Пример #1
def get_state(boat, other_boat):
    # State minimalist a etoffer pour une generalisation
    rot_angle = angle_between(np.array([1, 0]), boat.target)
    cor_other_pos = other_boat.pos - boat.pos
    rot_other_pos = [
        cor_other_pos[0] * np.cos(rot_angle) +
        cor_other_pos[1] * np.sin(rot_angle),
        -cor_other_pos[0] * np.sin(rot_angle) +
        cor_other_pos[1] * np.cos(rot_angle)
    rot_other_speed = [
        other_boat.speed[0] * np.cos(rot_angle) +
        other_boat.speed[1] * np.sin(rot_angle),
        -other_boat.speed[0] * np.sin(rot_angle) +
        other_boat.speed[1] * np.cos(rot_angle)
    rot_speed = [
        boat.speed[0] * np.cos(rot_angle) + boat.speed[1] * np.sin(rot_angle),
        -boat.speed[0] * np.sin(rot_angle) + boat.speed[1] * np.cos(rot_angle)
    cur_state = []
    cur_state.append(distance(boat.pos, boat.target))
    cur_state.append(angle_between(boat.pos - boat.target, boat.dir))
    cur_state.append(distance(boat.pos, other_boat.pos))
    return np.array(cur_state).reshape((1, 9))
Пример #2
def geocast_knn(data, t):
    # find all workers in MTD

    # find all workers in the query
    MTD_RECT = np.array([[t[0] - Params.ONE_KM * Params.MTD, t[1] - Params.ONE_KM * Params.MTD],
                         [t[0] + Params.ONE_KM * Params.MTD, t[1] + Params.ONE_KM * Params.MTD]])
    locs = rect_query_points(data, MTD_RECT).transpose()
    locs = sorted(locs, key=lambda loc: distance(loc[0], loc[1], t[0], t[1]))

    u, dist, found = 0, 0, False
    workers = np.zeros(shape=(2, 0))
    for loc in locs:
        workers = np.concatenate([workers, np.array([[loc[0]], [loc[1]]])], axis=1)
        _dist = distance(loc[0], loc[1], t[0], t[1])
        u_c = acc_rate(Params.MTD, _dist)
        u = 1 - (1 - u) * (1 - u_c)
        if is_performed(u_c):
            if not found:
                found = True
                dist = _dist
        if u >= Params.U:

    # simulation
    isPerformed, worker, dist_fcfs = performed_tasks(workers, Params.MTD, t, True)
    hops_count, coverage, hops_count2 = hops_expansion(t, workers.transpose(), Params.NETWORK_DIAMETER)

    if isPerformed:  # the task is performed
        return workers.shape[1], True, dist, dist_fcfs, hops_count, coverage, hops_count2

    return workers.shape[1], False, None, None, hops_count, coverage, hops_count2
    def __init__(self, data, param):
        Grid_adaptive.__init__(self, data, param)

        # compute the best grid size at level 1

        # grid size
        d1 = distance(Params.LOW[0], Params.LOW[1], Params.LOW[0], Params.HIGH[1])
        d2 = distance(Params.LOW[0], Params.LOW[1], Params.HIGH[0], Params.LOW[1])
        mind = min(d1, d2)
        self.m = int(math.floor(mind / (2 * Params.MTD)))
        logging.debug("Grid_adaptive_localness: Level 1 size: %d" % self.m)
Пример #4
    def __init__(self, data, param):
        Grid_adaptive.__init__(self, data, param)

        # compute the best grid size at level 1

        # grid size
        d1 = distance(Params.LOW[0], Params.LOW[1], Params.LOW[0],
        d2 = distance(Params.LOW[0], Params.LOW[1], Params.HIGH[0],
        mind = min(d1, d2)
        self.m = int(math.floor(mind / (2 * Params.MTD)))
        logging.debug("Grid_adaptive_localness: Level 1 size: %d" % self.m)
Пример #5
    def getNegRatio(self, curr):
        """ return true count """
        ratio = None
        if curr.n_data is not None:
            neg_tweets = curr.n_data[2, :].transpose().tolist().count(-1)
            pos_tweets = curr.n_data[2, :].transpose().tolist().count(1)
            # zero_tweets = curr.n_data[2, :].transpose().tolist().count(0)
            total_tweets = curr.n_data.shape[1]

