Пример #1
def splitTerm(term: str) -> List[str]:
    splittedCamel = splitCamelCase(term)
    splittedUnderscore = flatten([splitUnderscore(term) for term in splittedCamel])
    splittedDot = flatten([splitDot(term) for term in splittedUnderscore])

    # could be done more efficiently, but probably not worth the effort
    if len(splittedDot) > 1:
        return [splitTerm(term) for term in splittedDot]
    return term
Пример #2
def getValidatedSimilarRepository(repositoryName):
    httpList = [
        'httputil', 'http-client', 'async-http-client', 'http-request',
        'okhttp', 'netty-http-client', 'google-http-java-client'
    tictacToeList = [
        'ticTacToe', 'TicTacToe-MVVM', 'ticTacToe2', 'Tic-Tac-Toe',
        'ticTacToe3', 'tic-tac-toe-android-app'
    calendarList = [
        'EasyCalendar', 'android-calendar-card', 'Material-Calendar-View',
        'calendar', 'Etar-Calendar', 'CosmoCalendar', 'CalendarListview'
    oauthList = [
        'signpost', 'scribejava', 'spring-security-oauth', 'apis',
        'oauth2-shiro', 'oauth2-server'
    dataBaseDriver = [
        'sqlite-jdbc', 'neo4j-java-driver', 'arangodb-java-driver',
        'snowflake-jdbc', 'mssql-jdbc'

    return flatten([
        subList for subList in
        [httpList, tictacToeList, calendarList, oauthList, dataBaseDriver]
        if repositoryName in subList
Пример #3
def preProcessSingle(termList: List[str]) -> List[Any]:
    splitTerms = flatten([splitTerm(term) for term in termList])
    cleanedTerms = removeStopWords(splitTerms)
    lowerTerms = toLower(cleanedTerms)
    cleanedTerms = removeStopWords(lowerTerms)
    stemmedTerms = stem(cleanedTerms)
    return stemmedTerms
Пример #4
  def build_message(self, message_struct, params):
    """Return a packed representation of the given params mapped onto
    the given message struct."""
    if not len(params) == len(message_struct):
      print "[!] Error building message: wrong number of parameters"
      print "[!] Dumping values"
      print "[!]     message_struct (%d): %s" % (len(message_struct), message_struct)
      print "[!]     params (%d):         %s" % (len(params), params)

    message = tuple()
    format = '>'

    for member in message_struct:
      message += (params[member['name']],)
      if member.has_key('size'):
        if member['size'] == 'dlen':
          if member.has_key('offset'):
            format += str(params[member['size']] - member['offset']) \
                      + member['type']
            format += str(params[member['size']]) + member['type']
          format += str(member['size']) + member['type']
        format += member['type']

    message = tuple(flatten(message))
    return self.pack(format, message)
Пример #5
 def offspringAsList(self, REQUEST=None):
     Return my offsprings' page names as a flat list, excluding my name.
     list = flatten(self.offspringNesting())
     return list
Пример #6
    def build_message(self, message_struct, params):
        """Return a packed representation of the given params mapped onto
    the given message struct."""
        if not len(params) == len(message_struct):
            print "[!] Error building message: wrong number of parameters"
            print "[!] Dumping values"
            print "[!]     message_struct (%d): %s" % (len(message_struct),
            print "[!]     params (%d):         %s" % (len(params), params)

        message = tuple()
        format = '>'

        for member in message_struct:
            message += (params[member['name']], )
            if member.has_key('size'):
                if member['size'] == 'dlen':
                    if member.has_key('offset'):
                        format += str(params[member['size']] - member['offset']) \
                                  + member['type']
                        format += str(params[member['size']]) + member['type']
                    format += str(member['size']) + member['type']
                format += member['type']

        message = tuple(flatten(message))
        return self.pack(format, message)
Пример #7
 def offspringAsList(self, REQUEST=None):
     Return my offsprings' page names as a flat list, excluding my name.
     list = flatten(self.offspringNesting())
     return list
Пример #8
    def ancestorsAsList(self, REQUEST=None):
        Return the names of all my ancestor pages as a flat list, eldest first.

        If there are multiple lines of ancestry, return only the first.
        try: return flatten(self.ancestorsNesting())[:-1]
        except: return [] # XXX temp, get rid of
Пример #9
    def ancestorsAsList(self, REQUEST=None):
        Return the names of all my ancestor pages as a flat list, eldest first.

