def to_parquet(df, f_path, str_cols=None, reset_and_drop=True): # save DF to a parquet file # json dumps to str the cols in str_cols. This way we deal with dict, nested lists, ... that json can handle def serial(x): # this function is to convert objects to json-serializable objects if isinstance(x, np.ndarray): return x.tolist() else: return x if str_cols is None: str_cols = list() # look for numeric columns with np.nan. They do not load so well to hive tables df_c = df.copy() for c in df_c.columns: if df_c[c].dtype == float or df_c[c].dtype[c] == int: if df_c[c].isnull().sum() > 0: df_c[c].fillna(np.nan, inplace=True) df_c[c] = df_c[c].apply(json.dumps) su.my_print('WARNING:: numeric column ' + c + ' has nulls. Converted to json string') # _path = os.path.expanduser(f_path) if os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(f_path)): for c in str_cols: df_c[c] = df_c[c].apply(lambda x: json.dumps(serial(x))) if reset_and_drop is True: df_c.reset_index(inplace=True, drop=True) if '.gz' in f_path: df_c.to_parquet(f_path, compression='gzip') else: df_c.to_parquet(f_path) else: su.my_print('to_parquet:: directory ' + str(os.path.dirname(f_path)) + ' does not exit for file ' + str(f_path)) raise RuntimeError('failure')
def nested_update(a_dict, old_val, new_val): """ update all instances of old_val by new_val at any nesting level :param a_dict: :param old_val: :param new_val: :return: """ def is_mutable(val): # true if val is mutable if val is None: return False immutables = [str, int, bool, float, tuple] for t in immutables: if isinstance(val, t): return False return True if is_mutable(old_val): su.my_print('nested update: cannot update mutable value: ' + str(old_val)) return for k, v in a_dict.iteritems(): if isinstance(v, dict): nested_update(v, old_val, new_val) else: if old_val is None: if a_dict[k] is None: a_dict[k] = new_val else: if a_dict[k] == old_val: a_dict[k] = new_val
def get_data(fpath, usecols=None, date_format=None, date_cols=list(), str_cols=list(), num_cols=list(), b_cols=list(), cat_cols=list(), other_cols=list()): # reads from csv files # manages NaN (NA vs. North America) # formats cols (time, str, float) def to_bool(pd_series): # only handles NaNs and values 0/1 or True/False is_null = pd_series.isnull() yn = pd_series[is_null] nn = pd_series[~is_null] d = {'False': False, 'True': True, '0': False, '1': True, 0: False, 1: False, True: True, False: False} for v in nn.unique(): if v not in list(d.keys()): su.my_print(str(v) + ' :::::::WARNING:::::: to_bool: invalid values for ' + str( + ': ' + str(nn.unique())) return pd_series s = pd.concat([yn,], axis=0, sort=True) return s.sort_index() df = pd.read_csv(fpath, usecols=usecols, dtype=str, keep_default_na=False, na_values=['', '#N/A', '#N/A N/A', '#NA', '-1.#IND', '-1.#QNAN', '-NaN', '-nan', '#1.#IND', '1.#QNAN', 'N/A', 'NULL', 'NaN', 'n/a', 'nan', 'null', 'undefined', 'unknown']) # date cols if date_format is not None: date_list = [pd.DataFrame(pd.to_datetime(df[c].values, format=date_format), columns=[c]) for c in date_cols] else: try: date_list = [pd.DataFrame(pd.to_datetime(df[c].values, unit='s'), columns=[c]) for c in date_cols] except ValueError: date_list = [pd.DataFrame(pd.to_datetime(df[c].values, infer_datetime_format=True, errors='coerce'), columns=[c]) for c in date_cols] date_df = pd.concat(date_list, axis=1, sort=True) if len(date_list) > 0 else pd.DataFrame() for c in date_cols: n_len = len(date_df[date_df[c].isnull()]) if