Пример #1
def check_radius_squares_factories(gc, location):
    location_coords = (location.x, location.y)
    nearby_locs = explore.coord_neighbors(location_coords)
    for nearby_loc_coords in nearby_locs:
        nearby_loc = bc.MapLocation(variables.curr_planet, nearby_loc_coords[0], nearby_loc_coords[1])
        if gc.can_sense_location(nearby_loc) and gc.has_unit_at_location(nearby_loc) and gc.sense_unit_at_location(nearby_loc).unit_type == bc.UnitType.Factory:
            return True
    return False
Пример #2
def optimal_unload(gc, unit, directions, building_assignments, battle_locs):
	Tries to find unload direction towards a battle location, otherwise finds another optimal
	direction with previous logic.

	Returns direction or None.
    unit_loc = unit.location.map_location()
    #build_sites = list(map(lambda site: site.map_location,list(building_assignments.values())))

    ## Find list of best unload towards battle_locs and use best dir that doesn't interfere with building
    if len(battle_locs) > 0:
        weakest = random.choice(list(battle_locs.keys()))
        target_loc = battle_locs[weakest][0]

        shape = [target_loc.x - unit_loc.x, target_loc.y - unit_loc.y]
        unload_dirs = sense_util.get_best_option(
            shape)  ## never returns None or empty list

        for d in unload_dirs:
            if gc.can_unload(unit.id,
                             d):  #and unit_loc.add(d) not in build_sites
                return d

    ## Use previous optimal location
    best = None
    best_val = -float('inf')
    map_loc = unit.location.map_location()
    map_loc_coords = (map_loc.x, map_loc.y)
    for d in directions:
        if gc.can_unload(
                unit.id, d
        ):  # and unit.location.map_location().add(d) not in build_sites
            locs = explore.coord_neighbors(map_loc_coords,
            locs_good = []
            for loc in locs:
                loc_map_vers = bc.MapLocation(variables.curr_planet, loc[0],
                if gc.can_sense_location(
                        loc_map_vers) and gc.has_unit_at_location(
            num_good = len(locs_good)
            if num_good > best_val:
                best_val = num_good
                best = d

    return best
Пример #3
 def get_neighboring_quadrants(self):
     quadrant = (int(self.bottom_left[0] / self.quadrant_size),
                 int(self.bottom_left[1] / self.quadrant_size))
     return explore.coord_neighbors(quadrant)
Пример #4
def timestep(unit):

	building_assignments = variables.building_assignment
	directions = variables.directions
	gc = variables.gc
	composition = variables.info
	producing = variables.producing
	battle_locs = variables.last_turn_battle_locs
	mining_rate = 3 * len(variables.current_worker_roles["miner"])
	total_units = [composition[0]+producing[0], composition[1]+producing[1], composition[2]+producing[2], composition[3]+producing[3], composition[4]+producing[4]]
	num_attacking_units = sum(total_units[1:3])
	num_non_workers = num_attacking_units + total_units[4]
	curr_round = gc.round()
	# should alter based on curr_round.  this is a temporary idea.
	# last check to make sure the right unit type is running this
	if unit.unit_type != bc.UnitType.Factory:
		# prob should return some kind of error
	unit_locations = variables.unit_locations
	quadrant_battles = variables.quadrant_battle_locs
	if variables.curr_planet == bc.Planet.Earth: 
		quadrant_size = variables.earth_quadrant_size
		quadrant_size = variables.mars_quadrant_size

	## Add new ones to unit_locations, else just get the location
	if unit.id not in unit_locations:
		loc = unit.location.map_location()
		unit_locations[unit.id] = (loc.x,loc.y)
		f_f_quad = (int(loc.x / quadrant_size), int(loc.y / quadrant_size))
		quadrant_battles[f_f_quad].add_ally(unit.id, "factory")

	garrison = unit.structure_garrison() # units inside of factory
	if len(garrison)>0: # try to unload a unit if there exists one in the garrison
		optimal_unload_dir = optimal_unload(gc, unit, directions, building_assignments, battle_locs)
		if optimal_unload_dir is not None:
			gc.unload(unit.id, optimal_unload_dir)
	# rockets_need_filling = (len(variables.rocket_locs) >0) and (len(variables.ranger_roles["go_to_mars"])<10)
	if variables.knight_rush:
		if gc.round()>250 or variables.died_without_attacking > 0.7 or variables.ranged_enemies >= 5:
			variables.knight_rush = False
			variables.switch_to_rangers = True

