Пример #1
def sampleBackground(direction):
   theata = math.atan2(direction.x, direction.z)
   phi = math.acos(direction.y)
   a = ((theata / math.pi) + 1) / 2
   b = phi / math.pi
   i = math.floor(a*backgroundWidth)
   j = math.floor(b*backgroundHeight)
   pixelPosition = i + j * backgroundWidth
   backgroundColor = backgroundRows[pixelPosition * backgroundPixelByteWidth:(pixelPosition+1)*backgroundPixelByteWidth]
   return Vector(backgroundColor[0], backgroundColor[1], backgroundColor[2])
Пример #2
    def __init__(self, A, b):
        assert A.row_num() == len(
            b), "row number of A must be equal to the length of b"
        self._m = A.row_num()
        self._n = A.col_num()
        assert self._m == self._n  # 后面可以省略这个限制

        #定义增广矩阵, 添加对b是向量还是矩阵的判断
        if isinstance(b, Vector):
            self.Ab = [
                Vector(A.row_vector(i).underlying_list() + [b[i]])
                for i in range(self._m)
        if isinstance(b, Matrix):
            self.Ab = [
                    A.row_vector(i).underlying_list() +
                    b.row_vector(i).underlying_list()) for i in range(self._m)
Пример #3
    def __init__(self, x, y, width, height, color="white", image=None):

        self.width = width
        self.height = height

        self.color = pygame.Color(color)

        if image:
            self.image = pygame.image.load(image)
            self.image = pygame.Surface([width, height])

        self.position = Vector(x, y)
        self.velocity = Vector(0, 0)
        self.acceleration = Vector(0, 0)

        self.rect = self.get_rect_from_pos()
Пример #4
    def Mesh(self, t1, t2, N, n=0):
        dt = (t2 - t1) / (1.0 * (N - 1))
        mesh = Mesh(N)

        t = t1
        for i in range(N):
            mesh[i] = Vector([t, self.df(t, n)])
            t += dt

        return mesh
Пример #5
 def __init__(self):
     self.up = False
     self.down = False
     # Uses booleans to check if alternate key is still down after pressing either left/right key
     self.right = False
     self.right_is_up = True
     self.left = False
     self.left_is_up = True
     self.accelerationDownwards = Vector(0, 0.5)
     self.tickTimer = 0
Пример #6
	def test_refraction_2(self):

		r1 = Ray(origin=Vector(0, 0, 0), ray_dir=Vector(1, 0, 0))

		intersection_point = Vector(1, 0, 0)
		surface_normal = Vector(-1, 1, 0)

		nFrom = 1
		nTo = 1.5

		r2 = r1.refract(nFrom, nTo, intersection_point, surface_normal)
		self.assertEqual(r2.origin.x, intersection_point.x)
		self.assertEqual(r2.origin.y, intersection_point.y)
		self.assertEqual(r2.origin.z, intersection_point.z)

		self.assertAlmostEqual(r2.ray_dir.x, 0.3763991)
		self.assertAlmostEqual(r2.ray_dir.y, 0.2902675)
		self.assertAlmostEqual(r2.ray_dir.z, 0)
Пример #7
    def __init__(self):
        Should do:
            1. define the possible classes
            2. define features
            3. define CPDs
            4. define priors

        self.classes = ["+", "-"]
        self.features = set()
        feature_list = open("modules/data/features.txt")
        for line in feature_list:
        self.cpds = {"+": Vector(),
                     "-": Vector()}
        for vector in self.cpds.values():
            vector.default = 1
        self.priors = {"+": 0.6, "-": 0.4}
Пример #8
    def __init__(self, A, b):
        assert A.row_num() == len(
            b), 'row number of A must be equal to length of b'
        self._m = A.row_num()
        self._n = A.col_num()