n_len > 0: su.my_print('WARNING: invalid dates in ' + str(c) + ': ' + str(n_len)) # str cols sdf = df[str_cols].fillna('nan') str_df = sdf[str_cols].astype(str) if len(str_cols) > 0 else pd.DataFrame() # cat cols cdf = df[cat_cols].fillna('nan') cat_df = cdf[cat_cols].astype(str) if len(cat_cols) > 0 else pd.DataFrame() # bool cols b_list = [pd.DataFrame(to_bool(df[c])) for c in b_cols] bool_df = pd.concat(b_list, axis=1, sort=True) if len(b_list) > 0 else pd.DataFrame() # num cols n_list = [pd.DataFrame(pd.to_numeric(df[c].values, errors='coerce'), columns=[c]) for c in num_cols] num_df = pd.concat(n_list, axis=1, sort=True) if len(n_list) > 0 else pd.DataFrame() if other_cols is None: # keep all the other cols other_cols = list(set(df.columns) - set(date_cols) - set(str_cols) - set(cat_cols) - set(num_cols) - set(b_cols)) return pd.concat([df[other_cols], date_df, str_df, cat_df, num_df, bool_df], axis=1, sort=True)
def trim_df(a_df, rge=1.5, qtiles=[0.25, 0.75], cols=None, upr=True, lwr=True, msg=None): """ basic outlier IQR trim of a DF. Drop any row with any of its col in cols outside the interval [q1 - rge * iqr, q3 + rge * iqr] :param a_df: DF to trim :param cols: list of cols or str (single col) to use in the trimming. If None use all columns :param rge: iqr factor :param upr: if True drop upper (right) outliers :param lwr: if True drop lower (left) outliers :param qtiles: quantiles for the iqr range :param msg: report on data dropped with msg (eg cols, df, context) if not None :return: returns trimmed DF """ if len(a_df) > 0: if isinstance(a_df, type(pd.DataFrame())): if isinstance(cols, str): cols = [cols] a_df_cols = list(a_df.columns) else: # series cols, a_df_cols = None, None t_df = a_df.copy() if cols is None else a_df[cols].copy() q_df = t_df.quantile(qtiles) q_lwr, q_upr = qtiles if q_lwr > q_upr: q_upr, q_lwr = q_lwr, q_upr iqr = q_df.diff(1).dropna().reset_index(drop=True) if len(q_df) == 2 and len(iqr) == 1: lwr_thres = q_df.loc[q_lwr] - rge * iqr.iloc[0] upr_thres = q_df.loc[q_upr] + rge * iqr.iloc[0] # if bool_df == True, drop the row if upr == True and lwr == True: bool_df = (t_df < lwr_thres) | (t_df > upr_thres) elif upr == True and lwr == False: bool_df = (t_df > upr_thres) elif upr == False and lwr == True: bool_df = (t_df < lwr_thres) else: # ignore the trim bool_df = pd.DataFrame([False] * len(a_df)) if isinstance(a_df, type(pd.DataFrame())): z_bool = bool_df.apply(lambda x: any(x), axis=1) # true if any row value are outside the interval [q1-rge * iqr, q3 + rge * iqr] z_out = a_df[~z_bool][a_df_cols].copy() else: # series z_out = a_df[~bool_df].copy() if msg is not None: diff = len(a_df) - len(z_out) if diff != 0: su.my_print(str(msg) + ':: dropped ' + str(diff) + ' outliers out of ' + str(len(a_df)) + ' points') return z_out else: return None else: return None
def to_bool(pd_series): # only handles NaNs and values 0/1 or True/False is_null = pd_series.isnull() yn = pd_series[is_null] nn = pd_series[~is_null] d = {'False': False, 'True': True, '0': False, '1': True, 0: False, 1: False, True: True, False: False} for v in nn.unique(): if v not in list(d.keys()): su.my_print(str(v) + ' :::::::WARNING:::::: to_bool: invalid values for ' + str( + ': ' + str(nn.unique())) return pd_series s = pd.concat([yn,], axis=0, sort=True) return s.sort_index()