        If there are multiple lines of ancestry, return only the first.
            return flatten(self.ancestorsNesting())[:-1]
            return []  # XXX temp, get rid of
Пример #10
def modelTopics(featureLists: List[List[List[str]]], topicMin = 2, topicLimit = 256):
    # combine all terms from a single repository into one document/ term list in order to compare the repositories later easily
    combinedFeatureLists = [flatten(featureList) for featureList in featureLists]

    processedFeatures = preProcess(combinedFeatureLists)

    dictionary, corpus = buildCorpus(processedFeatures)

    topicCounts = [1 << exponent for exponent in range(int(math.log(topicMin, 2)), int(math.log(topicLimit, 2)) + 1)]
    topicModels, alphas, betas = generateTopicModels(dictionary, corpus, topicCounts)

    return topicModels, dictionary, corpus, processedFeatures, topicCounts, alphas, betas
Пример #11
 def modal_effects(**keys):
     controller = keys['controller']
     source = keys['source']
     selected = controller.make_selection([(mode.__doc__,mode) for mode in modes], choose, prompt='Select %d mode(s):'%choose)
     if choose > 1: chosen = tuple((robustApply(mode, **keys) for mode in selected))
     else: chosen = (robustApply(selected, **keys), )
     # get the targets
     targets, unflatten = flatten(mode.next() for mode in chosen)
     targets = yield targets
     if not isinstance(targets, tuple): targets = (targets,)
     for t, mode in zip(unflatten(targets), chosen):
         yield mode.send(t)
         for res in mode: yield res
Пример #12
        def modal_effects(controller, source):
            selected = controller.make_selection([(mode.__doc__,mode) for mode in modes], choose, prompt='Select %d mode(s):'%choose)
            if choose > 1: chosen = tuple((mode(controller, source) for mode in selected))
            else: chosen = (selected(controller, source), )
            # get the costs
            # We need to have a "payment = yield NoCost" in the mode to pass
            # back the cost in case the mode needs to reference is (see Profane Command)
            empty_costs = tuple((mode.next() for mode in chosen))
            payment = yield effects(controller, source).next()

            # get the targets - demultiplex them
            targets, unflatten = flatten(mode.send(payment) for mode in chosen)
            targets = yield targets
            if not isinstance(targets, tuple): targets = (targets,)
            for t, mode in zip(unflatten(targets), chosen):
                yield mode.send(t)
                for res in mode: yield res
Пример #13
    def get_ip_list(self):
        ip_source = self.params.config['blacklist']['ip']

        res = []

        for url in ip_source:
            r = requests.get(url)
            if r.status_code == 200:
                ips = Utils.extract_ips(r.text)
                if ips:
                # throw exception
                # print 'Could not download source: ' + url

        # sorted unique list is returned
        return sorted(unique(flatten(res)))
Пример #14
 def modal_effects(**keys):
     controller = keys['controller']
     source = keys['source']
     selected = controller.make_selection(
         [(mode.__doc__, mode) for mode in modes],
         prompt='Select %d mode(s):' % choose)
     if choose > 1:
         chosen = tuple((robustApply(mode, **keys) for mode in selected))
         chosen = (robustApply(selected, **keys), )
     # get the targets
     targets, unflatten = flatten(mode.next() for mode in chosen)
     targets = yield targets
     if not isinstance(targets, tuple): targets = (targets, )
     for t, mode in zip(unflatten(targets), chosen):
         yield mode.send(t)
         for res in mode:
             yield res
Пример #15
    def effects(controller, source):
        selected = controller.make_selection(
            [(mode.__doc__, mode) for mode in modes],
            prompt='Select %d mode(s):' % choose)
        if choose > 1:
            chosen = tuple((mode(controller, source) for mode in selected))
            chosen = (selected(controller, source), )
        # get the costs
        # We need to have a "payment = yield NoCost" in the mode to pass
        # back the cost in case the mode needs to reference is (see Profane Command)
        empty_costs = tuple((mode.next() for mode in chosen))
        payment = yield source.cost