            if neg_tweets > 15:
                ratio = (neg_tweets + 0.0) / (total_tweets)
                center = curr.center()
                print distance(center[0], center[1], self.param.epicenter[0],
                               self.param.epicenter[1]), '\t', ratio
        return ratio
Пример #6
 def update(self):
     other_boat = None
     for b in self.boatList:
         if not b is self:
             other_boat = b
     self.state = get_state(self, other_boat)
     if not self.done:
         reward = -0.001
         if len(self.partial_rewards) > 0 and distance(
                 self.pos, self.target) < self.partial_rewards[0]:
             reward += self.reward_level
             #self.reward_level += 1
         if self.isColliding:
             self.done = True
             reward -= 5
         elif self.target_reached:
             self.done = True
             reward += 5
         new_state = get_state(self, other_boat)
         self.agent.remember(self.state, self.last_action_id, reward,
                             new_state, self.done)
         self.total_reward += reward
Пример #7
def selection_WST(data, t, tree=None):
    # find all workers in MTD
    MTD_RECT = np.array([[
        t[0] - Params.ONE_KM * Params.MTD, t[1] - Params.ONE_KM * Params.MTD
    ], [t[0] + Params.ONE_KM * Params.MTD, t[1] + Params.ONE_KM * Params.MTD]])
    locs = rect_query_points(data, MTD_RECT).transpose()
    #locs = sorted(locs, key=lambda loc: distance(loc[0], loc[1], t[0], t[1]))

    #u = 0
    workers, dists = np.zeros(shape=(2, 0)), []

    # find workers who would perform the task
    for loc in locs:
        dist = distance(loc[0], loc[1], t[0], t[1])
        u_c = acc_rate(Params.MTD, dist)
        #u = 1 - (1 - u) * (1 - u_c)
        if is_performed(u_c):
            workers = np.concatenate(
                [workers, np.array([[loc[0]], [loc[1]]])], axis=1)

    # simulation
    if workers.shape[1] == 0:  # no workers
        return 0, False, None, None, None, None, None

    return len(locs), True, 0, random.choice(dists), 0, 0, 0
Пример #8
 def __init__(self, param, initState, targets):
     super().__init__(param, initState, targets)
     self.agent = None
     self.last_action_id = 0
     self.done = False
     self.init_dist = distance(self.pos, self.target)
     self.reward_level = 1
     self.state = self.get_state()
     self.total_reward = 0
Пример #9
def gen_vect(pos, boat):
    vect = np.array([0, 0])
    d = distance(pos, boat.pos)
    V = boat.pos - pos
    N = np.array([-boat.dir[1], boat.dir[0]])
    vect = 30 * (V / d - 0.2 * N) / d
    if (V[0]) * boat.dir[0] + (V[1]) * boat.dir[1] < 0:
        vect = vect
    return vect
Пример #10
 def select(self, coords):
     dists = [sum([distance(a, b) for b in self.archive]) / len(self.archive) for a in coords]
     ids = list(range(len(coords)))
     ids.sort(key=lambda i: dists[i], reverse=True)
     i = 0
     while i < len(ids) and dists[ids[i]] > self.MIN_ARCHIVE_ADD_DISTANCE:
         i += 1
     print("archive len: ", len(self.archive))
     return dists
Пример #11
 def __init__(self, param, initState, targets):
     super().__init__(param, initState, targets)
     self.agent = None
     self.state = None
     self.last_action_id = 0
     self.done = False
     self.init_dist = distance(self.pos, self.target)
     #self.partial_rewards = [init_dist/2,init_dist/4,init_dist/8, init_dist/16]
     self.partial_rewards = [200]
     self.reward_level = 1
     self.total_reward = 0
Пример #12
def prev_collision(boat1, boat2, step=0, nb_test=5):
    next_pos1 = boat1.phantom_boat.pastTrajectory.to_list()
    next_pos2 = boat2.phantom_boat.pastTrajectory.to_list()
    nb_pos = min(len(next_pos1), len(next_pos2)) - 1
    if step == -1:
    elif step == 0:
        for i in range(1, nb_test + 1):
            j = i * (nb_pos // (nb_test + 1))
            if distance(next_pos1[j],
                        next_pos2[j]) < boat1.colRadius + boat2.colRadius:
                return True, j
        j = 0
        for i in range(nb_pos, 1, -step):
            if distance(next_pos1[i],
                        next_pos2[i]) < boat1.colRadius + boat2.colRadius:
                return True, j
            j += step
    return distance(next_pos1[0],
                    next_pos2[0]) < boat1.colRadius + boat2.colRadius, nb_pos
Пример #13
def evalDivGeoI(p, D_actual):
    exp_name = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name
    res_cube = np.zeros((len(eps_list), len(seed_list), len(divMetricList)))

