def test_version_hex_too_big(self): with self.subTest("hex string too big"): with self.assertRaises(ValueError): InfGenerator("test_name", "provider", InfGeneratorTest.VALID_GUID_STRING, "x64", "description", "", "0x100000000") with self.subTest("decimal too big") as b: with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as cm: InfGenerator("test_name", "provider", InfGeneratorTest.VALID_GUID_STRING, "x64", "description", "", "4294967296")
def test_version_string_format(self): with self.subTest(version_string="zero ."): with self.assertRaises(ValueError): InfGenerator("test_name", "provider", InfGeneratorTest.VALID_GUID_STRING, "x64", "description", "1234", "0x100000000") with self.subTest(version_string="> 3 ."): with self.assertRaises(ValueError): InfGenerator("test_name", "provider", InfGeneratorTest.VALID_GUID_STRING, "x64", "description", "", "0x100000000")
def PackageWindowsCapsuleFiles(OutputFolder, ProductName, ProductFmpGuid, CapsuleVersion_DotString, CapsuleVersion_HexString, ProductFwProvider, ProductFwMfgName, ProductFwDesc, CapsuleFileName, PfxFile=None, PfxPass=None, Rollback=False, Arch='amd64', OperatingSystem_String='Win10'): logging.debug("CapsulePackage: Create Windows Capsule Files") #Make INF InfFilePath = os.path.join(OutputFolder, ProductName + ".inf") InfTool = InfGenerator(ProductName, ProductFwProvider, ProductFmpGuid, Arch, ProductFwDesc, CapsuleVersion_DotString, CapsuleVersion_HexString) InfTool.Manufacturer = ProductFwMfgName #optional ret = InfTool.MakeInf(InfFilePath, CapsuleFileName, Rollback) if (ret != 0): raise Exception("CreateWindowsInf Failed with errorcode %d" % ret) #Make CAT CatFilePath = os.path.realpath( os.path.join(OutputFolder, ProductName + ".cat")) CatTool = CatGenerator(Arch, OperatingSystem_String) ret = CatTool.MakeCat(CatFilePath) if (ret != 0): raise Exception("Creating Cat file Failed with errorcode %d" % ret) if (PfxFile is not None): #Find Signtool SignToolPath = os.path.join(os.getenv("ProgramFiles(x86)"), "Windows Kits", "8.1", "bin", "x64", "signtool.exe") if not os.path.exists(SignToolPath): SignToolPath = SignToolPath.replace('8.1', '10') if not os.path.exists(SignToolPath): raise Exception("Can't find signtool on this machine.") #dev sign the cat file ret = CatalogSignWithSignTool(SignToolPath, CatFilePath, PfxFile, PfxPass) if (ret != 0): raise Exception("Signing Cat file Failed with errorcode %d" % ret) return ret
def test_invalid_name_symbol(self): InvalidChars = [ '~', '`', '!', '@', '#', '$', '%', '^', '&', '*', '(', ')', ' ', '{', '[', '}', ']', '+', '=' ] for a in InvalidChars: with self.subTest(name="test{}name".format(a)): name = "test{}name".format(a) with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as cm: InfGenerator(name, "provider", InfGeneratorTest.VALID_GUID_STRING, "x64", "description", "", "0xaabbccdd")
def test_valid(self): o = InfGenerator("test_name", "provider", InfGeneratorTest.VALID_GUID_STRING, "x64", "description", "", "0xaabbccdd") self.assertIsInstance(o, InfGenerator) self.assertEqual(o.Name, "test_name") self.assertEqual(o.Provider, "provider") self.assertEqual(o.EsrtGuid, InfGeneratorTest.VALID_GUID_STRING) self.assertEqual(o.Arch, InfGenerator.SUPPORTED_ARCH["x64"]) self.assertEqual(o.Description, "description") self.assertEqual(int(o.VersionHex, 0), int("0xaabbccdd", 0)) self.assertEqual(o.VersionString, "") self.assertEqual(o.Manufacturer, "provider") #loop thru all supported arch and make sure it works for a in InfGenerator.SUPPORTED_ARCH.keys(): with self.subTest(Arch=a): o.Arch = a self.assertEqual(InfGenerator.SUPPORTED_ARCH[a], o.Arch) #set manufacturer o.Manufacturer = "manufacturer" self.assertEqual("manufacturer", o.Manufacturer)
def test_invalid_guid_format(self): with self.assertRaises(ValueError): o = InfGenerator("test_name", "provider", "NOT A VALID GUID", "x64", "description", "", "0x1000000")
