Пример #1
def test():
    from Camera.UnrealCVCamera import UnrealCVCamera
    from MotionPlatform.PlatformUnrealCV import PlatformUnrealCV
    from UnrealCVBase.UnrealCVEnv import UnrealCVEnv

    initPose = Pose3.from6D(np.array([-500, 500, -1000, 0, 0, 0]))  # sofa

    #X = Pose3.fromCenter6D([0, 0, 0, 1, 2, 3])
    X = Pose3.fromCenter6D([0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0])
    unrealbase = UnrealCVEnv(init_pose=initPose)
    camera = UnrealCVCamera(
        cameraCalib=CameraCalibration())  # type: CameraBase
    platform = PlatformUnrealCV(unreal_env=unrealbase, X=X)
    myACR = ACRBisection(camera=camera, platform=platform)

    ref_image, ref_image_depth = myACR.camera.getImage()

    pose = Pose3.fromCenter6D([10, 0, 8, 1.2, 0, -1.3])

    directory = "D:/temp/acr"
    if not os.path.exists(directory):

    img_path = os.path.join(directory, "rgb_ref.png")
    img_depth_path = os.path.join(directory, "depth_ref.png")
    cv2.imwrite(img_path, ref_image)
    cv2.imwrite(img_depth_path, ref_image_depth)

    myACR.initSettings(data_dir=directory, refImage=ref_image)
    # input('Press to continue...')
Пример #2
    def __init__(self, camera, platform):
        self.camera = camera  # type: CameraBase
        self.platform = platform  # type: PlatformBase
        self.relativePoseAlgorithm = FivePointsAlgorithm_CV(
        )  # FivePointsAlgorithm_Nghia()

        # damp the computed rotation and translation
        self.dampRatio = 0.8

        # stop condition parameters
        self.stopAngle = 0.1
        self.stop_S = 0.5  # stop translation size s
        self.stopAFD = 0.3
        self.maxStep = 30  # max step number

        self.init_S = 30  # initial translation size s
        self.init_angle_bound = 5  # initial angle bound

        # current condition and data
        self.step = 0
        self.curPose = Pose3()
        self.curAFD = 100
        self.cur_S = self.init_S
        self.cur_angle_bound = self.init_angle_bound

        # reference image
        self.refImage = np.ndarray([1, 1, 3], np.uint8)
        self.curImage = np.ndarray([1, 1, 3], np.uint8)
        # dir to storage image
        self.data_dir = ""

        self.lastPose = Pose3()
Пример #3
def test2(data_dir):
    from Camera.UnrealCVCamera import UnrealCVCamera
    from MotionPlatform.PlatformUnrealCV import PlatformUnrealCV
    from UnrealCVBase.UnrealCVEnv import UnrealCVEnv

    initPose = Pose3().from6D(np.array([0, 1300, 1000, 0, 0,
                                        0]))  # center of the room

    X = Pose3.fromCenter6D([0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0])
    unrealbase = UnrealCVEnv(init_pose=initPose)
    camera = UnrealCVCamera(
        cameraCalib=CameraCalibration())  # type: CameraBase
    platform = PlatformUnrealCV(unreal_env=unrealbase, X=X)
    myACR = ACRBisection(camera=camera, platform=platform)
    pose = Pose3.fromCenter6D([-50, 30, 60, 0.7, -0.5, -0.2])

    for i in range(0, 10):
        directory = os.path.join(data_dir, "{}".format(i + 1))
        if not os.path.exists(directory):

        # reset pose
        ref_image, ref_image_depth = myACR.camera.getImage()

        img_path = os.path.join(directory, "rgb_ref.png")
        cv2.imwrite(img_path, ref_image)

