Пример #1
def simpleTests():
    test = range(10)
    uf = UnionFind()
    for t in test:
    # END for
    for t in test:
        assert uf.find(t) == t, "Parent not initialized correctly."
    # END for
    assert uf.countGroups() == 10, "Counted wrong number of groups."

    assert uf.find(1) == 0, "Parent not updated correctly."
    assert uf.data[0][1] == 1, "Order not updated for equal trees correctly."
    assert uf.countGroups() == 9, "Counted wrong number of groups."

    assert uf.find(2) == 0, "Parent not updated correctly."
    assert uf.data[0][1] == 1, "Order not updated for unequal trees correctly."
    assert uf.countGroups() == 8, "Counted wrong number of groups."

    assert uf.data[0][1] == 2, "Order not updated for unequal trees."
    assert uf.data[5][0] == 3, "Parent should not be updated until find operation."
    assert uf.find(5) == 0, "Find operation returned wrong parent."
    assert uf.data[5][0] == 0, "Parent should have been updated."
    assert uf.countGroups() == 5, "Counted wrong number of groups."
class Kruskal:
    def __init__(self, data):
        nodes = int(data[0].split()[0])
        self.ufSet = UnionFind()
        for n in range(nodes):
        # END for

        self.edges = []
        for k in data[1:]:
            row = map(int, k.strip().split())
            self.edges.append((row[0] - 1, row[1] - 1, row[2]))
        # END for


    # END __init__

    def mstKruskal(self):
        mst = []
        l = 0
        for edge in self.edges:
            s1 = self.ufSet.find(edge[0])
            s2 = self.ufSet.find(edge[1])
            if s1 == s2:
            # END if

            self.ufSet.union(edge[0], edge[1])
            l += edge[2]
        # END for

        self.mst = mst
        return l

    # END mstKruskal

    def clusterKruskal(self, k):
        print "Running Clustering, k={0}".format(k)
        done = False
        for edge in self.edges:
            s1 = self.ufSet.find(edge[0])
            s2 = self.ufSet.find(edge[1])
            if s1 == s2:
            # END if
            if not done:
                self.ufSet.union(edge[0], edge[1])
                print "Smallest unallocated edge: {0}".format(edge)
                return edge[2]
            # END if