        # 增加了两个判断,如果传入向量,则拓展一位;如果传入一个矩阵,则拓展一个向量(列表)。
        if isinstance(b, Vector):
            self.Ab = [
                Vector(A.row_vector(i).underlying_list() + [b[i]])
                for i in range(self._m)
            ]  # self.Ab 是一个元素为Vector实例的列表
        if isinstance(b, Matrix):
            self.Ab = [
                    A.row_vector(i).underlying_list() +
                    b.row_vector(i).underlying_list()) for i in range(self._m)
        self.pivots = []  # 区分主元列与自由列 / 还能计算出非零行数量
Пример #9
 def start(self):
     for i in range(self.agent_num):
             Entity("agent", (random.randint(
                 0, self.size.getX()), random.randint(0, self.size.getY())),
                    random.uniform(0, 2), random.uniform(0, 360),
                    random.uniform(6, 10), "circle", 1, 1, 0.003))
             Vector((random.uniform(0, self.size.getX()),
                     random.uniform(0, self.size.getY()))))
Пример #10
 def __init__(self, *largs):
     if len(*largs) == 4:
         super(Plane, self).__init__(*largs)
     elif (len(*largs) == 3) and ([type(largs[0][i]) for i in range(3)]
                                  == [Point, Point, Point]):
         A = largs[0][0]
         B = largs[0][1]
         C = largs[0][2]
         v0 = Vector([B[i] - A[i] for i in range(3)])
         v1 = Vector([C[i] - A[i] for i in range(3)])
         v = cross(v0, v1)
         super(Plane, self).__init__(
             [v[0], v[1], v[2], -(v[0] * A[0] + v[1] * A[1] + v[2] * A[2])])
     elif (len(*largs) == 2) and ([type(largs[0][i])
                                   for i in range(2)] == [Point, Vector]):
         A = largs[0][0]
         v = largs[0][1]
         super(Plane, self).__init__(
             [v[0], v[1], v[2], -(v[0] * A[0] + v[1] * A[1] + v[2] * A[2])])
Пример #11
    def calcFollowTarget(self):
        # call updateTarget with position calculated from pointer
        print "calcFollowTarget"
        if not self.activePointer:
        followtarget = self.pointerPosition + Vector((0, -0.2, 0))
        # print "follow target: (%.3f,%.3f,%.3f)" % (followtarget[0], followtarget[1],followtarget[2])

Пример #12
 def getCameraGrid(self):
     vectors = []
     for i in linspace(0, self.vFov, self.vFov / self.density):
         for j in linspace(0, self.hFov, self.hFov / self.density):
             v = Vector(i - self.vFov / 2, j - self.hFov / 2,
             v = v.rotate(self.direction).scale(self.view_distance)
     print('done generating grid')
     return vectors
Пример #13
    def set_basepoint(self):
        n = self.normal_vector
        c = self.constant_term
        basepoint_coords = ['0'] * self.dimension

        initial_index = Line.first_nonzero_index(n)
        initial_coefficient = n.coordinates[initial_index]

        basepoint_coords[initial_index] = c / Decimal(initial_coefficient)
        self.basepoint = Vector(basepoint_coords)
Пример #14
 def __init__(self, normal_vector=None, constant_term=None):
     self.dimension = 2
     if not normal_vector:
         all_zeros = ['0'] * self.dimension
         normal_vector = Vector(all_zeros)
     self.normal_vector = normal_vector
     if not constant_term:
         constant_term = Decimal('0')
     self.constant_term = Decimal(constant_term)
Пример #15
def test_normalization_list_vector():
    print(">> test_normalization_list_vector")
    x = np.ones(10)
    y = np.ones(10)
    z = np.ones(10)
    v = Vector(x, y, z)
    assert_almost_equal(v.x, 1 / np.sqrt(3) * np.ones(10), 15)
    assert_almost_equal(v.y, 1 / np.sqrt(3) * np.ones(10), 15)
    assert_almost_equal(v.z, 1 / np.sqrt(3) * np.ones(10), 15)
Пример #16
    def get_code(h):
        elems = [tuple(i) for i in h] + [tuple(i) for i in h * -1]
        elems = list(set(elems))

        C = Matrix.new(n=len(elems), m = len(h))

        for i in range(len(elems)):
            C[i] = Vector([(1-j)/2 for j in elems[i]])