def read_df(f_name, sep=None): fn = os.path.expanduser(f_name) root, ext = os.path.splitext(fn) if ext == '' or ext == '.': for ext in ['.par', '.csv', '.tsv', '.csv.gz', '.tsv.gz']: sep = '\t' if 'tsv' in ext else ',' f = read_df(fn + ext, sep=sep) if f is not None: return f return None else: if os.path.isfile(fn): su.my_print('read_df file: ' + str(fn)) root, ext = os.path.splitext(fn) if 'gz' in ext or 'csv' in ext: try: return pd.read_csv(fn, sep=sep) except: su.my_print('read_csv failed for file ' + str(fn)) return None elif 'par' in ext: try: return pd.read_parquet(fn) except: su.my_print('read_parquet failed for file ' + str(fn)) return None else: su.my_print(fn + ' does not exist') return None
def plot_by_year(df_in, cols, tcol, base_year=None, time_scale='W'): # cols: columns to plot # tcol: time column # returns a DF based on df_in ready to plot cols aligned by weekday and week for each year # the values are aligned by week and day of the week using the iso calendar # base year is used to index the resulting data. If None is given, take the largest or the one with a whole year of data. # If there is no complete year, sets values to 0 # base year is only for plotting purposes. The dates and values in base year may not match the exact date of the year. # since 365 and 366 are not multiples of 7, there will be some NAs ate the beginning or end of some years. df = df_in[[tcol] + cols].copy() df.set_index(tcol, inplace=True) i_name = s = pd.Series(df.index) iso = s.apply(lambda x: x.isocalendar()) df['iso_nbr'] = iso.apply(lambda x: x[1]).values if time_scale == 'W' else iso.apply(lambda x: x[2]).values if len(df) != len(df.index.unique()): su.my_print('plot by year has duplicated dates') return None # set base year and check that data is daily (at least during the base year) years = list(df.index.year.unique()) if base_year is None: base_year = min(years) # collect cols to plot by year g_list = list() for y in years: g = df[df.index.year == y].copy() = y g.columns = [str(y) + '_' + c if c in cols else c for c in df.columns] g.reset_index(inplace=True) g.drop(y, axis=1, inplace=True) g_list.append(g) mf = reduce(lambda x, y: x.merge(y, on='iso_nbr', how='outer'), g_list) if len(g_list) > 0 else None # build index DF base_idx = df.index[df.index.year == base_year] i_df = pd.DataFrame(index=base_idx) s = pd.Series(base_idx) iso = s.apply(lambda x: x.isocalendar()) i_df['iso_nbr'] = iso.apply(lambda x: x[1]).values if time_scale == 'W' else iso.apply(lambda x: x[2]).values i_df.reset_index(inplace=True) a_df = i_df.merge(mf, on='iso_nbr', how='left') a_df.drop('iso_nbr', axis=1, inplace=True) a_df.set_index(i_name, inplace=True) return a_df # will have NaN entries
def from_parquet(f_path, str_cols=None): # read the DF from a parquet file # converts str cols into dict or other json dumped structures if str_cols is None: str_cols = list() # _path = os.path.expanduser(f_path) if os.path.isfile(f_path): df_out = pd.read_parquet(f_path) for c in str_cols: if c in df_out.columns: df_out[c] = df_out[c].apply(json.loads) else: su.my_print('from_parquet:: ' + c + ' is not a column') return df_out else: su.my_print('from_parquet:: file ' + f_path + ' does not exit') raise RuntimeError('failure')
def set_week_start(adf, tcol='ds'): if 'ds_week_starting' in adf.columns and 'ds_week_ending' in adf.columns: adf['ds_week_starting'] = pd.to_datetime(adf['ds_week_starting']) elif 'ds_week_starting' in adf.columns and 'ds_week_ending' not in adf.columns: adf['ds_week_starting'] = pd.to_datetime(adf['ds_week_starting']) elif 'ds_week_starting' not in adf.columns and 'ds_week_ending' in adf.columns: adf['ds_week_ending'] = pd.to_datetime(adf['ds_week_ending']) adf['ds_week_starting'] = adf['ds_week_ending'] - pd.to_timedelta(6, unit='D') else: if tcol not in adf.columns: su.my_print('ERROR: invalid tcol: ' + str(tcol)) print(adf.head()) sys.exit() adf_copy = adf.copy() adf_copy.reset_index(inplace=True, drop=True) ts = adf_copy[tcol].copy() ts.drop_duplicates(inplace=True) ts.sort_values(inplace=True) ts.dropna(inplace=True) ts = pd.Series(pd.to_datetime(ts.values)) ts_freq = pd.infer_freq(ts) if ts_freq is None: # make a guess su.my_print('WARNING: no time frequency found. making educated guesses') diffs = ts.diff().dt.days v = diffs.value_counts(normalize=True) freq_days = v.index[0] # most common freq in days if v.max() > 0.9: # 90% of the times the freq in days is freq_days if freq_days == 1: ts_freq = 'D' elif freq_days == 7: ts_freq = 'W' else: su.my_print('ERROR: unknown time frequency. Frequency values observed (in days) and fraction: ') print(v) sys.exit() if 'W' in ts_freq: dw = adf_copy.loc[adf_copy.index[0], tcol].weekday() if dw == 5: # set to week_ending Sat if tcol == 'ds': adf[tcol] = pd.to_datetime(adf[tcol]) adf[tcol] -= pd.to_timedelta(6, unit='D') return else: adf[tcol] = pd.to_datetime(adf[tcol]) adf['ds_week_starting'] = adf[tcol] - pd.to_timedelta(6, unit='D') adf[tcol] = adf[tcol] - pd.to_timedelta(6, unit='D') return elif 'D' in ts_freq: pass else: su.my_print('ERROR: invalid frequency') adf = None
def to_df(data_list, a_lbl, sep='\t', cols=None, debug=False): q_data = data_list[0] if len(data_list) == 1 else data_list if q_data is None or len(q_data) <= 1: return None # each row in q_data is a tab separated string if cols is None: # infer? cols = ['.'.join(c.split('.')[1:]) for c in q_data[0].split(sep)] if '.' in q_data[0] else q_data[0].split(sep) # col names of the form <tb_name>.<col_name>: drop table name rows = [r.split(sep) for r in q_data[1:]] else: rows = [r.split(sep) for r in q_data] su.my_print('pid: ' + str(os.getpid()) + ' to_df: collected for ' + a_lbl + ':: rows: ' + str(len(rows)) + ' columns: ' + str(cols)) ncols = len(cols) rcols = [r for r in rows if len(r) == ncols] if len(rows) - len(rcols) > 0: su.my_print('pid: ' + str(os.getpid()) + ' WARNING: ' + str(len(rows) - len(rcols)) + ' dropped for ' + a_lbl) if len(rcols) > 0: _df = pd.DataFrame(rcols, columns=cols) if list(_df.columns) == list(_df.loc[0,].values): _df.drop(0, axis=0, inplace=True) if debug: save_df(_df, TempUtils.tmpfile(a_lbl + '_get_data_df')) return _df else: su.my_print('pid: ' + str(os.getpid()) + ' WARNING: no valid data returned for ' + a_lbl) return None
def save_df(a_df, os_path, sep=',', msg_hdr=None, msg_tail=None, verbose=True, index=False): hdr = '' if msg_hdr is None else msg_hdr tail = '' if msg_tail is None else msg_tail if os.path.dirname(os_path): # dir exists try: a_df.to_parquet(os_path + '.par') if verbose: su.my_print(hdr + 'pid: ' + str(os.getpid()) + ' save_df::Saving to ' + os_path + '.par' + tail) return os_path + '.par' except: su.my_print(hdr + 'pid: ' + str(os.getpid()) + ' save_df::Failed for ' + os_path + '.par' + tail) try: a_df.to_csv(os_path + '.csv.gz', sep=sep, compression='gzip', index=index) if verbose: su.my_print(hdr + 'pid: ' + str(os.getpid()) + ' save_df::Saving to ' + os_path + '.csv.gz' + tail) return os_path + '.csv.gz' except FileNotFoundError: su.my_print('ERROR: could not save: ' + os_path + ' not found') return None else: return None