            if self.ufSet.countGroups() == k:
                done = True
Пример #3
def segmentIsland(flatFaces,island):
  sets = UnionFind(True)
  if len(island)==0:
    island = range(len(flatFaces))
  for face in island:
    if face not in sets.leader.keys():
    neighbor = flatFaces[face].fromFace  
    if neighbor != None:
      if neighbor not in sets.leader.keys():
  return sets.group, sets.leader
Пример #4
 def segmentIsland(flatFaces, island):
     sets = UnionFind(True)
     if len(island) == 0:
         island = range(len(flatFaces))
     for face in island:
         if face not in sets.leader.keys():
         neighbor = flatFaces[face].fromFace
         if neighbor is not None:
             if neighbor not in sets.leader.keys():
             sets.union(face, neighbor)
     return sets.group, sets.leader
Пример #5
    def build(self):
        N = nx.number_of_nodes(ShellStructIndex.G)  #图的节点个数
        ShellStructIndex.coreDict = nx.core_number(ShellStructIndex.G)
        #将节点按照core number进行分组
        Vk = defaultdict(list)  #字典的value是列表
        for key, value in ShellStructIndex.coreDict.iteritems(
        ):  ###(2017.3.5:发现不在图里面的节点,怀疑是nx.core_number函数# )
        # sortedVk=sorted(Vk.items(),key=lambda d:d[0],reverse=True)
        restNodeList = []  #储存没有父母的节点,最后直接连接到core为0的根节点下方作为孩子
        maxID = 0
        for nodeID in ShellStructIndex.G.nodes():
            if nodeID > maxID:
                maxID = nodeID
        ShellStructIndex.vertexTNodelist = [None] * (maxID + 1
                                                     )  #图节点到TNode的映射的列表
        # print str(N+1)
        core0List = []  #coreness=0的节点,作为这棵树的根
        unodeArr = []  #存储的是并查集的节点(id->UNode)
        uf = UnionFind()  #包含所有并查集方法的类
        for i in range(maxID + 1):  #加1是因为可能从1才开始编号
            unode = UNode(i)
        #level by level,
        tnodeCounter = 0  ##计算TNode个数的计数器
        for key in sorted(Vk.keys(), reverse=True):  #Vk按照core值从大到小排序
            curcore = key
            vkList = Vk[key]
            if curcore > 0:
                idUFMap = {
                }  #(id->UNode)这里用字典但是unodeArr用列表是因为这里的id不一定是连续的(临时的一个并查集映射)
                '步骤3.1: 先在同一个core值节点中找连通分量,利用一个临时并查集idUFMap'
                for id in vkList:
                    if not idUFMap.has_key(id):  #加入Vk
                        unode = UNode(id)
                        idUFMap[id] = unode
                    for ngid in ShellStructIndex.G.neighbors(id):
                        if ShellStructIndex.coreDict[
                                ngid] >= ShellStructIndex.coreDict[
                                    id]:  #先处理core大的
                            if ShellStructIndex.coreDict[
                                    ngid] > ShellStructIndex.coreDict[id]:
                                ngid = uf.find(
                                ).value  #如果邻居的core比较大,说明已经处理过,用父母代替
                            if not idUFMap.has_key(ngid):  #加入V'
                                unode = UNode(ngid)
                                idUFMap[ngid] = unode
                                     idUFMap[ngid])  #合并id和他的邻居(或者邻居的父母)
                ufGNodeMap = defaultdict(
                    list)  #(UNode->[vertex])unode到同一个组的unode的图节点的字典
                ufTNodeMap = defaultdict(list)  #(UNode->[TNode])unode到TNode的映射
                for reId, reUNode in idUFMap.iteritems():
                    newParent = uf.find(reUNode)  #在新的并查集里面,节点的父母
                    if ShellStructIndex.coreDict[
                            reId] == curcore:  #同一个core值的节点分成一组
                    if ShellStructIndex.coreDict[
                            reId] > curcore:  #由于是自底向上的,当前这个reid应该已经处理过了
                        oldParent = unodeArr[reId]  #这个是外面的并查集记录的reId的父母
                        tnode = ShellStructIndex.vertexTNodelist[
                for parent, nodeList in ufGNodeMap.iteritems():
                    childList = ufTNodeMap[parent]
                    tnodeCounter = tnodeCounter + 1  #
                    # print 'tnodeCounter:',tnodeCounter
                    tnode = TNode(
                        tnodeCounter)  #新建一个树节点(给定coreness和树节点编号)(re:2017.2.26)
                    tnode.nodeList = nodeList
                    if childList:  #如果孩子不为空,给树节点添加孩子节点
                        tnode.childList = childList  #这里用不用深拷贝?
                        for chid in childList:
                            chid.parent = tnode
                    restNodeList.append(tnode)  #假设这个节点目前没有父母咯
                    for nodeId in nodeList:
                        # print nodeId
                        ShellStructIndex.vertexTNodelist[nodeId] = tnode
                    for subTNode in tnode.childList:
                '步骤3.4: 更新外面包含所有节点的并查集'
                for id in vkList:
                    x = unodeArr[id]  #当前节点的UNode
                    for ngid in ShellStructIndex.G.neighbors(id):
                        if ShellStructIndex.coreDict[
                                ngid] >= curcore:  #遍历边的优先级,core大的先检查,保证自底向上的
                            y = unodeArr[ngid]
                            uf.union(x, y)
                    xRoot = uf.find(x)
                    xRepresent = uf.find(x).represent
                    if ShellStructIndex.coreDict[
                            xRepresent] > ShellStructIndex.coreDict[id]:
                        xRoot.represent = id
            else:  #core为0的节点作为根
                core0List = vkList