        return C
Пример #17
 def tovector(self):
     Convert lines to vectors
     :return: set of vectors
     from Vector import Vector
     ln = copy.deepcopy(self)
     v = Vector(ln.p1.X, ln.p1.Y, ln.p1.Z, ln.p2.X - ln.p1.X,
                ln.p2.Y - ln.p1.Y, ln.p2.Z - ln.p1.Z)
     return v
Пример #18
 def __init__(self, array):
     self.longRow = len(array)
     self.longColumn = array[0].long
     self.rows = array.copy()
     self.columns = []
     for j in range(self.longColumn):
         temp = []
         for i in range(len(array)):
Пример #19
 def getVect(self, point):
     if self.inCircle(point):
         velocity = self.repulse * (
             self.getCircleRadius() -
             self.getDistanceFromCenter(point)) / self.bound
         return Vector(self.getAngleFromCenter(point), velocity)
     elif self.inBound(point, self.bound):
         velocity = self.alpha * (
             (self.bound + self.getCircleRadius() -
              self.getDistanceFromCenter(point)) / self.bound) + 10
         return Vector(self.getAngleTangentToCenter(point, self.clockwise),
     elif self.inBound(point, self.bound * 2):
         velocity = self.attract * (
             (self.bound * 2 + self.getCircleRadius() -
              self.getDistanceFromCenter(point)) / self.bound)
         return Vector(self.getAngleToCenter(point), velocity)
         return Vector(0, 0)
Пример #20
 def handleEvents(self):
     """ Handle events. """
     while self.dataReady("events"):
         event = self.recv("events")
         if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN:
             if event.key == self.key:
                 activate = True
         if event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN:
             if event.button == 1 and self.identifier in event.hitobjects:
                 self.grabbed = event.button
                 self.scaling = Vector(0.9, 0.9, 0.9)
         if event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONUP:
             if event.button == 1:
                 self.grabbed = 0
                 self.scaling = Vector(1, 1, 1)
                 if self.identifier in event.hitobjects:
                     self.send(self.eventMsg, "outbox")
                     self.activated = True
Пример #21
    def lens_output_direction(self, beam):

        gamma = np.arctan(beam.x / self.fx)
        alpha = np.arctan(-beam.y / self.fz)

        velocity = Vector(beam.vx, beam.vy, beam.vz)
        velocity.rotation(gamma, "y")
        velocity.rotation(alpha, "x")

        [beam.vx, beam.vy, beam.vz] = [velocity.x, velocity.y, velocity.z]
Пример #22
    def mirror_output_direction(self, beam):

        if self.type == "Surface conical mirror":
            normal_conic = self.ccc_object.get_normal(
                np.array([beam.x, beam.y, beam.z]))
        elif self.type == "My hyperbolic mirror":
            normal_conic = self.ccc_object.get_normal(
                np.array([beam.x, beam.y, beam.z]))
        elif self.type == "Surface conical mirror 2":
            normal_conic = self.ccc_object.get_normal(
                np.array([beam.x, beam.y, beam.z]))

        normal = Vector(normal_conic[0, :], normal_conic[1, :],
                        normal_conic[2, :])
        velocity = Vector(beam.vx, beam.vy, beam.vz)
        vperp = velocity.perpendicular_component(normal)
        v2 = velocity.sum(vperp)
        v2 = v2.sum(vperp)
        [beam.vx, beam.vy, beam.vz] = [v2.x, v2.y, v2.z]
    def Step(self, direction, generate=False):
        global snake, applePos, snakeDir

        for i in reversed(range(1, len(snake))):
            self.snake[i] = self.snake[i - 1]

        self.snakeDir = self.RelativeDir(direction)
        self.snake[0] += self.snakeDir

        if self.snake[0] == self.applePos:
            self.olddist = 99999999
            while True:
                self.applePos = Vector(randrange(0, areaSize.x, 1),
                                       randrange(0, areaSize.y, 1))

                if not applePos in snake:

        alive = not self.snake[0] in self.snake[1:] and self.WithinArea(
        left = self.snake[0] + self.RelativeDir(
            -1) in self.snake or not self.WithinArea(self.RelativeDir(-1))
        right = self.snake[0] + self.RelativeDir(
            1) in self.snake or not self.WithinArea(self.RelativeDir(1))
        forward = self.snake[0] + self.RelativeDir(
            0) in self.snake or not self.WithinArea(self.RelativeDir(0))

        angle = math.atan2(self.applePos.x - self.snake[0].x,
                           self.applePos.y - self.snake[0].y) - math.atan2(
                               self.snakeDir.x, self.snakeDir.y)
        angle /= 3.14
        if angle > 1: angle -= 2
        elif angle < -1: angle += 2

        length = Vector(self.applePos.x - self.snake[0].x,
                        self.applePos.y - self.snake[0].y).mag

        if not alive:
            self.Death(direction, not generate, not generate)

