Пример #1
import education
import location
import other_contexts
import occupation

# import personname
# import lifeInfo
import birthDeath
This is a possible temporary main script that creates the biography related triples
add documentation
implement personname

logger = utilities.config_logger("biography")

def main():
    file_dict = utilities.parse_args(__file__,
                                     "Majority of biography related data")

    entry_num = 1
    uber_graph = utilities.create_graph()

    highest_triples = 0
    least_triples = 0
    smallest_person = None
    largest_person = None
    logger.info("Time started: " + utilities.get_current_time() + "\n")
Пример #2
from rdflib import Literal
from Utils import utilities
from Utils.context import Context
from Utils.event import Event
from Utils.organizations import get_org_uri
Status: ~75%
 - review unmapped instances
 - revise method of capturing failed mappings to be similar to culturalforms

# temp log library for debugging
# --> to be eventually replaced with proper logging library

logger = utilities.config_logger("occupation")
uber_graph = utilities.create_graph()

context_count = 0
event_count = 0

class Occupation(object):
    """docstring for Occupation
    def __init__(self, job_tag, predicate=None, other_attributes=None):
        super(Occupation, self).__init__()
        if predicate:
            self.predicate = predicate
            self.value = self.get_mapped_term(job_tag)
Пример #3

from biography import Biography
from Utils.context import Context
from Utils.event import Event
from Utils.place import Place
from Utils import utilities

Status: ~80%

logger = utilities.config_logger("location")
uber_graph = utilities.create_graph()

location_occurences = {}
location_count = {
    "VISITED": 0,
    "UNKNOWN": 0,
    "TRAVELLED": 0,
    "LIVED": 0,
    "MIGRATED": 0,
    "MOVED": 0,

location_event_count = {
    "VISITED": 0,
    "UNKNOWN": 0,
    "TRAVELLED": 0,
    "LIVED": 0,
Пример #4
from Utils.organizations import get_org, get_org_uri
from Utils.place import Place
from Utils.event import Event
from Utils.context import Context
Status: ~90%
Most of cultural forms have been mapped
    TODO: Review missing religions & PAs

Forebear still needs to be handled/attempted with a query
--> load up gurjap's produced graph and query it  for forebear info to test
temp solution until endpoint is active


logger = utilities.config_logger("culturalform")

uber_graph = utilities.create_graph()

class CulturalForm(object):
    """docstring for CulturalForm
        NOTE: mapping is done prior to creation of cf instance,
        no need to include class type then
        using other_attributes to handle extra predicates
        that may come up for cfs
        Ex. Organizations
        This being the uri rather the typical cf one
    def __init__(self, predicate, reported, value, other_attributes=None):
Пример #5
from Utils import utilities
from Utils.context import Context
from Utils.place import Place
from Utils.event import get_date_tag, Event, format_date

# TODO: clean up imports post death
# Should be matched up to deb's contexts somehow
# otherwise we're looking at duplicate contexts
# two unique id'd contexts but with the same text and different triples
# attached but this might fine if we're distinguishing between
# death context vs cause of death context
# - once resolved: https://github.com/cwrc/ontology/issues/462
# - handle multiple DEATH/BIRTH tags

logger = utilities.config_logger("birthdeath")

class Birth:
    def __init__(self, date, positions, birthplace):
        self.date = date
        self.position = []
        self.place = birthplace

        for birth_position in positions:
            if birth_position == "ONLY":
            elif birth_position == "ELDEST":
            elif birth_position == "YOUNGEST":
Пример #6
from biography import Biography
from Utils import utilities
from Utils.context import Context
from Utils.event import Event
Status: ~89%
extraction of health context will possibly accompanied by health factors at a later point
only identifying contexts being created
logger = utilities.config_logger("other_contexts")
uber_graph = utilities.create_graph()

def extract_health_contexts_data(bio, person):
    issue_map = {
        "PHYSICAL": "PhysicalHealthContext",
        "MENTAL": "MentalHealthContext",
        "FEMALEBODY": "WomensHealthContext",
    contexts = bio.find_all("HEALTH")
    count = 1
    event_count = 1
    for context in contexts:
        context_type = context.get("ISSUE")
        if context_type:
            context_type = issue_map[context_type]
            context_type = "HealthContext"
        paragraphs = context.find_all("P")
        for paragraph in paragraphs:
            context_id = person.id + "_" + context_type + str(count)
Пример #7
                for thisTag in name.find_all(tagname):
                    newPerson = makePerson(basic_layout_dict[tagname],
                    if newPerson:

    person.name_list = personNameList
    context_id = person.id + "_PersonNameContext" + str(0)
    tempContext = Context(context_id, personNameTags[0], "PersonNameContext")

logger = utilities.config_logger("personname")

def main():
    from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
    import culturalForm
    from biography import Biography
    file_dict = utilities.parse_args(__file__, "Personname")
    print("-" * 200)
    entry_num = 1

    uber_graph = utilities.create_graph()

    for filename in file_dict.keys():
        with open(filename) as f:
            soup = BeautifulSoup(f, 'lxml-xml')