def clean_cols(df, col_list, c_vals_path, check_new=True, do_nan=False, rename=False): # clean categorical cols # col_list: cols to fix # cat_cols: cols to check for new # c_vals contains translation dicts # from capacity_planning.utilities import col_values as c_vals def flip_dict(d, cols, c_map): # d[col] = {'good_val': [...bad_vals...], ...} new_dict = dict() for c in cols: nc = c_map.get(c, c) # mapped col name new_dict[c] = {kv: kk for kk, vv in d[nc].items() for kv in vv} return new_dict # find new invalid values and replace bad values with good ones # with open(os.path.expanduser(c_vals_path), 'r') as fp: su.my_print('pid: ' + str(os.getpid()) + ' p_ut:clean_cols: values check for cols ' + str(col_list)) with open(os.path.expanduser(c_vals_path), 'r') as fp: c_vals = json.load(fp) v_dict = c_vals['col_values'] m_dict = c_vals['col_maps'] if rename: r_dict = dict() c_cols = dict() for c in col_list: c_cols[c] = [k for k, v in m_dict.items() if v == c and k in df.columns] if c in m_dict.values() else list() if len(c_cols[c]) == 0: su.my_print('ERROR: column ' + str(c) + ' has no mapping in m_dict: ' + str(m_dict) + ' and DF has columns ' + str(df.columns)) sys.exit() elif len(c_cols[c]) > 1: su.my_print('ERROR: column ' + str(c) + ' has too many matches in m_dict: ' + str(m_dict) + ' and DF has columns ' + str(df.columns)) sys.exit() else: r_dict[c_cols[c][0]] = c df.rename(columns=r_dict, inplace=True) my_cols = list() for c in col_list: if c in m_dict.keys(): my_cols.append(c) else: su.my_print('pid: ' + str(os.getpid()) + ' WARNING: clean_cols:: no mapping for column ' + str(c)) f_dict = flip_dict(v_dict, my_cols, m_dict) _ = [df[c].update(df[c].map(f_dict[c])) for c in my_cols] # in place replacement if do_nan is True: df.replace(['_drop', 'nan', 'other'], np.nan, inplace=True) # find new invalid values in cat cols new_ones = dict() if check_new is True: su.my_print('pid: ' + str(os.getpid()) + ' p_ut:clean_cols: starting new invalid values check for cols ' + str(my_cols)) for c in my_cols: uniques = df[c].unique() new_vals = list(set(uniques) - set(v_dict[m_dict.get(c, c)])) if len(new_vals) > 0: new_ones[c] = new_vals # su.my_print('pid: ' + str(os.getpid()) + ' p_ut:clean_cols::col: ' + str(c) + ' has new invalid values: ' + str(new_vals)) return new_ones
def ts_outliers(y_df, t_col, y_col, coef=3.0, verbose=False, replace=False, ignore_dates=None, lbl_dict=None, r_val=1.0): # set outliers to NaN """ Find outliers in y_col which is a time series using IQR method or median filter. Assumes y_col >= 0 :param df: DF with y_col (data) and t_col :param t_col: time column name. :param y_col: data column :param coef: IQR coefficient :param verbose: verbose :param lbl_dict: into dict (context) :param r_val: r_val = 1 replaces by the yhat_upr/yhat_lwr value, r_val=0 replaces by yhat. In between, a weighted avg :param replace: if True replace the outlier value(s) by the Prophet in-sample forecast. If false, set outlier to nan :param ignore_dates: do not replace outliers for dates in this list :return: DF with either nan in outliers or fit outliers """ if len(y_df) <= 10: su.my_print(str(os.getpid()) + ' WARNING: not enough points for outlier detection: ' + str(len(y_df))) return y_df, np.nan, None # look for outliers _y_df = y_df.copy() _y_df.rename(columns={t_col: 'ds', y_col: 'y'}, inplace=True) _y_df.reset_index(inplace=True, drop=True) try: if verbose: m = Prophet(changepoint_range=0.9)[['ds', 'y']]) else: with su.suppress_stdout_stderr(): m = Prophet(changepoint_range=0.9)[['ds', 'y']]) except ValueError: su.my_print(str(os.getpid()) + ' ERROR: prophet err: returning original DF. Data len: ' + str(len(_y_df)) + ' Saving to ' + '~/my_tmp/_prophet_df.par') _y_df.rename(columns={'ds': t_col, 'y': y_col}, inplace=True) save_df(_y_df, '~/my_tmp/_y_df') return None, np.nan, None future = m.make_future_dataframe(periods=0) forecast = m.predict(future) y_vals = _y_df['y'].copy() # they will be filtered later _y_df['yhat'] = forecast['yhat'] _y_df['resi'] = _y_df['y'] - _y_df['yhat'] # use iqr or median filter # using Prophet's interval_width does not work as it is a quantile, # and about the same number of outliers is always found on avg ~ len * (1 - interval_width) upr, lwr = iqr_filter(_y_df['resi'], coef=coef, q_lwr=0.25, q_upr=0.75) # iqr # upr, lwr = median_filter(_y_df['resi'], coef=coef) # median filter _y_df['yhat_upr'] = forecast['yhat'] + upr _y_df['yhat_lwr'] = forecast['yhat'] + lwr _y_df.rename(columns={'ds': t_col, 'y': y_col}, inplace=True) # no outlier if yhat_lwr <= y <= yhat_upr _y_df['is_outlier'] = (y_vals > _y_df['yhat_upr']) | (y_vals < _y_df['yhat_lwr']) n_outliers = _y_df['is_outlier'].sum() err = np.round(100 * n_outliers / len(_y_df), 0) if ignore_dates is None: ignore_dates = list() off = None if n_outliers > 0: if verbose is True: save_df(_y_df, '~/my_tmp/outliers_DF_' + str(y_col) + '_' + str(lbl_dict)) # no outlier processing yet su.my_print(str(os.getpid()) + ' WARNING::column ' + y_col + ' has ' + str(len(_y_df)) + ' rows and ' + str(n_outliers) + ' outliers (' + str(err) + '%) for context ' + str(lbl_dict)) b_dates = ~_y_df[t_col].isin(ignore_dates) # boolean dates adjuster: when true, an outlier on that date can be adjusted b_adj = _y_df['is_outlier'] & b_dates # boolean outlier adjuster: if true it is an outlier we can adjust if replace is False: _y_df[y_col] = y_vals * (1 - b_adj) + np.nan * b_adj else: _y_df[y_col] = y_vals * (1 - b_adj) + \ (r_val * _y_df['yhat_upr'] + (1.0 - r_val) * _y_df['yhat']) * ((y_vals > _y_df['yhat_upr']) & b_dates) + \ (r_val * _y_df['yhat_lwr'] + (1.0 - r_val) * _y_df['yhat']) * ((y_vals < _y_df['yhat_lwr']) & b_dates) if verbose is True: # print outlier info: note that actuals are already filtered wheras the original value is in the outlier column off = _y_df[b_adj].copy() su.my_print('*************** outlier detail ************') print(off) _y_df.drop(['resi', 'yhat', 'yhat_upr', 'yhat_lwr', 'is_outlier'], axis=1, inplace=True) return _y_df, err, off
def nested_dict_to_df(a_dict, col_names, key_depth=None): """ builds a df from a nested dict. Requires that all key paths be equally deep use pandas to_dict when 3 columns (keys levels) are left. otherwise, go recursive :param a_dict: dict to turn to a DF :param col_names: col names for the output DF :param key_depth: key depth entries to return. If None take the most common. Other entries are su.my_printed and dropped. :return: a DF with columns given by col_names and rows given by either the keys or the values in the input dict Example big_dict = {'a': { 'p1': {'d1': {'00': 1, '01': 2}, 'd2': {'00': 2, '02': 3}}, 'p2': {'d2': {'04': 4, '01': 2}, 'd3': {'00': 2, '01': 3}} }, 'b': { 'p1': {'d1': {'00': 1, '01': 2}, 'd2': {'00': 2, '02': 3}}, 'p3': {'d4': {'00': 1, '01': 2}, 'd3': {'00': 2, '01': 3}}, 'p2': {'d1': {'00': 2, '01': 2}}, 