def parse_test_file(test_root, test_path): ''' Parse a Python file to find test cases ''' logger = LogManager().getLogger('parse_test_file') test_root = os.path.abspath(test_root) test_path = os.path.abspath(test_path) python_path = test_path[len(test_root)+1:-3].replace(os.path.sep, '.') file_name = python_path.split('.')[-1] if test_root not in sys.path: sys.path.insert(0, test_root) old_path = os.getcwd() os.chdir(test_root) reload_modules(test_root) try: module = __import__(python_path, globals(), locals(), fromlist=[file_name]) return find_test_methods(module) except: logger.warn("Could not load test %s, \n%s" %(test_path, traceback.format_exc())) finally: os.chdir(old_path) return []
class RecoveryWorker(Process): def __init__(self, peer, rebootAttempts = 1, removeLock = False): self.peer = peer self.removeLock = removeLock self.stages = [self.__rebootSSH, self.__rebootPWR] * rebootAttempts self.logger = LogManager().getLogger('RecoveryWorker-%s' % peer.ipAddr) Process.__init__(self, target = self.__restartPeer) self.start() def __restartPeer(self): """ Reboot a given peer @param peer: Peer to reboot @return: Process.exitcode will be 0 if successful else -99 """ for stage in self.stages: try: stage() except KeyError, e: self.logger.warn("Ignoring stage %s, invalid config: %s" % (stage.__name__, e)) time.sleep(10) sys.exit(-99)
class AbstractDistributor(object): def __init__(self, source): self.execMap = {} self.logger = LogManager().getLogger( self.__class__.__name__) def recordExecution(self, peer, test): """ Add the test to the map, which contains the history of the test distribution to the peers """ if not peer.macAddr in self.execMap.keys(): self.execMap[peer.macAddr] = [] self.execMap[peer.macAddr].append(test) def assignSuitableTest(self, peer, peers, source): ''' Method, which finds the suitable test for the given peer @param peer: the peer, which is active and awaits the test @param souce: the source object with groups of tests @return: found test and modified source ''' for gi in range(0, len(source.groups)): for ti in range(0, len(source.groups[gi].tests)): test = source.groups[gi].tests[ti] if not self.useTest(peer, peers, source, source.groups[gi], test, True): continue self.recordExecution(peer, test) return copy.deepcopy(test), source self.logger.warn('Could not find any test for peer %s' % peer.ipAddr) return None, source def peekSuitableTest(self, peer, peers, source): ''' Method, which finds the suitable test for the given peer @param peer: the peer, which is active and awaits the test @param souce: the source object with groups of tests @return: found test and modified source ''' for gi in range(0, len(source.groups)): for ti in range(0, len(source.groups[gi].tests)): test = source.groups[gi].tests[ti] if not self.useTest(peer, peers, source, source.groups[gi], test, False): continue return copy.deepcopy(test) return None def isSuitable(self, has, requires): ''' Method copied from envutils/ module @param requires: modulators required by test @param has: modulators provided by the box @return: True or False depending on the box capability ''' has = [ set(c.split('/')) for c in has.split() ] requires = [ set((r,)) for r in requires.split() ] if len(has) < len(requires): return False return any( all(h >= r for r, h in izip(requires, perm)) for perm in permutations(has, len(requires))) def whatsMissing(self, has, requires): has = [ set(c.split('/')) for c in has.split() ] requires = [ set((r,)) for r in requires.split() ] for r in requires[:]: for h in has: if not any(x in h for x in r): continue has.remove(h) requires.remove(r) break strBuffer = StringIO() for r in requires: strBuffer.write(' %s' % '/'.join(list(r))) result = strBuffer.getvalue() strBuffer.close() return result def useTest(self, peer, peers, source, group, test, alterSource): raise NotImplementedError() def executed(self, peers, test): raise NotImplementedError()
