Пример #1
    def __init__(self, lttc, *, x=None, y=None, z=None):

        self.lattice = lttc
        if (not x is None) and (not isinstance(x, LTTC.index)):
            self.indexx = LTTC.index(x)
            self.indexx = x

        if (not y is None) and (not isinstance(y, LTTC.index)):
            self.indexy = LTTC.index(y)
            self.indexy = y

        if (not z is None) and (not isinstance(z, LTTC.index)):
            self.indexz = LTTC.index(z)
            self.indexz = z

        self.orientation_decided = False
        self.rcp_matrix = self.lattice.rcp_matrix

        if self.check_orientation():
            logging.info('orientation is decided!')
            # self.Guess_rotation((Vector(0,0,1), Vector(1,0,0)), (self.vecz, self.vecx))
            self.Guess_rotation((self.vecz, self.vecx),
                                (Vector(0, 0, 1), Vector(1, 0, 0)))
            logging.info('orientation is not decided!')
Пример #2
    def vx(self):
        if not hasattr(self, '_vx'):
            if self.inc[1] == 0 and self.inc[0] == 0:
                self._vx = Vector(1, 0, 0)
                return self._vx
            self._vx = Vector((self.inc[1], -self.inc[0], 0))
            if self.inc[1] < 0:
                self._vx = -self._vx

        return self._vx
Пример #3
    def direct_matrix(self):
        if hasattr(self, '_direct_matrix'):
            return self._direct_matrix

        v1 = self.a * Vector((1, 0, 0))
        v2 = self.b * Vector((np.cos(self.gamma), np.sin(self.gamma), 0))
        v3 = self.c * Vector(
             (np.cos(self.alpha) - np.cos(self.beta) * np.cos(self.gamma)) /
        m = np.vstack((v1, v2, v3))

        logging.debug('Direct matrix is\n %s' % (str(m)))
        self._direct_matrix = m
        return m
Пример #4
    def Calc_tthgam_map(self, inc=None, x=None):
        if inc is None:
            inc = self.normal

        if x is None:
            x = Vector(inc[1], -inc[0], 0)
            if inc[1] < 0:
                x = -x

        n = self.normal

        logging.debug('inc = %r, vx = %r, normal = %r' % (inc, x, n))

        def tthgam_map(tth, gamma, on=True):
            v = Vector(tth=tth, gamma=gamma, z=inc, x=x)
            p = n.dot(v)
            logging.debug('v: %r, p: %r' % (v, p))
            if p <= 0:
                return None
            v_in_det = self.dist * (v / p - n)
            vx = v_in_det.dot(self.x) + self.poni[0]
            vy = v_in_det.dot(self.y) + self.poni[1]
            logging.debug('tth: %3f, gamma: %3f, vx: %.3f, vy: %.3f' %
                          (np.rad2deg(tth), np.rad2deg(gamma), vx, vy))
            if on and not self.on((vx, vy)):
                return None
            return (vx, vy)

        self.map = tthgam_map
        self.direct_beam = self.map(0, 0, on=False)
        if self.direct_beam is None:
            logging.warn('Direct beam is not on plane of detector!')
            logging.debug('direct beam: (%.3f,%.3f)' %
                          (self.direct_beam[0], self.direct_beam[1]))
Пример #5
    def Save_rcp_space(self, filename, res_tth=0.1, res_gamma=0.1):
        if (not hasattr(self, 'rcp_space_num')) or self.rcp_space_num == 0:
            raise ValueError('No rcp_space')

        def mesh_tthgam(tths, gammas):
            for tth in tths:
                if tth in (0, np.pi):
                    yield (tth, 0)
                    for gamma in gammas:
                        yield (tth, gamma)

