Пример #1
class Controller(Saveable):
    """This class connects all the in- and output classes together and provides a
    clean interface for the connection to the gui. This means that a lot of the
    methods are like proxies, eg. `isClockRunning()` uses the instance of the 
    Clock class to run the corresponding method in Clock. For information about 
    those methods, please see the documentation of the class they are defined in.
    The images for the cursors which indicate the state of each eye are 
    retreived from the config file. 
    def __init__(self, video_str, current_frame):
        self.video_reader = None
        self.eye_movement = None
        self.clock = None
        self.cursors = []
        self.category_container = None
        self.categorise_frames = False
        self.video_image = None
        self.show_eyes = [False, False, False] # [left_eye, right_eye, mean_eye]
        self.categorising_eye_is_left = None # True -> left, False -> right, None -> mean

        self.video_str = video_str
        self.current_frame = current_frame
        """contains the current image of the overlayed video.
        shared memory, so no latent ipc is needed"""

        self.config = Config()

        self.cursors = {None:None,
# ----- CLOCK STUFF ----
    def _clock_tick(self, frame):
# ------ STATUS STUFF ---
    def isClockRunning(self):
        return self.clock.running
    def categorisationEye(self):
        if self.categorising_eye_is_left == True:
            return 'left'
        elif self.categorising_eye_is_left == False:
            return 'right'
            return 'mean'
    def categorisationObjects(self):
        if self.categorise_frames == False:
            return 'fixations'
            return 'frames'
    def leftEyeStatus(self, show):
        self.show_eyes[0] = bool(show)
        # reproduce the current image to show or exclude this eye
    def rightEyeStatus(self, show):
        self.show_eyes[1] = bool(show)
        # reproduce the current image to show or exclude this eye
    def meanEyeStatus(self, show):
        self.show_eyes[2] = bool(show)
        # reproduce the current image to show or exclude this eye
    def getEyeStatus(self):
        return self.show_eyes
    def ready(self):
        """You should always make sure this class is ready before using it's functions.
        If `ready()` returns true, this means every data needed is available"""
        return bool(self.video_reader) and \
            bool(self.eye_movement) and \
            bool(self.clock) and \
            bool(self.cursors) and \
    def getMaxFramesOfEyeMovement(self):
        return self.eye_movement.maxFrames()
    def plausibleCheck(self):
        percent = float(self.getMaxFramesOfEyeMovement()) / float(self.getVideoFrameCount())
        if abs(percent - 1) * 100 > self.config.get('general', 'plausible_edf_video_frame_diff_percent'):
            return False
            return True
# ----------- LOAD/SAVE/NEW PROJECT ----
    def new_project(self, video_file, eye_movement_file, trialid_target, categorise_frames=False, categorising_eye_is_left=None):
        """Creates a new project.
        Categorisation of frames or fixations is indicated by the 
        'categorise_frames' flag.
        self.categorise_frames = categorise_frames
        self.categorising_eye_is_left = categorising_eye_is_left
        self.video_reader = VideoReader(video_file)
        self.eye_movement = EyeMovement(eye_movement_file, trialid_target)

        self.clock = Clock(self.video_reader.frame_count, self.video_reader.fps)

        if self.categorise_frames:
            objects = {}
            for frame in xrange(int(self.video_reader.frame_count)):
                objects[(frame, frame)] = str(frame)
            objects = self.eye_movement.fixations(self.categorising_eye_is_left)

        self.category_container = CategoryContainer(objects)

        if categorising_eye_is_left == True:
            self.show_eyes = [True, False, False]
        elif categorising_eye_is_left == False:
            self.show_eyes = [False, True, False]
            self.show_eyes = [False, False, True]

        # seek to zero so we'll have a picture after loading the videeo file
    def save_project(self, saved_filepath):
        sc = SaveController()

        sc.addSaveable('eye_movement', self.eye_movement)
        sc.addSaveable('category_container', self.category_container)
        sc.addSaveable('video_reader', self.video_reader)
        sc.addSaveable('clock', self.clock)
        sc.addSaveable('controller', self)

    def load_project(self, saved_filepath, overwrite_video_filepath=None):
        sc = SaveController()


        controller_state = sc.getSavedState('controller')
        self.show_eyes = controller_state['show_eyes']
        self.categorise_frames = controller_state['categorise_frames']

        self.eye_movement = EyeMovement(saved_state=sc.getSavedState('eye_movement'))
        if overwrite_video_filepath is None:
            self.video_reader = VideoReader(saved_state=sc.getSavedState('video_reader'))
            self.video_reader = VideoReader(overwrite_video_filepath)
        self.clock = Clock(saved_state=sc.getSavedState('clock'))
        self.category_container = CategoryContainer(saved_state=sc.getSavedState('category_container'))

    def getState(self):
        """Returns the state of the selected eye(s) and if frames or fixations are
        being categorised."""
        return {'show_eyes':self.show_eyes, 'categorise_frames':self.categorise_frames}
# ----------- CATEGORISATION STUFF ----
    def categorise(self, shortcut):
            return self.category_container.categorise(self.clock.frame, shortcut)
        except CategoryContainerError:
            return False
    def deleteCategorisation(self, frame):
    def getCategorisations(self):
        return self.category_container.dictOfCategorisations()
    def getCategorisationsOrder(self):
        return self.category_container.start_end_frames
    def exportCategorisations(self, filepath):
    def getCategories(self):
        return self.category_container.categories
    def editCategory(self, old_shortcut, new_shortcut, category_name):
        self.category_container.editCategory(old_shortcut, new_shortcut, category_name)
    def getCategoryContainer(self):
        return self.category_container
    def importCategories(self, filepath):
    def getCategoryOfFrame(self, frame):
        return self.category_container.getCategoryOfFrame(frame)
# -----------  IMAGE PROCESSING ----
    def overlayedFrame(self, frame, left, right, mean):
        """This method produces the overlay of eyemovement data on the current 
        frame. It uses the video_reader to grab the frame and then uses 
        `_addCursorToImage()` to draw the overlay."""
        # retrieve original image from video file
        image = self.video_reader.frame(frame)
        # add cursors as neede
        if left and not self.eye_movement.statusLeftEyeAt(frame) is None:
            self._addCursorToImage(image, self.cursors[self.eye_movement.statusLeftEyeAt(frame)+'_left'], self.eye_movement.leftLookAt(frame))
        if right and not self.eye_movement.statusRightEyeAt(frame) is None:
            self._addCursorToImage(image, self.cursors[self.eye_movement.statusRightEyeAt(frame)+'_right'], self.eye_movement.rightLookAt(frame))
        if mean and not self.eye_movement.meanStatusAt(frame) is None:
            self._addCursorToImage(image, self.cursors[self.eye_movement.meanStatusAt(frame)+'_mean'], self.eye_movement.meanLookAt(frame))

        return image
    def _addCursorToImage(self, image, cursor, position):
        """This helper method draws the overlay of the cursor image onto the 
        video image, by using functions of opencv. In order for the overlay to 
        be drawn correctly, it has to be put in a mask (cursorMask)."""
        # in case that we don't have information about the position or cursor end now
        if position is None or cursor is None: return

        cursor_left_upper_corner = (int(position[0]-cursor.width/2), int(position[1]-cursor.height/2))
        cursor_right_lower_corner = (cursor_left_upper_corner[0]+cursor.width, cursor_left_upper_corner[1]+cursor.height)
        cursorROI = [0, 0, cursor.width, cursor.height]
        imageROI = [cursor_left_upper_corner[0], cursor_left_upper_corner[1], cursor.width, cursor.height]
        if cursor_right_lower_corner[0] <= 0 or cursor_right_lower_corner[1] < 0 or \
          cursor_left_upper_corner[0] > image.width or cursor_left_upper_corner[1] > image.height:
            #print "cursor is out of image"
            # cursor out of image
        if cursor_left_upper_corner[0] < 0:
            #print "left upper edge of cursor is left of image border"
            cursorROI[0] = - cursor_left_upper_corner[0]
            cursorROI[2] -= cursorROI[0]
            imageROI[0] = 0
        if cursor_left_upper_corner[1] < 0:
            #print "left upper edge of cursor is above image border"
            cursorROI[1] = - cursor_left_upper_corner[1]
            cursorROI[3] -= cursorROI[1]
            imageROI[1] = 0
        if cursor_right_lower_corner[0] > image.width:
            #print "right lower edge of cursor is right of image"
            cursorROI[2] = cursor.width - (cursor_right_lower_corner[0] - image.width)
            if cursorROI[2] == 0: return # width of cursor would be zero
        if cursor_right_lower_corner[1] > image.height:
            #print "right lower edge of cursor is below image"
            cursorROI[3] = cursor.height - (cursor_right_lower_corner[1] - image.height)
            if cursorROI[3] == 0: return # height of cursor would be zero