        myACR.initSettings(data_dir=directory, refImage=ref_image)
Пример #4
 def movePose(self, movingPose: Pose3):
     motion = movingPose.toCenter6D()
     rots = np.array(motion[3:])  # sequence: rz, ry, rx
     trans = np.array(motion[:3]) * -1  # sequence: tx, ty, tz
     rs = self.rotate(rots[2], rots[1], rots[0])
     ts = self.translate(trans[0], trans[1], trans[2])
     return rs and ts
Пример #5
 def getPose(self, refImg : np.ndarray, curImg: np.ndarray, K: np.ndarray)-> (Pose3, np.ndarray, np.ndarray):
     import cv2
     ref_pts, cur_pts = SIFTFeature.detectAndMatch(image1=refImg,image2=curImg)
     E, mask = cv2.findEssentialMat(ref_pts, cur_pts, K, method=cv2.RANSAC, prob=0.999, threshold=1.0)
     points, R, t, mask = cv2.recoverPose(E, ref_pts, cur_pts, mask=mask)
     pose = Pose3.fromRt(R, t)
     return pose, ref_pts, cur_pts
Пример #6
    def relocation(self):
        while True:
            image, image_depth = self.camera.getImage()
            pose, match_points_ref, match_points_cur = self.pnp.getPose(
                self.refImage, image, image_depth,

            R, t = pose.toRt()
            tmpPose = Pose3.fromRt(R, t)
            image_warp, image_depth_warp, warped_mask = cv2.rgbd.warpFrame(
                image, np.float32(image_depth), None,
                self.camera.cameraCalibration.getK(), None)
            image_depth_warp = np.uint16(image_depth_warp)

            self.curPose = pose.copy()  # type: Pose3
            self.curAFD = self.computeAFD(match_points_ref, match_points_cur)
            self.writeInfo(self.data_dir, self.step, image, image_depth, pose,
                           self.curAFD, image_warp, image_depth_warp)

            if self.stopCondition():

            # moving platform
            movingPose = self.curPose  # type: Pose3
            dumpMotion = self.dumpPose(movingPose)
            # rots = np.array(motion[3:]) * self.dampRatio  # sequence: rz, ry, rx
            # trans = np.array(motion[:3]) * self.dampRatio * -1  # sequence: tx, ty, tz
            # self.platform.rotate(rots[2], rots[1], rots[0])
            # self.platform.translate(trans[0], trans[1], trans[2])

            # self.writeHandInfo(self.data_dir, self.step, rots, trans)

            self.step = self.step + 1
Пример #7
def testPnP_MVG():
    print("Test PnP in OpenMVG:")
    pnp = PnP_MVG()
    import cv2
    dir = "C:/Code/bird/AFGCD-master/data/unrealcv/sofa_1"
    refImg = cv2.imread(os.path.join(dir, '1_ref.png'))
    curImg = cv2.imread(os.path.join(dir, '1_cur.png'))
    curImg_depth = cv2.imread(os.path.join(dir, '1_cur_depth.png'),

    leftK = np.float32([[320, 0, 320], [0, 320, 240], [0, 0, 1]])
    pose, p_ref, p_cur = pnp.getPose(refImg, curImg, curImg_depth, leftK)

    pose_gt_se3 = [[
        0.9999999132538266, -0.00039281740036523473, -0.0001385165311314052,
                       0.00038960289756899543, 0.9997470051953627,
                       -0.02248941556567579, -16.008759218854912
                       0.0001473157209268832, 0.022489359648363134,
                       0.9997470715139329, -15.42580073522588
                   ], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0]]
    pose_gt = Pose3.fromSE3(pose_gt_se3)

    print("Pose computed using PnP:")
    print("ground-truth Pose:")
Пример #8
def testPnP_CV():
    print("Test PnP in OpenCV:")
    pnp = PnP_CV()
    import cv2
    dir = "D:/Research/OurPapers/2018/PAMI2018_Camera6dRelocation/Review_1st/data/5points_error/2/"
    refImg = cv2.imread(os.path.join(dir, '1_ref.png'))
    curImg = cv2.imread(os.path.join(dir, '1_cur.png'))
    curImg_depth = cv2.imread(os.path.join(dir, '1_cur_depth.png'),

    leftK = np.float32([[320, 0, 320], [0, 320, 240], [0, 0, 1]])
    pose, p_ref, p_cur = pnp.getPose(refImg, curImg, curImg_depth, leftK)

    pose_gt_se3 = [[
        0.9999999132538266, -0.00039281740036523473, -0.0001385165311314052,
                       0.00038960289756899543, 0.9997470051953627,
                       -0.02248941556567579, -16.008759218854912
                       0.0001473157209268832, 0.022489359648363134,
                       0.9997470715139329, -15.42580073522588
                   ], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0]]
    pose_gt = Pose3.fromSE3(pose_gt_se3)

