def WriteDistanceToTable(UPConfig, Distarr): ''' Add records to up_distance. If up_distances does not exist, it is created. Called By: CalcDistancesLayer Calls: Arguments: UPConfig Distarr a numpy structured array with (attracter, BaseGeom_id, distance) ''' if arcpy.Exists( os.path.join(UPConfig['paths']['dbpath'], UPConfig['paths']['dbname'], 'up_distances')) == False: Logger("Making up_distances") MakeUPDistTable(UPConfig) Logger("Inserting to Distance Table") # insert for this one cur = arcpy.da.InsertCursor( os.path.join(UPConfig['paths']['dbpath'], UPConfig['paths']['dbname'], 'up_distances'), ['attracter', UPConfig['BaseGeom_id'], 'distance']) for ln in Distarr: row = (ln['attracter'], ln[UPConfig['BaseGeom_id']], ln['distance']) cur.insertRow(row)
def WriteNetWeightsByLu(UPConfig, ts, lu, weights): ''' Writes net weights to table. Creates the table if needed and removes potentially conflicting data. Called By: GetWeightsByTs Calls: MakeUPNetWeightsTable RemoveNetWeightsFromTableByLu ''' if not arcpy.Exists( os.path.join(UPConfig['paths']['dbpath'], UPConfig['paths']['dbname'], 'up_net_weights')): MakeUPNetWeightsTable(UPConfig, ts, lu) else: RemoveNetWeightsFromTableByLu(UPConfig, ts, lu) Logger("Writing Net Weights") cur = arcpy.da.InsertCursor( os.path.join(UPConfig['paths']['dbpath'], UPConfig['paths']['dbname'], 'up_net_weights'), ['timestep', 'lu', UPConfig['BaseGeom_id'], 'weight']) for ln in weights: row = (ts[0], lu, ln[UPConfig['BaseGeom_id']], ln['weight']) cur.insertRow(row) Logger("Weights Written")
def CalcAvailSpace(UPConfig,TimeStep,lu,row,cumAlloc): """ Calculate the amount of available space for a land use in a polygon based on unconstrained acres, cumulative allocation, and general plan settings. Called By: Allocation.PriAllocLU Calls: OrderLU MakeLUListForGP MakeMUList Arguments: UPConfig TimeStep lu: the land use being tested for allocation. row: the row from devSpaceTable cumAlloc: cumulative allocation table """ pclid = row[UPConfig['BaseGeom_id']] # if pclid == 30: # print("Stop here") # get cumAlloc row for polygon try: caRow = cumAlloc.loc[cumAlloc[UPConfig['BaseGeom_id']]== pclid] #cumAlloc.loc[pclid] except Exception, e: availableSpace = 0 remList = [] Logger("Error, AllocUtilities.CalcAvailSpace") Logger(str(e)) #raise(e) return([availableSpace,remList])
def RemoveDistanceFromTable(UPConfig, layername): ''' Remove records for "layername" from up_distance Called By: CalcDistancesLayer Calls: Arguments: UPConfig layername ''' if arcpy.Exists( os.path.join(UPConfig['paths']['dbpath'], UPConfig['paths']['dbname'], 'up_distances')) == True: Logger("Cleaning up_distances: {ln}".format(ln=layername)) # Delete any records from the table for the layer whereclause = """attracter = '{ln}'""".format(ln=layername) cur = arcpy.da.UpdateCursor( os.path.join(UPConfig['paths']['dbpath'], UPConfig['paths']['dbname'], 'up_distances'), ['OID@'], whereclause) for row in cur: cur.deleteRow() else: Logger("up_distances does not exist: skipping cleaning")
def CreateOrEmptyTable(db, TableName, Fields, FieldTypes): ''' If the given table doesn't exist, this function will create the table. If the given table does exist, all rows will be removed Called by: CalculateDemand Arguments: db: full path to the uplan file geodatabase TableName: The name of the table Fields: A list containing the field names FieldTypes: A Dictionary that defines the field types by the field names ''' arcpy.env.workspace = db if arcpy.Exists(TableName): Logger("Emptying Table: " + TableName) #arcpy.DeleteRows_management(TableName) else: #create the table Logger("Creating Table: " + TableName) arcpy.CreateTable_management(InWorkspace, TableName) #add the field(s) for Field in Fields: arcpy.AddField_management(TableName, Field, FieldTypes[Field])