        imageROI[2] = cursorROI[2]
        imageROI[3] = cursorROI[3]

        cv.SetImageROI(cursor, tuple(cursorROI))

        cursorMask = cv.CreateImage((cursorROI[2], cursorROI[3]), cv.IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1)
        for row in xrange(cursorROI[3]):
            for col in xrange(cursorROI[2]):
                if cursor[row, col] != (0,0,0):
                    cursorMask[row,col] = 1
                    cursorMask[row,col] = 0

        cv.SetImageROI(image, tuple(imageROI))
        cv.SubS(image, cv.Scalar(101, 101, 101), image, cursorMask)
        cv.Add(image, cursor, image)
    def produceCurrentImage(self):
        """This method populates the video widget of the gui with the current 
        video image.
        For more information, please look at the documentation of the Clock class."""
        frame = self.clock.frame
        fr = self.overlayedFrame(frame, self.show_eyes[0], self.show_eyes[1], self.show_eyes[2])
        return_frame = cv.CreateImage((self.video_reader.width, self.video_reader.height), cv.IPL_DEPTH_8U, 3)
        cv.Copy(fr, return_frame)
        cv.CvtColor(return_frame, return_frame, cv.CV_BGR2RGB)
        self.video_image = return_frame
        self.current_frame.value = frame
        self.video_str.value = return_frame.tostring()

    def exportVideo(self, output_file):
        """ Exports the overlayed video to a new video file by using the 
        VideoWriter. """
        frame_size = (self.getVideoWidth(), self.getVideoHeight())
        vidfps = self.video_reader.fps
        codec = self.config.get('general', 'video_export_codec')
        video_writer = VideoWriter(output_file, frame_size, vidfps, codec)
        # you have to be sure _clock_tick is called before this function
        # otherwise video offset of one frame


        for frame in xrange(self.video_reader.frame_count):
# -----------  PLAYBACK CONTROLL ----
    def play(self):
        if not self.clock.running: self.clock.run()
    def pause(self):
        if self.clock.running: self.clock.stop()
    def seek(self, frame):
        except ClockError:
            # seeked to a frame out of video
    def nextFrame(self):
        """Jump one frame ahead."""
        self.seek(self.clock.frame + 1)
    def prevFrame(self):
        """Jump back one frame."""
        self.seek(self.clock.frame - 1)
    def jumpToNextUncategorisedObject(self):
        """Jump to the next frame or fixation (depending on what the user 
        entered in the project wizard) that is not categorised yet."""
        frame = self.category_container.nextNotCategorisedIndex(self.clock.frame)
    def nextFixation(self):
        '''Jump to the next fixation.'''
        frame = self.eye_movement.nextFixationFrame(self.clock.frame, self.categorising_eye_is_left)
    def prevFixation(self):
        '''Jump to the previous fixation.'''
        frame = self.eye_movement.prevFixationFrame(self.clock.frame, self.categorising_eye_is_left)
    def slowerPlayback(self):
        self.clock.setMultiplicator(self.clock.multiplicator * 0.9)
    def fasterPlayback(self):
        self.clock.setMultiplicator(self.clock.multiplicator * 1.1)
    def setPlaybackSpeed(self, speed):
# --------------- VIDEO INFORMATION -----
    def getVideoStrLength(self):
        return len(self.video_reader.frame(0).tostring())
    def getVideoHeight(self):
        return self.video_reader.height
    def getVideoWidth(self):
        return self.video_reader.width
    def getVideoFrameCount(self):
        return self.video_reader.frame_count
    def getVideoFrameRate(self):
        return self.video_reader.fps