        # get the targets - demultiplex them
        targets, unflatten = flatten(mode.send(payment) for mode in chosen)
        targets = yield targets
        if not isinstance(targets, tuple): targets = (targets, )
        for t, mode in zip(unflatten(targets), chosen):
            yield mode.send(t)
            for res in mode:
                yield res
Пример #16
def generateQueriesAndTrueSel(cur,query,cols,queries,workload="uniform",maxrnum=1):
    first = True

    pcols = generateInvariantPointColumns(query)
    pcolsf = [ (query.tables[i].tid,query.tables[i].columns[j].cid) for i in range(len(pcols)) for j in pcols[i] ]
    pattern = " "
    first = True
    if len(pcolsf) > 0:
        for tid,cid in pcolsf:
            if first:
                pattern +=" t%s_c%s = %%s " % (tid,cid)
                first = False
                pattern +=" and t%s_c%s = %%s " % (tid,cid)
        #cur.execute("select * from t;")
        #histogram = np.array(cur.fetchall())
        #Place histogram lock here.
        #if workload == "distinct":
        #    freqs = histogram[:,-1]/float(np.sum(histogram[:,-1]))
        #elif workload == "uniform":
        #    freqs = np.ones(histogram[:,-1].shape)/len(histogram[:,-1])
        #    raise Exception("This workload does not exist.")

    rcols = generateInvariantRangeColumns(query)
    rcolsf = [ (query.tables[i].tid,query.tables[i].columns[j].cid) for i in range(len(rcols)) for j in rcols[i] ]
    nrcols = len(rcolsf)

    minpattern = " "
    maxpattern = " "
    if len(rcolsf) > 0:
        for tid,cid in rcolsf:
            if first:
                minpattern +=" t%s_c%s >= %%s " % (tid,cid)
                first = False
                minpattern +=" and t%s_c%s >= %%s " % (tid,cid)
            maxpattern +=" and t%s_c%s <= %%s " % (tid,cid)

    rejected = 0
    pvals = []
    uvals = []
    lvals = []
    cards = []
    minmaxq_prev = None
    minv = None
    maxv = None
    card = None
    while len(cards) < queries:
        #We start by drawing a random cluster center. Right now, we let it 
        if True:
            #vals = histogram[np.random.choice(len(freqs),p=freqs)]
            if workload == "distinct":
                rnum = np.random.randint(1,maxrnum+1)
                cur.execute("select * from t where rnum = %s limit 1" % rnum)
            elif workload == "uniform": 
            #This is the point version
                randf = np.random.rand()
                cur.execute("select * from t where %s >= rnum-cnt and %s < rnum limit 1"  % (maxrnum*randf,maxrnum*randf))
                raise Exception("unkown workload type.")
            vals = np.array(cur.fetchone(),np.int32)[1:]
        if len(rcolsf) == 0:

            if not np.all(vals[len(flatten(pcols)):-1] != 0):

            if len(pcolsf) > 0:
                ppattern = pattern % tuple(vals[:-1-len(flatten(rcols))])
                ppattern = ""

            #We need to have a binary search here to get the range queries runing.
            #Step 1: Find min and max values.
            minmaxq = generateMinMaxQueryString(cur,query)
            if len(pcolsf) > 0:
                minmaxq += " WHERE %s" % ppattern
                minmaxq += " %s" % ppattern

            if minmaxq_prev != minmaxq:
                minmaxq_prev = minmaxq
                minmax = np.array(cur.fetchone())

                minv = np.array([minmax[i*2] for i in range(nrcols)])
                maxv = np.array([minmax[i*2+1] for i in range(nrcols)])
                card = vals[-1]

            center = vals[len(flatten(pcols)):-1]
            upper_range = maxv-center
            lower_range = center-minv

            #Unfortunately, we have to do the binary search. We draw a random point from the
            lower_factor = 0.0
            lower_card = 0

            upper_factor = 1.0
            upper_card = card
            minscale = np.random.random_sample(lower_range.shape)
            maxscale = np.random.random_sample(upper_range.shape)
            join_query_string = generateJoinQueryString(cur,query)
            join_query_string += (" %s" % ppattern)

            try_upper = np.rint(center + maxscale*upper_range)
            try_lower = np.rint(center - minscale*lower_range)
            join_query_string += minpattern % tuple(try_lower)
            join_query_string += maxpattern % tuple(try_upper)
            card = cur.fetchone()[0]

    return pvals, lvals, uvals, cards
Пример #17
def run_gambit(strategies: List[Strategy], table: List[List[float]]) -> None:
    """Run the gambit enum mixed command line tool and pretty print the result.
    :param strategies: List of the strategies used to create the table.
    :param table: Grand Table scores as a 2D matrix.