def CalcDistancesLayer(UPConfig, layername): ''' Calculate Distances for one layer and enter them to up_distances table. Called By: main Calls: CalcDistArray RemoveDistanceFromTable WriteDistancetoTable Arguments: UPConfig Layername ''' Logger("Calculating Distances: {ln}".format(ln=layername)) if UPConfig['DistMode'] == 'GenerateNear': Logger("Distance Mode=GenerateNear") Distarr = CalcDistArray([UPConfig, layername]) RemoveDistanceFromTable(UPConfig, layername) WriteDistanceToTable(UPConfig, Distarr) elif UPConfig['DistMode'] == 'RasterEuc': Logger("Distance Mode=RasterEuc") Distarr = CalcDistArrayRaster([UPConfig, layername, 50]) RemoveDistanceFromTable(UPConfig, layername) WriteDistanceToTable(UPConfig, Distarr) pass Logger("Distance Calculated")
def WriteDisaggWeightsByLu(UPConfig, ts, lu, weights): ''' Write disaggregate weight to table by lu. Creates the table if it doesn't exist, and empties potentially confilicting data Called By: GetWeightsByTs main Calls: makeUPDisaggWeightsTable RemoveDisaggWeightsFromTableByLu ''' if not arcpy.Exists( os.path.join(UPConfig['paths']['dbpath'], UPConfig['paths']['dbname'], 'up_disagg_weights')): MakeUPDisaggWeightsTable(UPConfig, ts, lu) else: RemoveDisaggWeightsFromTableByLu(UPConfig, ts, lu) Logger("Writing Disaggregate Weights") cur = arcpy.da.InsertCursor( os.path.join(UPConfig['paths']['dbpath'], UPConfig['paths']['dbname'], 'up_disagg_weights'), ['timestep', 'lu', 'attracter', UPConfig['BaseGeom_id'], 'weight']) for ln in weights: row = (ts[0], lu, ln['attracter'], ln[UPConfig['BaseGeom_id']], ln['weight']) cur.insertRow(row) Logger("Weights Written")
def CalcRedevRes(UPConfig, TimeStep, pop): """ Return the number of acres of each res type for redevelopment """ Logger("Calculating Redev Acres: Residential") gdb = os.path.join(UPConfig['paths']['dbpath'], UPConfig['paths']['dbname']) # get pphh whereClause = """TSCode = '{ts}'""".format(ts=TimeStep[0]) fields = ['PPHH'] cur = arcpy.da.SearchCursor(os.path.join(gdb, 'upd_demographics'), fields, whereClause) pphh =[0] # get subarea proportions sap = {} for sa in UPConfig['Subareas']: sap[sa['sa']] = {} whereClause = """TSCode = '{ts}' AND SACode = '{sacd}' """.format( ts=TimeStep[0], sacd=sa['sa']) cur = arcpy.SearchCursor(os.path.join(gdb, 'upd_subareares'), whereClause, ['LUCode', 'PctRes']) lus = [] for row in cur: lus.append(row.getValue('LUCode')) sap[sa['sa']][row.getValue('LUCode')] = row.getValue('PctRes') # Get the subarea's proportion of total pop cur = arcpy.SearchCursor(os.path.join(gdb, 'upd_subareademand'), whereClause, ['PctRes']) sap[sa['sa']]['PctRes'] ='PctRes') # Get densities whereClause = """TSCode = '{ts}'""".format(ts=TimeStep[0]) cur = arcpy.SearchCursor(os.path.join(gdb, 'upd_rescalcs'), whereClause, ['LUCode', 'GrossAcPerOccUnit']) acPerUnit = {} for row in cur: acPerUnit[row.getValue('LUCode')] = row.getValue('GrossAcPerOccUnit') resAc = {} reDevHH = {} for sa in UPConfig['Subareas']: resAc[sa['sa']] = {} reDevHH[sa['sa']] = {} sapop = pop * sap[sa['sa']]['PctRes'] sahh = sapop / pphh for lu in lus: reDevHH[sa['sa']][lu] = sahh * sap[sa['sa']][lu] resAc[sa['sa']][lu] = reDevHH[sa['sa']][lu] * acPerUnit[lu] Logger("Calculated Redev Acres") return ([resAc, reDevHH])
def Allocate(UPConfig): """ Manages the full allocation including all timesteps, subareas, landuses, and redevelopment How it works: 1. Creates the cumulative allocation table 2. Loops through the time steps 3. For each time step: 1. Call AllocateTimeStep() 2. Collect the results 3. Write the cumulative allocation, time step allocation, and any underallocation to disk. 4. Move to next time step. Called By: Python Toolbox Calls: au.MakeAllocTables AllocateTimeStep au.WriteAllocTables au.AllLUField Arguments: UPConfig """ # make cumAlloc cumAlloc = au.MakeAllocTables(UPConfig) # for TimeStep in UPConfig: for TimeStep in UPConfig['TimeSteps']: Logger("Working on Timestep: {ts}".format(ts=TimeStep[1])) TSResults = AllocateTimeStep(UPConfig, TimeStep, cumAlloc) # Save Cumulative Allocation at this point Logger("Writing Cumulative Allocation") au.WriteAllocTables(UPConfig, TSResults[0], "upo_cum_alloc_{ts}".format(ts=TimeStep[0])) au.AddLUField(UPConfig, "upo_cum_alloc_{ts}".format(ts=TimeStep[0])) #Save the TimeStep's Allocation Logger("Writing TimeStep Allocation") au.WriteAllocTables(UPConfig, TSResults[1], "upo_ts_alloc_{ts}".format(ts=TimeStep[0])) #Save any underallocation for the TimeStep Logger("Writing UnderAllocation") au.WriteUndAlloc( UPConfig, TSResults[2], "upo_und_alloc_{ts}".format(ts=TimeStep[0]) ) # AllocTables(UPConfig, TSResults[2], "upo_und_alloc_{ts}".format(ts=TimeStep[0])) Logger("Writing Redevelopment Pop and Emp") au.WriteRedev(UPConfig, TSResults[3], "upo_redev_{ts}".format(ts=TimeStep[0]))