    sensitivity = p.M # diversitySensitivity(p.M)

    differ = Differential(p.seed)

    u = distance(p.x_min, p.y_min, p.x_max, p.y_min) * 1000.0 / Params.GEOI_GRID_SIZE
    v = distance(p.x_min, p.y_min, p.x_min, p.y_max) * 1000.0 / Params.GEOI_GRID_SIZE
    rad = euclideanToRadian((u, v))
    cell_size = np.array([rad[0], rad[1]])

    for j in range(len(seed_list)):
        for i in range(len(eps_list)):
            p.seed = seed_list[j]
            p.eps = eps_list[i]

            D_noisy = defaultdict(Counter)
            for lid, loc in p.locDict.iteritems():
                eps = p.eps/sensitivity
                noisyLoc = differ.addPolarNoise(eps, loc, p.radius) # perturbed noisy location

                # rounded to grid
                roundedPoint = round2Grid(noisyLoc, cell_size, p.x_min, p.y_min)

                cellId = coord2CellId(roundedPoint, p)  # obtain cell id from noisy location
                D_noisy[cellId].update(p.locs[lid]) # update count(userid/freq)

            actual, noisy = [], []
            for cellId, d in D_actual.iteritems():
                noisy.append(normalizeDiversity(randomEntropy(len(D_noisy.get(cellId, Counter([]))))))   # default entropy = 0
            for k in range(len(divMetricList)):
                res_cube[i, j, k] = divMetricList[k](actual, noisy)

    res_summary = np.average(res_cube, axis=1)
    np.savetxt(p.resdir + Params.DATASET + "_" + exp_name + '_M' + str(p.M) + '_C' + str(p.C), res_summary, header="\t".join([f.__name__ for f in divMetricList]), fmt='%.4f\t')
Пример #14
    def probabilities(self, ant):
        probabs = [0.0 for _ in range(0, self.__problParams["noNodes"])]

        #sum of pheromones on edges for possible destinations
        i = ant.trail[ant.trailLength - 1]
        pheromones = 0
        for pos in range(0, self.__problParams["noNodes"]):
            if not ant.isVisited(pos) and distance(i, pos, self.__problParams["matrix"]) != 0:
                pheromones += computeNumerator(self.__trails[i][pos],
                                               1.0 / distance(i, pos, self.__problParams["matrix"]),
                                               self.__params["pheromoneImportance"], self.__params["distancePriority"])

        for pos in range(0, self.__problParams["noNodes"]):
            if ant.isVisited(pos) and distance(i, pos, self.__problParams["matrix"]) != 0:
                probabs[pos] = 0.0
            elif distance(i, pos, self.__problParams["matrix"]) != 0:
                probabs[pos] = probability(self.__trails[i][pos],
                                           1.0 / distance(i, pos, self.__problParams["matrix"]),
                                           self.__params["distancePriority"], pheromones)

        return probabs
Пример #15
def evalCountGeoI(p, C_actual):
    exp_name = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name

    res_cube = np.zeros((len(eps_list), len(seed_list), len(freqMetricList)))

    differ = Differential(p.seed)

    u = distance(p.x_min, p.y_min, p.x_max, p.y_min) * 1000.0 / Params.GEOI_GRID_SIZE
    v = distance(p.x_min, p.y_min, p.x_min, p.y_max) * 1000.0 / Params.GEOI_GRID_SIZE
    rad = euclideanToRadian((u, v))
    cell_size = np.array([rad[0], rad[1]])

    for j in range(len(seed_list)):
        for i in range(len(eps_list)):
            p.seed = seed_list[j]
            p.eps = eps_list[i]

