Пример #1
    def __init__(self, Config: ConfigParser = ConfigParser()):
        self.Config: ConfigParser = Config
        self.version: str = self.Config.get("version", "[N/A]")
        self.start_time: int = time.time(
        )  # together with another time.time(), used to know how long phaaze is running

        # get the active/load class, aka, what sould get started
        self.Active: ActiveStore = ActiveStore(self.Config)

        # a class filled with permanent vars, mainly from external sources or whatever
        self.Vars: VarsStore = VarsStore(self.Config)

        # the key to everything, that will be needed to connect to everything thats not ourself
        self.Access: AccessStore = AccessStore(self.Config)

        # contains user limits for all addeble things, like custom command amount
        self.Limit: LimitStore = LimitStore(self.Config)

        # log to handler of choice
        self.Logger: PhaazeLogger = PhaazeLogger()

        # all featured "superclasses" aka, stuff that makes calls to somewhere
        # all of these get added by self.Mainframe when started
        # both the actual working part and a quick link to there running loops, to inject async funtions for them to run
        # most likly used for the worker, that can calculate time consuming functions or discord because send_message must be called from this loop
        self.Discord: PhaazebotDiscord = PhaazebotDiscord(self)
        self.DiscordLoop: asyncio.AbstractEventLoop = None

        self.Twitch = None
        self.TwitchLoop: asyncio.AbstractEventLoop = None

        self.TwitchEvents: PhaazebotTwitchEvents = PhaazebotTwitchEvents(self)
        self.TwitchEventsLoop: asyncio.AbstractEventLoop = None

        self.Osu: PhaazebotOsu = PhaazebotOsu(self)
        self.OsuLoop: asyncio.AbstractEventLoop = None

        self.Twitter = None
        self.TwitterLoop: asyncio.AbstractEventLoop = None

        self.Web: PhaazebotWeb = PhaazebotWeb(self)
        self.WebLoop: asyncio.AbstractEventLoop = None

        self.WorkerLoop: asyncio.AbstractEventLoop = None  # Worker object is protected and only gives us the loop in inject

        # this runs everthing
        self.Mainframe = Mainframe(self)

        # this keeps track of what is running
        self.IsReady: IsReadyStore = IsReadyStore()

        # connection to phaaze brain
        self.PhaazeDB: DBConn = DBConn(host=self.Access.PHAAZEDB_HOST,
Пример #2
import discord
from typing import List
from phaazebot import Phaazebot
from Platforms.Discord.main_discord import PhaazebotDiscord
from Utils.Classes.dbconn import DBConn
from Utils.config import ConfigParser
from Utils.cli import CliArgs

Conf: Optional[ConfigParser] = None
for config_source_path in [(CliArgs.get("config")
                            or ""), f"{base_dir}/Config/config.phzcf",
    if not config_source_path: continue
        Conf = ConfigParser(config_source_path)

Phaaze: Phaazebot = Phaazebot(PreConfig=Conf)
DBC: DBConn = DBConn(host=Phaaze.Config.get("phaazedb_host", "localhost"),
                     port=Phaaze.Config.get("phaazedb_port", "3306"),
                     user=Phaaze.Config.get("phaazedb_user", "phaaze"),
                     passwd=Phaaze.Config.get("phaazedb_password", ""),
                     database=Phaaze.Config.get("phaazedb_database", "phaaze"))

class CheckDiscordOnServer(PhaazebotDiscord):
    def __init__(self):
Пример #3
	def __init__(self, PreConfig:ConfigParser=None):

		if PreConfig:
			self.Config:ConfigParser = PreConfig
			cfg_path:str = CliArgs.get("config_path", "Config/config.phzcf")
			cfg_type:str = CliArgs.get("config_type", "phzcf")
			self.Config:ConfigParser = ConfigParser(file_path=cfg_path, file_type=cfg_type)

		self.version:str = self.Config.get("version", "[N/A]")
		self.start_time:float = time.time() # together with another time.time(), used to know how long phaaze is running

		# log to handler of choice
		self.Logger:PhaazeLogger = PhaazeLogger()

		# get the active/load class, aka, what should get started
		self.Active:ActiveStore = ActiveStore(self)

		# a class filled with permanent vars, mainly from external sources or whatever
		self.Vars:VarsStore = VarsStore(self)

		# the key to everything, that will be needed to connect to everything that's not ourself
		self.Access:AccessStore = AccessStore(self)

		# contains user limits for all addable things, like custom command amount
		self.Limit:LimitStore = LimitStore(self)

		# all featured "superclasses" aka, stuff that makes calls to somewhere
		# all of these get added by self.Mainframe when started
		# both the actual working part and a quick link to there running loops, to inject async functions for them to run
		# most likely used for the worker, that can calculate time consuming functions or discord because send_message must be called from this loop
		self.Discord:PhaazebotDiscord = PhaazebotDiscord(self)
		self.DiscordLoop:Optional[asyncio.AbstractEventLoop] = None

		self.Twitch:PhaazebotTwitch = PhaazebotTwitch(self)
		self.TwitchLoop:Optional[asyncio.AbstractEventLoop] = None

		self.TwitchEvents:PhaazebotTwitchEvents = PhaazebotTwitchEvents(self)
		self.TwitchEventsLoop:Optional[asyncio.AbstractEventLoop] = None

		self.Osu:PhaazebotOsu = PhaazebotOsu(self)
		self.OsuLoop:Optional[asyncio.AbstractEventLoop] = None

		self.Twitter = None
		self.TwitterLoop:Optional[asyncio.AbstractEventLoop] = None

		self.Web:PhaazebotWeb = PhaazebotWeb(self)
		self.WebLoop:Optional[asyncio.AbstractEventLoop] = None

		self.WorkerLoop:Optional[asyncio.AbstractEventLoop] = None # Worker object is protected and only gives us the loop in inject

		# this runs everything
		self.Mainframe:MainframeThread = MainframeThread(self)

		# this keeps track of what is running
		self.IsReady:IsReadyStore = IsReadyStore()

		# connection to phaaze brain
		self.PhaazeDB:DBConn = DBConn(
# discord_twitch_alert table.
# To be exact the discord_guild_id field.
# Because its not really needed for the alerts, but of stat listing etc.
# This protocol is suppost to try finding the GuildID based on the ChannelID
import os
import sys
sys.path.insert(0, f"{os.path.dirname(__file__)}/../../")

import discord
import asyncio
from Utils.Classes.dbconn import DBConn
from Utils.config import ConfigParser

Configs: ConfigParser = ConfigParser()

class PhaazeDiscordConnection(discord.Client):
    """ Discord connection for running the protocol """
    def __init__(self, empty_entrys: list):
        self.empty_entrys = empty_entrys

    async def on_ready(self) -> None:
        global DBC
        print("Discord Connectet, running checks...")
        for entry in self.empty_entrys:

            channel_id: str = entry.get("discord_channel_id", "")
            if not channel_id: