Пример #1
    def set_browser_implicit_wait(self, value):
        """Sets the implicit wait value used by Selenium.

        Same as `Set Selenium Implicit Wait` but only affects the current
Пример #2
    def set_selenium_speed(self, value):
        """Sets the delay that is waited after each Selenium command.

        The value can be given as a number that is considered to be
        seconds or as a human-readable string like ``1 second``.
        The previous value is returned and can be used to restore
        the original value later if needed.

        See the `Selenium Speed` section above for more information.

        | `Set Selenium Speed` | 0.5 seconds |
        old_speed = self.get_selenium_speed()
        self.ctx.speed = timestr_to_secs(value)
        for driver in self.drivers.active_drivers:
        return old_speed
Пример #3
    def set_selenium_timeout(self, value):
        """Sets the timeout that is used by various keywords.

        The value can be given as a number that is considered to be
        seconds or as a human-readable string like ``1 second``.
        The previous value is returned and can be used to restore
        the original value later if needed.

        See the `Timeout` section above for more information.

        | ${orig timeout} = | `Set Selenium Timeout` | 15 seconds |
        | `Open page that loads slowly` |
        | `Set Selenium Timeout` | ${orig timeout} |
        old_timeout = self.get_selenium_timeout()
        self.ctx.timeout = timestr_to_secs(value)
        for driver in self.drivers.active_drivers:
        return old_timeout
Пример #4
    def set_selenium_implicit_wait(self, value):
        """Sets the implicit wait value used by Selenium.

        The value can be given as a number that is considered to be
        seconds or as a human-readable string like ``1 second``.
        The previous value is returned and can be used to restore
        the original value later if needed.

        This keyword sets the implicit wait for all opened browsers.
        Use `Set Browser Implicit Wait` to set it only to the current

        See the `Implicit wait` section above for more information.

        | ${orig wait} = | `Set Selenium Implicit Wait` | 10 seconds |
        | `Perform AJAX call that is slow` |
        | `Set Selenium Implicit Wait` | ${orig wait} |
        old_wait = self.get_selenium_implicit_wait()
        self.ctx.implicit_wait = timestr_to_secs(value)
        for driver in self.drivers.active_drivers:
        return old_wait
Пример #5
    def __init__(self,
                 run_on_failure='Capture Page Screenshot',
        """SeleniumLibrary can be imported with several optional arguments.

        - ``timeout``:
          Default value for `timeouts` used with ``Wait ...`` keywords.
        - ``implicit_wait``:
          Default value for `implicit wait` used when locating elements.
        - ``run_on_failure``:
          Default action for the `run-on-failure functionality`.
        - ``screenshot_root_directory``:
          Location where possible screenshots are created. If not given,
          the directory where the log file is written is used.
        - ``plugins``:
          Allows extending the SeleniumLibrary with external Python classes.
        - ``event_firing_webdriver``:
          Class for wrapping Selenium with
        self.timeout = timestr_to_secs(timeout)
        self.implicit_wait = timestr_to_secs(implicit_wait)
        self.speed = 0.0
        self.run_on_failure_keyword \
            = RunOnFailureKeywords.resolve_keyword(run_on_failure)
        self._running_on_failure_keyword = False
        self.screenshot_root_directory = screenshot_root_directory
        self._element_finder = ElementFinder(self)
        self._plugin_keywords = []
        libraries = [
        self.ROBOT_LIBRARY_LISTENER = LibraryListener()
        self._running_keyword = None
        self.event_firing_webdriver = None
        if is_truthy(event_firing_webdriver):
            self.event_firing_webdriver = self._parse_listener(
        self._plugins = []
        if is_truthy(plugins):
            plugin_libs = self._parse_plugins(plugins)
            self._plugins = plugin_libs
            libraries = libraries + plugin_libs
        self._drivers = WebDriverCache()
        DynamicCore.__init__(self, libraries)
Пример #6
 def get_timeout(self, timeout=None):
     if is_noney(timeout):
         return self.ctx.timeout
     return timestr_to_secs(timeout)
Пример #7
    def switch_window(self, locator='MAIN', timeout=None, browser='CURRENT'):
        """Switches to browser window matching ``locator``.

        If the window is found, all subsequent commands use the selected
        window, until this keyword is used again. If the window is not
        found, this keyword fails. The previous windows handle is returned
        and can be used to switch back to it later.

        Notice that alerts should be handled with
        `Handle Alert` or other alert related keywords.

        The ``locator`` can be specified using different strategies somewhat
        similarly as when `locating elements` on pages.

        - By default, the ``locator`` is matched against window handle, name,
          title, and URL. Matching is done in that order and the first
          matching window is selected.

        - The ``locator`` can specify an explicit strategy by using the format
          ``strategy:value`` (recommended) or ``strategy=value``. Supported
          strategies are ``name``, ``title``, and ``url``. These matches windows
          using their name, title, or URL, respectively. Additionally, ``default``
          can be used to explicitly use the default strategy explained above.

        - If the ``locator`` is ``NEW`` (case-insensitive), the latest
          opened window is selected. It is an error if this is the same
          as the current window.

        - If the ``locator`` is ``MAIN`` (default, case-insensitive),
          the main window is selected.

        - If the ``locator`` is ``CURRENT`` (case-insensitive), nothing is
          done. This effectively just returns the current window handle.

        - If the ``locator`` is not a string, it is expected to be a list
          of window handles _to exclude_. Such a list of excluded windows
          can be got from `Get Window Handles` before doing an action that
          opens a new window.

        The ``timeout`` is used to specify how long keyword will poll to select
        the new window. The ``timeout`` is new in SeleniumLibrary 3.2.

        | `Click Link`      | popup1      |      | # Open new window |
        | `Switch Window`   | example     |      | # Select window using default strategy |
        | `Title Should Be` | Pop-up 1    |      |
        | `Click Button`    | popup2      |      | # Open another window |
        | ${handle} = | `Switch Window`   | NEW  | # Select latest opened window |
        | `Title Should Be` | Pop-up 2    |      |
        | `Switch Window`   | ${handle}   |      | # Select window using handle |
        | `Title Should Be` | Pop-up 1    |      |
        | `Switch Window`   | MAIN        |      | # Select the main window |
        | `Title Should Be` | Main        |      |
        | ${excludes} = | `Get Window Handles` | | # Get list of current windows |
        | `Click Link`      | popup3      |      | # Open one more window |
        | `Switch Window`   | ${excludes} |      | # Select window using excludes |
        | `Title Should Be` | Pop-up 3    |      |

        The ``browser`` argument allows with ``index_or_alias`` to implicitly switch to
        a specific browser when switching to a window. See `Switch Browser`

        - If the ``browser`` is ``CURRENT`` (case-insensitive), no other browser is


        - The ``strategy:value`` syntax is only supported by SeleniumLibrary
          3.0 and newer.
        - Prior to SeleniumLibrary 3.0 matching windows by name, title
          and URL was case-insensitive.
        - Earlier versions supported aliases ``None``, ``null`` and the
          empty string for selecting the main window, and alias ``self``
          for selecting the current window. Support for these aliases was
          removed in SeleniumLibrary 3.2.
        epoch = time.time()
        timeout = epoch if is_falsy(
            timeout) else timestr_to_secs(timeout) + epoch
            return self.driver.current_window_handle
        except NoSuchWindowException:
            if not is_string(browser) or not browser.upper() == 'CURRENT':
            self._window_manager.select(locator, timeout)