def MakeUPNetWeightsTable(UPConfig, ts, lu): ''' Create an empty table to hold weights data in the database. Only call this if you want to create a new table. This function is not intended to overwite exising versions. Called By: WriteNetWeightsByLu Calls: Arguments: UPConfig ''' if not arcpy.Exists( os.path.join(UPConfig['paths']['dbpath'], UPConfig['paths']['dbname'], 'up_net_weights')): Logger("Creating New up_net_weights table") arcpy.env.overwriteOutput = False arcpy.CreateTable_management( os.path.join(UPConfig['paths']['dbpath'], UPConfig['paths']['dbname']), 'up_net_weights') arcpy.AddField_management( os.path.join(UPConfig['paths']['dbpath'], UPConfig['paths']['dbname'], 'up_net_weights'), 'timestep', 'TEXT', "", "", 8) arcpy.AddField_management( os.path.join(UPConfig['paths']['dbpath'], UPConfig['paths']['dbname'], 'up_net_weights'), 'lu', 'TEXT', "", "", 8) arcpy.AddField_management( os.path.join(UPConfig['paths']['dbpath'], UPConfig['paths']['dbname'], 'up_net_weights'), UPConfig['BaseGeom_id'], 'LONG') arcpy.AddField_management( os.path.join(UPConfig['paths']['dbpath'], UPConfig['paths']['dbname'], 'up_net_weights'), 'weight', 'DOUBLE') arcpy.AddIndex_management( os.path.join(UPConfig['paths']['dbpath'], UPConfig['paths']['dbname'], 'up_net_weights'), 'timestep', 'timestep_nwt_idx') arcpy.AddIndex_management( os.path.join(UPConfig['paths']['dbpath'], UPConfig['paths']['dbname'], 'up_net_weights'), 'lu', 'lu_nwt_idx') arcpy.AddIndex_management( os.path.join(UPConfig['paths']['dbpath'], UPConfig['paths']['dbname'], 'up_net_weights'), UPConfig['BaseGeom_id'], "_".join([UPConfig['BaseGeom_id'], 'nwt', 'idx'])) Logger("Created New up_net_weights table") else: Logger("up_net_weights table already exists, skipping")
def CalcRedevEmp(UPConfig, TimeStep, emp): """ Return the number of acres of each emp type for redevelopment """ Logger("Calculating Redev Acres: Employment") gdb = os.path.join(UPConfig['paths']['dbpath'], UPConfig['paths']['dbname']) # get subarea proportions sap = {} for sa in UPConfig['Subareas']: sap[sa['sa']] = {} whereClause = """TSCode = '{ts}' AND SACode = '{sacd}' """.format( ts=TimeStep[0], sacd=sa['sa']) cur = arcpy.SearchCursor(os.path.join(gdb, 'upd_subareaemp'), whereClause, ['LUCode', 'PctEmp']) lus = [] for row in cur: lus.append(row.getValue('LUCode')) sap[sa['sa']][row.getValue('LUCode')] = row.getValue('PctEmp') # Get the subarea's proportion of total pop cur = arcpy.SearchCursor(os.path.join(gdb, 'upd_subareademand'), whereClause, ['PctEmp']) sap[sa['sa']]['PctEmp'] ='PctEmp') # Get densities whereClause = """TSCode = '{ts}'""".format(ts=TimeStep[0]) cur = arcpy.SearchCursor(os.path.join(gdb, 'upd_empcalcs'), whereClause, ['LUCode', 'GrossAcPerEmp']) acPerEmp = {} for row in cur: acPerEmp[row.getValue('LUCode')] = row.getValue('GrossAcPerEmp') empAc = {} reDevEmp = {} for sa in UPConfig['Subareas']: empAc[sa['sa']] = {} reDevEmp[sa['sa']] = {} saemp = emp * sap[sa['sa']]['PctEmp'] for lu in lus: reDevEmp[sa['sa']][lu] = saemp * sap[sa['sa']][lu] empAc[sa['sa']][lu] = reDevEmp[sa['sa']][lu] * acPerEmp[lu] Logger("Calculated Redev Acres") return ([empAc, reDevEmp])
