADATA_PREFIX + "abc",
            "options": {
                "blksize": 1,
                "timeout": 1
            "session_id": 1
        self.handler._load_metadata = lambda _: self.fail(
            "This line should not be called")

        def test_function():
            test_function.is_called = True
            return False

        test_function.is_called = False
        self.handler.session = MockObject()
        self.handler.session.config = MockObject()
        self.handler.session.config.get_metadata_enabled = test_function

        self.handler._handle_new_request("123", "456", fake_packet)

    def test_handle_new_request_no_torrent_store(self):
        When the torrent_store from LaunchManyCore is not available, return
        from the function rather than trying to load the metadata.

        self.handler.session = MockObject()
        # Make sure the packet appears to have the correct attributes
        fake_packet = {
            "opcode": OPCODE_RRQ,
            "file_name": "abc",
            "options": {
                "blksize": 1,
                "timeout": 1
            "session_id": 1
        self.handler._load_metadata = lambda _: self.fail(
            "This line should not be called")

        def test_function():
            test_function.is_called = True
            return False

        test_function.is_called = False
        self.handler.session.config = MockObject()
        self.handler.session.config.get_torrent_store_enabled = test_function

        self.handler._handle_new_request("123", "456", fake_packet)

    def test_load_metadata_not_found(self):
        Testing whether a FileNotFound exception is raised when metadata cannot be found
        self.handler.session = MockObject()
        self.handler.session.lm = MockObject()
        self.handler.session.lm.metadata_store = MockObject()
        self.handler.session.lm.metadata_store.get = lambda _: None

    def test_load_torrent_not_found(self):
        Testing whether a FileNotFound exception is raised when a torrent cannot be found
        self.handler.session = MockObject()
        self.handler.session.lm = MockObject()
        self.handler.session.lm.torrent_store = MockObject()
        self.handler.session.lm.torrent_store.get = lambda _: None

    def test_handle_packet_as_receiver(self):
        Testing the handle_packet_as_receiver method
        def mocked_handle_error(_dummy1, _dummy2, error_msg=None):
            mocked_handle_error.called = True

        mocked_handle_error.called = False
        self.handler._handle_error = mocked_handle_error

        mock_session = MockObject()
        mock_session.last_received_packet = None
        mock_session.block_size = 42
        mock_session.timeout = 44
        packet = {
            'opcode': OPCODE_OACK,
            'options': {
                'blksize': 43,
                'timeout': 45
        self.handler._handle_packet_as_receiver(mock_session, packet)

        mocked_handle_error.called = False
        packet['options']['blksize'] = 42
        self.handler._handle_packet_as_receiver(mock_session, packet)

        mock_session.last_received_packet = True
        mocked_handle_error.called = False
        self.handler._handle_packet_as_receiver(mock_session, packet)

        packet['options']['timeout'] = 44
        packet['opcode'] = OPCODE_ERROR
        mocked_handle_error.called = False
        self.handler._handle_packet_as_receiver(mock_session, packet)

    def test_handle_packet_as_sender(self):
        Testing the handle_packet_as_sender method
        def mocked_handle_error(_dummy1, _dummy2, error_msg=None):
            mocked_handle_error.called = True

        mocked_handle_error.called = False
        self.handler._handle_error = mocked_handle_error

        packet = {'opcode': OPCODE_ERROR}
        self.handler._handle_packet_as_sender(None, packet)

    def test_handle_error(self):
        Testing the error handling of a tftp handler
        mock_session = MockObject()
        mock_session.is_failed = False
        self.handler._send_error_packet = lambda _dummy1, _dummy2, _dummy3: None
        self.handler._handle_error(mock_session, None)

    def test_send_error_packet(self):
        Testing whether a correct error message is sent in the tftp handler
        def mocked_send_packet(_, packet):
            self.assertEqual(packet['session_id'], 42)
            self.assertEqual(packet['error_code'], 43)
            self.assertEqual(packet['error_msg'], "test")

        self.handler._send_packet = mocked_send_packet
        mock_session = MockObject()
        mock_session.session_id = 42
        self.handler._send_error_packet(mock_session, 43, "test")