    To understand how gambit-enummixed should be used, here is an example:
    Let's say we have a table that looks like this.
    A |1|2|
    B |3|4|

    gambit-enummixed wants this table in NFG, Normal Form Game,
    in this case that would be a file structured in the following way:
    NFG 1 R "" { "1" "2" } { 2 2 }
    1 1
    3 2
    2 3
    4 4
    The first line means:
    NFG: Normal Form Game
    1: normal form version 1, only version that is supported
    R: use rational numbers, obsolete distinction so every file should have an R here.
    "": The name of the game, irrelevant and thus empty.
    { "1" "2" }: The names of the players, we want to have 2 players since it is a 2D table.
    { 2 2 }: The number of actions (strategies in our case) for each player.

    The other lines are the table in normal form.
    First the score of A against A (and the opposing score A against A),
    then the score of B against A (and the opposing score A against B),
    then the score of A against B (and the opposing score B against A),
    finally the score of B against B (and the opposing score B against B).

    The trick is that it first increments the action of player 1,
    and every time it rolls over to the first action, it increments the action of player 2.

    Since newlines don't matter to the tool, we can structure the input like this:
    gambit_input = 'NFG 1 R "" { "1" "2" } { 2 2 } 1 1 3 2 2 3 4 4'
    with some escape characters before the quotation marks.

    Now we want to call gambit-enummixed with this input but it only accepts files.
    So we used the 'echo' command and the pipe operator '|', to pass it the input as if it where a file.
    We also want to suppress any unnecessary output and round to 2 decimal places.
    This is accomplished by adding the '-q' and '-d2' flags.

    The final command looks like this:

    echo 'NFG 1 R "" { "1" "2" } { 2 2 } 1 1 3 2 2 3 4 4' | ./gambit-enummixed -q -d2

    If you run it, the output will be
    This means that there is a Nash equilibrium (NE),
    if both players play their first action with a probability of 0,
    and their second action with a probability of 1
    This is better visible if you reformat the output and add action names:
    A: 0.00, 0.00
    B: 1.00, 1.00
    So their is a Nash equilibrium when both players always play action B,
    given the table this is no surprise.

    Note: On Windows this command only works in Powershell as it uses some POSIX notation
          Also in the output format 0.00 is replaced with ----

    # Determine padding for pretty printing output.
    padding = max(map(lambda s: len(s.name), strategies)) + 1
    name_format = '{:>' + padding.__repr__() + '}'
    num_format = '{:^6}'
    linesize = padding + 14
    hline = ("=" * linesize) + "|"

    # Make a call to gambit
    nr_of_strats = len(strategies)
    gambit_input = 'NFG 1 R "" { "1" "2" } { ' + \
                   nr_of_strats.__repr__() + " " + nr_of_strats.__repr__() + " } " + \
                   " ".join(map(repr, flatten(zip(flatten(transpose(table)), flatten(table)))))

    # Only execute the command if gambit-enummixed exists as an executable,
    # either in the same folder or added to the PATH variable.
    # Current directory is added to the path variable for non Windows operating systems.
    if shutil.which("gambit-enummixed") is not None:
        command = "echo '" + gambit_input + "' | " + shutil.which(
            "gambit-enummixed", path="./:$PATH") + " -q -d2"
        result = execute_command(command)
        raise Exception("gambit-enummixed executable not found.")

    for line in result.splitlines():
        line = line.__repr__()
        line = line.strip("'")
        line = line.replace('0.00', '----')
        values = line.split(sep=",")
        for i, strategy in enumerate(strategies):
            name = name_format.format(strategy.name)
            x = num_format.format(values[i + 1])
            y = num_format.format(values[i + 1 + nr_of_strats])
            print(name + ":" + x + "|" + y + "|")
Пример #18
 def add(self, win):
     for w in flatten(win):
         w.container = self
Пример #19
 def add(self, buttons):
     for btn in flatten(buttons):
         if btn.group != self:
             btn.group = self