def PopulateEmpCalcTable(db, TSCode): #calculate employment space values and populate the upd_empcalcs table EmpCalcFields = ['TSCode', 'LUCode', 'GrossAcPerEmp'] EmpCalcFieldTypes = { 'TSCode': 'TEXT', 'LUCode': 'TEXT', 'GrossAcPerEmp': 'DOUBLE' } CreateOrEmptyTable(db, 'upd_empcalcs', EmpCalcFields, EmpCalcFieldTypes, TSCode) Logger("Populating upd_empcalcs") cur = arcpy.da.InsertCursor(os.path.join(db, 'upd_empcalcs'), EmpCalcFields) EmpRows = arcpy.SearchCursor('upd_emplanduses', where_clause=r"TSCode = '" + TSCode + r"'") for EmpRow in EmpRows: LUCode = EmpRow.getValue('LUCode') SFPerEmp = EmpRow.getValue('SFPerEmp') FAR = EmpRow.getValue('FAR') PerOtherSpace = EmpRow.getValue('PctOther') AcrePerEmp = ((SFPerEmp / FAR) / (1 - PerOtherSpace)) / 43560 cur.insertRow((TSCode, LUCode, AcrePerEmp)) del cur
def PopulateEmpLUTable(db, TSCode, EmpInputs): ''' EmpInputs = A dictionary that contains square feet per employee, FAR, and percent other space by Employment Land Use * The Key Name for square feet per employee = 'SFPerEmp' * The Key Name for FAR = 'FAR' * The Key Name for percent other space = 'PctOther' * Example Dictionary = {'ind': {'FAR': 0.2, 'PctOther': 0.5, 'SFPerEmp': 650}, 'ser': {'FAR': 0.5, 'PctOther': 0.2, 'SFPerEmp': 250}} ''' #populate the upd_emplanduses table EmpLUFields = ['TSCode', 'LUCode', 'LUName', 'SFPerEmp', 'FAR', 'PctOther'] EmpLUFieldTypes = { 'TSCode': 'TEXT', 'LUCode': 'TEXT', 'LUName': 'TEXT', 'SFPerEmp': 'DOUBLE', 'FAR': 'DOUBLE', 'PctOther': 'DOUBLE' } CreateOrEmptyTable(db, 'upd_emplanduses', EmpLUFields, EmpLUFieldTypes, TSCode) Logger("Populating upd_emplanduses") cur = arcpy.da.InsertCursor(os.path.join(db, 'upd_emplanduses'), EmpLUFields) EmpRows = arcpy.SearchCursor('upc_lu', where_clause=r"LUType = 'emp'") for EmpRow in EmpRows: LUCode = EmpRow.getValue('Code') LUName = EmpRow.getValue('Name') SFPerEmp = EmpInputs[LUCode]['SFPerEmp'] FAR = EmpInputs[LUCode]['FAR'] PctOther = EmpInputs[LUCode]['PctOther'] cur.insertRow((TSCode, LUCode, LUName, SFPerEmp, FAR, PctOther)) del cur
def PopulateResCalcsTable(db, TSCode): #calculate residential space values and populate the upd_rescalcs table ResCalcFields = ['TSCode', 'LUCode', 'GrossAcPerUnit', 'GrossAcPerOccUnit'] ResCalcFieldTypes = { 'TSCode': 'TEXT', 'LUCode': 'TEXT', 'GrossAcPerUnit': 'DOUBLE', 'GrossAcPerOccUnit': 'DOUBLE' } CreateOrEmptyTable(db, 'upd_rescalcs', ResCalcFields, ResCalcFieldTypes, TSCode) Logger("Populating upd_rescalcs") cur = arcpy.da.InsertCursor(os.path.join(db, 'upd_rescalcs'), ResCalcFields) ResRows = arcpy.SearchCursor('upd_reslanduses', where_clause=r"TSCode = '" + TSCode + r"'") for ResRow in ResRows: LUCode = ResRow.getValue('LUCode') AcrePerUnit = ResRow.getValue('AcPerUnit') PerVacant = ResRow.getValue('PctVacantUnits') PerOtherSpace = ResRow.getValue('PctOther') AcrePerUnit = AcrePerUnit / (1 - PerOtherSpace) AcrePerOccUnit = AcrePerUnit / (1 - PerVacant) cur.insertRow((TSCode, LUCode, AcrePerUnit, AcrePerOccUnit)) del cur
def __init__(self, secret_key, public_key, parent_dir, time_window): Huobi_Connection_Utils.SECRET_KEY = secret_key Huobi_Connection_Utils.ACCESS_KEY = public_key self.client = Client self.logger = log.Logger("[HUOBI]") self.parent_dir = parent_dir self.time_window = self.HUOBI_TIME_WINDOW_DICT[time_window]
def CalcGPAvail(mpval): """ Calculate the availablity of each polygon to each land use based on the time series and general plan. Return as a numpy array. Called by: CalcGPAvailablity Arguments: mpval: a list with [UPConfig,TimeStep,lu] """ UPConfig = mpval[0] TimeStep = mpval[1] lu = mpval[2] Logger("Calculating GP Availablity for: {lu}".format(lu=lu)) array = arcpy.da.TableToNumPyArray( os.path.join(UPConfig['paths']['dbpath'], UPConfig['paths']['dbname'], 'up_bg_gp_{ts}'.format(ts=TimeStep[0])), ["*"]) array = AddNumpyField(array, [('gp_{lu}'.format(lu=lu), 'i4')]) for ln in array: if ln[UPConfig[TimeStep[0]]['gp'][1]] in UPConfig[ TimeStep[0]]['gplu'][lu]: ln['gp_{lu}'.format(lu=lu)] = 1 else: ln['gp_{lu}'.format(lu=lu)] = 0 keepFields = [str(UPConfig['BaseGeom_id']), 'gp_{lu}'.format(lu=lu)] array = array[keepFields].copy() return (array, TimeStep, lu)