	if variables.knight_rush:
		if not variables.stockpile_until_75 and gc.can_produce_robot(unit.id, bc.UnitType.Knight): #and should_produce_robot(gc, mining_rate, current_production, karbonite_lower_limit): # otherwise produce a unit, based on most_off_optimal
			if total_units[0]<2:
				if gc.can_produce_robot(unit.id, bc.UnitType.Worker):
					gc.produce_robot(unit.id, bc.UnitType.Worker)
					variables.producing[0] += 1
			elif total_units[1] < 0.75* num_non_workers or total_units[2]<7:
				gc.produce_robot(unit.id, bc.UnitType.Knight)
				variables.producing[1] += 1
				gc.produce_robot(unit.id, bc.UnitType.Healer)
				variables.producing[4] += 1
		produce_some_knights = False
		my_location = unit.location.map_location()
		my_location_coords = (my_location.x, my_location.y)
		if gc.round() < 250:
			for neighbor in explore.coord_neighbors(my_location_coords, diff=explore.diffs_20):
				neighbor_loc = bc.MapLocation(variables.curr_planet, neighbor[0], neighbor[1])
				if gc.can_sense_location(neighbor_loc) and gc.has_unit_at_location(neighbor_loc):
					nearby_unit = gc.sense_unit_at_location(neighbor_loc)
					if nearby_unit.unit_type == variables.unit_types["factory"] and nearby_unit.team !=variables.my_team:
						produce_some_knights = True

		if produce_some_knights and gc.can_produce_robot(unit.id, bc.UnitType.Knight):
			gc.produce_robot(unit.id, bc.UnitType.Knight)
			variables.producing[1] += 1

		elif not variables.stockpile_until_75 and (total_units[0]<2 or gc.round()<680 or len(variables.rocket_locs)>0) and gc.can_produce_robot(unit.id, bc.UnitType.Ranger) \
				and (total_units[0]<2 or gc.round() < 150 or num_attacking_units < 60 or num_attacking_units < 2*variables.num_enemies): #and should_produce_robot(gc, mining_rate, current_production, karbonite_lower_limit): # otherwise produce a unit, based on most_off_optimal
			if total_units[0]<2:
				if gc.can_produce_robot(unit.id, bc.UnitType.Worker):
					gc.produce_robot(unit.id, bc.UnitType.Worker)
			#elif total_units[1]<5 and gc.round() < 70:
			#	gc.produce_robot(unit.id, bc.UnitType.Knight)
			elif total_units[2] < 0.63 * num_non_workers or total_units[2]<3:
				gc.produce_robot(unit.id, bc.UnitType.Ranger)
				variables.producing[2] += 1
				gc.produce_robot(unit.id, bc.UnitType.Healer)
				variables.producing[4] += 1
Пример #5
            if x == -1 or y == -1 or x == earth_map.width or y == earth_map.height:
                passable_locations_earth[coords] = False
            elif earth_map.is_passable_terrain_at(bc.MapLocation(earth, x, y)):
                passable_locations_earth[coords] = True
                passable_locations_earth[coords] = False

    number_of_cells = earth_width * earth_height
    start_time = time.time()
    S = dok_matrix((number_of_cells, number_of_cells), dtype=int)
    for x in range(earth_width):
        for y in range(earth_height):
            curr = (x, y)
            if passable_locations_earth[curr]:
                val = y * earth_width + x
                for coord in explore.coord_neighbors(curr):
                    if passable_locations_earth[coord]:
                        val2 = coord[1] * earth_width + coord[0]
                        S[val, val2] = 1
                        S[val2, val] = 1

    bfs_array = csgraph.shortest_path(S, method='D', unweighted=True)
    #bfs_dict = {} # stores the distances found by BFS so far
    #precomputed_bfs = explore.precompute_earth(passable_locations_earth, coord_to_direction, wavepoints)
    #start_time = time.time()
    #precomputed_bfs_dist = explore.precompute_earth_dist(passable_locations_earth, coord_to_direction, wavepoints)
    dist_to_enemies = []
    dists = []
    for our_init_loc in our_init_locs:
        for their_init_loc in init_enemy_locs: