def rho_numerical(d, lamb): A = fredholm_lhs(xc, xs, xq, w / 2, d) A_t = np.transpose(A) left_side = np.add(np.matmul(A_t, A), np.multiply(lamb, np.eye(Nc))) right_side =, b_pert(d)) rho_numerical = np.linalg.solve(left_side, right_side) return rho_numerical
def error_lg(Nq_liste,a,b): #error = np.zeros(Nq) error = np.zeros(len(Nq)) F = fredholm_rhs(xc,F_eval) for i in Nq_liste: xq,w = np.polynomial.legendre.leggauss(i) t = 0.5*(xq + 1)*(b - a) + a A_rho = np.matmul(fredholm_lhs(xc,xs,t,w/2),rho(omega,gamma,xs,N_eval)) ny_liste = np.zeros(N_eval) for j in range(N_eval): ny_liste[j] = F[j] - A_rho[j] error[i-1] = np.linalg.norm(ny_liste,np.inf) return error
def error(d, lambda_list): A = fredholm_lhs(xc, xs, xq, w / 2) A_t = np.transpose(A) errorlist = np.zeros(len(lambda_list)) for i in range(len(lambda_list)): left_side = np.add(np.matmul(A_t, A), np.multiply(lambda_list[i], np.eye(Nc))) right_side =, b_pert(d)) rho_numerical = np.linalg.solve(left_side, right_side) single_error_list = np.zeros(Nc) for j in range(len(rho_numerical)): single_error_list[j] = abs(rho_numerical[j] - rho_analytical[j]) errorlist[i] = np.linalg.norm(single_error_list, np.inf) return errorlist
def error(Nq_liste, a, b): # error = np.zeros(Nq) error = np.zeros(len(Nq_liste)) F = fredholm_rhs(xc, F_eval) for i in range(len(Nq_liste)): xq, w = Newton_Cotes(a, b, Nq_liste[i]) A_rho = np.matmul(fredholm_lhs(xc, xs, xq, w), rho(omega, gamma, xs, N_eval)) ny_liste = np.zeros(N_eval) for j in range(N_eval): ny_liste[j] = F[j] - A_rho[j] error[i] = np.linalg.norm(ny_liste, np.inf) return error
def rho_error(Ns, Nc, F, d): error = np.zeros(len(Ns)) for i in range(len(Ns)): xs = chebyshev(a, b, Ns[i]) xc = chebyshev(a, b, Nc[i]) xq_old, w = np.polynomial.legendre.leggauss(Ns[i]**2) xq = 0.5 * (xq_old + 1) * (b - a) + a A = fredholm_lhs(xc, xs, xq, w / 2) F_eval = F(xc, d) B = fredholm_rhs(xc, F_eval) losning = np.linalg.solve(A, B) ny_liste = np.zeros(Ns[i]) for j in range(Ns[i]): ny_liste[j] = rho(omega, gamma, xs, Ns[i])[j] - losning[j] error[i] = np.linalg.norm(ny_liste, np.inf) return error
omega = 3*np.pi # maximal order of the Taylor series expansion Nmax = 75 # evaluate the integral expression at x_eval N_eval = 40 Nq = 40 xq,w = np.polynomial.legendre.leggauss(Nq) t = 0.5*(xq + 1)*(b - a) + a xc = chebyshev(a,b,N_eval) xs = chebyshev(a,b,N_eval) F = analytical_solution(a,b,omega,gamma,Nmax) F = pickle.load( open( "F.pkl", "rb" ) ) F_eval = F(xc,d) A_ganger_rho = np.matmul(fredholm_lhs(xc,xs,t,w/2),rho(omega,gamma,xs,N_eval)) def error_lg(Nq_liste,a,b): #error = np.zeros(Nq) error = np.zeros(len(Nq)) F = fredholm_rhs(xc,F_eval) for i in Nq_liste: xq,w = np.polynomial.legendre.leggauss(i) t = 0.5*(xq + 1)*(b - a) + a A_rho = np.matmul(fredholm_lhs(xc,xs,t,w/2),rho(omega,gamma,xs,N_eval)) ny_liste = np.zeros(N_eval) for j in range(N_eval): ny_liste[j] = F[j] - A_rho[j] error[i-1] = np.linalg.norm(ny_liste,np.inf) return error
F_error = np.zeros(len(xc)) for i in range(len(xc)): F_error[i] = F_eval[i] * (1 + np.random.uniform(-delta, delta, N_eval)[i]) return F_eval, F_error F_eval1, F_error1 = finn_b(0.025) F_eval2, F_error2 = finn_b(0.25) F_eval3, F_error3 = finn_b(2.5) analytisk_rho = rho(omega, gamma, xs, N_eval) xq_old, w = np.polynomial.legendre.leggauss(N_eval**2) xq = 0.5 * (xq_old + 1) * (b - a) + a A = fredholm_lhs(xc, xs, xq, w / 2) B = fredholm_rhs(xc, F_eval1) losning = np.linalg.solve(A, B) # analytisk rho uten perturbering rho1 = np.linalg.solve(A, F_eval1) rho2 = np.linalg.solve(A, F_eval2) rho3 = np.linalg.solve(A, F_eval3) # analytisk rho med perturbering rho1_error = np.linalg.solve(A, F_error1) rho2_error = np.linalg.solve(A, F_error2) rho3_error = np.linalg.solve(A, F_error3) plt.figure('F og F med feil') plt.plot(xc, F_eval1, label='F ved d = 0.025')
start_t = time.time() F = pickle.load(open("F.pkl", "rb")) end_t = time.time() print("Initialization took %f s." % (end_t - start_t)) F_eval = F(xc, d) Nq = np.arange(20, 50, 1) start_t = time.time() error_list_lg = error_lg(Nq, a, b) error_list = error(Nq, a, b) end_t = time.time() print('It took %f sec to find the error' % (end_t - start_t)) xq, w = Newton_Cotes(a, b, 40) A_ganger_rho = np.matmul(fredholm_lhs(xc, xs, xq, w), rho(omega, gamma, xs, N_eval)) b = fredholm_rhs(xc, F_eval) print(r'A * $\rho$') print(b) # plotter F og A*rho plt.figure() plt.plot(xc, F_eval) plt.plot(xc, A_ganger_rho) plt.title('F(x)') plt.xlabel('x') plt.figure() plt.plot(xc, A_ganger_rho)