Пример #1
def truncatable(n):
    # test for left truncatable
    n_str = str(n)

    for i in range(1, len(n_str)):
        if not is_prime(int(n_str[i:])):
            return False

    # test for right truncatable
    for i in range(1, len(n_str)):
        if not is_prime(int(n_str[:i])):
            return False

    return True
Пример #2
def build_grid(size):
    1. build a "size" X "size" grid, and fill in the numbers
    2. keep track of "diagonal_primes" as we are filling in the numbers
    3. keep track of "diagonal_numbers" as we are filling in the numbers
    # grid = [[0] * size for i in range(size)]
    move = movegen()

    diagonal_primes = 0
    diagonal_numbers = 0
    i = j = size / 2
    for n in range(1, size * size + 1):
        # grid[i][j] = n

        if in_diagonal(i, j, size):  # interesting things happening in the diagonal
            diagonal_numbers += 1
            if is_prime(n):
                diagonal_primes += 1

        direction = next(move)
        if direction == "R":
            j += 1
        elif direction == "D":
            i += 1
        elif direction == "L":
            j -= 1
            i -= 1

    return diagonal_primes, diagonal_numbers
Пример #3
def is_the_one(first_term):
    first_term_str = str(first_term)
    second_term = first_term + 3330
    second_term_str = str(second_term)
    third_term = second_term + 3330
    third_term_str = str(third_term)

    if set(first_term_str) == set(second_term_str) == set(third_term_str) and is_prime(second_term) and is_prime(third_term):
        return first_term_str + second_term_str + third_term_str
        return False
Пример #4
# How many circular primes are there below one million?

from time import time
from UsefulFunctions import primes, is_prime, rotations

start_time = time()

p = primes()

candidate = next(p)
l = []
while candidate < 1000000:
    still_prime = True
    for e in rotations(candidate):
        if not is_prime(e):
            still_prime = False

    if still_prime:

    candidate = next(p)

print l
print len(l)
l = filter(lambda x: str(x).count("0") == 0, l)  # 101, 103 etc. don't count
print l
print len(l)

print "Total Time: ", time() - start_time
Пример #5
start_time = time()

# Method 1 - takes too long, it's so stupid, needs to wait till beyond 987654321
# p = primes()
# c = next(p)
# answer = 0
# while c < 987654321:
#     if pandigital(c):
#         answer = c
#     c = next(p)

p = pandigitals()
while True:
    raw_n = next(p)
    if raw_n[-1] % 2 == 0 or raw_n[-1] == 5:    # filter out the even & 5 ending
        continue                                # takes .5 seconds off
    n = reduce(lambda x, y: 10 * x + y, raw_n)
    if is_prime(n):
        print n

print "Total Time: ", time() - start_time

# Completed on Tue, 4 Mar 2014, 23:58
# Solve by: 33179
# ---------------
# 7652413
# Total Time:  0.734999895096
# [Finished in 0.9s]
Пример #6
while sum_ < 1000000:
    ubterms += 1
    sum_ += p
    p = next(pgen)

print ubterms

# calculating all the possible sums
d = {}      # going to store a prime number & it's associated number of terms
for sliding_size in range(2, ubterms + 1):
    # calculate first window sum for new slice
    sum_ = 0
    for i in range(sliding_size):
        sum_ += plist[i]
    if sum_ % 2 != 0 and is_prime(sum_):
        d[sum_] = sliding_size

    # calculate sum for new window
    for i in range(1, ubterms - sliding_size):
        sum_ += plist[i + sliding_size - 1] - plist[i - 1]
        if sum_ % 2 != 0 and is_prime(sum_):
            d[sum_] = sliding_size

m = max(d.values())
for k in d:
    if d[k] == m:
        print "Total #: %d Prime #: %d has %d terms" % (len(d), k, d[k])

print "Total Time: ", time() - start_time
Пример #7
def ocgen():
    n = 9
    while True:
        if not is_prime(n):
            yield n
        n += 2
Пример #8
# starting with n = 0.

from UsefulFunctions import is_prime
from time import time

def f(n, a, b):
    return n * (n + a) + b

start_time = time()
d = {}

for a in range(-999, 1000):
    for b in range(-999, 1000):
        n = 0
        while is_prime(f(n, a, b)):
            n += 1
        d[(a, b)] = n

m = max(d.values())

for a, b in d:
    if d[(a, b)] == m:
        print "a=%d, b=%d, a*b=%d -> %d" % (a, b, a * b, m)

print "Total Time: ", time() - start_time

# Completed on Tue, 4 Mar 2014, 04:52
# Solve by: 41748
# ---------------
# a=-61, b=971, a*b=-59231 -> 71