def MakeUPDistTable(UPConfig): ''' Create an empty table to hold distance data in the database. Only call this if you want to create a new table. This function is not intended to overwite exising versions. Called By: Calls: Arguments: UPConfig ''' if not arcpy.Exists( os.path.join(UPConfig['paths']['dbpath'], UPConfig['paths']['dbname'], 'up_distances')): Logger("Creating New up_distances table") arcpy.env.overwriteOutput = False arcpy.CreateTable_management( os.path.join(UPConfig['paths']['dbpath'], UPConfig['paths']['dbname']), 'up_distances') arcpy.AddField_management( os.path.join(UPConfig['paths']['dbpath'], UPConfig['paths']['dbname'], 'up_distances'), 'attracter', 'TEXT', "", "", 50) arcpy.AddField_management( os.path.join(UPConfig['paths']['dbpath'], UPConfig['paths']['dbname'], 'up_distances'), UPConfig['BaseGeom_id'], 'LONG') arcpy.AddField_management( os.path.join(UPConfig['paths']['dbpath'], UPConfig['paths']['dbname'], 'up_distances'), 'distance', 'DOUBLE') arcpy.AddIndex_management( os.path.join(UPConfig['paths']['dbpath'], UPConfig['paths']['dbname'], 'up_distances'), 'attracter', 'attracter_idx') arcpy.AddIndex_management( os.path.join(UPConfig['paths']['dbpath'], UPConfig['paths']['dbname'], 'up_distances'), UPConfig['BaseGeom_id'], "_".join([UPConfig['BaseGeom_id'], 'idx'])) Logger("Created New up_distances table") else: Logger("up_distances table already exists, skipping")
def testVector(self): vector = Vector(-1, -2, 3.5) other = Vector(1, 2, 3) logger = Logger.getLogger()"Test create vector : %s" % vector)"Test normalize : %s" % vector.normalize())"Test dot : %s" %"Test cross : %s" % vector.cross(other))
def MakeNewRunGDB(dbpath, dbname): ''' Create new run file geodatabase and create the empty configuration tables. Arguments: dbpath: the path at which to create the geodatabase dbname: the name of the run database ''' # create geodatabase Logger("Creating File Geodatabase") try: arcpy.CreateFileGDB_management(dbpath, dbname) arcpy.env.workspace = os.path.join(dbpath, dbname) except Exception, e: Logger(str(e)) raise
def PopulateSAResTable(db, TSCode, SubAreas, SAResInputs): ''' SubAreas = List of SubAreaCodes * Example List = ['sa1','sa2'] SAResInputs = A dictionary that contains the percent of households going into each residential land use type by SubArea * Example Dictionary = {'sa1': {'rl': 0.05, 'rm': 0.85, 'rh': 0.1},'sa2': {'rl': 0.2, 'rm': 0.8, 'rh': 0}} ''' #create the upd_subareares table SAResFields = [ 'TSCode', 'SACode', 'LUCode', 'PctRes', 'OccUnits', 'AcresDemand' ] SAResFieldTypes = { 'TSCode': 'TEXT', 'SACode': 'TEXT', 'LUCode': 'TEXT', 'PctRes': 'DOUBLE', 'OccUnits': 'DOUBLE', 'AcresDemand': 'DOUBLE' } CreateOrEmptyTable(db, 'upd_subareares', SAResFields, SAResFieldTypes, TSCode) Logger("Populating upd_subareares") #calculate occupied units and gross acres demanded by subarea cur = arcpy.da.InsertCursor(os.path.join(db, 'upd_subareares'), SAResFields) for SubArea in SubAreas: #get the number of Households in this SubArea SADemandRows = arcpy.SearchCursor('upd_subareademand', where_clause=r"SACode = '" + SubArea + r"'") SADemandRow = NumSAHH = SADemandRow.getValue('NumHH') ResLURows = arcpy.SearchCursor('upc_lu', where_clause=r"LUType = 'res'") for ResLURow in ResLURows: ResLU = ResLURow.getValue('Code') #get GrossAcrePerOccUnit Value for this land use ConversionRows = arcpy.SearchCursor('upd_rescalcs', where_clause=r"LUCode = '" + ResLU + r"' AND TSCode = '" + TSCode + r"'") ConversionRow = GrossAcrePerOccUnit = ConversionRow.getValue('GrossAcPerOccUnit') #get number of households by LU type OccHH = NumSAHH * SAResInputs[SubArea][ResLU] ResAcresByLU = OccHH * GrossAcrePerOccUnit cur.insertRow((TSCode, SubArea, ResLU, SAResInputs[SubArea][ResLU], OccHH, ResAcresByLU)) del cur