        tths = np.linspace(0, np.pi, 180 // res_tth, endpoint=True)
        gammas = np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, 360 // res_gamma, endpoint=False)
        num = self.rcp_space_num * len(list(mesh_tthgam(tths, gammas)))
        with open(filename, 'w') as f:
            f.writelines('%d\n' % (num))
            f.writelines('h k l kx ky kz intn\n')
            for hklfamily, radius, intn in zip(self.rcp_space_hkls,
                for tth, gamma in mesh_tthgam(tths, gammas):
                    vec = Vector(tth=tth, gamma=gamma)
                    # print(tth, gamma, vec, radius)
                    f.writelines('%s %f %f %f %f\n' %
                                 (hklfamily.str, radius * vec[0],
                                  radius * vec[1], radius * vec[2], intn))
Пример #6
    def vec_in_rcp(self, hkl, rcp_matrix=None):
        if hkl is None:
            return None

        if rcp_matrix is None:
            rcp_matrix = self.rcp_matrix

        return Vector(np.dot(hkl, rcp_matrix))
Пример #7
 def tthgam_map(tth, gamma, on=True):
     v = Vector(tth=tth, gamma=gamma, z=inc, x=x)
     p = n.dot(v)
     logging.debug('v: %r, p: %r' % (v, p))
     if p <= 0:
         return None
     v_in_det = self.dist * (v / p - n)
     vx = v_in_det.dot(self.x) + self.poni[0]
     vy = v_in_det.dot(self.y) + self.poni[1]
     logging.debug('tth: %3f, gamma: %3f, vx: %.3f, vy: %.3f' %
                   (np.rad2deg(tth), np.rad2deg(gamma), vx, vy))
     if on and not self.on((vx, vy)):
         return None
     return (vx, vy)
Пример #8
    def __init__(self, arr):
        super(LatticeParameter, self).__init__()
        logging.debug('input arr is %s' % (str(arr)))
        if len(arr) == 6:
            self.a, self.b, self.c, self.alpha, self.beta, self.gamma = arr[
                0], arr[1], arr[2], np.deg2rad(arr[3]), np.deg2rad(
                    arr[4]), np.deg2rad(arr[5])
        elif np.array(arr).shape == (3, 3):
            logging.debug('input matrix is %s' % (str(arr)))
            va, vb, vc = arr
            va, vb, vc = Vector(va), Vector(vb), Vector(vc)
            self.a, self.b, self.c = va.length, vb.length, vc.length
            self.alpha = vb.betweenangle_rad(vc)
            self.beta = vc.betweenangle_rad(va)
            self.gamma = va.betweenangle_rad(vb)
            raise ValueError('Unknown Parameters!')

        logging.debug('lattice parameters = (%f %f %f %f %f %f)' %
                      (self.a, self.b, self.c, np.rad2deg(self.alpha),
                       np.rad2deg(self.beta), np.rad2deg(self.gamma)))
        if not self.isvalid():
            raise Error('lattice parameter is invalid!')
Пример #9
    def Guess_rotation(self, vsbefore, vsafter):
        vbefore1, vafter1 = vsbefore[0].norm, vsafter[0].norm
        if ((vafter1 - vbefore1).length < EPS):
            axis1, angle1 = Vector((1, 0, 0)), 0
            axis1, angle1 = vbefore1.cross(vafter1), vbefore1.betweenangle_rad(
        qua1 = Quaternion(axis=axis1, angle=angle1).unit

        logging.debug("axis1 = %s, angle1 = %f" %
                      (str(qua1.axis), qua1.degrees))
        logging.debug("Residual = %s" %
                      (str(vbefore1.rotate_by(qua1) - vafter1)))

        vbefore2, vafter2 = vsbefore[1].norm, vsafter[1].norm
        vafterq1 = vbefore2.rotate_by(qua1)
        if ((vafterq1 - vafter2).length < EPS):
            axis2, angle2 = Vector((1, 0, 0)), 0
            axis2 = vafter1
            angle2 = vafter2.cross(axis2).betweenangle_rad(
            if vafterq1.cross(vafter2).dot(axis2) < 0:
                angle2 = -angle2
        qua2 = Quaternion(axis=axis2, angle=angle2).unit