        tnodeCounter = tnodeCounter + 1  #(re:2017.2.26)
        # print 'tnodeCounter:', tnodeCounter
        ShellStructIndex.root = TNode(core=0, data=tnodeCounter)
        ShellStructIndex.root.nodeList = core0List
        ShellStructIndex.root.childList = restNodeList  #这里需要深拷贝(copy.deepcopy(restNodeList))吗?
        for chid in ShellStructIndex.root.childList:
            chid.parent = ShellStructIndex.root
        for v in core0List:
            ShellStructIndex.vertexTNodelist[v] = ShellStructIndex.root
Пример #6
 interval = range(A, B + 1)
 #print A, B, P
 print "sieve for ", B - A
 primes = sieve(B - A)
 print "trimming primes"
 primes = [a for a in primes if a >= P]
 print "calculating factors"
 set_dict2 = {}
 for prime in primes:
     set_dict2[prime] = [a for a in interval if a % prime == 0]
 #primes_dict = {item: calc_prime_factor(item, primes, P) for item in range(A, B+1)}
 #print primes_dict
 print "creating UnionFind"
 set_list = UnionFind()
 for item in range(A, B + 1):
 #set_dict = {prime: [] for prime in primes}
 #print "creating sets"
 #for item in range(A,B+1):
 #    for prime in primes_dict[item]:
 #        set_dict[prime].append(item)
 #print set_dict
 #print set_list.getNumGroups()
 print "reducing sets"
 for item in set_dict2:
     temp_list = set_dict2[item]
     if len(temp_list) > 1:
         for new_item in temp_list:
             set_list.union(temp_list[0], new_item)
 results = set_list.getNumGroups()
 #print results
Пример #7
class ClusterHamming:
    def __init__(self, data):
        (nodes, self.bits) = map(int, data.pop(0).split())
        self.uf = UnionFind()
        for n in range(nodes):
        # END for

        self.hammingData = defaultdict(list)
        for n in range(nodes):
            s = data[n].replace(' ', '')
        # END for

    # END __init__

    def flip(self, s, flipbits):
        Given an input string (s) and tuple of indices (flipbits), returns a new
        string with bits at specified indices flipped.

        The length of (flipbits) determines the resulting hamming distance.
        result = ''
        for i, c in enumerate(s):
            if i in flipbits:
                if c == '1':
                    result += '0'
                    result += '1'
                result += c
        return result

    # END flip

    def getHammingPermutations(self, s, n):
        Generate permutations of s whose distance is less than or equal to n
        result = []
        for d in range(1, n + 1):
            for flipbits in combinations(range(self.bits), d):
                result.append(self.flip(s, flipbits))
            # END for
        # END for
        return result

    # END getHammingPermutations

    def printSummary(self):
        resultMap = defaultdict(list)
        for k, v in self.hammingData.iteritems():
            cluster = self.uf.find(v)
        # END for

        for k, v in resultMap.iteritems():
            print "\n\nCluster {0}:".format(k)
            for key in v:
                print "\t{0}".format(key)
            # END for
        # END for

    # END printSummary

    def run(self, minDist):
        data = copy(self.hammingData)
        while data:
            (nodeKey, refNodes) = data.popitem()
            if len(refNodes) > 1:
                for i in range(1, len(refNodes)):
                    self.uf.union(refNodes[0], refNodes[i])
                # END for
            # END for

            nearestNodes = self.getHammingPermutations(nodeKey, minDist - 1)
            for testNodeKey in nearestNodes:
                if testNodeKey not in data:

                testNodes = self.hammingData[testNodeKey]
                for n in testNodes:
                    if self.uf.find(n) == self.uf.find(refNodes[0]):
                    self.uf.union(refNodes[0], n)
                # END for
            # END for
        # END while