class TestDiscoveryWorker(object): CONFIG_ENABLED_TRUE = 'true' def __init__(self, config, defaultTimeout, iterations, srcLoc): self.test = 0 self.config = config self.logger = LogManager().getLogger('TestDiscoveryWorker') self.enabled = self.config.DiscoveryWorker.enabled == 'true' self.testRoot = os.path.abspath(self.config.SourceLocation.testRoot.PCDATA) self.testPath = self.config.SourceLocation.testPath.PCDATA or "" self.defaultTestTimeout = defaultTimeout self.iterations = iterations self.srcLoc = srcLoc def createTests(self): ''' Method creates the Source object, default group and the list of tests. If the discovery worker is disabled, then the empty list of tests is stored in the Source object @return: the source object with the list of tests ''' if not self.enabled: return [] tests = [] output_Q, input_Q = Queue() ,Queue() processes, alive, work_avail = [], 0, True fullPath = os.path.join(self.testRoot, self.testPath) for path in find_python_files(fullPath): input_Q.put(path, block = False) while work_avail or alive > 0 or not output_Q.empty(): time.sleep(0.1) work_avail = not input_Q.empty() alive = [p.is_alive() for p in processes].count(True) if alive == cpu_count() or not work_avail: while not output_Q.empty(): tests.append(output_Q.get()) continue process = Process(target = self.__processTest, args=(self.testRoot, output_Q, input_Q)) process.daemon = True process.start() processes.append(process) input_Q.close() output_Q.close() return tests def __processTest(self, test_root, output_Q, input_Q): ''' Convert a given file location into test objects ''' os.chdir(test_root) if test_root not in sys.path: sys.path.insert(0, test_root) while not input_Q.empty(): file_path = input_Q.get(timeout = 0.5) test_methods = parse_test_file(test_root, file_path) for cls, method in test_methods: raw_doc = gather_doc_str(cls, method) doc_dict = process_docstr(raw_doc) try: newTest = self.__createTestCase( cls, method, file_path, raw_doc, doc_dict, self.iterations) if newTest: output_Q.put(newTest) except: self.logger.warn("Cannot create object from %s, \n%s\n%s\n\n" %(file_path, doc_dict, traceback.format_exc())) output_Q.close() input_Q.close() def __createTestCase(self, cls, method, test_file, raw_doc, doc_dict, iterations): description = doc_dict.get('summary', '') testId = doc_dict.get('test', '') environment = doc_dict.get('environment', '') testStatus = doc_dict.get('status', '') testTimeout = doc_dict.get('timeout', self.defaultTestTimeout) # Check whether the test is function, or it is within class testFile = test_file.replace('%s/' % os.getcwd(), '') test_method = method.im_func.func_name if cls else method.func_name test_class = cls.__name__ if cls else None manditory_data = { 'test method' : test_method, 'test file' : testFile, 'test id' : testId } missing_data = [] for key in manditory_data.keys(): if manditory_data[key] in ['', None]: missing_data.append(key) if len(missing_data) > 0: return self.logger.warn('Cannot create test for %s:%s.%s as %s is missing' %(testFile, test_class, test_method, ', '.join(missing_data) )) return PythonNoseTest(description, iterations, environment, test_class, testMethod = test_method, testFile = testFile, testId = testId, testStatus = testStatus, testTimeout = testTimeout, docstrings = raw_doc, srcLoc = self.srcLoc)