        self.oldState = (left, right, forward, angle, length)
        return alive, left, right, forward, angle, length
 def __init__(self, areaSize=Vector(10, 10), cellSize=30):
     self.snake = [
         Vector(areaSize.x // 2, areaSize.y // 2),
         Vector(areaSize.x // 2, areaSize.y // 2 - 1),
         Vector(areaSize.x // 2, areaSize.y // 2 - 2),
         Vector(areaSize.x // 2, areaSize.y // 2 - 3),
         Vector(areaSize.x // 2, areaSize.y // 2 - 4)
     self.snakeDir = Vector(0, 1)
     self.applePos = Vector(2, 8)
     self.areaSize = areaSize
     self.cellSize = cellSize
 def __init__(self, filePath):
     self.filePath = filePath                                                                                        # Input text file
     self.bodies = []                                                                                                # List of celestial bodies
     self.rawInfo = []
     self.dataText = open(self.filePath, "r")                                                                        # Read in text file to construct system of celestial bodies
     timeInfo = eval(self.dataText.readline())                                                                       # First line specifies number of iterations and the time-step
     self.numTimeSteps = int(timeInfo[0])
     self.dt = timeInfo[1]
     for line in self.dataText:
         inputs = line.split(", ")
         if len(inputs) > 3:
             self.rawInfo.append((inputs[0], eval(inputs[1]), Vector(eval(inputs[2]))))
             self.rawInfo.append((inputs[0], eval(inputs[1]), Vector([eval(inputs[2]), 0])))
     self.bound = 0                                                                                                  # Number to keep track of graph size
     self.dataText = open(self.filePath, "r")
     for line in self.dataText:
         inputs = line.split(", ")                                                                                   # Interpret input
         name = inputs[0]
         mass = eval(inputs[1])
         initPos = [0, 0]
         initVel = [0, 0]
         if len(inputs) > 3:                                                                                         # Input type of: name, mass, initial position, initial velocity
             initPos = eval(inputs[2])
             dist = Vector(initPos).magnitude()
             initVel = eval(inputs[3])
         else:                                                                                                       # Input type of: name, mass, orbital radius
             radius = eval(inputs[2])
             initPos = [radius, 0]
             dist = radius
             initVel = [0, self.initVelocity(name, self.rawInfo)]                                                    # Initial velocity calculated with sqrt( G * mass1 / radius ) based on Mars
         self.bodies.append(Celestial(name, mass, initPos, initVel))                                                 # Add celestial with input parameters
         if dist > self.bound:                                                                                       # Setting bound to enlarge graph size
             self.bound = dist
     self.initialBodies = self.deepCopyCelests(self.bodies)                                                          # Set up a list representing the initial states of the bodies
Пример #26
    def __init__(self):
        super(Entity, self).__init__()

        # Load the impact and boom sounds if they haven't already been.
        global impactSound
        if impactSound == None:
            impactSound = pygame.mixer.Sound("Content/impact.wav")
        self.impactSound = impactSound

        global boomSound
        if boomSound == None:
            boomSound = pygame.mixer.Sound("Content/boom.wav")
        self.boomSound = boomSound

        # As a superclass, do not specify a sprite yet. That is the job of subclasses.
        self.sprite = None

        # Set a default forward direction (the orientation of the kinematic)
        self.forward = Vector(1, 0)

        # Set a default maximum rotation per update.
        self.maxRotation = 0.1

        # Set a default position
        self.position = Vector(500, 500)

        # Set a default maximum speed
        self.maxSpeed = 1

        # Don't set an actuator (movement constraint): that is the job of subclasses
        self.actuator = None

        # Create a list to hold multiple steering behaviors
        self.steerings = []

        # Set a default health for the entity
        self.health = 50

        # Alive by default
        self.alive = True
Пример #27
    def computeSeparation(self, herd):
        separation = Vector(0, 0)

        for sheep in self.neighbors:
            separation += self.center - sheep.center

        # if there were no neighbors
        if (self.neighborCnt == 0):
            return separation
            return separation.scale(1 / self.neighborCnt)
Пример #28
    def computeCohesion(self, herd):
        cohesion = Vector(0, 0)

        for sheep in self.neighbors:
            cohesion += sheep.center

        if self.neighborCnt > 0:
            cohesion = cohesion.scale(1 / self.neighborCnt) - self.center

        # if there were no neighbors
        return cohesion
Пример #29
    def computeAlignment(self, herd):
        alignment = Vector(0, 0)

        for sheep in self.neighbors:
            alignment += sheep.velocity

        # if there were no neighbors
        if (self.neighborCnt == 0):
            return alignment
            return alignment.scale(1 / self.neighborCnt)
Пример #30
    def __init__(self,
                 position=Vector(0, 0),
                 velocity=Vector(0, 0),
                 linear=Vector(0, 0),

        self.position = position
        self.velocity = velocity
        self.linear = linear
        self.orientation = orientation
        self.rotation = rotation
        self.angular = angular
        self.maxSpeed = maxSpeed
        self.maxAcceleration = maxAccleration
        self.offset = offset