            C_noisy = defaultdict()
            for lid, loc in p.locDict.iteritems():
                noisyLoc = differ.addPolarNoise(p.eps, loc, p.radius) # perturbed noisy location

                # rounded to grid
                roundedPoint = round2Grid(noisyLoc, cell_size, p.x_min, p.y_min)

                cellId = coord2CellId(roundedPoint, p)  # obtain cell id from noisy location
                C_noisy[cellId] = C_noisy.get(cellId, 0) + 1

            actual, noisy = [], []
            for cellId, c in C_actual.iteritems():
                if c > 0:
                    noisy.append(C_noisy.get(cellId, Params.DEFAULT_ENTROPY))   # default entropy = 0
            for k in range(len(freqMetricList)):
                res_cube[i, j, k] = freqMetricList[k](actual, noisy)

    res_summary = np.average(res_cube, axis=1)
    np.savetxt(p.resdir + Params.DATASET + "_" + exp_name + "_m" + str(p.m) + '_r' + str(p.radius), res_summary, header="\t".join([f.__name__ for f in divMetricList]), fmt='%.4f\t')
Пример #16
 def update(self):
     reward = np.dot(unit_vector(self.dir), unit_vector(self.target-self.pos)) * \
         (self.init_dist-distance(self.pos, self.target))/(self.init_dist*2000)
     previous_state = self.state
     if not self.done:
         if self.isColliding:
             self.done = True
             reward -= 3
         elif self.target_reached:
             self.done = True
             reward += 2
         self.state = self.get_state()
         self.agent.remember(previous_state, self.last_action_id, reward,
                             self.state, self.done)
         self.total_reward += reward
Пример #17
 def get_state(self):
     # State minimalist a etoffer pour une generalisation
     rot_angle = angle_between(np.array([1, 0]), self.target)
     speed = [
         self.speed[0] * np.cos(rot_angle) +
         self.speed[1] * np.sin(rot_angle),
         -self.speed[0] * np.sin(rot_angle) +
         self.speed[1] * np.cos(rot_angle)
     cur_state = []
     cur_state.append(distance(self.pos, self.target) / 2000)
     cur_state.append(angle_between(self.pos - self.target, self.dir))
     return np.array(cur_state).reshape((1, 5))
Пример #18
def extract_tweets(tweet_input, tweet_output, tweet_index=0, type='tweet_only'):
    print 'extracting...', tweet_input
    if type == 'tweet_only':
        columns = 5
    elif type == 'with_sentiment':
        basepath, filename = os.path.split(file)
        label_file = Params.label_folder + filename
        if not os.path.isfile(label_file):
        labels = np.loadtxt(label_file)
        j = 0
        columns = 5
    elif type == 'with_informative':
        columns = 6
    elif type == 'without_tweet':
        columns = 6

    with open(tweet_input, 'rU') as f:
        with open(tweet_output, "w") as f2:
            for a in f:
                b = []
                if len(a.split(',')) >= columns:
                    a = a.split(',')
                    tweet = ','.join([a[i] for i in xrange(0, len(a) - columns + 1)])
                    b += [a[i] for i in xrange(len(a) - columns + 1, len(a))]
                elif len(b) < columns:
                    print len(b), b
                    j = j + 1