    print("Pose computed using PnP:")
    print("ground-truth Pose:")
Пример #9
def testFivePoints_CV():
    print("Test FivePoints Algorithm in OpenCV:")
    fivepoints = FivePointsAlgorithm_CV()
    import cv2
    dir = "D:/Research/OurPapers/2018/PAMI2018_Camera6dRelocation/Review_1st/data/5points_error/2/"
    refImg = cv2.imread(os.path.join(dir, '2_ref.png'))
    curImg = cv2.imread(os.path.join(dir, '2_cur.png'))

    leftK = np.float32([[320, 0, 320], [0, 320, 240], [0, 0, 1]])
    pose, p_ref, p_cur = fivepoints.getPose(refImg, curImg, leftK)

    # pose_gt_se3 = [[0.9999999132538266, -0.00039281740036523473, -0.0001385165311314052, -5.476009513799725],
    # [0.00038960289756899543, 0.9997470051953627, -0.02248941556567579, -16.008759218854912],
    # [0.0001473157209268832, 0.022489359648363134, 0.9997470715139329, -15.42580073522588],
    # [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0]]
    # pose_gt = Pose3.fromSE3(pose_gt_se3)

    import json
    posefile = dir + "1_pose.json"
    with open(posefile, 'r') as f:
        info = json.load(f)
        pose_gt_se3 = np.matrix(info["A_GT"])
        pose_gt = Pose3.fromSE3(pose_gt_se3)

    print("Pose computed using fivePoints from OpenCV:")
    print("ground-truth Pose:")
Пример #10
    def getPose(self, refImg: np.ndarray, curImg: np.ndarray,
                curImg_depth: np.ndarray, K: np.ndarray):
        import cv2
        ref_pts, cur_pts = SIFTFeature.detectAndMatch(image1=refImg,
        ref_pts_2d, cur_pts_2d, cur_pts_3d = self.get3dPoints(
            ref_pts, cur_pts, curImg_depth, K)
        retval, rvec, tvec, inlier = cv2.solvePnPRansac(
            cur_pts_3d, ref_pts_2d, K, None, flags=cv2.SOLVEPNP_EPNP)

        if retval == True:
            R, jacobian = cv2.Rodrigues(rvec)
            pose = Pose3.fromRt(R, tvec)
            # pose must be inversed
            pose = pose.inverse()
            return pose, ref_pts_2d, cur_pts_2d
            return Pose3(), ref_pts_2d, cur_pts_2d
Пример #11
    def initSettings(self, data_dir, refImage: np.ndarray):
        self.step = 0
        self.curPose = Pose3.from6D([100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100
                                     ])  # set initial pose to be a large value
        self.curAFD = 100
        self.cur_S = self.init_S
        self.cur_angle_bound = self.init_angle_bound

        self.data_dir = data_dir
        self.refImage = refImage
Пример #12
    def initSettings(self, data_dir, refImage: np.ndarray,
                     refImage_depth: np.ndarray):
        self.step = 0
        self.curPose = Pose3.from6D([100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100
                                     ])  # set initial pose to be a large value
        self.curAFD = 100

        self.data_dir = data_dir
        self.refImage = refImage
        self.refImage_depth = refImage_depth
Пример #13
    def loadPose(cls, json_path):
        with open(json_path, 'r') as f:
            info = json.load(f)
            R = np.array(info['R']).reshape(3, 3)
            t = np.array(info['t'])
            # TODO: moidify PnP, and remove t = t * 1000
            t = t * 1000
            pose = Pose3.fromRt(R, t)

            return pose
def computeFnorm(poseList):
    num = len(poseList)
    fnorm_list = []
    for i in range(0, num):
        pose = poseList[i]  # type:Pose3
        se3_error = pose.toSE3() - Pose3.from6D([0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]).toSE3()
        fnorm = np.linalg.norm(se3_error)

    return fnorm_list
def readPose_5Points(dir, num):
    poseList = []
    import json
    for i in range(0, num):
        posefile = dir + "{}_pose_5points_our.json".format(i + 1)
        with open(posefile, 'r') as f:
            info = json.load(f)
            se3 = np.matrix(info["A"])
            pose = Pose3.fromSE3(se3)
    return poseList
Пример #16
    def __init__(self,
                 K_arr=np.array([[320, 0, 320], [0, 320, 240], [0, 0, 1]]),
                 init_pose: Pose3 = Pose3()):
        self.camera_K = np.float32(K_arr)
        self.init_pose = init_pose
        self.client = unrealcv.Client(('', 9000))
        self.cam_id = 0
        self.cam = dict(position=[0, 0, 0],
                        rotation=[0, 0, 0])  # center 6D representation

