Пример #1
    def motion(self, name):
        if self.action in INCOMPLETE_ACTIONS:
            # The .action should handle this.
            self.action = name

        # HACK: Translate vi_enter to \n if we're expecting user input.
        # This enables r\n, for instance.
        # XXX: I don't understand why the enter key is captured as a motion in this case, though;
        # the catch-all key binding for user input should have intercepted it.
        if self.expecting_user_input and name == 'vi_enter':
            self.view.run_command('collect_user_input', {'character': '\n'})

        # Check for digraphs like gg in dgg.
        stored_motion = self.motion
        if stored_motion and name:
            name, type_ = digraphs.get((stored_motion, name), (None, None))
            if type_ != DIGRAPH_MOTION:
                # We know there's an action because we only check for digraphs  when there is one.
                self.cancel_action = True

        motion_name = MOTION_TRANSLATION_TABLE.get((self.action, name), name)

        input_type, input_parser = INPUT_FOR_MOTIONS.get(motion_name, (None, None))
        if input_type == INPUT_IMMEDIATE:
            self.expecting_user_input = True

        if not input_type and self.user_input_parsers:
            self.expecting_user_input = True

        self.settings.vi['motion'] = motion_name
Пример #2
    def action(self, action):
        stored_action = self.settings.vi['action']
        target = 'action'

        # Check for digraphs like cc, dd, yy.
        final_action = action
        if stored_action and action:
            final_action, type_ = digraphs.get((stored_action, action),
                                               ('', None))

            # Check for multigraphs like g~g~, g~~.
            # This sequence would get us here:
            #   * vi_g_action
            #   * vi_tilde
            #   * vi_g_action => vi_g_tilde, STASH
            #   * vi_tilde => vi_g_tilde_vi_g_tilde, DIGRAPH_ACTION
            if self.stashed_action:
                final_action, type_ = digraphs.get(
                    (self.stashed_action, final_action), ('', None))

            # Some motion digraphs are captured as actions, but need to be stored as motions
            # instead so that the vi command is evaluated correctly.
            # Ex: vi_g_action, vi_gg
            if type_ == DIGRAPH_MOTION:
                target = 'motion'
                self.settings.vi['action'] = None
            elif type_ == STASH:
                # In this case we need to overwrite the current action differently.
                self.stashed_action = final_action
                self.settings.vi['action'] = action

        # Avoid recursion. The .reset() method will try to set this property to None, not ''.
        if final_action == '':
            # The chord is invalid, so notify that we need to cancel the command in .eval().
            self.cancel_action = True

        self.settings.vi[target] = final_action
Пример #3
    def action(self, action):
        stored_action = self.settings.vi['action']
        target = 'action'

        # Check for digraphs like cc, dd, yy.
        final_action = action
        if stored_action and action:
            final_action, type_ = digraphs.get((stored_action, action), ('', None))

            # Check for multigraphs like g~g~, g~~.
            # This sequence would get us here:
            #   * vi_g_action
            #   * vi_tilde
            #   * vi_g_action => vi_g_tilde, STASH
            #   * vi_tilde => vi_g_tilde_vi_g_tilde, DIGRAPH_ACTION
            if self.stashed_action:
                final_action, type_ = digraphs.get((self.stashed_action, final_action),
                                                 ('', None))

            # Some motion digraphs are captured as actions, but need to be stored as motions
            # instead so that the vi command is evaluated correctly.
            # Ex: vi_g_action, vi_gg
            if type_ == DIGRAPH_MOTION:
                target = 'motion'
                self.settings.vi['action'] = None
            elif type_ == STASH:
                # In this case we need to overwrite the current action differently.
                self.stashed_action = final_action
                self.settings.vi['action'] = action

        # Avoid recursion. The .reset() method will try to set this property to None, not ''.
        if final_action == '':
            # The chord is invalid, so notify that we need to cancel the command in .eval().
            self.cancel_action = True

        self.settings.vi[target] = final_action
Пример #4
    def action(self, name):
        action = self.settings.vi['action']
        target = 'action'

        # Check for digraphs like cc, dd, yy.
        if action and name:
            name, type_ = digraphs.get((action, name), ('', None))
            # Some motion digraphs are captured as actions, but need to be stored as motions
            # instead so that the vi command is evaluated correctly.
            if type_ == DIGRAPH_MOTION:
                target = 'motion'
                self.settings.vi['action'] = None

        # Avoid recursion. The .reset() method will try to set this property to None, not ''.
        if name == '':

        self.settings.vi[target] = name
Пример #5
    def action(self, name):
        action = self.settings.vi['action']
        target = 'action'

        # Check for digraphs like cc, dd, yy.
        if action and name:
            name, type_ = digraphs.get((action, name), ('', None))
            # Some motion digraphs are captured as actions, but need to be stored as motions
            # instead so that the vi command is evaluated correctly.
            if type_ == DIGRAPH_MOTION:
                target = 'motion'
                self.settings.vi['action'] = None

        # Avoid recursion. The .reset() method will try to set this property to None, not ''.
        if name == '':
            # The chord is invalid, so notify that we need to cancel the command in .eval().
            self.cancel_action = True

        self.settings.vi[target] = name
Пример #6
    def action(self, name):
        action = self.settings.vi["action"]
        target = "action"

        # Check for digraphs like cc, dd, yy.
        if action and name:
            name, type_ = digraphs.get((action, name), ("", None))
            # Some motion digraphs are captured as actions, but need to be stored as motions
            # instead so that the vi command is evaluated correctly.
            if type_ == DIGRAPH_MOTION:
                target = "motion"
                self.settings.vi["action"] = None

        # Avoid recursion. The .reset() method will try to set this property to None, not ''.
        if name == "":
            # The chord is invalid, so notify that we need to cancel the command in .eval().
            self.cancel_action = True

        self.settings.vi[target] = name
Пример #7
    def motion(self, name):
        if self.action in INCOMPLETE_ACTIONS:
            # The .action should handle this.
            self.action = name

        # HACK: Translate vi_enter to \n if we're expecting user input.
        # This enables r\n, for instance.
        # XXX: I don't understand why the enter key is captured as a motion in this case, though;
        # the catch-all key binding for user input should have intercepted it.
        if self.expecting_user_input and name == 'vi_enter':
            self.view.run_command('collect_user_input', {'character': '\n'})

        # Check for digraphs like gg in dgg.
        stored_motion = self.motion
        if stored_motion and name:
            name, type_ = digraphs.get((stored_motion, name), (None, None))
            if type_ != DIGRAPH_MOTION:
                # We know there's an action because we only check for digraphs  when there is one.
                self.cancel_action = True

        motion_name = MOTION_TRANSLATION_TABLE.get((self.action, name), name)

        input_type, input_parser = INPUT_FOR_MOTIONS.get(
            motion_name, (None, None))
        if input_type == INPUT_IMMEDIATE:
            self.expecting_user_input = True

        if not input_type and self.user_input_parsers:
            self.expecting_user_input = True

        self.settings.vi['motion'] = motion_name
Пример #8
    def action(self, action):
        stored_action = self.settings.vi['action']
        target = 'action'

        # Sometimes we'll receive an incomplete command that may be an action or a motion, like g
        # or dg, both leading up to gg and dgg, respectively. When there's already a complete
        # action, though, we already know it must be a motion (as in dg and dgg).
        # Similarly, if there is an action and a motion, the motion must handle the new name just
        # received. This would be the case when we have dg and we receive another 'g' (or
        # anything else, for that matter).
        if (self.action and INCOMPLETE_ACTIONS.get(action) == ACTION_OR_MOTION or
            # The .motion should handle this.
            self.motion = action

        # Check for digraphs like cc, dd, yy.
        final_action = action
        if stored_action and action:
            final_action, type_ = digraphs.get((stored_action, action), ('', None))
            # We didn't find a built-in action; let's try with the plugins.
            if final_action == '':
                final_action, type_ = plugin_manager.composite_commands.get((stored_action, action), ('', None))