                if type == 'tweet_only':
                    s = re.sub('[\s]+|&amp;', ' ', b[tweet_index])  # Remove additional white spaces
                    s = re.sub(r'https?:\/\/.*\/[a-zA-Z0-9]*', '', s)  # Remove hyperlinks
                    f2.write(s + "\n")
                elif type == 'with_sentiment':
                    line = str(b[0]) + ',' + str(b[1]) + ',' + str(int(b[2])) + ',' + str(float(b[3])) + ',' + str(float(b[4].rstrip('\n'))) + ',' + str(int(labels[j])) + '\n'
                    j = j + 1
                elif type == 'with_informative':
                    line = str(b[0]) + ',' + str(b[1]) + ',' + str(int(b[2])) + ',' + str(float(b[3])) + ',' + str(
                        float(b[4].rstrip('\n'))) + ',' + str(int(b[5])) + '\n'
                elif type == 'without_tweet':
                    t = calendar.timegm(datetime.datetime.strptime(b[1].strip(), "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S").timetuple())
                    d = distance(float(b[3]), float(b[4]), 38.2414392,-122.3128157)
                    f2.write(str(b[1])+ '\t' + str(t) + '\t' + str(int(b[2]))  + '\t' + str(float(b[3])) + '\t' + str(float(b[4].rstrip('\n'))) + '\t' + str(int(b[5])) + '\t' + str(d) + '\n')
Пример #19
 def update(self):
     if not self.target_reached:
         if distance(self.target, self.pos) < self.colRadius:
             if len(self.next_targets) == 0:
                 self.target_reached = True
                 self.cape = 0
                 self.gear = 0
                 self.target = np.array(self.next_targets.pop(), dtype=int)
         self.gear = 0
     if self.total_step % self.save_delay == 0:
     self.total_step += 1
Пример #20
def selection_WST(data, t, tree=None):
    # find all workers in MTD
    MTD_RECT = np.array([[t[0] - Params.ONE_KM * Params.MTD, t[1] - Params.ONE_KM * Params.MTD],
                         [t[0] + Params.ONE_KM * Params.MTD, t[1] + Params.ONE_KM * Params.MTD]])
    locs = rect_query_points(data, MTD_RECT).transpose()
    #locs = sorted(locs, key=lambda loc: distance(loc[0], loc[1], t[0], t[1]))

    #u = 0
    workers, dists = np.zeros(shape=(2, 0)), []

    # find workers who would perform the task
    for loc in locs:
        dist = distance(loc[0], loc[1], t[0], t[1])
        u_c = acc_rate(Params.MTD, dist)
        #u = 1 - (1 - u) * (1 - u_c)
        if is_performed(u_c):
            workers = np.concatenate([workers, np.array([[loc[0]], [loc[1]]])], axis=1)

    # simulation
    if workers.shape[1] == 0:  # no workers
            return 0, False, None, None, None, None, None

    return len(locs), True, 0, random.choice(dists), 0, 0, 0
Пример #21
 def area(self):
     return distance(self.n_box[0,0],self.n_box[0,1],self.n_box[0,0],self.n_box[1,1]) * distance(self.n_box[0,0],self.n_box[0,1],self.n_box[1,0],self.n_box[0,1]);
Пример #22
def collide(boat1, boat2):
    return distance(boat1.pos, boat2.pos) < boat1.colRadius + boat2.colRadius
Пример #23
            trueR = np.array([[float(ss[0]),
            trueRx, trueRy, trueRz = rotationMatrixToEulerAngles(trueR)
            trueRvector = np.array([[trueRx], [trueRy], [trueRz]])

            # buildObj("dump/groundtruth/", [[20*float(ss[1])], [20*float(ss[2])], [20*float(ss[3])]])
            cv.circle(trajectory, (x, y), 1, (0, 0, 255), 2)
            cv.circle(trajectory, (trueX, trueY), 1, (0, 255, 0))
            error = distance((x, y, 0), (trueX, trueY, 0))
            rotationError = np.linalg.norm(computedR - trueRvector)
            localErrors = np.append(localErrors, error)
            localRotationErrors = np.append(localRotationErrors, rotationError)
            draw_str(trajectory, (20, 20),
                     "Local error %f" % (localErrors.mean()))
            draw_str(trajectory, (750, 20),
                     "Local angular error %f" % (localRotationErrors.mean()))
            if localErrors.size >= Parameters.localPathThresh:
                localErrors = np.array([])
                localRotationErrors = np.array([])

            cv.imshow("frame", frame)

            cv.imshow("Trajectory", trajectory)
            ch = cv.waitKey(1)