'p3': {'d1': {'05': None}} }, 'c': { 'p1': {'d3': 2, 'd2': {'01': 5}}, 'p2': 4, 'p4': 'd1' } } Example: nested_dict_to_df(big_dict, ['col', 'pod', 'date', 'hr', 'val']) su.my_prints: the following entries are incomplete and will be dropped from the output c:p4:d1 c:p1:d3:2 c:p2:4 and returns: col date hr pod val 0 b d2 00 p1 2.0 1 a d3 00 p2 2.0 2 a d3 01 p2 3.0 3 b d1 00 p1 1.0 4 b d1 01 p2 2.0 5 b d2 02 p1 3.0 6 a d2 00 p1 2.0 7 a d2 02 p1 3.0 8 c d2 01 p1 5.0 9 b d1 05 p3 NaN 10 a d2 04 p2 4.0 11 a d2 01 p2 2.0 12 b d1 00 p2 2.0 13 a d1 01 p1 2.0 14 a d1 00 p1 1.0 15 b d1 01 p1 2.0 """ delim = '>>@:::#-->' # use an odd delimiter to avoid split problems flat_dict = flatdict.FlatDict(a_dict, delimiter=delim) if key_depth is None: # find the most common key depth k_lists = [k.split(delim) for k in flat_dict.keys()] d_lens = dict() # {key_len: count} for l in k_lists: k_len = len(l) if k_len not in d_lens: d_lens[k_len] = 0 d_lens[k_len] += 1 max_k_len = max(d_lens.iteritems(), key=operator.itemgetter(1))[0] else: max_k_len = key_depth # key depth to output # check that col_names length match key depth, otherwise error because we cannot name all the DF columns we need or have too many columns if len(col_names) != 1 + max_k_len: su.my_print('invalid col_names: ' + str(col_names) + '. There should be ' + str(max_k_len) + ' columns') raise RuntimeError('failure') # keep only the path depth we want and drop the others # su.my_print what is dropped flat_drop = {k: v for k, v in flat_dict.iteritems() if len(k.split(delim)) != max_k_len} if len(flat_drop) != 0: su.my_print('the following entries are incomplete and will be dropped from the output') for k, v in flat_drop.iteritems(): k_col = k.replace(delim, ':') su.my_print('\t' + str(k_col) + ':' + str(v)) # recover the dict to make into a DF flat_keep = {k: v for k, v in flat_dict.iteritems() if len(k.split(delim)) == max_k_len} t_list = [tuple(k.split(delim) + [v]) for k, v in flat_keep.iteritems()] dict_list = [dict(zip(col_names, row)) for row in t_list] return pd.DataFrame.from_dict(dict_list)
def df_inspect(df, df_name, rows=5, pid=False): """ Inspect a dataframe pid su.my_prints the pid running """ rows = max(rows, len(df.columns)) pd.set_option('display.max_rows', rows) pd.set_option('display.max_columns', 2 + len(df.columns)) w = max(20 * len(df.columns), 250) pd.set_option('display.width', w) su.my_print('------------ ' + df_name + ' ------------') if pid == True: su.my_print('pid: ' + str(os.getpid())) su.my_print('length: ' + str(len(df))) su.my_print('size: ' + str(df_sz_MBs(df)) + 'MB') su.my_print(df.head(rows)) su.my_print(df.tail(rows)) t_df = df.dtypes.reset_index() t_df.columns = ['cols', 'type'] v = {} for i in t_df.index: c = t_df.iloc[i, 'cols'] t = t_df.iloc[i, 'type'] v[c] = [len(df[c].unique())] if t == np.object else [np.nan] v_df = pd.DataFrame(v).transpose() desc = df.describe().transpose() smry = pd.concat([df.isnull().sum(), df.dtypes, v_df, desc], axis=1, sort=True) smry.columns = ['nulls', 'dtypes', 'uniques'] + list(desc.columns) pd.set_option('display.max_columns', 2 + len(smry.columns)) su.my_print(smry) su.my_print('------------------------------------')