def CreateUPCTables(UPConfig, UPCTables, UPCTableFields): ''' Creates the upc_* tables Called by: WriteUPConfigToGDB Arguments: UPConfig: default UPlan configuration database UPCTables: A list of the table names to be created UPCTableFields: A dictionary that holds the fields to be created for each table Returns: None ''' #set the workspace InWorkspace = os.path.join(UPConfig['paths']['dbpath'], UPConfig['paths']['dbname']) arcpy.env.workspace = InWorkspace #field types FieldTypes = { 'KeyName': 'TEXT', 'KeyValue': 'TEXT', 'TSOrder': 'SHORT', 'Code': 'TEXT', 'Name': 'TEXT', 'GPLayer': 'TEXT', 'GPField': 'TEXT', 'LUType': 'TEXT', 'AllocMethod': 'TEXT', 'Priority': 'SHORT', 'TSCode': 'TEXT', 'SACode': 'TEXT', 'LUCode': 'TEXT', 'Acres': 'DOUBLE', 'GPCat': 'TEXT', 'CLayer': 'TEXT', 'Weight': 'DOUBLE', 'AttLayer': 'TEXT', 'Dist': 'DOUBLE', 'FCName': 'TEXT', 'LongName': 'TEXT', 'DateAdded': 'DATE', 'Role': 'TEXT' } #Create tables (if needed) for UPCTable in UPCTables: if not arcpy.Exists(UPCTable): #create the table Logger("Creating Table: " + UPCTable) arcpy.CreateTable_management(InWorkspace, UPCTable) #add the field(s) for Field in UPCTableFields[UPCTable]: arcpy.AddField_management(UPCTable, Field, FieldTypes[Field])
def PopulateSAEmpTable(db, TSCode, SubAreas, SAEmpInputs): ''' SubAreas = List of SubAreaCodes * Example List = ['sa1','sa2'] SAEmpInputs = A dictionary that contains the percent of employees going into each employment land use type by SubArea * Example Dictionary = {'sa1': {'ind': 0.1, 'ch': 0.3, 'cl': 0.6},'sa2': {'ind': 0.5, 'ch': 0.2, 'cl': 0.3}} ''' #create the upd_subareaemp table SAEmpFields = [ 'TSCode', 'SACode', 'LUCode', 'PctEmp', 'NumEmp', 'AcresDemand' ] SAEmpFieldTypes = { 'TSCode': 'TEXT', 'SACode': 'TEXT', 'LUCode': 'TEXT', 'PctEmp': 'DOUBLE', 'NumEmp': 'DOUBLE', 'AcresDemand': 'DOUBLE' } CreateOrEmptyTable(db, 'upd_subareaemp', SAEmpFields, SAEmpFieldTypes, TSCode) Logger("Populating upd_subareaemp") #calculate number of employees and acres demanded by subarea and save to upd_subareaemp cur = arcpy.da.InsertCursor(os.path.join(db, 'upd_subareaemp'), SAEmpFields) for SubArea in SubAreas: #get the number of employees in this SubArea SADemandRows = arcpy.SearchCursor('upd_subareademand', where_clause=r"SACode = '" + SubArea + r"'") SADemandRow = NumSAEmp = SADemandRow.getValue('NumEmp') EmpLURows = arcpy.SearchCursor('upc_lu', where_clause=r"LUType = 'emp'") for EmpLURow in EmpLURows: EmpLU = EmpLURow.getValue('Code') #get number of employees in this LU type NumEmpByLU = NumSAEmp * SAEmpInputs[SubArea][EmpLU] #convert number of employees to space needed EmpAcresRows = arcpy.SearchCursor('upd_empcalcs', where_clause=r"LUCode = '" + EmpLU + r"' AND TSCode = '" + TSCode + r"'") EmpAcresRow = GrossAcrePerEmp = EmpAcresRow.getValue('GrossAcPerEmp') EmpAcresByLU = NumEmpByLU * GrossAcrePerEmp cur.insertRow((TSCode, SubArea, EmpLU, SAEmpInputs[SubArea][EmpLU], NumEmpByLU, EmpAcresByLU)) del cur
def CalcGPAvailablity(TimeStep, UPConfig, runMulti=True): ''' Create A table with the parcel id, gp category, and permissions for each land use for the parcel. Called by: CalcGP Calls: CalcGPAvail Utilities.MergeArrays Arguments: Timestep: which time step is being processed UPconfig: the primary settings configuration object ''' mplist = [] for lu in UPConfig['LUPriority']: # prep mpvals mplist.append([UPConfig, TimeStep, lu]) if runMulti == True: Logger("Starting Multiprocess: Calculating GPAvailablity") pool = multiprocessing.Pool(multiprocessing.cpu_count() - 1) results_array =, mplist) pool.close() pool.join() Logger("End Multiprocess") else: results_array = [] for mpval in mplist: results_array.append(CalcGPAvail(mpval)) arrlist = [el[0] for el in results_array] array = MergeArrays(arrlist, UPConfig['BaseGeom_id']) arcpy.da.NumPyArrayToTable( array, os.path.join(UPConfig['paths']['dbpath'], UPConfig['paths']['dbname'], 'up_bg_gp_avail_{ts}'.format(ts=TimeStep[0])))
