Пример #1
def global_space(L, oL, oR):
    oR = a2(oR) * pi / 180
    tL = a3([0, 0, 0])
    tL[0], tL[2] = rotate2D(L[0], L[2], oR[1])
    tL[1], tL[2] = rotate2D(L[1], tL[2], oR[0])
    tL = a3(tL) + a3(oL)
    return tL
Пример #2
def predict_CarSim(L0, V0, dt, ept=1 / 120, g=GRAVITY, cf=CAR_FRICTION):

    st = CarState(Vector3(*L0), Vector3(*V0))

    pt = []
    for i in range(int(dt / ept)):
        st = PhyLib.carStep(st, ept, g, cf)  # calling the step function
        pt.append([a3(st.Location), a3(st.Velocity)])

    # if dt%ept>0:
    st = PhyLib.carStep(st, dt % ept, g, cf)
    pt.append([a3(st.Location), a3(st.Velocity)])

    return pt
Пример #3
def approx_step(L0, V0, dt):

    g = a3([0, 0, gc]) * (d3(V0) > 0)

    A = g - r * V0
    nV = V0 + A * dt
    nL = L0 + V0 * dt + .5 * A * dt**2

    return nL, nV
Пример #4
def local_space(tL, oL, oR):
    L = a3(tL) - a3(oL)
    oR = a2(oR) * pi / 180
    y, z = rotate2D(L[1], L[2], -oR[0])
    x, z = rotate2D(L[0], z, -oR[1])
    return x, y, z
Пример #5
def step(L0, V0, aV0, dt):

    g = a3([0, 0, gc]) * (d3(V0) > 0)
    # don't apply gravity if the ball is floating

    A = g - r * V0
    nV = V0 + A * dt
    nL = L0 + V0 * dt + .5 * A * dt**2

    naV = aV0

    if not CollisionFree(nL):
        Cl = Collision_R(nL)
        if Cl[0] == True:

            # transorforming velocities to local space
            xv, yv, zv = local_space(V0, [0, 0, 0], Cl[1])
            xav, yav, zav = local_space(aV0, [0, 0, 0], Cl[1])

            # if rolling
            if abs(zv) < 50:
                total_v2 = d2([xv, yv])
                if total_v2 > 565:
                    # sliding friction
                    sf = abs(1 - 1500 * dt / total_v2)
                    xv, yv = sf * a2([xv, yv])

                # bounce angle
                ang = abs(math.atan2(zv, math.sqrt(xv**2 + yv**2))) / pi * 180

                # some more magic numbers
                e = (e1 - 1) / (28) * ang + 1

                # limiting e to range [e1, 1]
                if e < e1: e = e1

                # bounce calculations
                xv, yv = (xv + yav * R * a) * e, (yv - xav * R * a) * e

            zv = abs(zv) * e2 + 5
            xav, yav = -yv / R, xv / R

            # limiting ball spin
            total_av = math.sqrt(xav**2 + yav**2 + zav**2)
            if total_av > 6:
                xav, yav, zav = 6 * xav / total_av, 6 * yav / total_av, 6 * zav / total_av

            # transorforming velocities back to global/world space
            nV = global_space([xv, yv, zv], [0, 0, 0], Cl[1])
            naV = global_space([xav, yav, zav], [0, 0, 0], Cl[1])

            # redoing the step with the new velocity
            nL = nL + nV * dt + (-r * nV) * dt**2
            if L0[2] > R: nL += g * dt**2

    # limiting ball speed
    total_v = d3(nV)
    if total_v > 6000:
        nV[0], nV[1], nV[
            2] = 6 * nV[0] / total_v, 6 * nV[1] / total_v, 6 * nV[2] / total_v

    return nL, nV, naV
Пример #6
def state_ca3(st):  # nested numpy array
    return [a3(st.Location), a3(st.Velocity)]
Пример #7
def state_ba3(st):  # nested numpy array
    return [a3(st.Location), a3(st.Velocity), a3(st.AngularVelocity)]