class Peer(object): HEARTBEAT_TIMEOUT = 300 DEATH_TIMEOUT = 600 TEST_TIMEOUT = 60 TEST_GRACE = 3 DEAD_STATES = [PeerState.UNRESPONSIVE(), PeerState.DEAD()] DONE_STATES = [PeerState.ACTIVE(), PeerState.DEAD()] REBOOT_STATES = [PeerState.REBOOTING(), PeerState.DEAD()] LOCKED_STATES = [PeerState.LOCKED(), PeerState.PENDING()] REQUIRED_CONF = ['user', 'password', 'tmpdir', 'envserver', 'envserverport', 'rebootcmd'] IGNORED_PEER_EVENT = get_event_handler('ignored_peer') NEW_PEER_EVENT = get_event_handler('new_peer') PEER_STATE_CHANGE_EVENT = get_event_handler('peer_state_change') PEER_STAGE_CHANGE_EVENT= get_event_handler('peer_stage_change') TEST_RESULT_EVENT = get_event_handler('test_result') PEER_SLEEPING_EVENT = get_event_handler('peer_sleeping') @staticmethod def createPeer(ipAddr, port, macAddr, randomBits, testDistributor, resultWorker): config = ConfigurationManager().getConfiguration('routes').configuration routes = config.route if isinstance(config.route, list) else [config.route] for route in routes: if route.macAddr.PCDATA != macAddr: continue if route.enabled == 'false': continue return Peer(ipAddr, port, macAddr, randomBits, testDistributor, resultWorker) Peer.IGNORED_PEER_EVENT(ipAddr, port, macAddr, randomBits) def __init__(self, ipAddr, port, macAddr, randomBits, testDistributor, resultWorker): self.STAGES = [ self.__retrieveConfigFile, self.__processConfigFile, self.__checkForLockedBox, self.__initRebootPeer, self.__syncCode, self.__executeTest, self.__archiveLogFiles, self.__retrieveLogFiles, self.__defineResults, self.__reportResults, self.__reaction, self.__gracePeriod, self.__postRebootPeer, ] self.recoverIndex = self.STAGES.index(self.__archiveLogFiles) self.graceIndex = self.STAGES.index(self.__gracePeriod) self.STAG_LEN = len(self.STAGES) self.testDistributor = testDistributor self.resultWorker = resultWorker self.config = {} self.ipAddr = ipAddr self.macAddr = macAddr self.randomBits = randomBits self.capabilities = '' self.gracePeriod = self.recoveries = 0 self.timeJoined = time.time() self.envServer = '' self.envServerPort = 0 execConf = ConfigurationManager().getConfiguration('execution').configuration resConf = ConfigurationManager().getConfiguration('resultWorker').configuration self.customLogFilters = resConf.customLogFilters.customLogFilter \ if hasattr(resConf.customLogFilters, 'customLogFilter') else [] self.customLogFilters = self.customLogFilters \ if isinstance(self.customLogFilters, list) else [self.customLogFilters] self.logger = LogManager().getLogger('Peer-%s' % self.macAddr) self.hostIP = getIPAddressByInterface() self.masterHTTPLoc = 'http://%s:%s/' % (self.hostIP, port) self.httpLoc = 'http://%s:5005/' % ipAddr self.tmpDir = os.environ['TAS_TMP'] self.peerDir = '%s/peer-%s' % (self.tmpDir, self.macAddr) self.resultLoc = '%s/results' % self.peerDir if not os.path.exists(self.resultLoc): os.makedirs(self.resultLoc) execution = ConfigurationManager()\ .getConfiguration('execution').configuration self.initReboot = execution.rebootNewBoxes.PCDATA == 'true' self.postReboot = execution.rebootPerTest.PCDATA == 'true' self.state = PeerState.ACTIVE() self.__changeState(PeerState.PENDING()) self.stage = 0 self.lastHeartBeat = time.time() self.currentTest = self.testTimeout = None self.failureCodes = [] self.processResults = [] self.longRunningProcesses = [] Peer.NEW_PEER_EVENT(self) def __retrieveConfigFile(self): """ Retrieve the configuration file from the peer """ if not os.path.exists(self.peerDir): os.makedirs(self.peerDir) self.longRunningProcesses.append(syncGetHTTPFile( '%sconfig' % self.httpLoc, self.peerDir)) def __processConfigFile(self): """ Process the configuration file as a key/value pair """ configLoc = '%s/config' % self.peerDir if not os.path.exists(configLoc): self.logger.warn('Could not find a configuration file') return self.