        logging.debug("axis2 = %s, angle2 = %f" %
                      (str(qua2.axis), qua2.degrees))
        logging.debug("Residual = %s" %
                      (str(vafterq1.rotate_by(qua2) - vafter2)))

        qua = qua2 * qua1

        logging.debug("axis = %s, angle = %f" % (str(qua.axis), qua.degrees))

        self.R = qua
Пример #10
    def strain1d(self, axis=(1, 0, 0), index=None, ratio=0):
        if not index is None:
            axis = self.vec_in_rcp(index).norm
            axis = Vector(axis).norm

        vecs = []
        for vec in self.direct_matrix:
            d = vec.dot(axis)
            vec_ = vec + axis * ratio * d

        self.direct_matrix = vecs
Пример #11
    def __add__(self, other):
        if not isinstance(other, Pattern2d):
            raise ValueError('Only \'Pattern2d\' can be added!')

        if not hasattr(other, 'peaks'):
            raise ValueError('No peaks information!')

        if not self.xray == other.xray:
            raise ValueError('XRAY should be identical!')

        new = self.copy()
        new.sx = np.hstack((self.sx, other.sx))
        new.peaks = np.hstack((self.peaks, other.peaks))

        return new

if __name__ == '__main__':
    lttc = LTTC.Lattice(material='Si')
    sx = SX.SingleXtal(lttc, x=(1, 0, 0), z=(0, 0, 1))
    # sx.rotate_by(axis = (1,0,0), degree = -6)
    # xr = XR.Xray(wavelength = np.linspace(0.5, 0.6, 1000))
    xr = XR.Xray('White')
    inc = Vector(0, 0, 1)
    p = Pattern2d(sx=sx, xray=xr, inc=inc)
    p.Calc(hklrange=(5, 5, 10))
Пример #12
    def Calc_geometry(self):
        num_of_None = np.sum(
            [1 if vec is None else 0 for vec in (self.normal, self.x, self.y)])
        logging.debug('num of None: %d' % (num_of_None))

        if num_of_None >= 2:
            if not self.normal is None:
                logging.info('Only normal is known, x & y will be guessed')
                normal = self.normal.norm
                if normal.isparallel(Vector(0, 0, 1)):
                    x = Vector((-1, 0, 0))
                    y = Vector((0, 1, 0))
                elif normal.isparallel(Vector(0, 0, -1)):
                    x = Vector((1, 0, 0))
                    y = Vector((0, 1, 0))
                    x = Vector(normal[1], -normal[0], 0)
                    y = normal.cross(x)
                self.normal = normal
                self.x = x
                self.y = y
                logging.info('x and y are guessed as %s, %s, respectively' %
                             (str(x), str(y)))
                raise ValueError('Geometry is not decided!')

        if num_of_None == 0:
            normal = Vector(self.normal).norm
            x = Vector(self.x).norm
            y = Vector(self.y).norm
            if not normal.isperpendicular(x) or not normal.isperpendicular(
                    y) or not x.isperpendicular(y):
                raise ValueError(
                    'x,y,normal of detector is not perpendicular!')
            self.normal = normal
            self.x = x
            self.y = y

        if num_of_None == 1:
            if self.normal is None:
                logging.info('Normal is empty')
                x = Vector(self.x).norm
                y = Vector(self.y).norm
                if not x.isperpendicular(y):
                    logging.debug('x is %r, y is %r' % (x, y))
                    raise ValueError('x,y of detector is not perpendicular!')
                self.x = x
                self.y = y
                self.normal = x.cross(y)
                logging.debug('normal is %r' % (self.normal))