        import tempfile
        self.temp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
def readPose_gt(dir, num):
    poseGTList = []
    import json
    for i in range(0, num):
        print("Compute Relative Pose {}".format(i + 1))
        posefile = dir + "{}_pose.json".format(i + 1)
        with open(posefile, 'r') as f:
            info = json.load(f)
            pose_gt_se3 = np.matrix(info["A_GT"])
            pose_gt = Pose3.fromSE3(pose_gt_se3)
    return poseGTList
Пример #18
    def generateTranslation(cls):
        poseList = []  # type: list(Pose3)

        t_begin = 50
        t_step = 1
        angle = 0
        for i in range(0, 50):
            for j in range(0, 10):
                t3 = cls.random3Unary() * (t_begin - i * t_step)
                axis = cls.random3Unary()
                pose = Pose3().from_t_axisAngle(t3, axis, angle)

        return poseList
Пример #19
    def generateRotation(cls):
        poseList = []  # type: list(Pose3)

        angle_begin = 5
        angle_step = 0.1
        t = [0, 0, 0]
        for i in range(0, 50):
            for j in range(0, 10):
                angle = angle_begin - i * angle_step
                axis = cls.random3Unary()
                pose = Pose3().from_t_axisAngle(t, axis, angle)

        return poseList
Пример #20
    def generateMotionListLargeToSmallBoth(cls):
        poseList = []  # type: list(Pose3)

        angle_begin = 5
        t_begin = 50
        t_step = 1
        angle_step = 0.1
        for i in range(0, 50):
            for j in range(0, 10):
                t3 = cls.random3Unary() * (t_begin - i * t_step)
                angle = angle_begin - i * angle_step
                axis = cls.random3Unary()
                pose = Pose3().from_t_axisAngle(t3, axis, angle)

        return poseList
Пример #21
    def getPose(self, refImg: np.ndarray, curImg: np.ndarray, K: np.ndarray) -> (Pose3, np.ndarray, np.ndarray):
        ref_pts, cur_pts = SIFTFeature.detectAndMatch(image1=refImg, image2=curImg)  # type: np.ndarray, np.ndarray

        ref_pts_list = list(ref_pts.flatten())
        cur_pts_list = list(cur_pts.flatten())
        K_list = list(K.flatten())


        R, t = self._fivePointsAlg.calcRP(ref_pts_list, cur_pts_list, K_list)
        R = np.array(R).reshape(3, 3)
        t = np.array(t)

        pose_ref_to_cur = Pose3.fromRt(R, t)
        return pose_ref_to_cur, ref_pts, cur_pts
Пример #22
    def relocation(self):
        while True:
            image, image_depth = self.camera.getImage()
            pose, match_points_ref, match_points_cur = \
                self.relativePoseAlgorithm.getPose(self.refImage, image, self.camera.cameraCalibration.getK())

            self.curPose = pose.copy()
            self.curAFD = self.computeAFD(match_points_ref, match_points_cur)
            self.curImage = image

            # Bisection
            t, axis, angle = pose.to_t_aixsAngle()
            lastT, lastAxis, lastAngle = self.lastPose.to_t_aixsAngle()
            if np.dot(t, lastT) < -1e-6:
                self.cur_S /= 2.0

            if np.dot(axis, lastAxis) < -1e-6:
                self.cur_angle_bound /= 2.0
                if self.cur_angle_bound < self.stopAngle:
                    self.cur_angle_bound = self.stopAngle

            if self.stopCondition():

            # moving platform
            eye_pose_guess = self.poseWithScale(pose, self.cur_S)
            # dumpMotion = self.dumpPose(eye_pose_guess.inverse())
            motion = eye_pose_guess.inverse()
            motion_bounded = self.boundAngle(motion)


            self.lastPose = self.curPose.copy()
            self.step = self.step + 1

        motion = Pose3()
        return self.step - 1  # last step, no motion happend
Пример #23
    def move_relative_pose_hand(self, RP):
        print("MOVE relative pose with hand in ACRBaseUnreal")