__changeState(PeerState.DEAD()) with open(configLoc, 'r') as lf: for line in lf.readlines(): key, value = line.strip().split('=', 1) self.config[key.lower()] = value self.envServer = self.config['envserver'].strip() self.envServerPort = self.config['envserverport'].strip() if self.envServerPort.isdigit(): self.envServerPort = int(self.envServerPort) if self.config['rebootcmd'] == '': self.postReboot = self.initReboot = False self.capabilities = envcatRequest(self.envServer, self.envServerPort, 'capabilities') if self.__configIsMissingKeys(): return self.__changeState(PeerState.DEAD(), 'Invalid config') cmd = 'mkdir -p %(T)s; cd %(T)s; if [ ! -f locked ]; then echo "%(I)s" > locked; sleep 2; fi; ' \ 'if [ "%(I)s" != `cat locked` ]; then echo `cat locked`; else echo "UNLOCKED"; fi;' \ % { 'T' : self.config['tmpdir'], 'I' : self.hostIP } self.longRunningProcesses.append(SSHClient(self.config['user'], self.config['password'], self.ipAddr, cmd)) def __checkForLockedBox(self): """ Check for a locked box """ output = self.processResults[0].updateOutput().strip() if 'UNLOCKED' in output: self.lastHeartBeat = time.time() elif not self.testDistributor.peekTest(self): self.stage = 0 self.__changeState(PeerState.ACTIVE()) else: self.gracePeriod = 5 self.stage = self.graceIndex - 1 self.__changeState(PeerState.LOCKED(), 'current user %s' % output) def __initRebootPeer(self): """ Pre testing reboot if required """ if not self.initReboot: return False self.initReboot = False self.__changeState(PeerState.REBOOTING()) self.longRunningProcesses.append(RecoveryWorker(self)) def __syncCode(self): """ Sync the source code the the peer """ self.status = self.__changeState(PeerState.SYNC_CODE()) cmd = 'mkdir -p %(T)s; for x in `ls %(T)s | grep -vE "(config|locked|scripts.%(J)s.tar.gz)"`; do rm -rf %(T)s/$x; done; ' \ 'if [ ! -f %(T)s/scripts.%(J)s.tar.gz ]; then wget %(H)sscripts.tar.gz -O %(T)s/scripts.%(J)s.tar.gz -q; fi; ' \ 'tar -xzf %(T)s/scripts.%(J)s.tar.gz -C %(T)s' %{'T' : self.config['tmpdir'], 'J' : self.timeJoined, 'H' : self.masterHTTPLoc} self.longRunningProcesses.append(SSHClient( self.config['user'], self.config['password'], self.ipAddr, cmd)) def __executeTest(self): """ Execute a test script on the peer """ test = self.testDistributor.getTest(self) if test == None: self.stage = 0 self.longRunningProcesses.append(self.__unlockBox()) return self.__changeState(PeerState.ACTIVE()) test.testTimeout += Peer.TEST_GRACE self.__changeState(PeerState.TESTING(), 'while running test %s' % test.testId) self.currentTest = test cmd = 'cd %s; bash -x %s >execution.log 2>&1' %(self.config['tmpdir'], self.currentTest.getExecutionString()) self.longRunningProcesses.append(SSHClient( self.config['user'], self.config['password'], self.ipAddr, cmd)) self.currentTest.startTime = time.time() def __archiveLogFiles(self): """ Archive logs and cleanup on the peer """ endTime = time.time() startTime = self.currentTest.startTime if len(self.processResults) > 0: endTime = self.processResults[0].endTime.value startTime = self.processResults[0].startTime.value self.currentTest.duration = endTime - startTime self.__changeState(PeerState.SYNC_LOGS()) cmd ='' for customLogFilter in self.customLogFilters: cmd +='cp -r %s %s/logs; ' % (customLogFilter.PCDATA, self.config['tmpdir']) cmd += 'cd %s/logs; tar -czf ../logs.tar.gz *;' % self.config['tmpdir'] self.longRunningProcesses.append(SSHClient( self.config['user'], self.config['password'], self.ipAddr, cmd)) def __retrieveLogFiles(self): """ Retrieve the log files from the peer """ self.lastResultLoc = "%s-%s-%s" %(self.resultLoc, time.time(), self.currentTest.testId) os.makedirs(self.lastResultLoc) self.longRunningProcesses.append(syncGetHTTPFile( '%slogs.tar.gz' % self.httpLoc, self.lastResultLoc, True)) self.longRunningProcesses.append(EnvCat(self.envServer, self.envServerPort, '%s/envlog.txt' % self.lastResultLoc, 'getlogs')) def __defineResults(self): """ Define the result for the test result """ self.lastResultFiles = [ os.path.join(self.lastResultLoc, fileName) for fileName in os.listdir(self.lastResultLoc) ] self.longRunningProcesses.append(ResultDefiner( self.lastResultFiles, self.currentTest)) def __reportResults(self): """ From the log files define a result """ testState, errorMsg = self.processResults[0].getResult() self.currentTest.state = testState self.currentTest.error = errorMsg Peer.TEST_RESULT_EVENT(self.currentTest, self.lastResultFiles, self) #TODO: replace me,, self.lastResultFiles, self) self.longRunningProcesses.append( ReactionDefiner(self.lastResultFiles, self.currentTest)) def __reaction(self): """ React appon the current test results """ peerState, gracePeriod = self.processResults[0].getResult() self.__changeState(peerState) self.gracePeriod = gracePeriod self.currentTest = None def __gracePeriod(self): """ Allow for a grace period """ if self.gracePeriod == 0: return False Peer.PEER_SLEEPING_EVENT(self) self.longRunningProcesses.append(Popen( 'sleep %d' % self.gracePeriod, shell = True)) self.gracePeriod = 0 def __postRebootPeer(self): """ Pre testing reboot if required """ if not self.postReboot or self.state in Peer.LOCKED_STATES: return False self.initReboot = False self.__changeState(PeerState.REBOOTING()) self.longRunningProcesses.append(RecoveryWorker( self, removeLock = True)) def __changeState(self, state, comment = None): """ Change the peer state and report """ if self.state == state or not state: return self.state = state Peer.PEER_STATE_CHANGE_EVENT(self, comment) def __hasDied(self, heartBeatFelt): """ States if the peer hasn't been sending heartbeats. The state will be set to either DEAD or UNRESPONSIVE depending on how much time has passed. @return True if heartbeat timeout has not occured else false """ now = time.time() timePassed = now - self.lastHeartBeat if timePassed > Peer.DEATH_TIMEOUT \ and self.state != PeerState.DEAD(): self.__changeState(PeerState.DEAD()) elif timePassed > Peer.HEARTBEAT_TIMEOUT \ and self.state not in Peer.DEAD_STATES: self.__changeState(PeerState.UNRESPONSIVE(), 'within stage %d' % self.stage) else: if heartBeatFelt: self.lastHeartBeat = time.time() return False return True def checkState(self, heartBeatFelt): """ Check the overall state @param heartBeat: True if a heart was felt else False @return: Result, State. Either can be None if they have not changed """ self.failureCodes = [ p for p in self.longRunningProcesses if self.__getExitCode(p) not in [None, 0] and not isinstance(p, RecoveryWorker) ] \ + self.failureCodes self.processResults = [ p for p in self.longRunningProcesses if not self.__isAlive(p) and not isinstance(p, RecoveryWorker) ] \ + self.processResults self.longRunningProcesses = [ p for p in self.longRunningProcesses if self.__isAlive(p) ] # Box doesn't belong to us yet. Try again if len(self.failureCodes) > 0 and self.state == PeerState.PENDING(): self.gracePeriod = 5 self.stage = self.graceIndex self.__clearProcessHistory() if self.state not in Peer.LOCKED_STATES: hasDied = self.__hasDied(heartBeatFelt) if len(self.longRunningProcesses) > 0: return if len(self.failureCodes) > 0 or hasDied: hasConfig = not any(x not in self.config.keys() for x in Peer.REQUIRED_CONF) if self.state not in Peer.DEAD_STATES: objNames = ','.join([ x.__class__.__name__ for x in self.failureCodes]) funcName = self.STAGES[self.stage].im_func.func_name self.