            if self.x is None:
                logging.info('x is empty')
                normal = Vector(self.normal).norm
                y = Vector(self.y).norm
                if not normal.isperpendicular(y):
                    logging.debug('normal is %r, y is %r' % (normal, y))
                    raise ValueError(
                        'normal,y of detector is not perpendicular!')
                self.normal = normal
                self.y = y
                self.x = y.cross(normal)
                logging.debug('x is %r' % (self.x))

            if self.y is None:
                logging.info('y is empty')
                normal = Vector(self.normal).norm
                x = Vector(self.x).norm
                if not normal.isperpendicular(x):
                    logging.debug('normal is %r, x is %r' % (normal, x))
                    raise ValueError(
                        'normal,x of detector is not perpendicular!')
                self.normal = normal
                self.x = x
                self.y = normal.cross(x)
                logging.debug('y is %r' % (self.y))
Пример #13

if __name__ == '__main__':
    Ta = LTTC.Lattice(material='Ta')
    Cu = LTTC.Lattice(material='Cu')
    Mg = LTTC.Lattice(material='Mg')
    Al = LTTC.Lattice(material='Al')
    # sx = SX.SingleXtal(Al, z = (1,1,1), x = (-1,1,0))
    # sx.rotate_by(axis = (1,0,0), degrees = -6)
    # sx.strain1d(axis = (1,0,0), ratio = -0.03)
    px = PX.PolyXtal(Al)
    # xr = XR.Xray(filename = 'u18_gap12mm.txt', islambda = False, EPS = 1e13)
    # xr.show()
    xr = XR.Xray(wavelength=0.53)
    inc = Vector(0, 0, -1)
    # inc = inc.rotate_by(axis = (1,0,0), degree = 10)
    # p = S2D.Pattern2d(sx = sx, xray = xr, inc = Vector(0,0,-1))
    # p.Calc(hklrange = (5,5,5))
    p = S1D.Profile1D(xray=xr, px=px)
    p.Calc(range_2th=(10, 50), precision=0.001)
    # p.show()
    p.Add_geometry(inc=inc, x=Vector(1, 0, 0))
    # det1 = Detector(normal = -inc , size = (400, 400), poni = ('c','c'), x = (1,0,0), dist = 250)
    det1 = Detector(normal=inc, size=(400, 400), poni=('c', 'c'), dist=250)
    # det1.rotate_by(axis = (1,1,0), degree = 60)
    # det1.set(poni = (-50,'c'))
Пример #14
 def Add_geometry(self, inc=Vector(0, 0, -1), x=Vector(1, 0, 0)):
     self.inc = inc
     self.vx = x
Пример #15
            print('No peaks!')

        with open(filename, 'w') as f:
            f.writelines('%d\n' % (len(self.peaks)))
            f.writelines('index tth intn d_spacing lambda\n')
            for p in self.peaks:
                f.writelines('%s %d %f %f %f\n' %
                             (p.index.str, np.rad2deg(
                                 p.tth), p.intn, p.d_spacing, p.wl))

if __name__ == '__main__':
    Ta = LTTC.Lattice(material='Ta')
    Cu = LTTC.Lattice(material='Cu')
    Mg = LTTC.Lattice(material='Mg')
    # sx = SX.SingleXtal(Ta, z = (1,1,1), x = (-1,1,0))
    # sx.rotate_by(axis = (1,0,0), degrees = -6)
    # sx.strain1d(axis = (1,0,0), ratio = -0.03)
    px = PX.PolyXtal(Mg)
    # xr = XR.Xray(filename = 'u18_gap12mm.txt', islambda = False, EPS = 1e13)
    # xr.show()
    xr = XR.Xray(wavelength=0.52)
    inc = Vector(0, 0, -1)
    # inc = inc.rotate_by(axis = (1,0,0), degree = 10)
    # p = S2D.Pattern2d(sx = sx, xray = xr, inc = Vector(0,0,-1))
    # p.Calc(hklrange = (5,5,5))
    p = Profile1D(xray=xr, px=px)
    p.Calc(range_2th=(10, 20), precision=0.001)