def CalcSAInt(UPConfig): ''' Create a table with the BaseGeom_id and the Subarea_id Called By: main Calls: Utilities.MakeNumpyView Utilities.AddNumpyField Arguments: UPconfig: the primary settings configuration object ''' arcpy.env.workspace = os.path.join(UPConfig['paths']['dbpath'], UPConfig['paths']['dbname']) if len(UPConfig['Subareas']) > 1: Logger("Intersecting SubAreas") arcpy.SpatialJoin_analysis(UPConfig['BaseGeom_cent'], UPConfig['Subarea_bnd'], 'up_sa_bg_t') array = arcpy.da.TableToNumPyArray('up_sa_bg_t', ["*"]) keepFields = [UPConfig['BaseGeom_id'], UPConfig['Subarea_id']] array = MakeNumpyView(array, keepFields) arcpy.da.NumPyArrayToTable(array, 'up_sa_bg') Logger("SubAreas Intersected") else: Logger("Setting Single SubArea") array = arcpy.da.TableToNumPyArray(UPConfig['BaseGeom_cent'], ["*"]) keepFields = [UPConfig['BaseGeom_id']] array = MakeNumpyView(array, keepFields) array = AddNumpyField(array, [('Subarea_id', 'a8')]) array = DropNumpyField(array, 'f0') for ln in array: ln['Subarea_id'] = UPConfig['Subareas'][0] arcpy.da.NumPyArrayToTable( array, os.path.join(UPConfig['paths']['dbpath'], UPConfig['paths']['dbname'], 'up_sa_bg')) Logger("SubArea set")
def CalcGP(UPConfig): ''' Make tables with the parcel id, gp category, and permissions for each land use for the parcel, buy TimeStep Called by: main Calls: CalcGPInts CalcGPAvailability Arguments: UPconfig: the primary settings configuration object ''' Logger("Processing General Plans") arcpy.env.workspace = os.path.join(UPConfig['paths']['dbpath'], UPConfig['paths']['dbname']) for ts in UPConfig['TimeSteps']: Logger("Working on Time Step: {ts}".format(ts=ts[1])) CalcGPInt(ts, UPConfig) CalcGPAvailablity(ts, UPConfig, False) Logger("General Plan Processing Complete") # if __name__ == "__main__": # Logger("Running GP Calcs") # dbpath = r"G:\Public\UPLAN\Amador" # dbname = "Run_4_Recreate.gdb" # UPConfig2 = UPConfig.ReadUPConfigFromGDB(dbpath,dbname) # # UPCleanup_GeneralPlans(UPConfig2) # CalcGP(UPConfig2) # # Logger("GP Calcs Finished")
def CalcGPInt(TimeStep, UPConfig): ''' Create a feature class with the general plan category and the polygon id for the specified timestep Called By: CalcGP Arguments: Timestep: which time step is being processed UPconfig: the primary settings configuration object ''' #TODO: Convert to multiprocess Logger("Intersecting General Plan") arcpy.SpatialJoin_analysis(UPConfig['BaseGeom_cent'], UPConfig[TimeStep[0]]['gp'][0], 'up_bg_gp_{ts}'.format(ts=TimeStep[0])) #delete any datetime fields - creating an array later will fail if not DateFields = arcpy.ListFields('up_bg_gp_{ts}'.format(ts=TimeStep[0]), '*', 'Date') if len(DateFields) != 0: DeleteFields = [] for DateField in DateFields: DeleteFields.append( arcpy.DeleteField_management('up_bg_gp_{ts}'.format(ts=TimeStep[0]), DeleteFields) arcpy.AddIndex_management('up_bg_gp_{ts}'.format(ts=TimeStep[0]), UPConfig['BaseGeom_id'], 'idx_bg_gp_pclid_{ts}'.format(ts=TimeStep[0]), 'UNIQUE', 'ASCENDING') Logger("General Plan Intersected")
def CreateOrEmptyTable(db, TableName, Fields, FieldTypes, TSCode): ''' If the given table doesn't exist, this function will create the table. If the given table does exist, all rows will be removed for the given timestep Called by: CalculateDemand Arguments: db: full path to the uplan file geodatabase TableName: The name of the table Fields: A list containing the field names FieldTypes: A Dictionary that defines the field types by the field names TSCode = Timestep Code ''' arcpy.env.workspace = db if not arcpy.Exists(TableName): #create the table Logger("Creating Table: " + TableName) arcpy.CreateTable_management(db, TableName) #add the field(s) for Field in Fields: arcpy.AddField_management(TableName, Field, FieldTypes[Field]) else: #erase the rows for the given timestep Logger("Emptying Table: " + TableName + " for Timestep: " + TSCode) tempTableView = TableName + "TableView" if arcpy.Exists(tempTableView): arcpy.Delete_management(tempTableView) arcpy.MakeTableView_management(TableName, tempTableView) arcpy.SelectLayerByAttribute_management(tempTableView, 'NEW_SELECTION', r"TSCode = '" + TSCode + r"'") if int(arcpy.GetCount_management(tempTableView).getOutput(0)) > 0: arcpy.DeleteRows_management(tempTableView)