__changeState(PeerState.UNRESPONSIVE(), 'on stage %s, %s' % (funcName, objNames)) if hasConfig and self.recoveries < 5: self.longRunningProcesses.append(RecoveryWorker(self)) self.recoveries += 1 return if self.state == PeerState.TESTING() \ and time.time() - self.currentTest.startTime > self.currentTest.testTimeout \ and self.currentTest.state != TestState.TIMEOUT(): self.currentTest.state = TestState.TIMEOUT() for process in self.longRunningProcesses + self.processResults: if hasattr(process, 'shutdown'): process.shutdown() if len(self.longRunningProcesses) > 0 or \ self.state in Peer.REBOOT_STATES + Peer.DONE_STATES: return # Still running processes # TODO: timeout? if self.STAGES[self.stage]() == False: # Go to the next stage if asked to skip self.__incStage() self.checkState(heartBeatFelt) else: self.recoveries = 0 self.__incStage() self.__clearProcessHistory() def __incStage(self): """ Increment the current stage """ if self.state == PeerState.ACTIVE(): return self.stage = (self.stage + 1) * (self.stage + 1 < self.STAG_LEN) Peer.PEER_STAGE_CHANGE_EVENT(self) def __getExitCode(self, process): """ Returns the exit code from a process @param process: Popen or Process object @return: exit code of process """ if isinstance(process, Popen): return process.poll() return process.exitcode def __isAlive(self, process): """ Returns true if the process or Popen is still executing code else false @param process: Process or Popen @return True if executing else false """ if isinstance(process, Popen): return process.poll() == None return process.is_alive() def __killAllProcesses(self): """ Kill all running processes """ for process in self.longRunningProcesses: try: process.terminate() except OSError: pass self.longRunningProcesses = [] self.__clearProcessHistory() def __clearProcessHistory(self): """ Clear all process history """ processes = self.failureCodes + self.processResults for process in processes: if not hasattr(process, 'cleanup'): continue process.cleanup() self.failureCodes = [] self.processResults = [] def checkIP(self, ipAddr, randomBits): """ Check if the IP address has changed @param ipAddr: New IP address """ # IP address has changed if ipAddr != self.ipAddr: self.logger.warn('IP address for peer %s has changed to %s from %s!' %(self.macAddr, ipAddr, self.ipAddr)) # TODO: restart SSH ? What does this mean? Recovery? # Box rebooted randomly elif randomBits != self.randomBits and self.currentTest: self.logger.warn('Peer (%s,%s) has rebooted! Random bits have changed: %s - %s' %(self.ipAddr, self.macAddr, self.randomBits, randomBits)) self.__changeState(PeerState.RECOVER_LOGS()) self.__killAllProcesses() self.stage = self.recoverIndex self.currentTest.state = TestState.CRASH() self.lastHeartBeat = time.time() # Expected and controlled rebooted if self.randomBits != randomBits and self.state in Peer.REBOOT_STATES: self.__changeState(PeerState.PENDING()) self.ipAddr = ipAddr self.randomBits = randomBits def __configIsMissingKeys(self): """ Configuration is missing keys """ return any(k not in self.config.keys() for k in Peer.REQUIRED_CONF) def __unlockBox(self): """ Remove the lock from the box and reboot """ if self.__configIsMissingKeys(): return return SSHClient(self.config['user'], self.config['password'], self.ipAddr, 'if [ "`cat %(T)s/locked`" == "%(H)s" ]; then touch %(T)s/unlock; %(R)s; fi' % { 'H': self.hostIP, 'T': self.config['tmpdir'], 'R': self.config['rebootcmd'] }, timeout = 2) def shutdown(self): """ Shutdown all operations that are related to this peer """ self.__killAllProcesses() if self.currentTest and self.state == PeerState.DEAD(): self.currentTest.state = TestState.DEADBOX(), [], self) self.currentTest = None processes = [ EnvCat(self.envServer, self.envServerPort, '/dev/null', 'play') ] if self.state not in Peer.LOCKED_STATES: processes.append(self.__unlockBox()) return processes def isDone(self): """ State if the peer has finished all required work @return: True if all work has been completed else false """ return self.state in Peer.DONE_STATES