def test_version_hex_can_support_decimal(self): o = InfGenerator("test_name", "provider", InfGeneratorTest.VALID_GUID_STRING, "x64", "description", "", "12356") self.assertEqual(int(o.VersionHex, 0), 12356)
def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description= 'Generate Windows Firmware Update Platform Files for Capsules') parser.add_argument("name", help="Firmware Name. No spaces") parser.add_argument("provider", help="Firmware provider listed in INF") parser.add_argument("description", help="Firmware description listed in INF") parser.add_argument("version_string", help="Version String in form of XX.XX.XX[.XX]") parser.add_argument( "version_hex", help= "Version String in Hex 0xAABBCCDD must be representable within 32bit") parser.add_argument( "esrt_guid", help= "guid string in registry format (########-####-####-####-############) for this ESRT entry" ) parser.add_argument("firmware_bin_file_path", help="full path to firmware bin / capsule file") parser.add_argument('arch', choices=InfGenerator.SUPPORTED_ARCH, help="Architecture targeted by INF and CAT") parser.add_argument('operating_sytem', choices=CatGenerator.SUPPORTED_OS, help="operating system targeted by INF and CAT") parser.add_argument("--mfgname", help="Manufacturer name listed in INF") parser.add_argument("--rollback", action="store_true", dest="rollback", help="build a rollback capsule", default=False) parser.add_argument( "--pfx_file", help= "Full Path to PFX file. If not set then signing will not be performed." ) parser.add_argument( "--pfx_pass", help="Password for PFX file. Optional based on PFX file") #Turn on dubug level logging parser.add_argument("--debug", action="store_true", dest="debug", help="turn on debug logging level for file log", default=False) #Output debug log parser.add_argument("-l", dest="OutputLog", help="Create an output debug log file: ie -l out.txt", default=None) args = parser.parse_args() #setup file based logging if outputReport specified if (args.OutputLog): if (len(args.OutputLog) < 2): logging.critical("the output log file parameter is invalid") return -2 else: #setup file based logging filelogger = logging.FileHandler(filename=args.OutputLog, mode='w') if (args.debug): filelogger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) else: filelogger.setLevel(logging.INFO) filelogger.setFormatter(formatter) logging.getLogger('').addHandler(filelogger)"Log Started: " + datetime.datetime.strftime(, "%A, %B %d, %Y %I:%M%p")) OutputFolder = os.path.dirname(args.firmware_bin_file_path) FirmwareFile = os.path.basename(args.firmware_bin_file_path) logging.debug("Make INF") #Make INF InfFilePath = os.path.join(OutputFolder, + ".inf") InfTool = InfGenerator(, args.provider, args.esrt_guid, args.arch, args.description, args.version_string, args.version_hex) if (args.mfgname is not None): InfTool.Manufacturer = args.mfgname #optional ret = InfTool.MakeInf(InfFilePath, FirmwareFile, args.rollback) if (ret != 0): logging.critical("CreateWindowsInf Failed with errorcode %d" % ret) return ret #Make CAT CatFilePath = os.path.realpath( os.path.join(OutputFolder, + ".cat")) CatTool = CatGenerator(args.arch, args.operating_sytem) ret = CatTool.MakeCat(CatFilePath) if (ret != 0): logging.critical("Creating Cat file Failed with errorcode %d" % ret) return ret if (args.pfx_file is not None): logging.debug("PFX file set. Going to do signing") #Find Signtool SignToolPath = os.path.join(os.getenv("ProgramFiles(x86)"), "Windows Kits", "8.1", "bin", "x64", "signtool.exe") if not os.path.exists(SignToolPath): logging.debug("Failed to find 8.1 version of signtool. Trying 10") SignToolPath = SignToolPath.replace('8.1', '10') if not os.path.exists(SignToolPath): logging.critical("Can't find signtool on this machine.") return -3 #dev sign the cat file ret = CatalogSignWithSignTool(SignToolPath, CatFilePath, args.pfx_file, args.pfx_pass) if (ret != 0): logging.critical("Signing Cat file Failed with errorcode %d" % ret) return ret else:"No PFX. Not signing") return ret