def PriAlloc(UPConfig, TimeStep, demand, cumAlloc, tsAlloc): """ Manages the primary allocation for a TimeStep. How it works: 1. Create the devSpaceTable (using au.MakeDevSpace) which contains the amount of unconstrained space in each polygon for each land use. 2. Pulls the land use demand values from UPConfig 3. Loops through the land uses in the priority order handing them to PriAllocLU for allocation. 4. Accept the results from PriAllocLU and get it ready for the next land use. Called By: AllocateTimeStep Calls: au.MakeDevSpace PriAllocLU Arguments: UPConfig TimeStep cumAlloc: cumulative allocation table tsAlloc: timestep allocation table """ Logger("Allocation for TimeStep: {ts}".format(ts=TimeStep[1])) # Calculate Developable Space devSpaceTable = au.MakeDevSpace(UPConfig, TimeStep) # devSpaceTable.to_csv(r"G:\Public\UPLAN\Uplan4\testing\TestAllocation\temp\devSpaceTable.csv") # reDevTracker reDevTracker = [0, 0] # Basic Demand # demand = UPConfig[TimeStep[0]]['Demand'] # Loop Land Uses for lu in UPConfig['LUPriority']: result = PriAllocLU(UPConfig, TimeStep, lu, demand, cumAlloc, tsAlloc, devSpaceTable, reDevTracker) cumAlloc = result[0] tsAlloc = result[1] demand = result[2] reDevTracker = result[3] NoSpace = au.CalcNoSpace(UPConfig, demand) return ([cumAlloc, tsAlloc, demand, NoSpace, reDevTracker])
def PopulateSADemandTable(db, TSCode, SubAreas, SADemandInputs): ''' SubAreas = List of SubAreaCodes * Example List = ['sa1','sa2'] SADemandInputs = A dictionary that contains percent of population and percent of employment by SubArea * The Key Name for percent population = 'PercentPop' * The Key Name for percent employment = 'PercentEmp' * Example Dictionary = {'sa1':{'PercentPop':0.6, 'PercentEmp':0.9},'sa2':{'PercentPop':0.4, 'PercentEmp':0.1}} ''' #create the upd_subareademand table SADemandFields = [ 'TSCode', 'SACode', 'PctRes', 'PctEmp', 'NumHH', 'NumEmp' ] SADemandFieldTypes = { 'TSCode': 'TEXT', 'SACode': 'TEXT', 'PctRes': 'DOUBLE', 'PctEmp': 'DOUBLE', 'NumHH': 'DOUBLE', 'NumEmp': 'DOUBLE' } CreateOrEmptyTable(db, 'upd_subareademand', SADemandFields, SADemandFieldTypes, TSCode) Logger("Populating upd_subareademand") #calculate the number of households and employees by subarea and save to upd_subareademand table cur = arcpy.da.InsertCursor(os.path.join(db, 'upd_subareademand'), SADemandFields) #get population change, PPHH, and EPHH from Demographics table DemoRows = arcpy.SearchCursor('upd_demographics', where_clause=r"TSCode = '" + TSCode + r"'") DemoRow = PopChange = DemoRow.getValue('PopChange') PPHH = DemoRow.getValue('PPHH') EPHH = DemoRow.getValue('EPHH') for SubArea in SubAreas: PercentPop = SADemandInputs[SubArea]['PercentPop'] PercentEmp = SADemandInputs[SubArea]['PercentEmp'] NumHH = PercentPop * (PopChange / PPHH) NumEmp = PercentEmp * (PopChange / PPHH) * EPHH cur.insertRow((TSCode, SubArea, PercentPop, PercentEmp, NumHH, NumEmp)) del cur
def get_population(self, code, year, given_population): code_without_year = code[0:5] try: pop_this_year = float(self.counties[code_without_year][year]) pop_2010 = float(self.counties[code_without_year]['2010']) ratio = (pop_this_year / pop_2010) return float(given_population) * ratio except (KeyError): # set up personal logger logger = Logger() current_path = os.getcwd() logger.define_issue_log(os.path.join(current_path, 'files/issues.log')) logger.record_issue('No population data for county:', code) return given_population
import os import re import traceback from multiprocessing import Queue, Pipe # logger from Utilities import Logger, AutoEnum logger = Logger.getLogger('Command Logger', 'logs', False) # # UTIL : call stack function for log # reTraceStack = re.compile("File \"(.+?)\", line (\d+?), .+") # [0] filename, [1] line number def getTraceCallStack(): for line in traceback.format_stack()[::-1]: m = re.match(reTraceStack, line.strip()) if m: filename = m.groups()[0] # ignore case if filename == __file__: continue filename = os.path.split(filename)[1] lineNumber = m.groups()[1] return "[%s:%s]" % (filename, lineNumber) return ""
# logger from Utilities import Logger logger = Logger.getLogger('UI Logger', 'logs', False) from .MainWindow import run_editor
# default logger from Utilities import Logger logger = Logger.getLogger('default', 'logs', False) # config from Configure import Config config = Config("Config.ini") from .Command import * from .CoreManager import *