        X_6D = [10, 10, 10, 8.0416, 9.2526, 8.0416]
        XH2E = Pose3.from6D(X_6D)

        Eye = self.get_pose()

        Hand = XH2E.inverse().compose(Eye)
        Hand2 = RP.compose(Hand)
        Eye2 = XH2E.compose(Hand2)

        relative_pose3_for_eye = XH2E.compose(RP).compose(XH2E.inverse())
        Eye2_ = relative_pose3_for_eye.compose(Eye)

        assert np.allclose(Eye2.rotation(), Eye2_.rotation())
        assert np.allclose(Eye2.center(), Eye2_.center())

        tar_pose_move_hand = Eye2.toCenter6D()

        return True
def cal5PointsError():
    dir = "D:/Research/OurPapers/2018/PAMI2018_Camera6dRelocation/Review_1st/data/5points_error/4/"
    num = 500
    poseList = []
    poseGTList = []
    PRefList = []
    PCurList = []

    import cv2
    import json

    K = np.float32([[320, 0, 320], [0, 320, 240], [0, 0, 1]])
    fivepoints = FivePointsAlgorithm_CV()

    print("Compute Relative Pose:")
    for i in range(0, num):
        print("Compute Relative Pose {}".format(i + 1))
        posefile = dir + "{}_pose.json".format(i + 1)
        with open(posefile, 'r') as f:
            info = json.load(f)
            pose_gt_se3 = np.matrix(info["A_GT"])
            pose_gt = Pose3.fromSE3(pose_gt_se3)

        refImg = cv2.imread(os.path.join(dir, '{}_ref.png'.format(i + 1)))
        curImg = cv2.imread(os.path.join(dir, '{}_cur.png'.format(i + 1)))
        pose, p_ref, p_cur = fivepoints.getPose(refImg, curImg, K)

    writePose_5Points(dir, poseList)
    writeMatchPoints(dir, PRefList, PCurList)

    angle_list, t_length_list, angle_error_list, t_acos_list = computePoseError(
        poseGTList, poseList)
    writeError(dir, angle_list, t_length_list, angle_error_list, t_acos_list)
    plotError(angle_list, t_length_list, angle_error_list, t_acos_list)
Пример #25
    def __init__(self, camera, platform):
        self.camera = camera  # type: CameraBase
        self.pnp = pnp.PnP_CV()
        self.platform = platform  # type: PlatformBase

        # damp the computed rotation and translation
        self.dampRatio = 1

        # stop condition parameters
        self.stopAngle = 0.1
        self.stopTrans = 0.2
        self.stopAFD = 0.3
        self.maxStep = 20

        # current condition and data
        self.step = 0
        self.curPose = Pose3()
        self.curAFD = 0

        # reference image
        self.refImage = np.ndarray([1, 1, 3], np.uint8)
        self.refImage_depth = np.ndarray([1, 1, 3], np.uint16)
        # dir to storage image
        self.data_dir = ""
Пример #26
 def dumpPose(self, pose):
     motion = pose.toCenter6D()
     rots = np.array(motion[3:]) * self.dampRatio  # sequence: rz, ry, rx
     trans = np.array(motion[:3]) * self.dampRatio  # sequence: tx, ty, tz
     return Pose3.fromCenter6D(np.append(trans, rots))
Пример #27
 def rtsize(cls, pose: Pose3):
     t, axis, angle = pose.to_t_aixsAngle()
     ts = np.linalg.norm(t, 2)
     return ts, angle
Пример #28
 def __init__(self, unreal_env: UnrealCVEnv, X: Pose3 = Pose3()):
     super(PlatformBase, self).__init__()
     self.unrealCvEnv = unreal_env
     self.X = X  # hand eye relative pose, just for suppose, in virtual environment, it does not exist in fact
Пример #29
 def movePose(self, movingPose: Pose3):
     eyeMotion = self.X.compose(movingPose.compose(self.X.inverse()))
     return True
Пример #30
 def set_pose(self, pose: Pose3):
     x, y, z, roll, yaw, pitch = pose.toCenter6D()
     self.set_pose_center6D(x, y, z, roll, yaw, pitch)