            # Check for multigraphs like g~g~, g~~.
            # This sequence would get us here:
            #   * vi_g_action
            #   * vi_tilde
            #   * vi_g_action => vi_g_tilde, STASH
            #   * vi_tilde => vi_g_tilde_vi_g_tilde, DIGRAPH_ACTION
            if self.stashed_action:
                final_action, type_ = digraphs.get((self.stashed_action, final_action),
                                                 ('', None))

            # Some motion digraphs are captured as actions, but need to be stored as motions
            # instead so that the vi command is evaluated correctly.
            # Ex: gg (vi_g_action, vi_gg)
            if type_ == DIGRAPH_MOTION:
                target = 'motion'

                # TODO: Encapsulate this in a method.
                input_type, input_parser = INPUT_FOR_MOTIONS.get(final_action, (None, None))
                if input_parser:
                if input_type == INPUT_IMMEDIATE:
                    self.expecting_user_input = True

                self.settings.vi['action'] = None
            # We are still in an intermediary step, so do some bookkeeping...
            elif type_ == STASH:
                # In this case we need to overwrite the current action differently.
                self.stashed_action = final_action
                self.settings.vi['action'] = action

        # Avoid recursion. The .reset() method will try to set this property to None, not ''.
        if final_action == '':
            # The chord is invalid, so notify that we need to cancel the command in .eval().
            self.cancel_action = True

        if target == 'action':
            input_type, input_parser = INPUT_FOR_ACTIONS.get(final_action, (None, None))
            if input_parser:
            if input_type == INPUT_IMMEDIATE:
                self.expecting_user_input = True

        self.settings.vi[target] = final_action
Пример #9
    def action(self, action):
        stored_action = self.settings.vi['action']
        target = 'action'

        # Sometimes we'll receive an incomplete command that may be an action or a motion, like g
        # or dg, both leading up to gg and dgg, respectively. When there's already a complete
        # action, though, we already know it must be a motion (as in dg and dgg).
        # Similarly, if there is an action and a motion, the motion must handle the new name just
        # received. This would be the case when we have dg and we receive another 'g' (or
        # anything else, for that matter).
        if (self.action and INCOMPLETE_ACTIONS.get(action) == ACTION_OR_MOTION
                or self.motion):
            # The .motion should handle this.
            self.motion = action

        # Check for digraphs like cc, dd, yy.
        final_action = action
        if stored_action and action:
            final_action, type_ = digraphs.get((stored_action, action),
                                               ('', None))
            # We didn't find a built-in action; let's try with the plugins.
            if final_action == '':
                final_action, type_ = plugin_manager.composite_commands.get(
                    (stored_action, action), ('', None))

            # Check for multigraphs like g~g~, g~~.
            # This sequence would get us here:
            #   * vi_g_action
            #   * vi_tilde
            #   * vi_g_action => vi_g_tilde, STASH
            #   * vi_tilde => vi_g_tilde_vi_g_tilde, DIGRAPH_ACTION
            if self.stashed_action:
                final_action, type_ = digraphs.get(
                    (self.stashed_action, final_action), ('', None))

            # Some motion digraphs are captured as actions, but need to be stored as motions
            # instead so that the vi command is evaluated correctly.
            # Ex: gg (vi_g_action, vi_gg)
            if type_ == DIGRAPH_MOTION:
                target = 'motion'

                # TODO: Encapsulate this in a method.
                input_type, input_parser = INPUT_FOR_MOTIONS.get(
                    final_action, (None, None))
                if input_parser:
                if input_type == INPUT_IMMEDIATE:
                    self.expecting_user_input = True

                self.settings.vi['action'] = None
            # We are still in an intermediary step, so do some bookkeeping...
            elif type_ == STASH:
                # In this case we need to overwrite the current action differently.
                self.stashed_action = final_action
                self.settings.vi['action'] = action

        # Avoid recursion. The .reset() method will try to set this property to None, not ''.
        if final_action == '':
            # The chord is invalid, so notify that we need to cancel the command in .eval().
            self.cancel_action = True

        if target == 'action':
            input_type, input_parser = INPUT_FOR_ACTIONS.get(
                final_action, (None, None))
            if input_parser:
            if input_type == INPUT_IMMEDIATE:
                self.expecting_user_input = True

        self.settings.vi[target] = final_action