def _get_bin_vals(df, t_col, bin_cnt, fbin, qfunc): """ returns a DF with bin values based on the t_col bins, i.e t_col defines the aggregation bins for the other columns supports duplicated values :param df: input DF :param t_col: column to build the initial bin breakdown from :param bin_cnt: number of bins to generate :param fbin: binning method: count(qcut) or size(cut) :param qfunc: function to use to compute the bin value: np.median, np.mean, ... in numerical columns. In discrete columns, the mean is always used. :return: DF with same numerical cols as df and bin_cnt rows. The non-numerical cols are split into dummy cols. """ def nbin_agg(zf, n_func, cols): fo = zf[cols].apply(n_func, axis=0) fo['_bin_prob'] = len(zf) # normalized later return fo if len(df) == 0 or df is None: return None qidx = '_' + t_col + '_idx' # column with the t_col bin number q_df = None s_df = df.copy() dropped_df = list() while q_df is None and bin_cnt >= 2: try: q_df = pd.concat([s_df, fbin(s_df[t_col], int(bin_cnt), labels=range(int(bin_cnt)))], axis=1, sort=True) # add bin number column except ValueError: # repeat values: fix and try again vc = s_df[t_col].value_counts() cm_val, cm_cnt = vc.idxmax(), vc.max() # most common repeat value and repeat count if cm_cnt <= 1: # this should not happen! su.my_su.my_print('invalid max count for ' + t_col + '. Should be > 1') su.my_su.my_print(vc.head()) return None mask = s_df[t_col] == cm_val if cm_cnt >= len(s_df) / bin_cnt: # repeat value spans more than one bin bin_cnt *= float(len(s_df) - cm_cnt) / len(s_df) # adjust qtile to keep proportions dropped_df.append(s_df[mask].copy()) # save the portion dropped from s_df to bin later s_df = s_df[~mask].copy() # new DF for fbin else: # add noise to the repeat value to drop repeats idx = np.argmin(np.abs(s_df[t_col][~mask].values - cm_val)) # closest value to cm_val, not equal to cm_val z = s_df[t_col][~mask].values[idx] std = min(np.abs(cm_val - z), np.abs(cm_val)) / 1000.0 v_noise = np.where(mask, np.random.normal(0, std, len(s_df)), np.zeros(len(s_df))) s_df[t_col] += v_noise # t_col with noise on most common value to remove repeats if q_df is not None and len(s_df) >= bin_cnt: break if q_df is not None and len(s_df) >= bin_cnt: q_df.columns = list(s_df.columns) + [qidx] if len(dropped_df) > 0: # bin repeated values su.my_print('_get_bin_vals:: ' + t_col + ' has duplicated values') bin_val = q_df[qidx].max() # highest bin created for idx in range(len(dropped_df)): # add bin number value to the dropped repeat values dropped_df[idx][qidx] = bin_val + 1 + idx dropped_df.append(q_df) # add DF with bins q_df = pd.concat(dropped_df, axis=0, sort=True) # DF with all bins, including repeated values # compute the value for each bin q_df[qidx] = q_df[qidx].astype(np.int64) # not a category n_cols = [c for c in q_df.columns if not(str(q_df.dtypes[c]) in ['object', 'category'])] # only numerical cols n_df = q_df.groupby(qidx).apply(nbin_agg, n_func=qfunc, cols=n_cols).reset_index(drop=True) # values in each bin for numerical cols n_df['_bin_prob'] /= n_df['_bin_prob'].sum() # fraction of samples (rows) in each bin d_cols = list(set(q_df.columns) - set(n_cols)) # discrete columns d_df_list = [pd.get_dummies(q_df[d], prefix=d, prefix_sep='::') for d in d_cols] # list of dummy DFs if len(d_df_list) > 0: # compute value for discrete column: always use mean d_df = pd.concat(d_df_list, axis=1, sort=True) d_df[qidx] = q_df[qidx] c_df = d_df.groupby(qidx).apply(lambda z_df: z_df.apply(np.mean, axis=0)).reset_index(drop=True) # value in each bin for non-numerical cols (prob) m_df = n_df.merge(c_df, on=qidx, how='outer') else: m_df = n_df.drop(qidx, axis=1) return m_df else: su.my_print('_get_bin_vals failed') return None