        return self.uf.countGroups()
Пример #8
def build(G):
    N = nx.number_of_nodes(G)  #图的节点个数
    coreDict = nx.core_number(G)
    #将节点按照core number进行分组
    Vk = defaultdict(list)  #字典的value是列表
    for key, value in coreDict.iteritems():
    # sortedVk=sorted(Vk.items(),key=lambda d:d[0],reverse=True)
    unodeArr = []  #存储的是并查集的节点
    uf = UnionFind()  #包含所有并查集方法的类
    restNodeList = []  #储存没有父母的节点,最后直接连接到core为0的根节点下方作为孩子
    vertexTNodelist = [None] * N  #图节点到TNode的映射的列表
    core0List = []  #coreness=0的节点,作为这棵树的根
    for i in range(N):
        unode = UNode(i)
    #level by level,
    for key in sorted(Vk.keys(), reverse=True):
        curcore = key
        vkList = Vk[key]
        if curcore > 0:
            idUFMap = {}  #(id->UNode)这里用字典但是unodeArr用列表是因为这里的id不一定是连续的
            '步骤3.1: 先在同一个core值节点中找连通分量,利用一个临时并查集idUFMap'
            for id in vkList:
                if not idUFMap.has_key(id):  #加入Vk
                    unode = UNode(id)
                    idUFMap[id] = unode
                for ngid in G.neighbors(id):
                    if coreDict[ngid] >= coreDict[id]:  #先处理core大的
                        if coreDict[ngid] > coreDict[id]:
                            ngid = uf.find(unodeArr[ngid]
                                           ).value  #如果邻居的core比较大,说明已经处理过,用父母代替
                        if not idUFMap.has_key(ngid):  #加入V'
                            unode = UNode(ngid)
                            idUFMap[ngid] = unode
                        uf.union(idUFMap[id], idUFMap[ngid])
            ufGNodeMap = defaultdict(
                list)  #(UNode->[vertex])unode到同一个组的unode的图节点的字典
            ufTNodeMap = defaultdict(list)  #(UNode->[TNode])unode到TNode的映射
            for reId, reUNode in idUFMap.iteritems():
                newParent = uf.find(reUNode)  #在新的并查集里面,节点的父母
                if coreDict[reId] == curcore:  #同一个core值的节点分成一组
                if coreDict[reId] > curcore:  #由于是自底向上的,当前这个reid应该已经处理过了
                    oldParent = unodeArr[reId]  #这个是外面的并查集记录的reId的父母
                    tnode = vertexTNodelist[oldParent.represent]
            for parent, nodeList in ufGNodeMap.iteritems():
                childList = ufTNodeMap[parent]
                tnode = TNode(curcore)  #新建一个树节点
                tnode.nodeList = nodeList
                if childList:  #如果孩子不为空,给树节点添加孩子节点
                    tnode.childList = childList  #这里用不用深拷贝?
                restNodeList.append(tnode)  #假设这个节点目前没有父母咯
                for nodeId in nodeList:
                    vertexTNodelist[nodeId] = tnode
                for subTNode in tnode.childList:
            '步骤3.4: 更新外面的并查集'
            for id in vkList:
                x = unodeArr[id]  #当前节点的UNode
                for ngid in G.neighbors(id):
                    if coreDict[ngid] >= curcore:  #遍历边的优先级,core大的先检查,保证自底向上的
                        y = unodeArr[ngid]
                        uf.union(x, y)
                xRoot = uf.find(x)
                xRepresent = uf.find(x).represent
                if coreDict[xRepresent] > coreDict[id]:
                    xRoot.represent = id
        else:  #core为0的节点作为根
            core0List = vkList

    root = TNode(0)
    root.nodeList = core0List
    root.childList = copy.deepcopy(restNodeList)
    attachKw(root, G)
    return root, vertexTNodelist, coreDict
Пример #9
 interval = range(A, B + 1)
 #print A, B, P
 print "sieve for ", B-A
 primes = sieve(B - A)
 print "trimming primes"
 primes = [a for a in primes if a >= P]
 print "calculating factors"
 set_dict2 = {}
 for prime in primes:
     set_dict2[prime] = [a for a in interval if a % prime == 0]
 #primes_dict = {item: calc_prime_factor(item, primes, P) for item in range(A, B+1)}
 #print primes_dict
 print "creating UnionFind"
 set_list = UnionFind()
 for item in range(A, B+1):
 #set_dict = {prime: [] for prime in primes}
 #print "creating sets"
 #for item in range(A,B+1):
 #    for prime in primes_dict[item]:
 #        set_dict[prime].append(item)
 #print set_dict
 #print set_list.getNumGroups()
 print "reducing sets"
 for item in set_dict2:
     temp_list = set_dict2[item]
     if len(temp_list) > 1:
         for new_item in temp_list:
 results = set_list.getNumGroups()
 #print results
Пример #10
from UnionFind import UnionFind
import random

# build the graph 
with open('data/clustering_big.txt') as f: 
	nodes = {}
	clusters = UnionFind()
	for i, line in enumerate(f.readlines()): 
		if i == 0: 
			N, numbits = line.split()
			N, numbits = int(N), int(numbits) 
			bits = line.strip().replace(" ", "")
			nodes[bits] = True

# run the algorithm
for k, node in enumerate(nodes.iterkeys()): 
	if k%1000 == 0: 
		print k
	for i in xrange(numbits): 
		alt = node[:i] + node[i].replace(node[i], str(1-int(node[i]))) + node[i+1:]
		if nodes.get(alt, False):
			clusters.union(node, alt) 
		for j in xrange(i+1, numbits): 
			alt2 = alt[:j] + alt[j].replace(alt[j], str(1-int(alt[j]))) + alt[j+1:]
			if nodes.get(alt2, False):
				clusters.union(node, alt2) 

print clusters.getNumGroups()